300 Best Highlander Quotes

Connor: Still worried about that pretty face of yours?
Slan: Just protecting my most valuable asset.

Amanda: Let's just picture two gravestones, okay? One says, "He lived by the rules." The other one says, "He was a good friend." Now which one do you want?

Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: You guys know way too much.
Joe: So I've been told.

Methos: I know she's dying, okay? You are all dying. Twenty years, six months, what's the difference?

[last lines]
Duncan: One more chance, Steve.
Steve: For what? Prison?
Duncan: Redemption.
[Steve walks away from Duncan and curls up in a chair, shaking. Duncan gives up and walks from the room, the door swinging shut behind him]

Terence: She needs to have an accident, break her writing arm, have her jaw wired shut.
Amanda: No, I'd use poison, a big rock perhaps, maybe a stake through the heart.
Terence: I like the way you think.

Byron: Do you want a tombstone that says, "He Lived For Centuries" or do you want one that says, "For Centuries He Was Alive"?
Methos: You're not listening to me. I don't want a tombstone.

Rachel: [Finding the bracelet] Duncan MacLeod didn't come to rob the grave. He came to put this back.

Duncan: Be reasonable, Amanda. You were losing.
Amanda: I don't care. It was my right to avenge Rebecca.
Duncan: He was going to take your head.
Duncan: You stuck your nose in without being asked. The least you could do is say you're sorry.
Duncan: What, for saving your life?
Amanda: Oh, don't change the subject.

John: You are the better man, MacLeod. You always werel

Mark: [Talking to himself] I can't believe all this is over that mousy blonde bitch.
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: What'd you say?
Mark: Nothing.
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: You did rape her.
Mark: Now, you prove that.
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: Well, first you said you didn't know her. Now, you said she was blonde. How'd you know she was blonde?
Mark: Well, I don't know. I guessed.

Zachary: I should have known this was a set-up.
Amanda: What?
Zachary: I help you steal the book, MacLeod takes my head and the two of you live happily ever after.
Amanda: Okay, Zach, old pal. If that's the way you want it.
[She draws her sword]
Amanda: Let's get this over with, once and for all.
Zachary: My pleasure.
[He draws a gun]
Zachary: I was saving this for MacLeod, to slow him down, but as they say, all's fair in love and...

Methos: I was hoping I'd find you here.
Duncan: Leave me alone.
Methos: With God or with your demons?
Duncan: Look at me. See me as I am, not as I was. Or as you want me to be. I will kill you.
Methos: You might.
Duncan: I don't want to.
Methos: And that is your salvation.
Duncan: There is no salvation for me.
Methos: Why? Because you're alone? Because it's just you against all that evil? You're not alone. Not out here.
[He touches Duncan's chest]
Methos: And not in there. Why are you in a church, MacLeod? Why did you come? Because Sean Burns is with you. His goodness is a part of you. Feel him. Take his strength and yours, and come with me.

Jack: Last request?
Joe: Yeah, I'd like to die of old age.

Andrew: Watch your step. You're in my camp now.
[He runs and flees into the area he has set up]
Andrew: You should have killed me, MacLeod!
Duncan: It's not too late.
Andrew: [Calling out from hiding] Reconnoitre! That's the key! I scouted this place especially for us!

Paul: Spartacus was a great leader, Mac. He convinced a bunch of slaves that they could defeat the Roman Empire. 90,000 of us ended up with him.
Duncan: Yeah, all of which were crucified, burned or hung.
Paul: They died free. Spartacus may be gone, Mac, but I still hear his voice. And I carry his fight.
Duncan: Be careful when you hear voices from the past, Paul. Time can make you a liar.

Eli: For someone who doesn't want to get involved, I like the way you show it.

Richie: Come on, do it. Come on, come on, go ahead, do it. When the Quickening knocks you on your skinny little ass, MacLeod's gonna be right there to help you up. I die, you go right behind me.

Duncan: He robbed that armored car!
Amanda: So? He saw it first.

Colonel: But you'll bring him to me? Now, I can go around you or through you. Your choice. Don't keep me waiting too long, MacLeod.

Nefertiri: How long has it been?
Duncan: About 2,000 years.
Nefertiri: Everything I knew is gone. My home, my world, my queen.
Duncan: Cleopatra?
Nefertiri: I was her handmaiden. And a friend. I was sworn to serve and protect her. I failed.
Duncan: Well, Rome's a lot to take on. Even for us Immortals.

Lord: Life, my friend, is in the details.

Adam: Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?
Charlotte: No.
Adam: The world is full of fools.

Duncan: You're a hayoka. But you'd reached your limit. You saw that coming, that's why you stopped taking heads years ago.
Jim: Now white man speaks with forked tongue.
Duncan: Then you ran into Kant and it was too much. Do you remember? The cup overflowed. That was Kant. You became what you fought.
Jim: As we all will become in time.
Duncan: I don't believe that.
Jim: You don't want to but there's a fine line out there and hell is waiting on the other side. And you know it, MacLeod. That's why you are trying so hard. You look at me and you see your future.

Lord: My task is done. My song has ceased. My theme has died into an echo... It is fit.

Adam: Remember, Highlander. Live, grow stronger, fight another day.

Joe: It's a trap, man. Walker's waiting for us. He knows we're coming. I was supposed to shoot you when we get inside. He said he was going to kill Amy!
Methos: [Gently] Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?
Joe: But you knew?
Methos: Of course I knew.
Joe: Well, how did you know?
Methos: Joe, you never give a Watcher's first and last name and you couldn't go to them to help and then suddenly one of them's phoning you with information...
Joe: All right.
Methos: And whenever you lie, you do this weird thing with your face.
Joe: What?
Methos: Well, you go...
[He twitches his mouth in both directions]
Joe: Okay, well that's the last time I play poker with you. Why did you drag this out?
Methos: I'm easily amused.

Nicholas: [after being disarmed by Duncan] Everyone's a critic.

Colonel: Who the hell are you?
Duncan: Duncan MacLeod. And you?
Colonel: Everett Bellian.
Duncan: You here for me?
Colonel: It's not my primary objective.
Duncan: And what can I do for you, General?
Colonel: That's Colonel.

Duncan: I'm with Charlie to the death! But I see what I see.

Richie: [Methos draws his sword on Richie] What's going on?
Methos: It's a reckoning.

Kalas: You have me at disadvantage, MacLeod. But remember. If you do kill me, you're finished too.
Duncan: Maybe it's worth it if it rids the world of you.

Duncan: Why can't I just smile? I mean, I'm happy, we're safe for now, and I just made love to the most devious, scheming, deceitful, beautiful woman in history.

Caspian: We're having a friend for dinner, what goes best with rodent, red or white?
Silas: Eat him and I eat you.

Caspian: You're crazy, you should've been in the madhouse instead of me.
Silas: Keep talking... and I'll send you back there without your head!

Nefertiri: So, if I understand this correctly, when the Roman Empire fell...
Duncan: In 476, give or take a few years.
Nefertiri: Ahh. Mankind went backwards.
Duncan: Into the Dark Ages. Then, came the Crusades. There were seven or eight of them between 1096 and 1270. A bunch of noblemen decided it was a good idea to rape and plunder their way to Jerusalem.
Nefertiri: And you were one of them?
Duncan: Before my time.

Duncan: I'll die before I give Connor up to the likes of you.

[Tessa and Duncan are making love and Duncan senses another immortal]
Duncan: I feel something.
Tessa: I should hope so!

Methos: Kronos didn't torch those villages for a few coins, he torched them to watch them BURN! And now he'll have a nuclear bomb or a plane full of Napalm but the effect with be the same. The world living in fear of the Horsemen.

Richie: Smooth. Very, very smooth. I'm takin' notes.

Roger: I-I-I'm your Watcher.
Kalas: My Watcher. Is that supposed to mean something to me?

Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: [to a waitress who keeps talking to Duncan] Don't you ever get hungry?

Richie: [On the phone, being held at gunpoint by Reinhardt] Is that you, Mr. MacLeod? Where have you been? I've been calling you for hours.
Duncan: [On the other end of the phone] What? Richie?
Richie: Yes it is, Mr. MacLeod.
Duncan: Uh, Tessa had an accident. I had the phone off for a while. I didn't want to disturb her. Are you okay?
Richie: Rebecca's got me. She wants you to meet her at 9am sharp. I'm dead if you don't come.
Duncan: I understand.
[They both hang up]
Tessa: Who was it?
Duncan: Richie's being held.
Tessa: Rebecca?
Duncan: Reinhardt.

Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: You know, I don't even know what his real name was. I mean, I know he wasn't the real Methos. Maybe he wasn't right either but... he *was* a good man.

Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: [Richie, Duncan MacLeod, Methos, and Joe Dawson at Joe's bar] I mean, this is got to be some kind of joke. Joe, help me out here, I mean 5000 years of wisdom, him?
Joe: Well... I don't know about the wisdom, but uh, 5000 that's about right.
Duncan: I know it's little hard to believe, but what you see is what you get, this is the real Methos.
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: You guys don't understand what I am saying, it's not the name that I care about, I mean this Methos, that Methos, it's the message I believe in.
Duncan: Richie, the message is wrong and it's going to get you killed. You just met this guy. What he's saying goes totally against everything we know. Why would you want to believe him?
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: Because he offered me his life... now why would he do that?
Duncan: Because he's afraid to fight you.
Adam: Or because he knew you wouldn't take it.
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: Oh yeah, right.
Adam: [Methos being sarcastic] There's one born every minute.
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: Okay, fine, whatever. I mean I am talking about peace here fellas. I am talking about a chance to end the killing forever... and you know something, of all people, I thought you would understand.
Joe: [Richie walks away disappointed] He's young all right, young people, they make mistakes.
Adam: [Methos responds humorously to Joe Dawson's comment] Yeah, look at Disco.
Duncan: I got to get going, got someone to find.
Joe: I going to go on check on this... this other Methos guy. Maybe I'll turn something up.
Adam: Maybe I'll go buy some socks.

Duncan: Father Laird?
Kanwulf: [Stepping into view] For now.
Duncan: Kanwulf. The hair's different, the clothes... but you're still inside there, aren't you?
Kanwulf: I see you're a little better dressed yourself.
Duncan: Since when does a Viking take the cloth?
Kanwulf: Ah, the good father. I met him coming into town. No-one had seen him yet.

Duncan: [Cradling a dying Charlie] You can't kill him, Charlie. You never could. Cord is immortal.
Charlie: What?
Duncan: I promised I'd tell you the truth one day. Cord is immortal... so am I.
Charlie: [Coughing and spluttering] I always knew there was something weird about you, MacLeod. Now it all starts to fit. Don't suppose you could spare some, could you?
Duncan: I wish I could have told you, man.
Charlie: So there was no way I could have killed that son of a bitch.
Duncan: No way. But I can.
[Charlie dies]

Dr. Anne Lindsey: Whatever happens, I want us to be together.
Duncan: Your whole life will never be the same.
Dr. Anne Lindsey: My whole life has not been the same since the day I met you! I've tried it with you, I've tried it without you, and I'll take it with you any day.

Duncan: You'll be fine.
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: That's very reassuring, Mac, but it still hurts.
Duncan: You got lucky this time, Richie.
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: You call this lucky?
Duncan: You still have your head.

[last lines]
Methos: My flight back to Geneva leaves at ten. She'll never know how close I came.
Duncan: She'll know how much you love her.
Methos: As much as I can, for as long as she lives.
Duncan: Here.
[He takes Methos' bag and puts it in the back of the car]
Amanda: [Offering Methos the remaining crystal] Methos, I know this doesn't have the magic but, um... I don't know, I was thinking maybe you'd take it for good luck?
[Methos takes the crystal for a moment, then hands it back to her]
Methos: You keep it. Think of us, huh?
Amanda: I will. Courage, courage.
[She kisses him on the cheek. Methos gets in the car and drives off]
Duncan: Godspeed, my friend. Godspeed.

Amanda: You won't let me change, you know that? You really expect me to steal.
Duncan: I expect sharks to bite too. Don't take it personally.

Xavier St. Cloud: You're angry because I broke the rules. I had two very good reasons. One, I get to kill you. Two, I also get a little help ensuring that I am the last of us.
Duncan: Horton lives to kill us. He's using you.
Xavier St. Cloud: As I am using him. He lives as long as I need him.

Carylon: Then who do we get to wear the kilt?
Duncan: Mel Gibson.

Methos: Hitler killed, and Ingrid judged. Breslaw killed, and Ingrid judged. Ingrid killed, and you judged.
Duncan: So who's left to judge me?

Amanda: You really don't think these work, do you?
Duncan: I don't know, and neither of us will ever find out.

[Referring to Duncan]
Connor: He has most of the fun, and all of the good women.

Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: If somebody starts playing a banjo, I'm outta here.

Methos: [deleted scene, about the skulls of their victims] Caspian keeps the heads, he thinks it makes him smarter... so far it hasn't worked.

Joe: [as all the other Watchers stare at Duncan] That's right, it's Duncan MacLeod. Anybody have a problem with this?

Amanda: What if I kiss it and make it better?
Duncan: How much better?

Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: [to Tessa, after backing a semi into a man's car] If I'm wrong, the insurance will cover it, if I'm right, those may have been the guys who killed Darius.

[Opening narration]
Narrator: He is immortal. Born in the Highlands of Scotland 400 years ago. He is not alone. There are others like him, some good, some evil. For centuries he has battled the forces of darkness, with holy ground his only refuge. He cannot die, unless you take his head, and with it his power. In the end there can be only one. He is Duncan MacLeod, the Highlander.

Joe: By 1510, he was a pirate on the high seas.
Duncan: How *do* you watch a pirate?
Joe: Well, you become one.
[Duncan looks astonished]
Joe: Hey, who says a Watcher can't be a pirate?

Duncan: I just didn't think you existed.
Methos: Well, it's good to be a myth.
Duncan: Yeah, no one hunts for a myth. Or a Watcher.
Methos: What better place to hide? I'm in charge of finding myself and I make sure it never happens. Even got a few entries on you in my journal.
Duncan: You keep a diary?
Methos: I've been keeping it almost since writing began.
Duncan: That would make a hell of a read.
Methos: You could say that. How may people have stood on the same stage with Julius Caesar and the Rolling Stones?

Lyman Kurlow: You're going to kill me.
Robert: Nothing personal, but yes.
[Kurlow smiles, making no attempt to avoid the fate. Waverly shoots him in the chest, "killing" him. He goes to check on the body and Kurlow revives and grabs him by the throat. He wraps his tie around Waverly's neck, strangling him]
Robert: Don't... I can pay for... I have a rich wife... money...
[Kurlow doesn't stop, continuing to choke Waverly until he dies]
Lyman Kurlow: How nice.

Timon: I don't know about you, but I can only pray so many hours a day!

[last lines]
Joe: I thought I might give this, uh, father thing a shot.
[Amy looks reluctant]
Joe: Some day. When you're ready.
Amy: [Genuinely] Maybe. Goodbye, Joe.
[She leaves]
Joe: Goodbye, honey.
Methos: She'll be back.
Joe: And how do you know?
Methos: 'Cause I'm very old and wise. To some day.
[They clink glasses]

Alexa: Why do you want to go out with me?
Methos: Because the alternative is unthinkable.

Duncan: There's a guy watching you, you know.
Amanda: There usually is.

Duncan: He's using your name.
Methos: Well, it's not like it's got a patent or anything...

Duncan: [after being blown up by Cory's bomb, Cory offers to help Duncan up] Don't touch me!
Cory: [laughing] Oh come on! Macky boy!
Duncan: And don't call me Macky boy!
Cory: Oh sure... you're not mad, are you?
Duncan: [sarcastic] Oh no, why let a little thing like being
Duncan: blown up come between us, huh?

Hugh: Methos became Richie's teacher, but he taught him a lot more than how to use a sword.
Richie: It's done.
Methos: Any problems?
Richie: Yeah, I didn't think a million bucks would be that heavy.
Richie: Oh yeah.
Kronos: I think our friend is a quick learner.
Methos: Well I can always spot potential.

Sheriff: Your friend Lucas died on his knees, begging for his life.
Duncan: We'll see how you do.

Duncan: Do you think it's easy killing a woman that you've held in your arms, a woman that you've made love to?
Adam: Take it from me, it's easier than dying!

Methos: You understand nothing. Three weeks ago, we were standing on the beach on Santorini watching the sun rise on the Mediterranean. Now she is lying in a hospital in Switzerland breathing through a tube. You think it takes courage to do what we do? Face another Immortal with a sword, knowing only one of you will live? You try being her! You try living one year knowing your time is running out. Knowing that when it comes to the final fight, however much you train, whatever tricks you have, you still lose! That's the way it is for them. So little time for them to see anything or do anything

Richie: Guy's hilarious.
[Duncan's expression suggests he doesn't agree]
Richie: Oh come on, Mac, give him a break, you know? He's having a good time.
Duncan: He's trouble.
Richie: He's fun. And besides, I know he's full of it.

Methos: You think it takes courage to do what we do? Face another immortal with a sword knowing only one of you will live. You try being her. You try living one year knowing that your time is running out. That no matter how much you train, no matter how many tricks you have, you STILL lose. That's the way it is for them. So little time for them to SEE anything or DO anything.

Walter: I've watched the stars burn bright and sure and then, with a flash, disappear. But still, I'm the one that endures.
Duncan: That was pretty good.
Walter: You think so?
Duncan: Yeah. Who wrote it?
Walter: I did.
Duncan: Really?

[to Joe Dawson]
Adam: We ate, we drank, we vomited.

Connor: As long as I can remember knowing you, you've had all the fun and most of the good women.
Duncan: Lately.
Connor: Lately?
Duncan: That's what I said.
Connor: What are you talking about?
Duncan: Well, I seem to remember that girl in London. The red head. Healthy girl.
Connor: Come on. That was nearly one hundred and sixty years ago.
Duncan: That's what I said. Lately.

Joe: That wasn't MacLeod.
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: Then who the hell was it? And where the hell is he now?
Joe: On a tramp steamer, halfway to Europe.

Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: Mac, are you looking for a way to stop her, or a reason not to?
Duncan: Either one works for me.

Kristen: Who the hell are you?
Methos: A man who was born long before the age of chivalry. Now pick it up.

[after waking, becoming an Immortal]
Richie: Mac, I'm alive.

Tessa: You're a Watcher.
Pallin: Ooh. So you know about us.
Tessa: Yes, I know about you. But I don't understand you. What in god's name do you think you're doing?
Pallin: My friends would call it saving the human race. But I do it for other reasons. I get off on it.
Tessa: Why Duncan?
Pallin: Because he's a freak.
Tessa: He's a good decent man.
Pallin: He's not a man. He's not human. He's an it.

Silas: [about Kronos] Do you think he'll let me have one?
Adam: What?
Silas: Monkey, I like this one.
Adam: I'll ask him.
Silas: Thank you, Brother.

Carolyn: [Amanda and Carolyn enter as Duncan and Terence are fighting] Are you fighting over me?
Duncan: [hiding sword] No.
Terence: Yes!
[attacking Duncan]
Terence: You can't have her!
Duncan: I don't want her!

Adam: It's not going to work MacLeod. I haven't felt guilt since the eleventh century.

Duncan: All my life, I've had to come to terms with the fact that I'm not supposed to have children. I've said it and I've believed it. Now this happens and... I feel different. Like maybe there is a chance. Maybe my only chance.
Dr. Anne Lindsey: Then what's the problem?
Duncan: That the way my life is, someone may come for me and win.
Dr. Anne Lindsey: Duncan, I might get hit by a bus tomorrow or, or, or get some kind of strange type of cancer, but I can't live my life that way. Nobody knows what's gonna happen, Duncan. Nobody. Do you want a child?
Duncan: Yes.

Duncan: Long ago, I made a vow to protect her family.
Michael: Oh, and now you think you have to protect her from me? She's my prize, MacLeod, my treasure.
Duncan: She's a human being.
Michael: Oh, she's more than that. Haven't you seen the light in her eyes? The way the light plays on her skin? Like porcelain. She's a work of art. You don't destroy a work of art.
Duncan: Let her go.
Michael: I understand this is about honour for you. What about my honour? I'm her husband. She tried to kill me. *Me*! She could have had anything she wanted. A man of honour doesn't come between a husband and his wife.
Duncan: I won't unless I have to. She's under my protection.
Michael: For now.
Duncan: If anything happens to her, I'm gonna have to kill you.
Michael: We'll see.

Methos: I was born before the age of chivalry.

Kronos: Been a long time. How do you feel?
Methos: [after being stabbed in the chest] Like I left my heart in San Fransisco.
Kronos: I didn't know you had a heart. Does it hurt?
Methos: What do you think?
Kronos: Since you asked? I think you're not used to pain, Brother. What's happened, you gone soft?

Lisa: [after finding a photo of Tess] I thought you were making love to *me*.
Duncan: Lisa, it *was* you.
Lisa: Don't touch me! It was *her*.

Duncan: I have it! When they come for you, you run me through with your sword and you kill me.
Hideo: You have a strange sense of humour.
Duncan: I will not die.
Hideo: If I kill you, you will die.
Duncan: You cannot kill me. When you found me on the beach, I wasn't breathing. You thought I was dead.
Hideo: I made a mistake.
Duncan: No, you did not. I had been in the water for days. I am immortal. You know the difference between a dead man and a live one. On my honour, I am not lying to you.
Hideo: You are truly immortal?
Duncan: Aye.
Hideo: Are many gaijin immortal?
Duncan: No, but some of your people are.
Hideo: Amazing.
Duncan: So what's your answer?
Hideo: I say no.
Duncan: Why? You love your life, you love your children.
Hideo: You cannot save honour with a lie.

Detective: So what happened?
Sam: You tell me! There was one point four mil in cash and I want it back! What I pay for you, so some lowlife can waltz through front door and clean me out?
Detective: I already got the word out on the street and nobody knows nothing.
Sam: Then what the hell...
Detective: This guy comes from nowhere!
Sam: I don't want no excuses! All I know is I am one and half million poorer than I was this morning and I am not happy man!
Detective: Don't worry. I'll make it right.
Sam: Yeah, you bet you make it right. You find money and bastard who stole it or it is your ass.

Kronos: You still don't understand, do you? I am the end of time!
Duncan: You're history.

Duncan: He doesn't know who he is anymore.
Tessa: Sounds like he needs therapy.
Duncan: It's easier said than done. Can you imagine going in to somebody and saying, "Hello, I'm Duncan MacLeod, and I've gotten a little neurotic over the past 400 years, and I'd like to talk to you about it"? They'd lock you away.

Methos: [after he and MacLeod behead the other two remaining Horsemen] I killed Silas! I liked Silas!
Cassandra: [Standing over him with an axe raised] Now I'm supposed to forgive you?
Duncan: Cassandra!
Cassandra: You want him to live?
Duncan: Yes. I want him to live.
[Cassandra looks back at Methos, the axe still raised]
Duncan: Cassandra! I want him to live.

Connor: As long as I can remember knowing you, you've had all the fun and most of the good women.
Duncan: Lately.
Connor: Lately?
Duncan: That's what I said.
Connor: What are you talking about?
Duncan: Well, I seem to remember that girl in London. The red head. Healthy girl.
Connor: Come on. That was nearly one hundred and sixty years ago.
Duncan: That's what I said. Lately.

Adam: You keep letting her walk away without even taking a shot. That is very suicidal.
Duncan: You know what she was to me!
Adam: Yes, and I know what she is! A killer!

Richie'Ryan: [as Duncan prepares to kill him] Just tell me why. The teacher kills the pupil? Is that what this is all about? Is it because there can be only one? Is that it?
Duncan: That's as good a reason as any.

Methos: [after defeating Walker] Just because I don't like to fight... doesn't mean that I can't.

Bartholomew: I owe my life to the generosity of others.
Katherine: I'm sorry, I'm not so generous.
Bartholomew: Faith, hope and charity. These are my weapons now.
Katherine: Spare me.
Bartholomew: I don't think so.

[last lines]
Joe: Well... I guess I'll see you around, MacLeod.
Duncan: Does that mean you're still following me?
Joe: It's what we do. But you know, if you were to invite me for a drink, I wouldn't be following you, would I?
Duncan: I only drink with my friends.
[He gets into his car. Joe starts to walk away and MacLeod calls after him]
Duncan: Hey, Dawson. Bar opens at five.

Hugh: [Being dragged to a guillotine by the Hunters] This... this is madness! There are no immortals here! All I am will be wasted! What do you want? All I am will be lost! There will be no quickening! What do you want?

Duncan: The Eiffel Tower. The world's biggest lightning rod.

Duncan: Did you finish those invoices?
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: Not yet...
Duncan: What've you been doing?
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: I've been busy.
Duncan: [mockingly] You've been busy?
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: [returns mock] Yeah, I've been busy.
Duncan: You know what I think? I think you've got too much time on your hands, I think you need to spend a little time in jail.
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: Jail? Whoa whoa whoa! What for? For assault with a paper airplane? For littering in your office?

[last lines]
Katherine: Nick...
Nick: What are we going to say we haven't said twenty times already?
Katherine: [after a long weary pause] I seem to recall somebody mentioning the Bahamas?
Nick: That was me.
Katherine: Sand, sun, rum.
Nick: Sounds like a plan. Then we'll talk.
Katherine: Yeah, we'll talk.

Mako: Remember, MacLeod, all that separates us from the beasts is the law.

Gregor: Tell me, how do you handle knowing that one day he's gonna watch you grow old, wrinkle and then die, and eventually move on to somebody else?
Tessa: Were you born sensitive or did you have to study?

Methos: Like you said, I go with the winner.

[muttering to himself after being tossed over a stone wall by Duncan]
Methos: I'm too old for this.

Slan: My challenge was to Duncan Macleod, not you, whoever you are.
Connor: I'm Connor Macleod. Same clan, different vintage.
Slan: Ah yes. You.
[Connor and Duncan both lunge at Quince with their swords]
Slan: Ah! Not two against one. Tsk tsk tsk tsk.

Kronos: Tell me, Father, which is better, murder, or suicide? See I'd say murder, I could rip out a man's beating heart, confess to you and you'd have to forgive me, wouldn't you?

Kronos: A bomb with the virus in a fountain? How many people do you think that will kill? You've gone soft.
Caspian: [mockingly] I'm scared, are you scared?
Methos: It's a prelude, have you read Aristotle's Poetics? No of course not, you've never even seen Casablanca. What is the first rule of great drama? Start small and build. First a bomb in a fountain to kill a few. Then a public pool to kill a hundred, then a stadium to kill 10,000, then, one drop of the virus in the city's water supply, within a week.
Kronos: And then a country.
Methos: You want to own the world? You offer them a choice. The Horsemen rule or they all die.
Kronos: The Horsemen rule of the world dies. That has a nice ring to it.

Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: What were you thinking stealing from Sam Grinkhov? You know, you're not a thief, you're an idiot.

Carter: Is it worth losing your head over a bad joke?

Adam: [Duncan MacLeod exits the police station after being interrogated by Interpol agent Nicolae Breslaw and sees Methos, his "attorney", waiting for him] Well, that went pretty well.
Duncan: Since when are you my attorney?
Duncan: Whatever you need. Lawyer, doctor, Indian chief... I've got paperwork to cover it all.
Duncan: Yeah of course, I forgot.
Adam: [Methos points to the taxi cab] Ah, Mac, cab.
Adam: Ok, Watcher records are a bit sketchy on our lady so I had a little chat with the desk sergeant while I was waiting.
Duncan: So you know she committed at least 15 murders in the past 10 years.
Adam: Yeah, which leaves about 40 years unaccounted for, the mind boggles.
Duncan: Aw, come on, man. Who's to know - who's to say she's not right.
[Methos laughs disbelievingly]
Duncan: Maybe the people she killed deserved to die.
Adam: Ok, this is the angle now, is it? The end justifies the means. It's not very original.
Duncan: She believes she's making the world a better place.
Adam: Mac, that's exactly what he believed. Remember? What was his name? Adolf Something-or-other?
Duncan: Adolf Something-or-other?' I don't believe you.
[Duncan MacLeod walks off]
Adam: You believe it, you just don't want to hear it.
[Methos follows him to the car]
Duncan: [Duncan MacLeod walks off and sarcastically responds to Methos's comment] Yeah

Richie: Okay, everybody who's an Immortal, raise their hand.

Willie: Maybe if I'd been brought up to be a clan chief and you'd been brought up on a dock by a family of thieves, I'd be the one with the friends on the police force.

[Duncan is fighting in the Battle of Waterloo]
Darius: You shouldn't be taking part in this tragedy.
Duncan: I was raised a warrior. I choose battles I believe to be just.
[looking out at the dead soldiers laying on the ground]
Darius: Oh, I'm sure you're quite loyal to your convictions and compatriots, but I wonder what these men think about that, about convictions and compatriotism now.

Adam: You spend whatever time you have left dying, or you spend it living. With me.

Dr. Cernaveda: What are you going to do with Caspari?
Kronos: Rehabilitate him.
Dr. Cernaveda: Are you serious?
Kronos: Uh huh.
Dr. Cernaveda: You can't be serious.
Methos: Why? What did he do?
Dr. Cernaveda: Nobody knows how many people he's killed. They found parts in his basement, his garden... his freezer.
Silas: So why don't they execute him?
Dr. Cernaveda: In a less progressive age he would've been, but today we are more humane. I don't know what you want with this one but believe me, he is better off dead.
Methos: Very humane.

Otavio: Is that furious look really meant for me?
Duncan: Who else, Consone?
Otavio: A great Spanish name. You make it sound like you're cursing.

Amanda: Come on, Joe. Just talk to him, okay? For me? Please?
Joe: I'll think about it.
Amanda: Good, because he's on his way over.
Joe: McLeod. Is coming here. To see me.
Amanda: Well, actually I told him you have the night off.
Joe: You expect me to make the first move.
Amanda: Would you? Please?

Tessa: You spend your whole life looking over your shoulder and now you don't trust anyone.

Kristov: I'll kill you in a second, boy. Leave while you still got your head.
Richie: There's only one thing that I hate more than being called a boy, and that's your stupid paintings!

Cory: [after Duncan gets caught in a bomb Cory set] Hey, Macky Boy.
Duncan: And DON'T call me Macky Boy.
Cory: Oh sure, no problem... so no hard feelings?
Duncan: Oh no, why let a little thing like being BLOWN UP come between us, huh?

Duncan: You could have killed him, why didn't you?
Methos: I wanted to. But we were brothers. In arms, in blood, in everything except birth, and if I judged him worthy to die, then I judged myself the same way. And I wanted to live. I still do.
Duncan: Kronos was right. You set the whole thing up, didn't you?
Methos: What do you mean?
Duncan: You knew he'd come after Cassandra. And you let him, because you knew I'd come after her. You couldn't kill him but you hoped I could.
Methos: Maybe.
Duncan: [Disappointed] Maybe.

Carlo: She's mine now. And always will be.
Duncan: Oh my...
Carlo: If I see you again...
Duncan: If you don't take care of Grace, you will.

Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: You used to run the candy store on Baltimore Street?
Mr. Stubbs: 30 years... sold it last March, now it's a game store with a bunch of weirdos hanging around.
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: I used to come into your store when I was a kid.
Mr. Stubbs: Well what're you now, an old man?

Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: What about us, Mac? You and me?
Duncan: You screwed up, Rich. And it happens to all of us.
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: Oh, man. I swear, if I live to be a thousand, I'm still gonna see that guy coming at me again and again. Just wondering if there was something I could have done different.
Duncan: I know. And he won't be the last. They all stay with you.
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: I didn't know you believe in ghosts.
Duncan: I believe in the kind you carry with you. Everyone you've loved and everyone you've killed. They never leave you. When you stop feeling and you stop hurting, that's when you're dead inside. And that, my friend, is when I'll worry about you.

Darius: Well, war in the abstract is a great intellectual puzzle, but in reality, it's all blood and tears.
Duncan: Then, why make it into a game?
Darius: To deny what I was is to deny what I am.

Amanda: MacLeod, why don't you believe me?
Duncan: Experience.

Rebecca: He might have taken your head.
Amanda: Not that one! He's a green boy. Besides, I've found better weapons than a sword.
Rebecca: So I noticed.
Amanda: And why take a man's head when you can have his gold?
[waving Duncan's money pouch]
Rebecca: Amanda!
Amanda: What? You taught me to be clever.
Rebecca: I also taught you to be honest.
Amanda: I forget that part.

Rachel: Duncan. I know you wouldn't do anything that didn't need to be done.

[last lines]
Amanda: She's going to get old.
Duncan: I don't care.
Amanda: Oh well. It was worth a shot. I'll see you in a circus some day.
[She starts to leave]
Duncan: Amanda.
Amanda: [Turning back] Yes?
Duncan: Leave the book.

Haresh: My fight is with your friend. You had no quarrel with Carter Wellan.
Duncan: And you had no quarrel with Graham Ashe.
Haresh: Are you condoning what he did?
Duncan: We fight to the death. That's what we do.
Haresh: Do you know what it's like to have a friend for 900 years, MacLeod? I've known him longer than you've been alive.

[last lines]
Richie: [Referring to the bottle of wine he and Mac are sharing] That's some strong stuff.
Duncan: Yeah, it takes a little getting used to. Of course, it was a lot younger when Segur gave it to me.
Richie: After all that time, seems almost a shame to drink it now.
[He takes the bottle and goes to drink from it but Duncan takes it back]
Duncan: Well, I wanted to drink it with a friend. Didn't want to have to wait another 250 years.
[He takes a drink from the bottle]
Richie: Thanks, Mac.
[Duncan hands him the bottle and he takes another drink from it]
Duncan: Something bothering you?
Richie: Just Hyde. I should have *whacked* the son of a bitch.
Duncan: Yeah... but I saw him first.
[Duncan takes the bottle and drinks from it, then hands it back to Richie. Richie drinks from it, then grimaces in disgust. He and Mac look at each other and burst out laughing]

Duncan: When an Immortal comes for your head, he'll nae be impressed by your fancy, high-falutin' sword work.
Devon: I shall have help. Is that not why one has retainers?
Duncan: There are rules, Marek, by which you're honour-bound.
Devon: Don't bore me, MacLeod. Your rules were not made for one such as I.
Duncan: They're not my rules. They're meant for all of us. For each and every Immortal alive.

Methos: So I'm a little weak on pop culture. Well, who the hell is Chubby Checker in the grand scheme of things, anyway? I mean I, I know how tall Nero was, Caesar's favorite food, I know Helen of Troy didn't have that great a face and it only launched a hundred ships not a thousand, and...
Duncan: Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...

Martin: It's amazing how the young ones always run back to their teachers.

Cassandra: [expecting Duncan to be returning to the hotel room] Duncan what took you so long?
[opens the door, Silas holds it open and Kronos steps in]
Kronos: I'm afraid that Duncan is otherwise engaged. Am I wrong? Don't I owe you something? Too bad you didn't know you had to take my head to kill me.
Cassandra: I'll take it now!
[Caspian lays on her sword]
Kronos: [holding a dagger she stabbed him with during the Bronze Age] I've waited a long time to give this back to you.
[Cassandra backs against the wall, terrified]

Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: Oh man, the guy I trusted more than anyone else in the world, tried to kill me.

[after cutting his hair in mourning for Richie]
Duncan: No more tears.

Amanda: For 300 years you've been telling me to go legit. Now that I'm straight you want me to steal.

Adam: [Methos meets the fake Methos] Methos, I presume.
The: So they tell me.
Adam: You know, it's, um, interesting. You know, it's, um, interesting. I was always told that you were a myth. And yet you look very, very real. Tell me, is it true that you were a friend of Socrates?
The: Oh, I've had many friends.
Adam: And, um, I've always wondered - uh, Cleopatra, what was she really like?
The: She was a woman. She loved. She lived. She died.
Adam: Yeah, speaking of death, uh - you seem very vulnerable.
The: We're all vulnerable.
Adam: Yes, but you a little more than me, I think. I mean, a lot of people might want the head of a 5,000-year-old man.
The: A lot of people might want to listen to a 5,000-year-old man.
Adam: I suppose that's true. I mean 50 centuries, after all, you must've learned a lot - uh, knowledge, wisdom, that sort of thing.
The: Truth is my beliefs are very simple.
Adam: Yes I heard about your beliefs. Do you really think that there's no such thing as evil?
The: Only fear.
Adam: So, what, Genghis Khan and Hitler were just children playing up?
The: They were men driven by fear to commit evil acts.
Adam: And if their mother had loved them truly, then it would have been a different world.
The: Could you say it wouldn't?
Adam: Do you really think we can end the game?
The: I think it's worth trying.
Adam: Even if it costs you your head?
The: Can anyone live for 5,000 years and say they did nothing? Risked nothing? Merely stayed alive. It'd be pointless.
Adam: Some might think that that experience was worth saving.
The: I'm not one of them, but we can talk about it.
Adam: I've got a prior engagement, I'm afraid.

Charlie: When I was in the Seals, I saw guys with eyes like yours. The lifers. The ones who'd gone to too many battles and never came all the way back.
Duncan: Well, I guess that describes me pretty good.
Charlie: It don't begin to describe you and we both know it.
Duncan: You're playing psychologist and detective all in one night, Charlie. You're pushing your luck.
Charlie: Maybe. But one day I'm going to find out what you're all about.
Duncan: You might be disappointed.
Charlie: I don't think so. You walk pretty close to the edge, McLeod. What are you hiding?
Duncan: You don't want to know, Charlie. Some of the people that found out aren't around any more.

Duncan: The Navajo have a saying, "The spirit lives as long as someone who lives remembers you."
Adam: Aren't you a little young to be so smart?

Duncan: Are you enjoying this?
Amanda: What? A girl's got to have friends of her own.
Duncan: Same hair, same clothes. Don't you find it a little odd being cloned?
Amanda: You know, I can't help it that the girl has excellent taste, as long as she doesn't have my man.
Duncan: One of you is all I could handle.
Amanda: I gotta get ready, so you'll have to handle me later.
Duncan: I can't wait.

Duncan: Still shoving women around?
Gerard: [Ushering the actress he was bullying out of the room] Get out. Be back in the morning.
Duncan: Don't bother. This production's shut down.

Duncan: What a waste.
Richie: You mean Garrick? Mac, he tried to kill you! What's to waste?
Duncan: Insight. Knowledge. He spent centuries understanding his own mind. If only he could have shared what he knew...

Kronos: I do love the old ways best.

Michael: Mac, he was coming after me. Why did he have to kill her?

Benny: Hey, look, I guess Mac's a little pissed off at me, isn't he?
Richie: Well, Benny, do you blame him?
Benny: Hey, look, it was an angle that went a little haywire, okay? It happens.
Richie: You ever thought about going through life and just taking what it deals you without trying to work some angle?
Benny: Oh, yeah? Like what? I mean, like get a real job?
Richie: Wouldn't be a bad idea.

Silas: So where are the stables? The horses?
[Methos shakes his head]
Silas: Well how do we ride?
Caspian: Where have you been for the last 2000 years, idiot? Living in the woods. Now you think we can just mount up and gallop down Broadway?
Silas: We can do anything we please.
Caspian: Yeah, right, four guys on horseback, wild masks, they'd think we're in a circus.
Silas: They wouldn't think it for long, would they?

[referring to his career as a Horseman of the Apocalypse]
Methos: I killed ten thousand and I was good at it. And it wasn't for vengeance, it wasn't for greed; it was because I liked it. I was Death. Death on a horse.

Amanda: So, she pisses you off and you throw her to the wolves.
[Duncan looks at her]
Amanda: Oh hey, I would've done the same thing... I just wonder what the real Duncan MacLeod would've done.

Simon: Shoot me if you will. I am Colonel Simon Killian. I was Colonel Simon Killian before you were born. I will be Colonel Simon Killian long after you and yours were dead. I will dance on your graves! You insignificant bastards!
Duncan: [Interrupting the tirade and addressing the tribunal] General, may I speak?
The: Your testimony is on record. What more can you add?
Duncan: I fear a grave injustice will be done if I do not speak. Please, I beg the court's indulgence. I am a simple man. But I was there when he ordered those men into battle and I can attest he was not in his right mind. He is as he was then, a victim of his own delusions. I beg you, show mercy. Spare his life.
[He turns and gives Killian a mocking look]
Simon: [Struggling against the guards] You bastard. I know what you're doing. I demand to be shot! Do you hear me? It is my right! I demand it! Do you hear me?

Kronos: I like it fine right here. Saloons, women, whiskey. No, I'll think we'll stay put.
Duncan: Either way, Koren, on your feet or on your back.
Kronos: I think you came a long way to die.

John: I'm using my Immortality to make this a better world. Why is that so wrong?
Duncan: Because everything you say is a lie!
John: We're beasts when we kill, men when we judge, God when we forgive.
Duncan: Maybe God has forgiven you, but I sure haven't.

Caspian: I killed more people.
Silas: Women and children don't count!
Caspian: I'll kill you just as well.
Methos: Lay it down, Caspian!
Caspian: Why should I?
Methos: [holds a sword to his throat] Because if you do not, I will kill you! Trust me, if I have to lose one, it WILL be you.

Cassandra: Duncan, listen to me. The prophesy tells of a Highland foundling, born on the winter solstice, who passes through darkness into light and survives to challenge the voice of death.
Duncan: Really? Is this before or after I slay the dragon?

Tyler: [Tyler and Duncan cross swords] Well-Well-Well. What have we here?
Duncan: We are Duncan MacLeod of the clan MacLeod.
Tyler: Fantastic. Tyler King.
Tyler: [Referring to Mickey] Now you give him to me and you'll live for another day, Duncan.
Duncan: Sorry, Tyler.
Tyler: Do yourself a favor. Beat it. I'm not here for you.
Duncan: Well, if you're here for him then you are here for me.
Tyler: Right
Tyler: [Referring to Mickey] Have you talked to him? He's lunch meat. He's barely a blip on the EEG.
Duncan: He thinks. He feels. He's got as much right to life as even you do.
Tyler: What life? He's gonna get whacked soon enough. Why not by me?
Duncan: Because I say so.
Tyler: I-- sorry, I missed that.

[to Duncan MacLeod]
Methos: Don't go, MacLeod. It's a trap, MacLeod. MacLeod, your pants are on fire.

Walter: Well, MacLeod, I think I orchestrated this rather nicely. Tell me, how does it feel to kill an innocent young woman?
Rebecca: [Stops pretending to be dead] I hate you! I loved you.
Walter: You will again.
Rebecca: Never!
Walter: How fickle women are.

Adam: Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod.
Duncan: That's who I am.
Adam: I guess someone has to be.

Xavier St. Cloud: Here I am humiliating one of the world's greatest warriors and what does he do? Nothing. God, I love religion.

Methos: We've got to stop meeting like this, people will talk.

Darius: Pride doth goest before the fall, and victory to those who hold the high ground. To some war is just a game of inches.
Duncan: So why make a game out of it?
Darius: To deny what I was is to deny what I am.

[after opening a case taken from two Watchers and finding the expected laser surveillance gear]
Duncan: Ohh! Does this come in pink?
Duncan: [to Belson] Who are you? Talk to me!
Joe: [walking up behind Duncan] You'll know soon enough, Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod.
Duncan: So you do know me.
Joe: We know all about you. Don't look so surprised. I probably know more about you than you know about yourself.

Nefertiri: [looking at Duncan's car] What is it?
Duncan: It's a kind of chariot.
Nefertiri: Where are the horses?
Duncan: They're under there.
[pointing to hood]
Duncan: They're real tiny.

Duncan: [Duncan MacLeod senses the presence of another Immortal while waking in the gardens]
Adam: So, nice day for it.
[Duncan sighs. Methos goes on, ignoring him]
Adam: Yeah, not too cold, ground's nice and dry.
Duncan: Amanda's got a big mouth.
Adam: She's worried about you.
Duncan: Yeah, and you?
Adam: [Looking at his shoes] Oh, me, no. Just scholarly interest. I just came by to watch the perfect immortal die.
Duncan: I'm not.
Adam: Not what? Not the perfect immortal or not going to die?
Duncan: Go Away.
[Duncan walks off, but Methos goes right along with him]
Adam: We're none of us perfect, MacLeod. Not you, not me, not even Darius. I'm sure not your friend Steven Keane.
Duncan: You should write fortune cookies.
Adam: Yeah, well, maybe I should.
[Methos speeds up and jumps in front of Duncan, forcing him to stop]
Adam: Just so long as I am not writing your epitaph.
[Duncan doesn't say anything]
Adam: What Keane hates you for, happened. Nothing you do is going to change that. You accept it, MacLeod. It's part of who you are.
Duncan: Are we talking about me now?
Adam: Yes. Do you remember what happened after Culloden?
Duncan: [Duncan looks away, then back] Yeah. I went after innocent men and slaughtered them.
Adam: No, that's how Keane tells it. I want to know how you remember it. Because they weren't innocent, were they? There were murderers. They were the English bastards who had destroyed your people, and they deserved to die, all of them.
Duncan: You sure all of them did?
Adam: You were. You wanted to kill, you killed them.
[Methos getting a little angry]
Adam: You know, Keane is just like you. He wants to divide the world up into good and bad. Well it's not that simple. We are all both. Good and evil. We have rage and compassion. We have love and hate. Murder and forgiveness.
[Duncan looks away, almost like he's bored]
Adam: Why don't you try forgiving yourself, for once?
Duncan: Why don't you try minding your own business. For once. Tell Amanda to do the same.
Adam: [Methos smirks and steps aside, gesturing along the path] She can't say I didn't try.
[Duncan walks past, Methos watching him go. Duncan backs away a few steps, not turning his back, but finally turns to go. As soon as he does turn his back, Methos pulls out a gun and shoots him]
Adam: You are such a pain in the ass.

Lord: Do you want a tombstone that reads 'he lived for centuries', or one that says 'for centuries, he was alive'?
Adam: You're not listening to me, I don't want a tombstone.

Quentin: It's nice of you to make the effort, Richie. But I'm already here.

Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: How bad is it?
Joe: It's bad. You took three rounds.
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: Oh, skip the details, Dawson!
Joe: Okay, Richie. I'd say you were dying.
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: Not again. Stick around. I'll be back.

Sheriff: In the future, I'll remember to leave your friends in peace.
Duncan: What future?
[Beheads him]

Richie: Old Timer. Do you have any words of wisdom?
Methos: Nope.

[to Joe Dawson]
Methos: We ate, we drank, we vomited.

Richie: Come on, Mac, let's take this son of a bitch.
Duncan: No, Richie, one-on-one. You know the rules.
Anthony: That's right, Richie. You run along now and live a little longer, huh? I'll see you soon enough.
Richie: I doubt it.

Harry: [after Coltec interrupts him carrying out a robbery] None of your affair, Tonto. You just stay out of my way and we don't have a problem.

Methos: Why do you think I didn't tell you? I knew how you'd react. What I've done, you can't forgive, it's not in your nature.

Duncan: Need a ride?
Randi: Wherever you're going.
Duncan: Excuse me?
Randi: I mean, all I have to do is stick with you, you'll lead me to a breaking news story.
Duncan: I'm just lucky that way.
Randi: Come on, Macleod. If the FBI and the CIA were half as good as the outfit you work for, I'd sleep better at night.

Methos: Think... think... think about the poetry. Think about the music that he's made. Think about the music that he'll still make. You going to kill all that as well?
Duncan: And what about Mike? What music could he have made?

Duncan: Garrick, why? I was your friend!
John: Because you left me. Because you have no idea what it's like to be burned alive.
Duncan: What are you talking about?
John: They burned me. Can you imagine the smell of your own skin blistering?

Amanda: The longer I live the more I get attached to myself.

Adam: [Methos walks over to Duncan MacLeod, seeing Duncan sad after he took Ingrid Henning's head] Are you ok?
Duncan: Ingrid asked me something before she died.
Adam: They usually do.
Duncan: She said, what was the difference between her killing them, and me killing her.
Adam: Good question, right up there with chicken and egg.
Duncan: So what are you saying, there is no answer?
Adam: No there is an answer. But the real question is whether you're ready for it.
Adam: Stefanovich killed, and Ingrid judged him. Wilkinson killed, and Ingrid judged him. Ingrid killed, and you judged her.
Duncan: So who judges me?
Adam: You hungry?

Methos: What do you expect? Einstein? Freud? Buddha? Sorry Joe, I'm just a guy.

Adam: You live and die by a code of honor that was trendy when you were a kid.
Duncan: Would you rather that I had no code of honor at all?
Adam: I would rather you survived.

Carolyn: What does man need most?
[Duncan and Amanda look at her]
Carolyn: Besides that... heroes. And if there aren't any, man creates them. Duncan MacLeod exists because we need him to.
Amanda: So you don't think it's the same guy?
Carolyn: Are you nuts? He'd have to be immortal.

Joe: Sometimes in life you have to do more than just watch.

Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: Are we ever going to have to face each other?
Duncan: Maybe.

Duncan: When was the last time you faced anyone?
Methos: Ooh, uh. What are we?
[checks his watch]
Methos: Sixth of March. Uhh... two hundred years.
Duncan: Oh, that's good.
Methos: I may be a bit rusty, but I'm still here.
Duncan: Well, let's keep it that way.

Luther: Surprised to see me?
Rebecca: Surprised nobody's killed you yet.

Amanda: Would you think of me as a nurturing person?
Duncan: Definitely. Is that it?
Amanda: No. I want you to be honest, okay?
Duncan: How honest?
Amanda: Honest! I mean, tell me the truth. Don't think about hurting my feelings.
Duncan: Okay. Then, no. Nurturing is not the first thing that comes to mind when I think of you.
Amanda: Well, I don't think you know me very well.
Duncan: Amanda, you're beautiful, you're smart, you're a lot of fun. Nurturing's in there, it's just not high on the list.

Adam: Charlotte, are you flirting with me?
Charlotte: Yes. Is that alright?
[Methos drops his bag and cups her face]
Adam: It's lovely.
[kisses her]

Connor: You know what your problem is? You live in the past.
Duncan: I don't have a problem.
Connor: Yes, you do.
Duncan: No I don't.
Connor: Yes, you do.
Duncan: No, I don't. Stop arguing with me.
Connor: I'm not arguing.
Duncan: You're not?
Connor: No, it's conversation.
Duncan: Conversation?... Well then, end of conversation.
Connor: Oh sure, take the easy way out, like always... Duncan?
Duncan: What?
[Connor punches Duncan out]
Connor: End of conversation.

Tessa: Something's wrong. Michael thinks Barnes is *here*.
Richie: In the store?
Tessa: That's what he says.

Duncan: [Methos is walking away] Methos. What about Cassandra?
Methos: One of a thousand regrets, MacLeod. One of a thousand regrets.

Willie: You know what it's like when you look a mark in the eye and you know you've got him? You know the hook's in so deep, the only way he can go is straight into your pocket.
Duncan: Yeah and then he goes home and tries to explain to his wife why he's lost a year's pay. Or a college education for his kids, and don't tell me you only go for those people who deserve it or can afford it. You're not that careful.

[From "The Modern Prometheus"]
Byron: My task is done. My song has ceased. My theme has died into an echo... It is fit.

Lyman Kurlow: Well, well, what have we here then?
Duncan: I am Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod.
Lyman Kurlow: [conversationally, to Matlin] I know who he is.
[He turns back to MacLeod and removes his hat mockingly, revealing his distinctive white streak again]
Lyman Kurlow: I watched you hang. Lyman Kurlow.
Peter: Peter Matlin of the, uh, Somerset Matlins, at your service.

Joe: Look, why don't you stay, MacLeod?
Duncan: Naw, too many questions left unanswered. Better just to disappear.
Joe: Yeah, I guess that's what legends are supposed to do.

Duncan: Elaine's retired. Now, when you've got time to think about it, you'll realise that's for the best. For everyone.
Dominique: I never thought you'd go over to the competition, you bitch.
Elaine: Don't worry, I didn't. You're still the biggest pimp in Paris.

Duncan: Cut the crap, Mike's dead because of him.
Adam: No, Mike is dead because of Mike.
Duncan: The kid idolized him... maybe he didn't pull the trigger, but he sure as hell put the gun in his hand. To live like me, you have to be like me, come on Methos, Mike couldn't do that, he wasn't Immortal.
Adam: And that is not Byron's fault.

Amanda: It must be difficult having one of those!
Duncan: One of what?
Amanda: A conscience.

Sgt. Powell: He says he heard a strange noise, we went to go check it out, and he saw three grown men with drawn swords, having it out.
Duncan: Did he also see a guy in a bat costume and a long cape?

Grace: [after Duncan bursts in on her helping a woman give birth] If it's my head you want, I'd appreciate it if you wait a few minutes.

Xavier St.Cloud: Just how old are you? Are you a Christian, or do you paint yourself blue and bay at the moon?

Kronos: That's what makes you my perfect right arm, we think alike.
Adam: I doubt that, Kronos, no one thinks quite like you.

Methos: Talk about the blind leading the visually challenged.

Methos: Live, Highlander. Grow stronger. Fight another day.

Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: Am I missing something here, Mac? If Kinman is such a badass, why don't we just testify and put him away so he can't hurt anybody?
Duncan: Richie, I don't want to put him away. I want to bury him.

Duncan: You guys still don't get it, do you?
Methos: No.
Duncan: I had to take responsibility for what I've done and nothing you two could do was ever going to solve it for me. I had to face him and fight the best fight of my life knowing he'd do the same. Just trust the fates to decide the winner.
Methos: [cynically] Trial by combat. Whoever survives is proved right in the eyes of the law,
Duncan: Bright boy.

Michael: You'll have to finish this alone. I can't help!
Duncan: But you didn't know, Michael.
Michael: I do now. Barnes must die. Duncan, if you care about me, you're going to have to kill Barnes now!
Duncan: Forgive me, my friend. I have a promise to keep.
[He beheads him]

Adam: A couple of medieval songwriters come up with the idea of chivalry one rainy day...
Duncan: This isn't about chivalry.
Adam: -and you embrace it as a lifestyle. You live and die by a code of honor that was trendy when you were a kid

Bernie: I like you, Amanda. Well, as much as I like anyone.
Amanda: Oh, you're warming my heart, Bernie.
Bernie: So, I want to be sure you take this in the right way. If you renege on our little deal, I shall cut out your heart... before I take your head. Understood?

Kronos: We never raise a blade against each other, isn't that right, Methos?
Methos: You said it.

Duncan: It wasn't your fault.
Alec: It was my pride that drove them off that cliff.

Renee: I thought you said you were Army.
Duncan: No, I didn't say anything of the sort.
Renee: My mistake.
Duncan: No, it wasn't. You were fishing again. But it's fun to watch.

Liam: You gave your word, MacLeod.
Duncan: Let's just say I had a change of heart.

Mary: [Resisting Kantos' control] The one you seek... is not here.

Duncan: [Last line of the episode, with Ritchie now officially an immortal] Ritchie... watch your head.

Kronos: There are the conquerers and there are the conquered.
Caspian: You want to conquer the world with monkeys?

Duncan: Sometimes you have to let them go.
Dr. Anne Lindsey: Mm-hm. They're all so fragile. One nut with a gun, one drug addict behind the wheel and... they're just gone.

Victor: [after Duncan has beaten up several of Grayson's men] You've saved my life again. Why are you... who are you?
Duncan: I'm a friend of Darius.
Victor: You didn't learn this from Darius.
Duncan: I wasn't much of a student.

John: Look at these misfits, fighting for a lost cause. I like to win. I'd be on the side that wins, it pays a hell of a lot better.
Duncan: Is this about money to you?
John: Don't you get it, MacLeod? It's always about money.

Duncan: What are you doing here?
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: Amanda found out where you were.
Duncan: What do you mean "she found out?"
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: I didn't mean to tell her, Mac, but she started talking and doing things to me ... well, I didn't stand a chance.
Duncan: You wouldn't be the first.

Duncan: My teacher always told me that I'd know another Immortal, even one that did nae know it yet.
Devon: What is this? You are a seer? A sorceror?
Duncan: No. Connor, my teacher, told me I would always get this feeling, the same one as I got from you, but it was different. Didn't recognise what it was.
Devon: What you sensed... was greatness.

Cassandra: Hijad... my people, take me to my people.
Methos: You want to see them?
Cassandra: Yes.
Methos: [points to a bunch of skulls] There they are.
Cassandra: You killed them? All of them?
Methos: Including you!
Cassandra: [looks where she was stabbed] The wound... it's gone! I should be dead.

Duncan: Let's get married.
Tessa: What do you mean, married?
Duncan: I mean married, as in, married.
Tessa: You mean, as in a proposal? You mean, as in "will you marry me" married?
Duncan: Is this better?
[gets down on one knee, singing]
Duncan: Will you marry me? Will you marry me?
[Tessa pulls him to stand up]
Duncan: You still haven't answered my question.
[to passing strangers]
Duncan: Do you think she should marry me? I think she should marry me. Yeah? I think she should marry me. What do you think?
Tessa: All right, all right, all right! Yes! I'll marry you!

Adam: Hey, grab a beer, there's a cold one in the frig.
Duncan: Yeah, I know, it's my frig. Thought you were out wondering the world.
Adam: In Tibet. Yak butter plays hell with the digestion. Besides, I had all the enlightenment I can use.
Duncan: Maybe you have kept that to yourself.
Adam: Sorry I must have dozed off. What is it were talking about?
Duncan: All that crock your feeding Richie.
Adam: Right and what crock might that be exactly?
Duncan: You know, stop fighting, lay down your sword, give peace a chance. Ring a bell?
Adam: Wow, so he's here is he?
Duncan: Who's here?
Adam: The other Methos.
Duncan: What?
Adam: I never actually have met the guy, but I heard rumors. He wonders around the place, spreading his message to other Immortals.
Duncan: Using your name.
Adam: It's not like it's got a patent or anything.
Duncan: Sounds like the guy started a franchise or something. What about this line about peace and love. What's that all about?
Adam: Well it's just exactly what he says it is.
Duncan: Turning the other cheek only gets you slapped harder.
Adam: But it's got a nice ring to it. No more fighting, no more killing. Peace and harmony, don't tell me you never fantasized about that. Some young suckers always going to fall for it.
Duncan: Richie has.
Adam: Viola
Duncan: He thinks the guy is some kind of prophet.
Adam: Who's to say he isn't?
Duncan: You are... this guy's a fraud.
Adam: Look, there are enough people out there who want my head for who I am now I say if he wants to play Methos, let him.
Duncan: Even if it gets him killed?
Adam: Yeah... imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Look at these boots, put them to craftsmanship. I only put a 1,000 miles on it.
Duncan: You're going to convince Richie that this guy's a fake.
Adam: What makes you think he'll believe me?
Duncan: Because... you are going to be sincere.
Adam: I left Katmandu for this.

Duncan: You betrayed all these people because of me?
Alexei: They are nothing, but you... I'm going to teach *you* something, MacLeod. I'm going to teach you how to lose your head.

Morgan: [Reading from Amy's notebook] "I wonder if all Watchers", there's that word again, "get stuck with such a slimeball as Walker for their Immortal." That's not very flattering.

Charlie: You know, I never thanked you.
Duncan: Is this a generic thank you or did I do something?

Duncan: I told Tessa some of it. I thought I was out of it. She didn't need to know all the rules.
Connor: You're not out of it anymore! There can be only one. Remember that rule?
Tessa: One what? One of you? Only one Immortal left in the end? Is that it? And what does the winner get?
Connor: The last one will have the power of all the Immortals who ever lived, enough power to rule this planet forever. If someone like Slan is that last one, mankind will suffer an eternity of darkness from which it will never recover.
Tessa: And you didn't think this was important enough to mention?
Duncan: It's nothing new.
Tessa: It is for me.
Connor: You can't stay out of the Game, Duncan. You've tried before.
Duncan: Damn it, Connor! It had nothing to do with the Game and you know that.

Tessa: I'll only be gone for a few days. You'll be fine without me.
Duncan: Yeah well, I already have my little black book out.
Tessa: I've seen it. It's 300 years out of date.

James: Joseph! We're family!
[Macleod arrives and watches]
Joe: I'll light you a candle.
[He shoots Horton, who falls into the river. Macleod comes over to join him]
Joe: He always had a way out.
Duncan: I would have done it.
Joe: No, Macleod. We make mistakes. We clean them up.
[as he speaks, he hands the gun to Macleod, who throws it into the river. Joe starts to walk away]
Duncan: Dawson.
[Joe stops and looks at him]
Duncan: I'll see you around.

Joe: I'm your Watcher, I'm supposed to know. And especially when you come home after 250 years.

Silas: [cornering Duncan] Kill one of us, the other takes your head while you're down.
Caspian: *If* you kill one of us.

Amanda: Would you do something for me? Go see Joe. Duncan, life is too short ... for him.

Duncan: You bet Amanda when she needed money?
Hugh: You think I'm taking an unfair advantage?
Duncan: I think you're an idiot.

Joe: On the surface, we may look alike. But underneath, we are two different species. It's right that Mac backed off. It's better this way.
Amanda: Look, Joe, we're all different. Black, white, men, women, we all live in our own little worlds.
Joe: With me and Mac, it's different universes.
Amanda: Then why are you both so hurt?

[to Duncan MacLeod]
Methos: Great, you knock me on my bum because I make a bad joke, very macho.

Duncan: [seeing the room Joe's being kept in] Ew, did it come like this or did they do it especially for you?

Duncan: I want you to meet Anne Lindsey. Anne, meet a man who doesn't believe in the 20th century.
Brother: Oh! I believe in it, I just haven't quite arrived yet.
Dr. Anne Lindsey: Oh, there's no hurry. The singing was incredible.
Brother: Oh, well, we try. If it brought some happiness then it wasn't wasted.

Amanda: Look, if he goes up against Keane thinking he deserves to lose, he'll lose. He'll die, Methos.

Duncan: I have come here to ask you not to fight my friend tomorrow.
Paul: Certainly. Have him apologise publicly, then shut his mouth forever about his bloody politics, and the matter will be closed.
Duncan: 'Tis an unfair fight and you know it.
Paul: 'Tis a matter of honour.
Duncan: There is no honour in fighting a man when the advantage is yours. 'Tis sport and nothing more.

Duncan: He was on holy ground, Tess. He should have been safe. He should have been safe.

Steven: [to Amanda] When the time comes, I hope I'll have someone like you to speak for me.

Duncan: You really thought I'd lose?
Methos: Yeah. And you didn't?
Duncan: It wasn't about that. You guys still don't get it, do you?
Methos: No.
Duncan: I had to take responsibility for what I'd done. Nothing you two could do was ever going to solve it for me. I had to face him and fight the best fight of my life knowing he'd do the same. It's just the Fates that decide the winner.
Methos: Trial by combat. Whoever survives is proved right in the eyes of the law.
Duncan: Bright boy.
Amanda: But what if he comes after you again?
Duncan: He won't.
Amanda: How do you know that?
Duncan: Because I wouldn't.
Amanda: Well, he's not you.
Duncan: He's not that different. None of us are. We all make mistakes.
Methos: And we all have mistakes to forgive.
Amanda: Speaking of mistakes, there seems to be an inspector who is determined to put my cute little butt in jail.
Duncan: Sorry about that.
Amanda: She won't forgive me?
Duncan: Oh no, I don't think she should.
Methos: I think this is my cue to leave.
Amanda: Bye Methos.
Duncan: Bye Methos.
Methos: You guys be good.
Duncan: If not, we'll try to be better.

Methos: Just because I don't like to fight, doesn't mean that I *can't*.

Duncan: For thousands of years Immortals have fought and Watchers have observed. One day, there will only be one of us left. And some day maybe none at all. Somebody has to record that we've lived. Somebody has to record the history we've seen and the lessons we've learned.

Richie: You ever had it bad for an older woman?
Duncan: [laughs] Well, the situation hasn't come up recently.

Methos: Grab a beer. There's a cold one in the fridge.
Duncan: I know, it's my fridge.

Kronos: For a long time, I thought you were dead, I didn't bother looking for you. But then I heard rumors, 'Methos the world's oldest man', you slipped up there, old friend, you got sloppy.
Methos: Well we're none of us perfect.
Kronos: I shouldn't be surprised you're still alive, you were always the one I counted on. You weren't the strongest or the toughest, but you were the survivor. It's what you did best... or did.
Methos: So you've come to kill me.
Kronos: It's what I do best! But you do have a choice.
Methos: Well I'm always one for choices.
Kronos: Well, you can either lose your head, or join me.
Methos: Since you put it that way, welcome back, Brother.

Robert: You want the tape, it's yours. All you have to do is perform a certain service for me, which shouldn't be too difficult for a man of your obvious talents.
Duncan: What would that be?
Robert: I want you to kill my wife.

Grayson: Sulfur. That was the beginning of it. The Chinese used it to amuse. It took someone of vision to see its true use. To create from it gunpowder. And the world was never the same again. What about you, Macleod? Ever done anything that really changed the world? Too bad. Now you never will.

Joe: [after Joe has cut himself with a sharp knife] See? I bleed. I can get an infection and die.
Amanda: You want to run some cold water on that?

Charlie: It's funny. This time I'm the one leaving with the girl and you're stuck here running the dojo.

Methos: You think I want to die? You think it's easier after thousands of years?
Duncan: Then why?
Methos: Because if you don't kill me, Kalas will.
Duncan: Not unless I get him first.
Methos: And if you don't? I cannot beat him. I have tried. He will take my head and then he will have the strength to take yours.
Duncan: So after five thousand years, your only solution is that I kill you?
Methos: He can beat me. He might beat you. He can't beat both of us.

Methos: A couple of medieval songwriters come up with the idea of chivalry one rainy day and you embrace it as a lifestyle. You live and die by a code of honor that was *trendy* when you were a kid.

Dr. Anne Lindsey: I can't believe this. I'm in bed with an older man. A man who actually came over on the Mayflower.
Duncan: Impossible. I'd never make it as a Puritan.

Harry: It would appear you have been sprung.
Amanda: Next time, be a little bit more careful who you pick up.
[Amanda opens the door to find Crimmins waiting for her with two henchmen]
Crimmins: Amanda!
[He draws his finger across his throat. Amanda quickly closes the door again]
Amanda: I've changed my mind. I'd like to talk about that deal now.

Methos: It's not going to work McLeod. I haven't felt guilt since the eleventh century."

Hugh: So this is the world without Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. Amanda's dead. Joe's about to die. Tessa will drift into bitterness, facing a life without passion. Richie Ryan lived and died a thief. And me? Well, I missed out on almost three centuries of living. Now that's a lot of unhappy women.

Sean: I *could* fight you, Duncan, but you're better. I know it and so do you. But you're here because you want me to help you. Now, I can't do that without my head.

Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: When I was a kid, I made up a story that my dad was this foreign spy on a dangerous mission, that he was doing some kind of work behind the Iron Curtain or something, and that's why he could never just put in a collect call and say 'I want to talk to my son, Richie Ryan, the all American boy'.

Colonel: I'm here for Mark Rothwood.
Duncan: Why?
Colonel: Just bring him to me, MacLeod.
Duncan: Maybe if you told me what this was about.
Colonel: He raped my stepdaughter. Where is he?...... Didn't you hear what I said?
Duncan: I'm sorry. If there's proof, the police will...
Colonel: Lori's word is my proof. I don't need the damn police.

Tessa: [with a welding torch in her hand] I may not be able to kill you, but I'll give you a facial you won't forget.

Duncan: [Duncan MacLeod talks about Ingrid Henning's failed attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler back in 1944] Hitler should have died that day, but we failed. And Ingrid blames herself.
Adam: Come on, man, you are not buying into that tawdry, guilt-induced little melodrama.
Duncan: Oh, I forgot. We're talking to the only guilt-free man in the Western world.
Adam: No, we're talking about Ingrid. It is the ultimate in arrogance to think that one person can alter the course of history.
Duncan: You can't deny that by killing Hitler in '44 thousands of lives would have been saved. Maybe millions.
Adam: Yeah, and if you'd killed him in '43 like Rommel wanted, maybe Germany would have won the war. History makes men, MacLeod. Men don't make history. I'm talking about the time, 'kay? The "Zeitgeist," to quote the Germans. If it hadn't been the little painter from Austria it would have been someone else. Would have been a - I dunno - a shopkeeper, a garbage man. My point is, it doesn't matter. The times were ripe for a Fuehrer.
Duncan: My point is it was Hitler.
Duncan: [Duncan point at Joe Dawson and takes a step forward] You're a historian: what do you think?
Joe: [Joe smiles insouciantly and shakes his head] Uh huh. I'm not getting into the middle of this.
Duncan: Coward.
Adam: Ditto.
Joe: All right. You want an answer? Who gives a damn?"
[Methos looks as if his point has been proved, but Joe continues]
Joe: What matters is that it's Mac's friend.
Adam: Pretty smart... for a kid.
Joe: What are you going to do?
Duncan: In her heart she thinks she's right. And part of me agrees. I don't know how to stop her.
Adam: Don't you?
Duncan: [tight and angry] No. I don't.
[Duncan walks away]
Joe: You know you really can be an arrogant pain in the ass sometimes.
Adam: Guilty as charged.

Adam: She would have kept coming, you know. One day, she might have won.
Duncan: I know.
Adam: And still, if you had your chance again, you wouldn't kill her, would you?
Duncan: Probably not.

[last lines]
Joe: You know, what he said, that, uh, that some of the gods and prophets of history were just Immortals with delusions of grandeur, like Lorca?
Duncan: He was just upset.
Joe: Yeah, but is it a possibility?
Duncan: No, it's not.
Joe: Well, how can you be so sure?
Duncan: Well, I can quote a whole bunch of people, Joe, but basically it boils down to one thing.
Joe: And that is?
Duncan: Faith, Joe. Faith.

[From: 8"]
Kronos: You don't understand, I am the end of time.
Duncan: You're history.

Methos: To... dinner, a film, a concert, a smile, a sunset, a walk, all of the above... whatever you would like.

[At Methos' apartment. Amanda is banging on the door]
Amanda: Methos. Open the door. I know you're there. Methos! Methos, it's Amanda.
Methos: [opens door] Do you want to knock a bit louder? I don't think they heard you in Philadelphia.
Amanda: I'm sorry. It was an emergency, okay?
Methos: No, it was a good way to get your head cut off is what it was.
Amanda: You're turning into an old grouch, aren't you? Or did I interrupt something important?
Methos: Amanda, it is the middle of the night and I wasn't expecting anyone. Give me a minute. You want some coffee?
Amanda: Yeah.

Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: What happened to your finger?
Joe: I broke it playing chess.
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: Wow... never thought of chess as a contact sport.

Roland: The signs for the prophesy are all in place. You're all that stands in my way - or don't you believe in signs?
Duncan: Oh, no, I believe in signs. Don't litter. Don't step on the grass. No spitting.

Duncan: [as Hideo Koto is about to committ Hari Kari] Is there nothing I can do?
Hideo: I have already asked a favor.... Perhaps there is one more thing.
Duncan: Anything!
Hideo: My family...
Duncan: They will *always* have a protector! Their children will know. And their children's children, that if the Koto's need help, they can come to Duncan MacCloed! This I *promise* you!
Hideo: I thank you.
Duncan: I will be honored to be your second.
Hideo: When it is over, the sword is yours.

James: Well, well. Better than I expected. First MacLeod and the boy and now Dawson. The ducks are lining up, Lisa.

Xavier St.Cloud: I don't sleep with virgins, and I don't kill children.

Duncan: [they find Tessa's killer] What do you want me to do, Richie? Do you want me to cut out his heart?
Richie: Yes I do Mac. You've got to go after him.
Duncan: Do I?
Richie: You gotta do it for Tessa.

[Referring to mortals]
Methos: THey have so little time to SEE anything or DO anything.

Simon: What could you have that could possibly interest a man like me?
Benny: Duncan MacLeod?
Simon: MacLeod's been dead for fifty years.
Benny: Him, yeah. But his grandson's still alive.
Simon: So?
Benny: So? So, so, so, so the guys know everything. He told me himself. He tells everybody. He's... I see him on the street, strangers, people, he's like a mouth. I go around talking to people about you, who the hell's going to listen to me? I'm like a schmeenge guy. But this guy, MacLeod, oh boy, he's... he's like a real solid citizen.

Adam: [Methos walks off and the fake Methos asks him a question] I, uh, didn't catch your name.
Adam: No. That's right. You didn't.

Daniel: Why do you think I became a Watcher? It sure as hell wasn't to spend the rest of my life looking through bloody keyholes at you. It was to be you, an Immortal, to figure out how you do it.

Duncan: You don't think I know how you feel. When I first became Immortal, I had the same fears that you have. My life changed in a way I couldn't comprehend. Through years I learned there are so many endless possibilities. I'm not telling you that whatever gift you were given you'll ever get back. Things will never be the same. That's the way it is for us. But there's future on future, lifetime on lifetime out there for you. But only if you learn how to protect yourself.

Rachel: I'm Rachel MacLeod and those are my ancestors you're standing on.
Duncan: Well mine too, I'm Duncan MacLeod.

[about his friends being afraid that they would lose him]
Duncan: Never. Never again.

Duncan: There's only enough room for two.
Amanda: McLeod, please! They're going to kill me!
Duncan: Can you fly this thing?
Amanda: Yeah, you kidding?
Duncan: Just make sure he gets to England in one piece!
Amanda: What about you?
Duncan: I'll manage. Just get out of here!
Amanda: I'll never forget this.
Duncan: [kisses her] Yes, you will.

Jillian: This is our chance to finally stop the killing.
James: I'm afraid I can't agree.
[He shoots her]

James: I'm unarmed.
Duncan: You hate us but you expect us to behave honourably. Why is that?
James: When you kill me, others will come to continue what we have begun.
Duncan: I'm not your enemy. This isn't about mortals. We have our own fight! Don't you understand?
James: We've always understood. We will never be dominated.
Duncan: No-one wants to dominate you.
James: Liar! We know about the Gathering.
Duncan: Do you sense evil in me? Talk to me! Tell me what you know!
James: It's about power! Nothing is greater than the power of Man! Nothing! You must die... all of you!

Adam: [challenging Kristin, after Duncan refused to take her head] Pick it up.
Kristin: Who the hell are you?
Adam: A man who was born long before the age of chivalry.

Adam: Don't go, MacLeod. It's a trap, MacLeod. MacLeod, your pants are on fire.

[coming back to life in front of his family]
Duncan: It... It is a miracle!
Ian: No. It is the work of the demon master of the world below.
Duncan: Father.
Ian: No! You're no bairn of mine! You're not my son! You're not my son!

Kiem: Leave now, or you will see your own hearts beating on the ground right in front of you.

[last lines]
Duncan: 1500 years ago, you led an army of barbarians to the gates of Paris. You disbanded your army and spared the city. But you broke a promise to yourself. To march west from the Ural Mountains until you reached the sea. So now, old friend, travel on. Go where you never went. To the sea.
[He scatters Darius' ashes into the Seine]
Duncan: I'll miss you.

Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: First you run me off the road, then you get Amanda arrested...
Cory: I did not...
Richard H. 'Richie' Ryan: Oh yeah and NOW you've blown up Mac!
Cory: I didn't blow him up! He's hardly the worse for wear.

Johnny: [Johnny wetting his comb in the baptismal font and combing his hair]
Duncan: Didn't anybody ever tell you how to behave in church?
Johnny: I never took too good to Sunday School.
Duncan: Oh yeah, I forgot, Johnny K, going to be the toughest guy in the neighborhood.
Johnny: Oh, not just the neighborhood, MacLeod. Luca found out the hard way. I got three grand for taking him out. Should have seen him, down on his knees, begging, wail like a little baby, crying. I popped him and three of his goofs just for the hell of it.
Duncan: You felt nothing.
Johnny: You kidding me? I felt great. I felt... I felt like God. I am the master of life and death.
Duncan: No no no no, you're a pathetic little punk, Johnny.
Johnny: Watch your mouth, MacLeod.
Duncan: You know how I know what a big guy you are? I asked your friends, oh no I'm sorry, you don't have any friends do you?
Johnny: You know what? I don't need anybody, I don't need friends, I don't need women, and I especially don't need you. All I want is my money.
Duncan: Oh no, I left my wallet in my other pocket.
Duncan: [Pulls out some change]
Duncan: Will this do?
Johnny: [Johnny tries to grab the change]
Duncan: Not fast enough.
Johnny: You're a regular comedian aren't you? Hey funny guy, you know many guys I killed, funny man, funny boy? You know how many?, 249. You don't get it, do you?
Duncan: [Duncan grabs Johnny by the throat] No, you don't get it, little man. You don't play by the rules, then we play another game. Okay? Now run along little man.
Duncan: [Duncan lets Johnny go]
Johnny: [Johnny threatens Duncan] You're a dead man, MacLeod.
Duncan: [Duncan being sarcastic] I'm scared.
Johnny: [Johnny walks off, threatening Duncan] You're dead. Dead man!

Duncan: Did you really kill all those people?
Methos: Yes, is that what you to hear? Killing was all I knew, is *that* what you want to hear?
Duncan: It's enough
Methos: No, it is not enough. I killed, but I didn't just kill fifty, I didn't just kill a hundred. I killed thousand. I killed ten thousand. And I was good at it. And it wasn't for vengeance. It wasn't for greed. It was because I liked it. Cassandra was nothing, her village was nothing. Do you know who I was? *Death*! Death. Death on horse! When mothers warned their children that the monster would get them, that monster was me. I was the nightmare that kept them awake at night. Is that was you want to hear? Then the answer... is yes. Oh, yes.