Top 50 Quotes From Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje

Mr. Eko: Go... and tell your friends I let you live -- that Mr. Eko let you live.

Atticus: Now who's the poor bastard who has to die for my freedom?

Milo: Why did you save my life?
Atticus: No gladiator should die from a blade to the back. When you die it should be to the front and it will come from my hand.
Milo: Well, I can make you a better promise: When you die, it will be quick and it will come from my hand.

Mr. Eko: Hello. I have something I think you should see. If you don't mind, I will begin at the beginning. Long before Christ, the king of Judah was a man named Josiah.
John: Boy, when you say beginning, you mean *beginning*.

Kip: Please, go back! You disgrace us all when you act like a fool.
Simon: Move out of my way.
Kip: We're African brothers. I know you see that.
Simon: Look at all this black skin around.
Kip: No, you and I are different.
Simon: I'm no different.
Kip: Yoruba! Who have they turned you into?
Simon: Who are you?
Kip: Who are YOU?

Lock: When the time comes, I shall truly enjoy killing you.
Alex: But until that time, you better be a *little* nicer to me. Now, where's my water?
[Lock-Nah shoves a container of water into Alex's hands]
Alex: No ice?

Kenny: Adebisi, you still got the gun?
Simon: Lower your voice.
Kenny: You still got it?
Simon: Yes.
Kenny: And when you gonna use it?
Simon: I'm not.
Kenny: Then what the fuck is the point of having a gun if you don't use the shit?
Simon: If I use the gun, I end up in the hole, solitary or death row. No, our goal was to get rid of McManus, remember? To have a black man running Emerald City.
Kenny: Yeah, like you can make that happen?
Simon: I can, depending on who I get to shoot the gun, and who gets shot.
Kenny: I don't understand, man.
Simon: Of course you don't, Kenny. Of course you don't.

Proculus: [haughtily as he stabs Atticus] A Gladiator cannot/can never be equal to a Roman
Atticus: [breaks blade and drags Proculus' head down onto it] Then let's see if a Roman can die the equal to a Gladiator
Proculus: [as the broken blade hits his jaw] Wait... Please
Atticus: [stabs him] Gladiators... DO... NOT... BEG!

Harley: [at a bar] Whatcha having, K.C.?
Deadshot: Bloody Mary, right?
Killer: Drink dulls the mind.
Harley: K.C., it's the end of the world. Have a drink with us.
Killer: Beer.
Captain: There he is. Give the man a beer.
Harley: How about you, hot stuff?
Diablo: Water.
Harley: That's a good idea, honey.
[pours water]
Harley: Ninja? You want some sake?
Katana: Whiskey.
Harley: Whiskey.
Deadshot: [points to shot glass] What am I, 12?

Mr. Eko: I did not ask for the life that I was given. But it was given, nonetheless. And with it... I did my best.

Simon: I admire you, more than I desire you.

Atticus: What is your name? We will have to speak at some point.
Milo: No, we don't. What we have to do is kill each other at some point. So my name's my own, I have no interest in learning yours.

[Malko the slaver presents Jorah Mormont at the auction. His description consists of various imprecisions and exaggerations]
Malko: A rare find for the fighting pits, my friends. Not your usual street tough or drunken pirate. This one's a Westerosi knight from an ancient house trained in sword and lance. He fought beside the stag king Robert on the far side of the Narrow Sea. He was first through the breach during the Siege of Spyke, slaughtering 50 men with his flaming sword. He killed the great Khal Drogo in single combat. Betrayed by his woman, he sold himself into slavery to repay his debts.

Alex: Are we there yet?
Lock: No.
Alex: Are we there yet?
Lock: No.
[question and response repeated many times with Lock-Nah getting angrier]
Alex: Are we there...
[Lock-Nah stabs his knife right between Alex's fingers]
Alex: Whoa! That was amazing! Perfect aim.
Lock: What are you talking about? I missed.

Captain: [to Diablo] And the kids?
Harley: He killed them. Didn't you?
Harley: Own that shit. Own it! What'd you think was gonna happen? Huh?
Deadshot: Hey, Harley. Come on.
Harley: What, you were just... Thinking you can have a happy family and coach little leagues, and make car payments? Normal's a setting on the dryer. People like us, we don't get normal!
Captain: [yelling] Why is it always a knife fight every single time you open your mouth? You know, outside you're amazing. But inside, you're ugly.
Harley: We all are. We all are! Except for him.
[looks at Killer Croc]
Harley: He's ugly on the outside, too.
Killer: Not me, shorty. I'm beautiful.
Harley: Yeah, you are.

[O'Reily has just offered to arrange for Adebisi to meet a woman sitting on death row]
Simon: O'Reily, if she sucks my cock, I'll suck yours.
Ryan: That's an appetizing thought. Pass.

Kenny: Happy birthday to me. Happy motherfucking birthday to me. Happy motherfucking birthday...
Simon: Kenny. Happy Birthday to you.
[blows out candle]

Mr. Eko: Climb that tree and perhaps we'll be able to get your bearings or see the plane.
Charlie: You climb it! What if I don't? You gonna beat me with your Jesus stick?

Mr. Eko: I did not ask for the life that I was given, but it was given nonetheless, and with it I did my best.

Simon: [grabs Said after learning he's being transferred out of Em City] So, the end is near, huh?
Kareem: No! More likely things are gonna go back to the way they were before!
Simon: Not for me - for you!
[holds a shank to Said's throat]
Kareem: You said you weren't gonna kill me!
Kareem: You swore to Allah that you were my brother!
Kareem: And I meant that.
Kareem: LIAR! I gave you that tape as a final test or your loyalty, your friendship - your love!
[cuts Said on the cheek]
Kareem: [screams, starts to struggle with Adebisi. The sounds radiate outside into Em City. All the inmates and COs stare in anticipation. Suddenly, a large blood stain appears on the curtains blocking their view]
Simon: [Bursts out the door, staggering. Walks a few steps, laughs, spits out blood. Finally, falls over dead. The inmates start shouting in disbelief]
Officer: [into his radio] This is 25, we got a 16!
Kareem: [the inmates rush up the stairs, but are blocked by COs as he stumbles out of the cell, breathing heavily, covered in blood and holding the shank]
Officer: [takes out his nightstick] Drop it. Drop it! Drop the shank!
Kareem: [throws the shank to the ground, and is restrained by a CO]
Zahir: Imam! Imam!

[Duke takes down Snake-Eyes with a leg sweep]
Sergeant: [to Duke, indicating to stop fighting] Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ahh!
Breaker: [to Heavy Duty] I've never seen Snake-Eyes take a hit.
Sergeant: [to Heavy Duty and Breaker] They're Joes!
Heavy: [scoffs] Maybe.

Tobias: I didn't kill Shemin.
Simon: Yeah, but you fucked him, though.
Tobias: Once. He was lousy.
[Browne slams Beecher's head against a desk]
Tobias: So were you, Mondo!
[Browne slams his head again]

Dr. Jack Shephard: You were supposed to come right back. You were out in the jungle all night. What happened?
Mr. Eko: We were unable to find Henry's trail.
Dr. Jack Shephard: Yeah, I got that.

Simon: Hello, boys.
#97P468: We gotta talk.
Simon: So talk.
Enrique: The fuck you doin'? We're your partners. You think you're gonna fuck us over and we're just gonna take it up the ass?
Simon: [chuckles] Morales, nobody wants your ass.
#97P468: Johnson hits me with his fucking stick, throws Zanghi in the hole? That ain't the fuckin' deal, Adebisi.
Enrique: Besides, it's been ten days since we've seen any green. You pocketing the profits?
Simon: No, there's plenty of profits. But there's been a change in the organization.
Enrique: Yeah, how's that?
Simon: Well, you know, we three were partners... and now we're not.
Enrique: What?
Simon: I don't need you boys anymore.
Enrique: You looking to start a war?
Simon: You know, if there was a war, you'd lose. Look around.
[points out that Em City is 90% populated with black inmates]
Simon: You see all these faces? They match mine. No, boys, there won't be any war.
#97P468: And why the fuck not?
Simon: Because you and your pal are about to take a little holiday over to Unit B.
Enrique: What? When?
Simon: [motions to two black COs approaching behind them] Oh, look. I would say now.
Simon: Hey, I'm gonna miss you. Say "hi" to Schillinger for me, huh?

Prisoner: I'm concerned about the agitation that's out there since Khan got flattened.
Raoul: I'm know what you mean, man. I hear a lot of shit coming out of your mouth.
Simon: It's not shit.
Raoul: Look, I ain't saying you cocoa locos haven't been fucked over in life. I have been too. But all these noises you're making will fuck things up around here.
Prisoner: You can't move tits if you're in lockdown 24/7.
Simon: There are some things more important than tits. More important than money.
[Adebisi leaves]
Raoul: More important than money? He's in his loco mode again, man.

Mr. Eko: I ask for no forgiveness, Father, for I have not sinned. I have only done what I needed to do to survive. A small boy once asked me if I was a bad man. If I could answer him now, I would tell him that... when I was a young boy, I killed a man to save my brother's life. I am not sorry for this. I am proud of this.

Milo: This isn't a battle. This is a massacre.
Atticus: How do you know?
Milo: Because I was there.

Ana: What? You talking now?
Mr. Eko: It's been forty days.
Ana: You've been waiting forty days to talk?
Mr. Eko: You waited forty days to cry.

Mr. Eko: Don't mistake coincidence for fate.

Alex: Hey! The Book of the Dead!
Meela: What a bright little child. Your mother must be missing you terribly. If you wish to see her again, you'd better behave.
Alex: Lady, I don't behave for my parents. What makes you think I'm going to do it for you?
Lock: Silence!
Meela: Because your parents wouldn't slip poisonous snakes into your bed...
[kisses Alex on the cheek]
Meela: ...while you were sleeping.

Heavy: Standing in front of you are Delta-6 Accelerator suits.
Ripcord: What does it accelerate?
Heavy: You. It'll make you run faster, jump higher and hit harder than any of your enemies. Let's suit up.

Antonio: So Adebisi, how come you want to work in the AIDS ward with all those fags?
Simon: You know, it's funny. Out there I hated them, but in here, well, sometimes you need your dick sucked.
Antonio: Yeah, well that's the difference between you and me. I've got some self control.

Simon: Make me a dress, bitch.

Sister: Simon, after the riot, you went into severe heroin withdrawal. I thought you kicked the habit?
Simon: I did.
Sister: Oh, come on. These reports say you're still using. Now, I want you to come to drug counseling.
Simon: Rehab is bullshit. No offense.
Sister: Fine. Then I'll have you tested for drug use every week and if you keep using, I'll send you to the Psych Ward. Have you ever been to the Psych Ward here, Simon? Peter Schibetta's there, along with twenty other guys who've lost all sense of reality.
Simon: Reality? Oz?

Murphy: Gentlemen, this room here is the, uh, computer room. Call me crazy, but I think when I see people in this room, they should be using computers. But you three aren't, which leads me to guess, you know, 'cause I'm such a bright fella, that you're here for a different reason. Now forgive me for being distrustful, that probably means you're up to no good.
[Guerra and Hernandez get up to leave]
Murphy: That's right, take a hike. Let's go. You too, Simon.
Simon: I am using the computer.
Murphy: Ah. Well, can I give you one little small suggestion? Turn it on.

Antonio: Adebisi, I don't get it. Why would you want to transfer out of the cafeteria to take care of a bunch of fags, huh?
Simon: You don't like fags?
Antonio: What do you think?
Simon: Well, out there, I hated them. But here, sometimes you need your dick sucked.

Kenny: That's fucking what I heard. Rebadow collected like 3 G's. And that money's gone tomorrow. Know what? I'm thinking we go to Rebadow, we take the dough, and so these other fucks don't get mad, we make Rebadow swear he sent it.
Simon: No.
Kenny: What do you mean, no? It's $3,000.
Simon: I said no.
Kenny: Why?
Simon: 'Cause sometimes it's good to be human.

Yemi: Leave this church now, Eko. Go, now.
Mr. Eko: Yemi, I understand that you live in a world where righteousness and evil seem very far apart, but that is not the real world.

[the slavers decide to chop Tyrion's cock]
Tyrion: Wait. WAIT! Wait, wait! Wait, you can't just hand a dried cock to a merchant and expect him to pay for it! He has to know it came from a dwarf! And how could he know unless he sees the dwarf?
Slaver: It will be a dwarf-sized cock.
Tyrion: Guess again!
Malko: The dwarf lives until we find a cock merchant.

Heavy: I'll create a distraction from outside and keep them busy while you lot infiltrate the facility from above. We'll find Duke...
Ripcord: grab the warheads...
Shana: kill all the bad guys.

Milo: You trust them to keep their word?
Atticus: I trust the law.

Atticus: For those of us about to die, we salute you. I die a free man!

Kenny: Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy motherfuckin' birthday...
Simon: [puts his arm around him] To Kenny. Happy birthday to you.
[blows out candle]

Mr. Eko: The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, I fear no evil; for thou art with me. Thy rod, thy staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. Thou annointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the House of the Lord, forever. Amen.

Lock: The Book of the Dead gives life.
Meela: And The Book of the Living... takes life away.
Lock: I thought that was my job.

[Querns just took over Em City]
Martin: For me, drugged-out prisoners make for a quiet cell block. So you can sell whatever you want to whoever you want. I don't care. I'll be looking the other way.
Simon: On one condition, right?
Martin: Gee, you *are* a smart one. One condition. No violence, I mean none! ZERO!

Tough: It is true what they say about you.
Mr. Eko: And what is that?
Tough: You have no soul.

[Charlie plays the guitar]
Mr. Eko: Charlie! Do you know how they got the hatch door open?
[Charlie stops]
Charlie: No, but if you hum it, I can probably play it.
[Charlie plays again and Eko holds him]
Mr. Eko: How did they open it - the door that says "quarantine"?

Mr. Eko: Did you see it?
Charlie: Yeah, I saw it. What the bloody hell did you do?
Mr. Eko: I did nothing.
Charlie: Most people, when they see a creature made of swirling black smoke, they run.
Mr. Eko: I was not afraid of it.

Atticus: You are right, brother. Everything they promised - nothing but lies.