Top 50 Quotes From Robert Redford

Pop: You know my mama wanted me to be a farmer.
Roy: My dad wanted me to be a baseball player.
Pop: Well you're better than any player I ever had. And you're the best God damn hitter I ever saw. Suit up.

Butch: Jeesh, all Bolivia can't look like this.
Sundance: How do you know? This might be the garden spot of the whole country. People may travel hundreds of miles just to get to this spot where we're standing now. This might be the Atlantic City, New Jersey of all Bolivia for all you know.
Butch: Look, I know a lot more about Bolivia than you know about Atlantic City, New Jersey, I can tell you that!
Sundance: Aha! You do, huh? I was born there, I was born in New Jersey. Was brought up there, so...
Butch: You're from the east? I didn't know that.
Sundance: The total tonnage of what you don't know is enough to shatter...
Etta: I'm not sure we're accomplishing as much as we'd like here.
Sundance: Listen, your job is to back me up, because you'd starve without me. And you, your job is to shut up!
Butch: He'll feel a lot better after he's robbed a couple of banks.
Sundance: Bolivia. Hahahaha...

Butch: Who's the best lawman?
Sundance: The best, how? You mean toughest? Or easiest to bribe?
Butch: Toughest.
Sundance: Joe Lefors.
Butch: Got to be.
Sundance: Lefors never leaves Wyoming, never. You know that.
Butch: He always wears a white skimmer. That's how you tell it's Joe Lefors, 'cause he always wears a white straw hat. Look at that guy out front.
[Butch and Sundance start running]
Butch: Who are those guys?

Charles: [inside a CIA briefing room] We need the press on this like we need a third tit.
Nathan: [inside a CIA briefing room] You using the other two?

Max: You read my mind.
Roy: That takes all of three seconds.

Macon: Well, looks like you just about cleaned everybody out, fella. You haven't lost a hand since you got to deal. What's the secret of your success?
Sundance: [pause] Prayer.

Butch: They'll never follow us.
Sundance: How do you know?
Butch: Would you jump if you didn't have to?
Sundance: I have to and I'm not gonna.

Nathan: We didn't know when the Doc was going to be giving the Sheik his physical but it was our one and only opportunity to take him out. So I didn't have the usual time to butter him up. Which means we needed twice the sex with half the foreplay.

Gus: If it isn't enough, tell us what you had in mind.
Roy: To hit away.

Roy: The only thing I know about the dark is you can't see in it.

Sundance: Look out there!
Butch: What?
Sundance: Remember a few years ago when we were at a saloon in Denver? We got to talking to some gambler that night, and he told us about an Indian. A full-blooded Indian, except he called himself by an English name. Sir... somebody.
Butch: Lord Baltimore?
Sundance: Lord Baltimore, that's right, and he could track anybody, over anything, day or night.
Butch: So?
Sundance: The guy on the ground. I think it's him.
Butch: No, Baltimore works out of Oklahoma. He's strictly an Oklahoma man. I don't know where we are, but it sure as Hell isn't Oklahoma. No, it couldn't be him. Couldn't be him.
Sundance: I guess.

Pop: I'd have walked away from baseball and I'd have bought a farm.
Roy: Nothing like a farm. Nothing like being around animals, fixing things. There's nothing like being in the field with the corn and the winter wheat. The greenest stuff you ever saw.
Pop: You know, my mother told me I ought to be a farmer.
Roy: My dad wanted me to be a baseball player.
Pop: You're better than anyone I ever had. And you're the best goddamned hitter I ever saw. Suit up.

[while being chased by the posse]
Sundance: You remember the time you and me and Etta went to Denver one summer for a vacation?
Butch: I'm glad you brought that up, Kid. That's an important topic, considering our situation.
Sundance: The night we went gambling, you remember?
Butch: We had dinner at the hotel. Etta had roast beef and I had chicken, and if I can remember what you had, I'll die a happy man.

Roy: I'll take some coffee, then.
[Hobbs finds ball and glove on couch after viewing framed photos placed on furniture]
Iris: It's my son's. he means the world to me. he's a great kid.
Roy: I'll bet he is. I'd like to meet him.
Iris: He's coming pretty soon.
Roy: Is he with his father?
Iris: No. His father lives in New York. But, I'm thinking he needs his father; he's at that age. He needs him.
Roy: Sure. A father makes all the difference.
Iris: [music starts as she turns her gaze away from the conversation and whispers] Yeah.
[looks at son's photo, turns to Hobbs and embraces him]
Iris: You gotta catch a train.
Roy: I can stay.
Iris: I think you'd better go.
Roy: Yeah. Okay.
Iris: Where to next?
Roy: Boston. Sorry I missed your boy.

Butch: Don't they get tired? Don't they get hungry?
Sundance: They gotta be.
Butch: Why don't they slow up? Hell, they could even go faster, at least that'd be a change. They don't even break formation. Do something.

Gladys: [in Muir's office] What is this about?
Nathan: [in Muir's office] Money. Free trade, microchips, toaster ovens.
Gladys: [in Muir's office] And what does that have to do with you?
Nathan: [to Gladys as he leaves the office] Nothing.

Percy: [singing] Oh don't you remember sweet Betsy from Pike / Crossed the high mountains with her lover Ike / Two yoke of oxen and big yellow dog / Called Shanghai rooster and one spotted hog / Hoodle-dang-hootie-i-doh, hoodle-dang-hootie-ay, hoodle-dang-hootie-i-doh, hoodle-dang-hootie-ay / Shanghai ran off and the cattle all died / last piece of bacon that morning was fried...
Butch: [interrupting] I think they're in the trees up ahead.
Sundance: In the bushes on the left.
Butch: I'm telling you they're in the trees up ahead.
Sundance: You take the trees, I'll take the bushes.
Percy: Will you two beginners cut it out.
Butch: Well, we're just trying to spot an ambush, Mr. Garris.
Percy: Morons. I've got morons on my team. Nobody is going to rob us going down the mountain. We have got no money going down the mountain. When we have got the money, on the way back, then you can sweat.

Butch: Well, the way I figure it, we can either fight or give. If we give, we go to jail.
Sundance: I've been there already.
Butch: We could fight - they'll stay right where they are and starve us out. Or go for position, shoot us. Might even get a rock slide started, get us that way. What else can they do?
Sundance: They could surrender to us, but I wouldn't count on that.

[during a gunfight with the Bolivian police, Butch and Sundance run low on ammunition]
Butch: Reloading. That's all I got. We're going to run out unless we can get to that mule and get some more.
Sundance: I'll go.
Butch: This is no time for bravery. I'll let ya! Loaded.
Butch: [after considering the scenario] Hell! I'm the one that has to go.
Sundance: Why you?
Butch: 'Cause I could never give you cover. You can cover me. You can see I'm right, can't you?
Sundance: You go.
Butch: Yeah, why am I always so damn smart?

Nathan: [while siting in a restaurant while every diner at every table and every restaurant employee] The man reading the menu. Threat?
Tom: [seeing the reflection of the image of the man through a metal dome watching the hostess] Only to the hostess.

Tom: So, when do I get my first assignment?
Nathan: When I decide you're ready.

Charles: [looking at Muir's wall with awards and commendation medals hung on them] If these walls could talk, huh. All this history, I envy you.
Nathan: Then bag your job, you can be just like me.
Charles: No, really. The debt this country owes you guys.
Nathan: Chuck, are you gonna dance with your hand on my ass all night or are you gonna make your move?

Nathan: I take it you didn't get to be a marksman putting food on your mama's table.
Tom: No, sir. We have a Safeway back home.
Nathan: Where'd you leard to shoot?
Tom: Boy scouts, sir.
Nathan: What, are you kidding me?
Tom: No, sir.

[performing their first robbery in Bolivia]
Butch: [spanish] Manos a... Manos, um...
[Butch pulls out a card that helps him remember his words]
Butch: Manos arriba!
Sundance: They got 'em up! Skip on down.
Butch: Arriba!
Sundance: Skip on down!
Butch: Todos ustedes "arrismense" a la pared.
Sundance: They're against the wall already!
Butch: Donde... Ah, you're so damn smart, You read it!

Nathan: She had worked both ends against the middle for so long, the middle decided to give up and go home.

Tom: [talking privately on a stair case] Central Intelligence?
Nathan: [talking privately on a stair case] You'd be working for me. Mostly undercover.

Tom: Happy?
Nathan: Seventy-four casualties, an apartment block leveled, one dead terrorist? Yeah, happy.
Tom: We have some fucked up barometer for success, don't we?

Sundance: Well, I think I'll get saddled up and go looking for a woman.
Butch: Good hunting.
Sundance: Shouldn't take more than a couple of days. I'm not picky. As long as she's smart, pretty, and sweet, and gentle, and tender, and refined, and lovely, and carefree...

The: I thought I could rely on your honor, Hobbs?
Roy: You're about to.

Butch: Kid, there's something I ought to tell you. I never shot anybody before.
Sundance: One hell of a time to tell me!

Sundance: Did you say they were hired permanent?
Etta: No, just until they kill you.

Butch: Once they divide up, we take them, no trouble, right?
Sundance: Maybe.
Butch: Boy, for a gunman, you're one hell of a pessimist.

Butch: Is that what you call giving cover?
Sundance: Is that what you call running? If I knew you were going to stroll...

Pop: Batting practice tomorrow, be there!
Roy: I have been. Every day.

Roy: Red, it took me sixteen years to get here. You play me, and I'll give ya the best I got.
Red: I believe ya.

Tom: She's just someone I used to get to the camp.
Nathan: She gonna be of any more use to us?
Tom: Not to us.

Butch: You know, when I was a kid, I always thought I'd grow up to be a hero.
Sundance: Well, it's too late now.
Butch: What'd you say that for? You didn't have to say something like that.

Nathan: [to Duncan over the phone] If I'm walking into a shit storm I wanna know which way the wind's blowing.

Roy: I guess some mistakes you never stop paying for.

Red: Pretty good food, huh?
Roy: Damn good.
Red: You can't spell it, but it eats pretty good, don't it?

Nathan: [inside a CIA briefing room] When I was a kid I used to spend summers on my uncle's farm. And he had this plow horse he used to work with everyday. He really loved that plow horse. One summer she came up lame. It could barely stand. The vet offered to put her down. You know what my uncle said?
Charles: [inside a CIA briefing room] No, Muir, what did he say?
Nathan: [inside a CIA briefing room] He said, why would I ask somebody else to kill a horse that belonged to me?

Butch: Well, that ought to do it.
[after blowing the train car to smithereens]
Sundance: Think ya used enough dynamite there, Butch?

Pop: Hobbs. I'm sending you down Hobbs, Class B ball. Tomorrow you go to the Great Lakes Assocaition.
Roy: All right. You make the rules.
Pop: That's right, that's right and you ain't been playing by 'em. Don't you remember signing a contract!
Roy: I remember signing a contract, to play ball not to be put to sleep by some two bit carney hypnotist! I won't do that Pop! I can't.

[Butch just rode with Etta on his bicycle]
Sundance: Hey, what are you doin'?
Butch: Stealin' your woman?
Sundance: [pause] Take her.
Sundance: Take her.
Butch: Well, you're a romantic bastard, I'll give you that.

Roy: I coulda been better. I coulda broke every record in the book.
Iris: And then?
Roy: And then? And then when I walked down the street people would've looked and they would've said there goes Roy Hobbs, the best there ever was in this game.

[arriving in Bolivia]
Butch: You know, it could be worse. You get a lot more for your money in Bolivia, I checked on it.
Sundance: What could they have here that you could possibly want to buy?

Butch: Ah, you're wasting your time. They can't track us over rocks.
Sundance: Tell them that.
Butch: [after looking for himself] They're beginning to get on my nerves. Who are those guys?

Tom: [talking privately in a bar] I thought spies drank martinis.
Nathan: [talking privately in a bar] Scotch, never less than twelve years old.
Tom: [talking privately in a bar] Is that right? Agency rules?
Nathan: [talking privately in a bar] My rules.

Nick: Why make me head of SHIELD?
Alexander: Because you're the best. And the most ruthless person I ever met.
Nick: I did what I did to protect people.
Alexander: Our enemies are your enemies, Nick. Disorder, war. It's just a matter of time before a dirty bomb goes off in Moscow, or an EMP fries Chicago. Diplomacy? Holding action, a band-aid. And you know where I learned that; Bogota. You didn't ask, you just did what had to be done. I can bring order to the lives of seven billion people by sacrificing twenty million. It's the next step, Nick, if you have the courage to take it.
Nick: No, I have the courage not to.
[Moves to the retinal scanner]
Alexander: You don't you think we wiped your clearance from the system?
Nick: I know you erased my password. Probably deleted my retinal scan. But if you want to stay ahead of me, Mr. Secretary...
[removes his eye patch]
Nick: ... you need to keep both eyes open.

Charles: Maybe the payoff went to
[peruses paper]
Charles: ... Digby Gibson, when you tipped off the press.
Nathan: Troy?
Troy: Leave Digger outta this! His paper's a front; he's MI6's man in Hong Kong!