The Best Cassia Quotes

Cassia: Senator, you have mistaken me for the kind of woman who drapes herself across your lap in Rome.

Corvus: What exactly is that slave to you?
Cassia: Everything that you are not.

Ariadne: He made you feel alive?
Cassia: He made me feel... safe.

Cassia: Is this the end of the world? Why would the gods let this happen?

Cassia: I don't want to spend our last moments running.

Cassia: I couldn't believe he had the strength to do that.
Ariadne: Then you didn't see his muscles?
Cassia: That's not what I meant.

Cassia: [witnessing arena massacre] Is this what you call sport?
Corvus: No, Lady Cassia, this is not sport. This is politics.

Cassia: If you ride, you have a chance at freedom.
Milo: But at what cost to you?

Cassia: You could ride before you were a gladiator?
Milo: I could ride before I could walk.

Ariadne: [witnessing Milo kill an injured horse] Why would the brute do that?
Cassia: Because it was the kindest thing to do.

Cassia: Men killing each other for amusement is not a sport.

Cassia: Too many arrogant men who flatter you with their presence.