The Best Charles Harker Quotes

Charles: [inside a CIA briefing room] We need the press on this like we need a third tit.
Nathan: [inside a CIA briefing room] You using the other two?

Nathan: [inside a CIA briefing room] When I was a kid I used to spend summers on my uncle's farm. And he had this plow horse he used to work with everyday. He really loved that plow horse. One summer she came up lame. It could barely stand. The vet offered to put her down. You know what my uncle said?
Charles: [inside a CIA briefing room] No, Muir, what did he say?
Nathan: [inside a CIA briefing room] He said, why would I ask somebody else to kill a horse that belonged to me?

Charles: [looking at Muir's wall with awards and commendation medals hung on them] If these walls could talk, huh. All this history, I envy you.
Nathan: Then bag your job, you can be just like me.
Charles: No, really. The debt this country owes you guys.
Nathan: Chuck, are you gonna dance with your hand on my ass all night or are you gonna make your move?

Troy: [re-enters the room looking faintly amused] There's been... an incident, in China.
Charles: [looks confused for a moment, then shocked as he realises that Muir has played them all] Oh, Jesus Christ.

Charles: So, sir, you and Muir came up together, right?
Troy: Mmm-hmm.
Charles: How well do you know him?
Troy: No one knows Nathan, not really.
Charles: Do you trust him?
Troy: He's a man who got the job done.

Charles: Maybe the payoff went to
[peruses paper]
Charles: ... Digby Gibson, when you tipped off the press.
Nathan: Troy?
Troy: Leave Digger outta this! His paper's a front; he's MI6's man in Hong Kong!