The Best Citadel Maester Quotes

Samwell: From Lord Commander Snow at Castle Black.
[Sam puts a letter in the Citadel Maesters hand]
Samwell: I'm... I'm to be the new maester.
Citadel: According to our records. Jeor Mormont is Lord Commander.
Samwell: He died...
Citadel: We received no report from the maester at Castle Black.
Samwell: Maester Aemon became quite ill, shortly after the election. He since passed away... which is why I'm here.
Citadel: This is irregular.
Samwell: Yes, well I suppose life is irregular.
[Sam nods at the Citadel Maester, hoping to impress him]

Citadel: The archmaester will discuss these irregularities with you.
- In the meantime, you are permitted to use the library.
- Follow me.
- No women or children.