The Best Ciri Quotes

Ciri: You're right, Clop. Or are you Clip? Gods, what kind of crazy person talks to a horse?

Ciri: There were also some men from Cintra who found me. They were going to take me to the Knight to collect a reward. But I... I wasn't scared that time. I just... I knew what could happen.
Geralt: You screamed.
Ciri: I killed them, Geralt.
Geralt: How many were there?
Ciri: Four.
Geralt: [Shrugs] Only four? You've got some catching up to do.

[boy] There's no way you can get five.
Ciri: You're not taking a bite of that bread before I try it.
Pavetta: We've been right here.
- The whole time.
[echoes] …the whole time…

- I'll check that it's safe to cross.
Ciri: What do you mean, safe?
- I'll try and draw it out first.
Ciri: Draw what out?
- -[Geralt] It's some kind of chernobog.
- -I don't know what that is.
- -But let me help--
- -Stay here.

- Power couldn't do it, even when you had it at your fingertips.
- -What makes you think it's the answer now?
- -Because it's all I have left!
Ciri: I almost had it.
- I can do it.
Geralt: You can do anything.
- Doesn't mean you have to.

Ciri: You don't really give a shit about what I want. All you care about is your damn duty. So long as I'm breathing, you've done your part. I need more than that.

Ciri: Geralt said you saved his life.
Triss: He found himself in my kingdom a time ago. Helped me with a princess in trouble.
Geralt: Nastier than you, even.

- Farewell, special one.
Ciri: Thank you.
- For everything.
- Bye.

Ciri: I don't know what to do.
- Please, don't go.
- Don't go, please.
Geralt: I know you're afraid, Ciri, but what you see in there…
- -[sighs]
- -…it isn't real.

Ciri: Geralt!
- Geralt, get back here!

Ciri: What are you doing?
- How long will it hold?
- As long as I hold.

Ciri: You know, my grandmother fought battles *and* wore dresses. You can do both.
Geralt: I know.

Zola: You need to be careful, child. This place isn't safe if you're alone.
Ciri: Then it's the same as every other place.

Ciri: [Echoing, as if possessed] Verily, I say unto you the era of the sword and the ax is nigh, the era of the Wolf's Blizzard. The Time of the White Chill and the White Light is nigh... the Time of Madness and the Time of Contempt.

Ciri: I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened.
Yennefer: When you have power like this, never apologize.

Dara: I would do anything to forget who I was.
Ciri: I can't. I have to find my destiny.
Dara: Why? Because your grandmother said you should? Maybe you should start thinking for yourself. Because she is dead. And you are here.

Ciri: You really expect me to believe that unicorns exist?
Yennefer: Of course they do. I used to own a stuffed one. Until it broke. Under mysterious circumstances.
Ciri: Well, I'd love to see one some day.
Geralt: You'd be in rare company. They only approach those who are pure of heart.
[Turns to Yen]
Geralt: Which reminds me, how did you get your hands on one?
Yennefer: [Mock offended] Good sir! I'm a beacon of purity.

Geralt: Fear is an illness. If you catch it and you leave it untreated, it can consume you.
Ciri: How do you treat it?
Geralt: You face it.

Lambert: What's the difference between a witcher and a heap of shit?
Coen: Well, go on, then.
Lambert: Eventually, the shit will stop smelling.
Coen: That joke's old as the Conjunction.
Lambert: Well, you tell me one, then, you comedic fuck.
Coen: All right. What do you call a witcher with no brains?
Ciri: Lambert?

Triss: Why do you want this so badly, Ciri?
Ciri: Because I am sick of feeling lost. Everything I was told my whole life was a lie. And the people I loved most in this world were taken from me before I could find the truth.
Triss: What you're doing won't change any of that.
Ciri: But it might help me find a new truth.

Queen: [Injured] You will rule this land someday. You know that, don't you?
Ciri: Why are you saying all this? Are you dying?
Queen: My sweet child, when I go, it will be far more dramatic than this.

Ciri: How can it look the same when everyone I've known is gone?

- Four.
- Only four?
- You've got some catching up to do.
Ciri: So, what now?
Geralt: Good question.
- I'm hoping we'll find our answers there.

Geralt: I sleep like shit too.
Ciri: You don't sleep at all.
Geralt: Makes for fewer nightmares.

Ciri: Who is Yennefer?

Yennefer: Magic. It's lodged in you. Like a spiked arrow. It wounds you. Deeply. But it's a strange sort of pain. Combined with... bliss. Trust me. It's all you'll ever need. It's everything.
Ciri: I want to believe you. I really do, but... when you had magic, you controlled the Chaos. But it controls *me*.

Ciri: I almost had it. I can do it.
Geralt: You can do anything. Doesn't mean you have to.

Ciri: Shh.
Geralt: Easy, girl.
- -Is there anything we can do?
- -[sighs]

Voleth: I'm not here to grant wishes. I'm simply a guide to get you exactly what you deserve. Just ask your friends.
Yennefer: I deserve to survive. I've earned it. I deserve access to Chaos.
Voleth: I know how you can get it. How you can steal it
Yennefer: Steal what?
Ciri: [the old witch shapeshifters] Me.
Yennefer: And who are you?
Ciri: I'm the key to you getting your power back. And a great deal more than that. All you have to do is deliver me to the right lock. A shattered black door just outside Cintra.

Ciri: How did you spend your days when you first came here?
Geralt: I was beaten and starved.

Vereena: Why do you travel with that man? I know what he is. He kills things.
Ciri: Monsters, yes. Kills them. Are you a monster?
Vereena: Are you a monster because you are different?
Ciri: Monsters do bad things to people.
Vereena: Humans do bad things to everybody.

Ciri: I miss my home.
Geralt: Cintra isn't safe for you any more.
Ciri: Then what about Skellige? I have people there too. I'd be safe there.
Geralt: If you want. But you'd be married off to the nearest Lord of Bad Breath. He'd be seeking to claim your throne too.
Geralt: The food is good there, though.