The Best Caspian Quotes

Caspian: You're crazy, you should've been in the madhouse instead of me.
Silas: Keep talking... and I'll send you back there without your head!

Caspian: I killed more people.
Silas: Women and children don't count!
Caspian: I'll kill you just as well.
Methos: Lay it down, Caspian!
Caspian: Why should I?
Methos: [holds a sword to his throat] Because if you do not, I will kill you! Trust me, if I have to lose one, it WILL be you.

Silas: [cornering Duncan] Kill one of us, the other takes your head while you're down.
Caspian: *If* you kill one of us.

Kronos: There are the conquerers and there are the conquered.
Caspian: You want to conquer the world with monkeys?

Caspian: It's been a long time, you're going to taste good.
Duncan: Yeah? Well you're going to go hungry.

Silas: So where are the stables? The horses?
[Methos shakes his head]
Silas: Well how do we ride?
Caspian: Where have you been for the last 2000 years, idiot? Living in the woods. Now you think we can just mount up and gallop down Broadway?
Silas: We can do anything we please.
Caspian: Yeah, right, four guys on horseback, wild masks, they'd think we're in a circus.
Silas: They wouldn't think it for long, would they?

Kronos: A bomb with the virus in a fountain? How many people do you think that will kill? You've gone soft.
Caspian: [mockingly] I'm scared, are you scared?
Methos: It's a prelude, have you read Aristotle's Poetics? No of course not, you've never even seen Casablanca. What is the first rule of great drama? Start small and build. First a bomb in a fountain to kill a few. Then a public pool to kill a hundred, then a stadium to kill 10,000, then, one drop of the virus in the city's water supply, within a week.
Kronos: And then a country.
Methos: You want to own the world? You offer them a choice. The Horsemen rule or they all die.
Kronos: The Horsemen rule of the world dies. That has a nice ring to it.

Caspian: We're having a friend for dinner, what goes best with rodent, red or white?
Silas: Eat him and I eat you.