Top 100 Quotes From Geralt of Rivia

Nivellen: The North and South at war, monsters roaming when they should be hibernating, pestilence sweeping the land... Maybe it's the end of days.
Geralt: I've lived through a whole dark age and three supposed end of days. It's all horseshit.

Marilka: You don't scare me.
Geralt: That's too bad.

Geralt: Every time I'm near you, I say more in five minutes than I've said in weeks. And I always regret it.

Geralt: Could a mage have made this?
Triss: Theoretically. But generating monsters has been outlawed for centuries.
Geralt: [Sarcastic] Oh, outlawed. So definitely not a mage, then.

Jaskier: I heard your note, and, yes, you're right, maybe real adventures would make better stories. And you, sir, smell chock-full of them. Amongst other things.
Jaskier: I mean, what is that? Is that onion? It doesn't matter. Whatever it is, you smell of death and destiny. Heroics and heartbreak.
Geralt: [Flatly] It's onion.

Istredd: Historians have always theorized that monoliths are scars from the Conjunction. Leftover points of impact.
Geralt: Yes. I *have* read books before.

Téa: When the dragoness was injured, her cry was heard by Villentretenmerth.
Véa: But the egg could not be moved or the life inside it would die.
Geralt: That's why the dragon attacked.
Yennefer: She was protecting her baby.
Téa: And then we heard about the King's hunt, realized we had to keep our enemies close.
Borch: So I came to find you, the white-haired witcher, the knight who was taught to save dragons instead of kill them.

Giant: A fee for entrance.
Geralt: A fee to see the mayor? This is urgent.
Giant: I don't make the rules. But money opens all doors.
Geralt: Hm.
[Takes out coin pouch and knocks the guard unconscious with it]
Geralt: So it does.

Istredd: Monsters didn't exist on this plane before the Conjunction. All species were separated on different spheres till those spheres merged into one. A Conjunction like that would've required two things. A massive surge of energy and... and conduits to channel it. Now, what if the monoliths aren't points of impact? What if they're the conduits?
Geralt: ...I worry about you mages more and more. Perhaps humans just shouldn't live for so long.

Jaskier: [sotto] All right, so stay close to me, look mean and pretend you're a mute. Can't have anyone finding out who you actually are...
Mousesack: [booming] Geralt of Rivia, the mighty witcher!
Jaskier: Shit...
Mousesack: I haven't seen you since the plague!
Geralt: Good times, Mousesack.
Mousesack: [laughs] I've missed your sour complexion.

Queen: How does a witcher find himself at my daughter's wedding feast dressed like a...
Geralt: I'm protecting the bard from vengeful royal cuckolds.
Queen: Hmm. Idiots, the lot of them.

Yurga: Look at these people. Innocent people, killed for what? So Nilfgaard can have more land? We owe it to 'em to do better.
Geralt: I'm not better.

- What is it?
Geralt: There are no guards.
- -[Ciri] Maybe hiding--
- -[Geralt] Quiet.
- There are no barking dogs, either.
- This place never sleeps.
- -So what now?
- -I know somewhere nearby. An old friend.

Ciri: I almost had it. I can do it.
Geralt: You can do anything. Doesn't mean you have to.

Borch: You worry if you blink, you'll never see her again. You're in love with her.
Geralt: Or... the danger here isn't the dragon.
Borch: That's why I brought you along, Geralt of Rivia. Nothing scares you.
Geralt: Huh. Then you don't know Yennefer of Vengerberg.

Geralt: At least when Filavandrel's blade kissed my throat, I didn't shit myself. Which is all I can hope for you, good lords. At your final breath, a shitless death. But I doubt it.

Geralt: Listen to me-...
Queen: I did listen once. Let a hedgehog into my court. It got me Pavetta dead. I won't lose Ciri too. So you and destiny can both fuck right off.

Triss: So that's all life is to you? Monsters and money?
Geralt: It's all it needs to be.
Triss: You say this is all life is to you, but there is a vortex of fate around all of us, Geralt, growing with each and every one of our choices... drawing our destinies in closer. I feel something out there waits for you. Something more.

Yurga: I'm just a simple merchant. I can't repay you for saving my life. But what I can offer you... is the Law of Surprise. That which I have but don't know.
Geralt: Just give me an ale and consider your debt paid.

[hearing the striga, Geralt leaves to confront her, leaving Ostrit bound to the bed]
Lord: No... no! Come back here! Please! You'd leave a man bound to die in such indignity?
Geralt: [without turning around] You're not a man.

Renfri: People call you a monster too. Why not kill them?
Geralt: Because then I am what they say I am.

Mousesack: If you dismiss it, leave without claiming this child surprise, you will surely unleash true calamity upon us all.
Geralt: I'll take that chance.

Jaskier: Gah, you are always so emotional! I mean, it's just yap, yap, yap with you sometimes.
[Mimicking Geralts voice]
Jaskier: "Oh, Jaskier, I'm so sad and complicated!"
Geralt: Shut up, Jaskier.
Jaskier: You shut up. That's a perfect impression of you, by the way.

Geralt: What happened?
Jaskier: Well, I was having a rather lovely dream which then turned into a nightmare. There were naked women in both parts. The first one was loving, tender, very generous. The second, significantly more terrifying.

Vesemir: It's her first night here. What did you expect?
Geralt: I was hoping she'd do as I say.
Vesemir: Kids never do what you say.

- Power couldn't do it, even when you had it at your fingertips.
- -What makes you think it's the answer now?
- -Because it's all I have left!
Ciri: I almost had it.
- I can do it.
Geralt: You can do anything.
- Doesn't mean you have to.

Jaskier: What are we looking for again?
Geralt: Blessed silence.

Danica: I hear that you have a daughter now. And I thought the softest thing about you was that you paid.
Geralt: She's not my daughter.
Danica: Oh. Well, in that case, I could take her in. She'd have the boys eating out of her hand...
[Geralt growls at her]
Danica: Ooh! And he says he's not a father.

Geralt: ...if I'm to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all.

Geralt: I will not suffer tonight sober just because you hid your sausage in the wrong royal pantry.

Yennefer: I've heard tales of your kind, witcher. You are a mutant. Created by magic. Roaming the continent. Hunting monsters... for a price. I thought you'd have fangs or horns or something.
Geralt: I had them filed down.

Geralt: I don't know.
- I need to see it for myself.
- I really didn't mean to do it, Geralt.
- And if these monsters are my fault…
- It's all right.
- I'll fix it.

Geralt: How long will he sleep for?
Yennefer: Long enough for you to bathe.
Geralt: I hardly think bathing in this house is going to leave me any cleaner.

Jaskier: You know, the Countess de Stael once said to me that destiny is just the embodiment of the soul's desire to grow.
Geralt: Did you sing to her before she left?
Jaskier: I did, actually, and she... Why, what are you implying? Oh...
[Getting upset]
Jaskier: We are *so* having this conversation. Come on, Geralt. Tell me. Be honest. How's my singing?
Geralt: It's like ordering a pie and finding it has no filling.

Vesemir: When you told me you called the Law of Surprise, I told you, "Big mistake". You said you promised you wouldn't claim the child. I said, "Good. Still a big mistake".
Geralt: I had to save her.
Vesemir: I know. And you knew I would call you out on it.

Boholt: [to Yennefer] How would you like to serve me tonight, Witch?
Geralt: Careful, Boholt.
Boholt: [chuckles] So, the Witcher wants to play knight too, hmm?
Geralt: No. She's plenty able of murdering you herself.

- Last I checked… we were 20.
- Now?
- Maybe less.
- You sure we're safe here?
Geralt: Keep up.

Geralt: Djinns are only dark creatures when held captive.
Yennefer: How can you be so sure?
Geralt: When did you last feel happy when you felt trapped?

Nenneke: Do you believe Yennefer means to harm the girl?
Geralt: I wish Yennefer knew of the balance you spoke of. More than you know, I wish it. But I learned my lesson about Yennefer and wishes.

- Yennefer?
- Yennefer…
- Yennefer!
Geralt: Yennefer!

Geralt: I take payment after the job is done and for a third of the price. An apology from my guild to yours.
Tsoka: And if you can't kill it?
Geralt: [Matter-of-fact] Then I die.

- Get back!
- You should've stayed dead.
Geralt: Stop!
- How?
- He's dead.
- She's dead.

Lord: What is it? I've done what you asked! What more can I do?
Geralt: Nothing, unless you can keep a striga out of her crypt until a fucking rooster crows three times!
Lord: [realizing] You're going to have to fight her until dawn.

Geralt: His heart's missing along with his liver. Only one creature I know is that picky an eater. A striga.

Geralt: You gonna tell me what happened to you?
Nivellen: That's a tale requiring wine. What of you?
Geralt: That's a tale requiring a wine *cellar*.

Geralt: Ill winds follow grave robbers.
Yurga: If I was a robber, I'd be taking their belongings, Butcher.
Geralt: If I was a butcher, you'd be amongst the corpses.

Ciri: Geralt said you saved his life.
Triss: He found himself in my kingdom a time ago. Helped me with a princess in trouble.
Geralt: Nastier than you, even.

Geralt: How many of these lords want to kill you?
Jaskier: Hard to say. One stops keeping count after a while. Wives, concubines, mothers sometimes.

Geralt: The Trail will test you. Force you to move beyond the pain, the fear, the failure. Until you become one with the killer itself. Remember, hesitation will draw danger to you like fire. But trust the path you choose... and it will protect you. Even in darkness. As long as you listen. Always listen.

Nenneke: You know, how many have been killed in pursuit of her?
Geralt: Thousands, yes, I know.
Nenneke: If she has Elder blood, she's a fucking tinderbox.
Geralt: By all means, go on.

Chireadan: The sentence will be passed by the very council members you attacked. It is sure to be death.
Geralt: I suppose that's one way of getting some rest.

- you'd be going crazy to figure it out.
- What you missed.
- What you could have done differently.
Geralt: I know.
- It's a burden I now share.
- -[howling]
- -[Geralt] They're here.

Geralt: She wouldn't.
Jaskier: She would. What? Sacrifice your Child Surprise to get her magic back? You bet your bloated biceps she would.

Geralt: Show the humans that you are more than what they fear you to be.
Filavandrel: Like you, Witcher?
Geralt: I have learned to live with them. So that *I* may live.

Ciri: I miss my home.
Geralt: Cintra isn't safe for you any more.
Ciri: Then what about Skellige? I have people there too. I'd be safe there.
Geralt: If you want. But you'd be married off to the nearest Lord of Bad Breath. He'd be seeking to claim your throne too.
Geralt: The food is good there, though.

Geralt: What happened with you? Your mother fuck a goat?
Torque: I am Torque the Sylvan, a rare and intelligent creature!
Geralt: You're a dick. With balls.
Torque: Balls I got from humans, who left our food filled with iron meant to poison me! Did you mother fuck a snowman?

Geralt: You want me to kill Stregobor for you.
Renfri: It's the lesser evil.
Geralt: So I keep getting told.

Yennefer: Do you regret it? Becoming a witcher?
Geralt: It's hard to regret something you didn't choose.

- Now I'm wondering if I can afford you.
- Have I accidentally agreed to indentured servitude?
Geralt: Go ahead, ask about them.
- Everyone does.
- Everyone else is boring.

Geralt: Enjoy your last walk across the meadow and through the mist. Be not afraid of her for she is your friend.
[Said to Roach in her final moments]

Geralt: If you must kill me... I am ready. But the Sylvan's right. Don't call me human.

Geralt: Wizard are all the same. You talk nonsense while making wise and meaningful faces. Speak normally.

Ciri: There were also some men from Cintra who found me. They were going to take me to the Knight to collect a reward. But I... I wasn't scared that time. I just... I knew what could happen.
Geralt: You screamed.
Ciri: I killed them, Geralt.
Geralt: How many were there?
Ciri: Four.
Geralt: [Shrugs] Only four? You've got some catching up to do.

Toruviel: Do you wanna die right now?
Geralt: As opposed to later?

Geralt: You were the last surviving witcher after Kaer Morhen fell. You and a batch of mutated orphans with nowhere else to go. Were you ready?
Vesemir: No.
Geralt: But you protected us anyway.
Vesemir: No. I taught you how to fend for yourselves.

Geralt: People linked by destiny will always find each other.

Geralt: Lilac and...
- Gooseberries.
- Tough to get in your head.
- -[sighs]
- -You have a strong will, but you can't contend with me.
- Sorry I couldn't be direct,
- I knew you'd fight it.

Vesemir: Remember what happened the last time witchers shoved their noses into the dramas of courts and kingdoms? What if your princess is more than you bargained for?
Geralt: I know that already.

Geralt: Hm. Doesn't rhyme. All good predictions rhyme.

Geralt: Destiny helps people believe there's an order to this horseshit. There isn't. But a promise made must be honored. As true for a commoner as it is for a queen.

- Life is too short.
- Do what pleases you... while you can.
Geralt: Composing your next song?
Jaskier: No, I'm just, uh...
- Just trying to work out what pleases me.

Geralt: Did you always want to become a mother?
Yennefer: I dreamed... of becoming important to someone. Someday.
Geralt: Before we met, the days were calm and the nights were restless. But now...
Geralt: You're important to me.

Nivellen: Where is this rarest and fairest of all maidens? The one who could crack an icy witcher's heart?
Geralt: She's dead.
Nivellen: I'm sorry, my boy. How long ago?
Geralt: A few days.
Nivellen: How are you not heartbroken?
Geralt: Who says I'm not?

- what she wants.
- I don't understand. Does he want me to get him the apple juice?
[breathlessly] I don't know.
Geralt: Oh...
- -Good.
- -[gasps]
- The fuck?

Eist: I fight side by side with my Queen.
Geralt: You put too much faith in that woman.
Eist: Well, you weren't there. After Pavetta died, Calanthe would wake up howling in the night. The Lioness, nearly broken. Someone who's able to pull themselves out of that, they'll have my confidence till my final day.

Triss: You were told to leave Temeria.
Geralt: But come on. These views.

Jaskier: What about Yennefer?
Geralt: If she's hurt Ciri, I may just have to kill her.
Jaskier: Oh, no, well, obviously we'll kill her. We'll definitely kill her. I just haven't found a good enough jabbing stick yet.

Geralt: I sleep like shit too.
Ciri: You don't sleep at all.
Geralt: Makes for fewer nightmares.

Geralt: A dynasty can't survive on arrogance alone.

Jaskier: I've always wanted to know, do witchers ever retire?
Geralt: Yeah. When they slow and get killed.

Geralt: Tell me, Your Majesty; why do you risk your life on the battlefield when you can rest on your throne?
Queen: Because there is a simplicity in killing monsters, is there not?

Ciri: You know, my grandmother fought battles *and* wore dresses. You can do both.
Geralt: I know.

Geralt: Neither you nor I can just forget who we are. We can't kill our feelings. Our best chance is to kill the hatred that we may hold onto... and move on.

- -[Triss] More stellacite.
- -[sighs]
- How did two different monsters wind up with the same dust on them?
Geralt: They came from the same place.
- A monolith? It doesn't make sense.

Yennefer: You were created by magic. Our magic.
Geralt: [Sarcastic] Thank you. Made for a magical childhood.
Yennefer: Happy childhoods make for dull company.

Ciri: How did you spend your days when you first came here?
Geralt: I was beaten and starved.

Ciri: I don't know what to do.
- Please, don't go.
- Don't go, please.
Geralt: I know you're afraid, Ciri, but what you see in there…
- -[sighs]
- -…it isn't real.

Geralt: It took two strikes to kill him. They weren't clean. But they were spectacular.

Ciri: You really expect me to believe that unicorns exist?
Yennefer: Of course they do. I used to own a stuffed one. Until it broke. Under mysterious circumstances.
Ciri: Well, I'd love to see one some day.
Geralt: You'd be in rare company. They only approach those who are pure of heart.
[Turns to Yen]
Geralt: Which reminds me, how did you get your hands on one?
Yennefer: [Mock offended] Good sir! I'm a beacon of purity.

Jaskier: [singing] They came after me/ With masterful deceit/ Broke down my lute/ And they kicked in my teeth/ While the devil's horns/ Minced our tender meat/ And so cried the Witcher/ "He can't be bleat..."
Geralt: That's not how it happened. Where's your newfound respect?
Jaskier: Respect doesn't make history.

Filavandrel: Even chaos is polluted. Synthetically enhanced so humans can make magic.
Geralt: Chaos is the same as it's always been. Humans just adapted better.

Vesemir: You're going to Cintra? You said you'd never go back there. *Twice*.
Geralt: No witcher yet has died of old age lying in bed dictating his will, Vesemir.

Danica: What's her name?
Geralt: When you live as long as I do, all the names start to sound the same.

Jaskier: Geralt, they... With the... This woman just killed a man with her bare hands for trying to steal your horse.
Geralt: Maybe she'll make a better travel companion, then.

Jaskier: This is the part where we escape.
Geralt: This is the part where they kill us.

Geralt: Fear is an illness. If you catch it and you leave it untreated, it can consume you.
Ciri: How do you treat it?
Geralt: You face it.

Geralt: I will take her, protect her, and bring her back unharmed,
- I promise you that.

Geralt: Evil is evil. Lesser. Greater. Middling. It's all the same.

Jaskier: No one else hesitated to comment on the quality of my performance, except... for you. Come on. You don't want to keep a man with... bread in his pants waiting. You must have some review for me. Three words or less.
Geralt: [Long pause] They don't exist.
Jaskier: [Confused] What don't exist?
Geralt: The creatures in your song.

- Four.
- Only four?
- You've got some catching up to do.
Ciri: So, what now?
Geralt: Good question.
- I'm hoping we'll find our answers there.