The Best Baron Quotes

Baron: [slips some money into Joey's pocket] For old times, Joey, huh? For old times when you had it. A magic horn. Harry James, and Max Kaminsky, and Butterfield, a little bit of all of them, baby! And you traded it off for some bad hooch, and you got took. You got the crummy end of the stick, why Joey, why?
Joey: Because I'm sad. Because I'm nothing, and because I'll live and die in a crummy one-roomer with dirty walls and cracked pipes, and... I'll never even have a girl. I'll never be anybody. Because half of me is this horn. I can't even talk to people, Baron, because this horn, that's half my language. But when I'm drunk, Baron... oh when I'm drunk, boy... I don't see the dirty walls or the cracked pipes. I don't know the clock's going or the hours are going by. 'Cause then I'm Gabriel. Oh, I'm Gabriel with the golden horn. And when I put it to my lips, it comes out jeweled. It comes out a symphony. It comes out the smell of fresh flowers in summer. It comes out beauty... beauty. When I'm drunk, Baron. Only when I'm drunk.