Top 100 Quotes From Sansa Stark

Petyr: Why aren't you happy? What do you want that you do not have?
Sansa: At the moment, peace and quiet. No need to seize the last word, Lord Baelish. I'll assume it was something clever.

Sansa: [to Ramsay, after he threw Rickon's wolf's head onto the ground] You're going to die tomorrow, Lord Bolton.
[looks at him disdainfully]
Sansa: Sleep well.
[pulls back on the reins of her horse, turns around, rides off]
Ramsay: [to Jon Snow] She's a fine woman, your sister. I look forward to having her back in my bed.
[to: ]
Ramsay: All of you are fine-looking men. My dogs are desperate to meet you.
Ramsay: I haven't fed them in seven days. They're ravenous. I wonder which part of you they'll go for first? Your eyes? Your balls?

Sansa: What do you want?
Petyr: I thought you knew what I wanted.
Sansa: I was wrong.
Petyr: No. You weren't. Every time I'm faced with a decision I close my eyes and see the same picture. Whenever I consider an action I ask myself, 'will this help make this picture a reality? Pull it out of my mind and into the world?' And I only act if the answer is "yes". A picture of me on the Iron Throne... and you by my side.
[Littlefinger leans in to kiss Sansa; she raises a hand and stops him]
Sansa: It's a pretty picture.
[Sansa walks away]
Petyr: News of this battle will spread quickly through the Seven Kingdoms.
[Sansa stops walking, but does not turn back]
Petyr: I've declared for House Stark for all to hear.
Sansa: [speaks with her back turned to Littlefinger] You've declared for other houses before, Lord Baelish. It's never stopped you from serving yourself.

Arya: [referring to their father] Now he's dead. Killed by the Lannisters. With your help.
Sansa: What?
[Arya shows Sansa the letter she found in Littlefinger's room - the one Sansa sent Robb long ago]
Arya: That's your pretty handwriting. Septa Mordane used to crack my knuckles 'cause I couldn't write as well as you.
[Arya reads the letter aloud]
Arya: "Robb, I write to you today with heavy heart. Our good King Robert is dead. Killed from wounds he took in a boar hunt..."
Sansa: You don't have to read it. I remember.
Arya: [keeps reading] "Father has been charged with treason. He conspired with Robert's brothers against my beloved Joffrey and tried to steal his throne. The Lannisters are treating me well and providing me with every comfort. I beg you, come to King's Landing, swear fealty to King Joffrey and prevent any strife between the great houses of Lannister and Stark. Your faithful sister, Sansa".
Sansa: They forced me to do it.
Arya: Did they? With a knife at your throat? Did they put you in a rack and stretched you till your bones started to pop?
Sansa: You should have known what it was like. I was a child.
Arya: So was I. I would have let them kill me before I betrayed my family.
Sansa: They told me it was the only way to save father.
Arya: And you were *stupid* enough to believe them. I remember you, standing on that platform with Joffrey and Cersei when they dragged father to the block. I remember the pretty dress you were wearing, I remember the fancy way you did your hair.
Sansa: You were there?
Arya: I was there. Standing in the crowd near Baelor's statue.
Sansa: And what did you do? Did you come running to the rescue? Did you fight with the Lannisters and save father?
Arya: I wanted to.
Sansa: But you didn't. Just like me.
Arya: I didn't betray him. I didn't betray Robb. I didn't betray our entire family for "my beloved Joffrey".
Sansa: You should be on your knees thanking me. We're back in Winterfell because of me. You didn't win it back, Jon didn't win it back, he lost the battle of the bastards. The knights of the Vale rode in from the north for me!

Joffrey: And who are you, boy?
Mycah: Mycah, my lord.
Sansa: He's the butcher's boy.
Arya: He's my friend.
Joffrey: A butcher's boy who wants to be a knight, eh?
[drawing his sword]
Joffrey: Pick up your sword, butcher's boy. Let's see how good you are.
Mycah: She asked me to, my lord. She asked me to.
Joffrey: I'm your prince, not your lord, and I said pick up your sword.
Mycah: It's not a sword, my prince. It's only a stick.
Joffrey: And you're not a knight. Only a butcher's boy. That was my lady's sister you were hitting, do you know that?
Arya: Stop it!
Sansa: Arya, stay out of this.
Joffrey: I won't hurt him... much.

Sansa: [as the wind howls outside, there was a knock on her door, she opens] What do you want?
Myranda: Lord Ramsay sent me to draw your bath, my lady. You do want to be clean and fresh for your new husband, don't you?

Sansa: [to Littlefinger] You freed me from the monsters who murdered my family, and you gave me to other monsters who murdered my family.

Eddard: [gift to his daughter] This is for you, love.
[Sansa unwraps doll]
Eddard: The same doll-maker makes all of Princess Myrcella's toys.
[Sansa is less than thrilled]
Eddard: Don't you like it?
Sansa: I haven't played with dolls since I was eight.
Sansa: May I be excused?
Septa: But you haven't eaten a thing.
Eddard: It's all right. Go on.
[as: ]
Eddard: War was easier than daughters.

[Tyrion is heading off to the battle]
Sansa: I will pray for your safe return, my lord.
Tyrion: Will you?
Sansa: Of course. Just as I pray for the King's.

Myrcella: When will Joffrey and Sansa be married?
Cersei: Soon, darling, when the war is over.
Myrcella: [to preoccupied Sansa] Mother says I'll have a new gown for the ceremony, and another for the feast. But yours will be ivory... since you're the bride.
[Sansa does not answer]
Cersei: The princess just spoke to you.
Sansa: Pardon, Your Grace. I'm sure your dress will be beautiful, Myrcella. I'm counting the days till the fighting is done and I can pledge my love to Joffrey in sight of the gods.
Tommen: Is Joffrey going to kill Sansa's brother?
Cersei: He might. Would you like that?
Tommen: I don't think so.
Cersei: Even if he does, Sansa will do her duty. Won't you, little dove?

Roose: Walda and I have some good news as well, since we're all together.
[Roose nods to Walda]
Walda: We're going to have a baby.
[Ramsay's smile freezes]
Sansa: I'm very happy for you.
Roose: From the way she's carrying, Maester Wolkan says it looks like a boy.
[Ramsay empties is cup, clearly displeased to hear the news that may deny him of being Roose's heir]

Sansa: You have to be smarter than Father. You need to be smarter than Robb. I loved them, I miss them, but they made stupid mistakes, and they both lost their heads for it.

- What we decide today will reverberate through the annals of history.
- I stand before you as one of the senior lords in the country.
- A veteran of two wars.
- And I like to think my experience has led to some small skill in statecraft and under...
Sansa: Uncle?
- Please sit.

Petyr: So many men, they risk so little. They spend their whole lives avoiding danger, and then they die. I'd risk everything to get what I want.
Sansa: And what do you want?
Petyr: Everything.

Arya: [looks around at the knights of the Vale] Are you sure you want to do this?
Sansa: It's not what I want. It's what honor demands.
Arya: And what does honor demand?
Sansa: That I defend my family from those who would harm us. That I would defend the North from those who would betray us.
Arya: Alright, then. Get on with it.
Sansa: You stand accused of murder. You stand accused of treason. How do you answer these charges...
[Sansa turns to Littlefinger]
Sansa: ...Lord Baelish?

Sansa: You want us to use you as bait?
- We're not leaving you alone out there.
- He won't be. I'll stay with him.
- With the ironborn.
- I took this castle from you.
- Let me defend you now.

Cersei: [slightly drunk] When we were young, Jaime and I, we were so much alike, even our father couldn't tell us apart. I could never understand why they treated us differently. Jaime was taught to fight with sword and lance and mace, and I was taught to smile and sing and please. He was heir to Casterly Rock, and I was sold to some stranger like a horse to be ridden whenever he desired.
Sansa: You were Robert's Queen.
Cersei: And you will be Joffrey's. Enjoy.

Sansa: How did you get back to Winterfell?
Arya: It's a long story. I imagine yours is too.
Sansa: Yes... and not a very pleasant one.
Arya: Mine neither. But... our stories aren't over yet.
Sansa: No, they're not.

Robert: Now, child... tell me what happened. Tell it to all and tell it true. It's a great crime to lie to a king.
Sansa: I don't know. I don't remember. Everything happened so fast. I didn't see.
Arya: [grabbing her by the hair] Liar! Liar, liar, liar!
Eddard: Hey, stop it! That's enough of that.
Arya: Liar, liar, liar!
Eddard: [pulling them apart] Stop! Arya!
Cersei: She's as wild as that animal of hers. I want her punished.
Robert: What would you have me do, whip her through the streets? Damn it, children fight. It's over.

Sansa: [Busy with embroidery when there's knock on door] Yes?
Petyr: [enters] First time I saw you, you were just a child. A girl from the North come to the capital for the first time. You're not a child any longer.
[she doesn't look up]
Petyr: Why did you help me?
Sansa: They would have thrown you through the Moon Door if they found you guilty.
Petyr: That's not an answer.
Sansa: [stops her needlework] If they'd have executed you, what would they have done to me?
Petyr: I don't know.
Sansa: Neither do I.
Petyr: Better to gamble on the man you know than the strangers you don't?
[no answer]
Petyr: And do you think you know me?
Sansa: I know what you want.
Petyr: Do you?

Sansa: Yes?
- For you, my lady.

Tyrion: The last time we spoke was at Joffrey's wedding. Miserable affair.
Sansa: It had its moments.

Jon: You said Lord Baelish sold you to the Boltons.
Sansa: He did.
Jon: And you trust him?
Sansa: Only a fool would trust Littlefinger.

- You're abandoning your people.
- You're abandoning your home.
- I'm leaving both in good hands.
Sansa: Whose?
- Yours.
- You are my sister.
- You're the only stark in winterfell.
- Until I return, the north is yours.

Joffrey: I'll tell you what. I'm going to give you a present. After I raise my armies, and kill your traitor brother, I'll give you his head as well.
Sansa: Or maybe he'll give me yours.

[at the yard of the Eyrie, Sansa builds a snow model of Winterfell. She sees her cousin Robin approaches]
Sansa: Hello, Robin.
Robin: What are you doing?
Sansa: I'm building my home, Winterfell. At least I think I am. I haven't been back there in a long time.
[Robin kneels in the snow near Sansa]
Robin: Why did you leave?
Sansa: [smiles] It's a long story.
Robin: [boasts] I stay here in the Eyrie. Mother says it's dangerous on the roads and I have to keep myself safe because I'm the Lord of the Vale, and the Lord of the Vale is a very important person.
Sansa: [amused] Yes, you certainly are.
Robin: When will you go back?
Sansa: [glumly] Probably never. My family doesn't live there anymore... and someone burned it down.
[Robin bends forward, looking closely at the snow castle]
Robin: Oh. Does Winterfell have a Moon Door?
Sansa: No, I'm afraid not. It's not high up in the mountains. It's down on the ground.
Robin: That sounds dangerous!
[Sansa chuckles]
Robin: How do you make people fly?
Sansa: We don't.
Robin: What do you do with all the bad people and the scary people and the people you don't like?
Sansa: I never did anything with them at all. Girls didn't take part in that where I came from.
Robin: Well, I'm Lord of the Vale. When I grow up, I'll be able to fly anybody who bothers me. Or you. When we get married, you can tell me if you don't like somebody and then we can bring them back here and, whoosh! Right through the Moon Door.
[Sansa is not thrilled about the idea of marrying Robin, but is amused at his bragging]
Sansa: I like the sound of that.

Sansa: [re Winterfell supplies] I did not account for Dothraki, Unsullied and two full-grown dragons. What do dragons eat, anyway?
Daenerys: Whatever they want.

Sansa: Jon, a raven came from the Citadel. A white raven. Winter is here.
Jon: Well, father always promised, didn't he?

Arya: [referring to her father's statue] It doesn't look like him. Should have been carved by someone who knew his face.
Sansa: Everyone who knew his face is dead.
Arya: We're not.

Petyr: Has anyone ever told you the story of the Mountain and the Hound?
[Sansa glances at the Hound. Littlefinger continues telling the story, while Arya and Sansa listen intently]
Petyr: Lovely little tale of brotherly love. The Hound was just a pup, six years old maybe. Gregor a few years older, already a big lad, already getting a bit of a reputation. Some lucky boys just born with a talent for violence. One evening, Gregor found his little brother playing with a toy by the fire - Gregor's toy, a wooden knight. Gregor never said a word, he just grabbed his brother by the scruff of his neck and shoved his face into the burning coals. Held him there while the boy screamed, while his face melted. There aren't very many people who know that story.
Sansa: [in trembling voice] I won't tell anyone. I promise.
Petyr: No, please don't. If the Hound so much as heard you mention it, I'm afraid all the knights in King's Landing would not be able to save you.

[Jon, Sansa, and Davos are meeting with Robett Glover at Deepwood Motte]
Robett: The answer is no.
Jon: Lord Glover, if you could just hear us out.
Robett: I've heard enough. We've only just taken back this castle from the Ironborn. The Boltons helped us do it. Now you want me to fight against them? I could be skinned for even talking to you.
Jon: The Boltons are traitors. Roose Bolton...
Robett: [interrupts] Have other northern houses pledged to fight for you?
Jon: House Mormont.
Robett: And...?
Jon: We sent raven to Houses Manderly...
Robett: [interrupts] I don't care about ravens. You're asking me to join your army. Who is fighting in this army?
Jon: [hesitates before answering] The bulk of the force is made up of wildlings.
Robett: [laughs] Then the rumors are true. I didn't dare believe them. I received you out of respect for your father. Now I would like you to leave. House Glover will not abandon its ancestral home to fight alongside wildlings.
[Robett starts walking away]
Jon: Lord Glover...
Robett: There's nothing else to say.
Sansa: I would remind you that House Glover is pledged to House Stark. Sworn to answer when called upon.
[Jon glares at Sansa. Robett walks up close to Sansa. Jon sighs]
Robett: [disdainfully] Yes, my family served House Stark for centuries. We wept when we heard of your father's death. When my brother was lord of this castle, he answered Robb's call and hailed him King in the North.
[Robett steps closer to Sansa]
Robett: And where was King Robb when the ironborn attacked this castle? When they threw my wife and children in prison and brutalized and killed our subjects? Taking up with a foreign whore. Getting himself and those who followed him killed.
[Robett looks at Jon and then back at Sansa]
Robett: I served House Stark once, but House Stark is dead.
[Robett walks away. Sansa and Jon look down]

Man of the Night's Watch: A letter for the lord commander.
Jon: I'm not the lord commander anymore.
[Reads letter]
Jon: To the traitor and bastard Jon Snow, You allowed thousands of wildlings past the wall, you have betrayed your own kind, you have betrayed the North. Winterfell is mine, bastard, come and see. Your brother Rickon is in my dungeon, his direwolf's skin is on my floor, come and see. I want my bride back. Send her to me, bastard, and I won't trouble you or your wildling lovers. Keep her from me and I will ride north and slaughter every wildling, man, woman and babe living under your protection. You will watch as I skin them living. You...
Sansa: Go on.
Jon: Just more of the same.
Sansa: You will watch as my soldiers take turns raping your sister. You will watch as my dogs devour your wild little brother. Then I will spoon your eyes from their sockets and let my dogs do the rest, come and see. Ramsay Bolton, Lord of Winterfell and warden of the North

Robin: Let's put a Moon Door in your Winterfell.
Sansa: All right.
Robin: It can go in here in this big tower.
[Robin points at one of the towers of the snow castle, and carelessly ruins it]
Sansa: Careful! You've ruined it. Now I'm going to have to rebuild the whole thing.
[Sansa and Robin stand up]
Robin: I didn't ruin it.
Sansa: You did.
Robin: [raises his voice] It was already ruined because it didn't have a Moon Door. I was fixing it.
Sansa: Knocking things down isn't fixing them. It's ruining them.
Robin: I didn't ruin it!
Sansa: You're being stupid.
Robin: [waves his hands] I didn't ruin it!
[grunting, Robin kicks at the snow castle furiously, causing a lot of damage. Sansa, angry at Robin's vandalism, slaps him. He looks at her astonishingly, for no one has ever hit him before. Whimpering, he runs inside. Sansa regrets slapping him]
Sansa: Robin, I'm sorry, I...
Petyr: [amused] Children.
[Sansa turns around and sees Littlefinger coming down the stairs to the yard]
Sansa: [regretfully] I hit him.
Petyr: Yes, I saw.
Sansa: I shouldn't have done that.
Petyr: [smiles] No, his mother should have a long time ago. Consider it a step in the right direction.
Sansa: If he tells aunt Lysa...
Petyr: Let me worry about aunt Lysa.

Anya: Come closer, child. You have nothing to fear from us... or... him. Lord Baelish here is your uncle? Your name is Alayne?
[Sansa nods meekly]
Anya: Perhaps you would feel more comfortable if Lord Baelish left the room.
Petyr: My lady...
Anya: I wasn't asking you.
Sansa: [whispers] He can stay.
Yohn: Speak up, girl, you're not a damn kitchen mouse. Tell us what you saw.
Sansa: I'm sorry, Lord Baelish. I... I have to tell the truth.
[facing: ]
Sansa: I'll tell you everything.
Anya: Please, Alayne, leave nothing out.
[shakes her head]
Sansa: My name is not Alayne. It's Sansa Stark, eldest daughter of Lord Eddard Stark. Lord Royce, we met when you came to Winterfell. You were escorting your son Ser Waymar to the Wall.
Yohn: Sansa Stark?
[to: ]
Yohn: You tell lies right to my face, you little worm?
Sansa: Lord Baelish has told many lies... All to protect me. Since my father was executed, I have been a hostage in King's Landing. A plaything for Joffrey to torture or Queen Cercei to torment. They beat me, they humiliated me, they married me to the Imp.
[as: ]
Sansa: I had no friends in King's Landing... Except one.
[looks back at Petyr]
Sansa: He saved me. He smuggled me away when he had the chance. He knew I'd be safe here in the Eyrie, with my own blood, my Aunt Lysa. But the Lannisters have friends
[stammers: ]
Sansa: everywhere. Even the Vale. He made me swear not to tell anyone my true name.
Donnel: Your secret is safe with us, my lady.
Yohn: Your father grew up right here in these halls. We hunted together many times.
Yohn: He was a fine man.
Anya: Tell us what happened to your Aunt, Sansa.
Sansa: You knew her well, my lords, my lady. You knew she was a troubled woman. She always loved Lord Baelish. She told me herself. From the moment he arrived in Riverrun, a boy of eight, carrying everything he owned in a little sack. She confessed to me she never loved Lord Arryn. She did as her father commanded, as so many of us have. When the gods finally allowed her to be with Lord Baelish, she was so happy. For a time. My Aunt was a jealous lady .She was terrified that Lord Baelish didn't love her any more. That he would abandon her for a younger woman. And then... one day she saw him... kiss me.
Yohn: [shocked] Lady Sansa...!
Sansa: It was a peck on the cheek, Lord Royce. Nothing more. Lord Baelish is my uncle now, in truth, by marriage. He's always been so kind to me. I was so happy to be here, to be free. All because of him. But my Aunt turned on me. She cursed me. Called me a whore. Promised to throw me through the Moon Door. When Lord Baelish tried to
[voice: ]
Sansa: calm her, she struck him and said she didn't want to live anymore. She stood on the edge of that Moon Door. And he tried to reason with her, promised her she was the only one he ever loved, but she stepped through, and she was...
[breaks down crying]
Anya: Shh.
[hugs the young girl]
Anya: It's not your fault, sweet girl. It's not your fault.
[Petyr grins at Sansa, and Sansa smiles back at him]

Sansa: I thought they were going to kill me.
Shae: They thought so too.
Sansa: He hated me, the man who hit me. I saw it in his eyes. Hated me.
[shakes her head]
Sansa: He never met me before, but... he wanted to hurt me.
Shae: Of course he did.
Sansa: Why? Why would a stranger...?
Shae: You are everything that he will never have. Your horse eats better than his children. It doesn't matter now. He's dead.
Sansa: I would have given them bread if I had it. I hate the king more than any of them.
Shae: Don't say these things. If the wrong people hear you...
Sansa: But you're not wrong people.
Shae: Don't trust anybody. Life is safer that way.

Jon: We never should have left Winterfell.
Sansa: Don't you wish we could go back to the day we left? I want to scream at myself, "don't go, you idiot."
Jon: How could we know?
Sansa: I spent a lot of time thinking about what an ass I was to you. I wish I could change everything.
Jon: We were children.
Sansa: I was awful, just admit it.
Jon: [laughs] You were occasionally awful. I'm sure I can't have been great fun, always sulking in the corner while the rest of you played.
Sansa: Can you forgive me?
Jon: There's nothing to forgive.
Sansa: Forgive me!
Jon: All right, all right, I forgive you!
[they both laugh. Sansa reaches for the cup Jon holds. He hesitates for a moment, then hands her the cup. Sansa drinks and nearly chokes. She coughs loudly. Jon laughs. Sansa hands the cup back to him]
Jon: You'd think after thousands of years, the Night's Watch would have learned how to make a good ale.
Sansa: Where will you go?
Jon: Where will *we* go. If I don't look after you, Father's ghost will come back and murder me.

Lord: Your father has proven to be an awful traitor, dear.
Grand: King Robert's body was still warm when Lord Eddard began plotting to steal Joffrey's throne.
Sansa: [voice quivering] He wouldn't do that. He knows how much I love Joffrey. He wouldn't. Please, Your Grace, there's been a mistake. Send for my father, he'll tell you. The King was his friend.
Cersei: Sansa, sweetling, you're innocent of any wrong. We know that. Yet you're the daughter of a traitor. How can I allow you to marry my son?
Grand: A child born of a traitor's seed is no fit consort for a King. She's a sweet thing now, Your Grace, but in ten years, who knows what treason she may hatch?
Sansa: No, I'm not. I'll be a good wife to him, you'll see. I'll be a Queen just like you, I promise. I won't hatch anything.
Petyr: The girl is innocent, Your Grace. She should be given a chance to prove her loyalty.
Cersei: [sighs] Little dove, you must write to Lady Catelyn and your brother, the eldest, what's his name...?
Sansa: Robb.
Cersei: Word of your father's arrest will reach him soon, no doubt. Best it comes from you. If you would help your father, urge your brother to keep the King's peace. Tell him to come to King's Landing and swear his fealty to Joffrey.
Sansa: If... if I could see my father, talk to him about...
[Cersei looks at Sansa icily, and she swallows her words]
Cersei: You disappoint me, child. We've told you of your father's treason. Why would you want to speak to a traitor?
Sansa: I only meant that... what will happen to him?
Cersei: That depends.
Sansa: On...? On what?
Cersei: On your brother. And on you.
[Cersei hands Sansa the quill]

Sansa: [to Littlefinger] You can't protect me. You won't even be able to protect yourself if I tell Brienne to cut you down.

Petyr: Sometimes when I try to understand a person's motives, I play a little game. I assume the worst. What's the worst reason they could possibly have for saying what they say and doing what they do? Then I ask myself, 'How well does that reason explain what they say and what they do?'. So, tell me- what's the worst thing she could want?
Sansa: She could want me dead because she thinks I wronged my family.
Petyr: Why did she come to Winterfell?
Sansa: To kill me for marrying our enemies and betraying my family
Petyr: Why did she unearth the letter Cersei made you write?
Sansa: To provide proof of my betrayals. To provide justification after she murders me.
Petyr: And after she murders you, what does she become?
Sansa: Lady of Winterfell.

- My hounds will never harm me.
- You haven't fed them in seven days.
- You said it yourself.
- They're loyal beasts.
Sansa: They were.
- Now they're starving.

Sansa: [bumping into Ser Ilyn] Why won't he speak to me?
Sandor: He hasn't been very talkative these last 20 years. Since the Mad King had his tongue ripped out with hot pincers.
Joffrey: He speaks damn well with his sword, though. Ser Ilyn Payne, the King's Justice. The royal executioner.
[seeing her look]
Joffrey: What is it, sweet lady? Does the Hound frighten you? Away with you, dog. You're scaring my lady.

Jon: The North is free, thanks to you.
Sansa: But they lost their King.
Jon: Ned Stark's daughter will speak for them. She's the best they can get.

[Sansa and Shae watch Joffrey and the soldiers head off to the Battle of the Blackwater]
Shae: Some of those boys will never come back.
Sansa: Joffrey will. The worst ones always live.

Olenna: Do you know my son? The Lord of Highgarden?
Sansa: I haven't had the pleasure.
Olenna: [chuckles] No great pleasure, believe me. A ponderous oaf. His father was an oaf as well. My husband, the late Lord Luthor. He managed to ride off a cliff whilst hawking. They say he was looking up at the sky and paying no mind to where his horse was taking him. And now my son is doing the same, only this time he's riding a lion instead of a horse. Now... I want you to tell me the truth about this royal boy, this Joffrey.
Sansa: I... I...
Olenna: You, you. Who else would know better? We've heard some troubling tales. Is there any truth to them? Has this boy mistreated you?
[Sansa remains silent]
Olenna: Has he ripped out your tongue?
Sansa: [stammering] Joff - KING Joffrey, he, His Grace, is very fair and handsome and as brave as a lion...
Olenna: Yes, all Lannisters are lions. And when a Tyrell farts, it smells like a rose. But how kind is he? How clever? Has he a good heart, a gentle hand?
Margaery: I'm to be his wife. I only want to know what that means.
[a server appears with a platter of lemon cakes and sets it in front of Olenna]
Olenna: Bring me some cheese.
Server: The cheese will be served after the cakes, my lady.
Olenna: The cheese will be served when I want it served, and I want it served now.
[the server bows and leaves]
Olenna: [to Sansa, offering her a lemon cake] Are you frightened, child? No need for that. We're only women here. Tell us the truth. No harm will come to you.
Sansa: My father always told the truth.
Olenna: Yes, he had that reputation. And they named him "traitor" and took his head.
Sansa: [suddenly and spitefully] Joffrey. Joffrey did that. He promised he would be merciful and he cut my father's head off, and he said THAT was mercy. And he took me up on the walls and made me look at it.
Margaery: Go on.
Sansa: [quickly becoming afraid] I - I - I can't, I never meant... my father was a traitor, my brother as well, I have traitor's blood... please don't make me say any more.
Margaery: She's terrified, Grandmother, just look at her.
Olenna: Speak freely, child. We would never betray your confidence, I swear it.
[Sansa pauses, then looks fearfully at Olenna]
Sansa: He's a monster.
[neither Olenna nor Margaery react]
Olenna: Oh. That's a pity.
Sansa: Please don't stop the wedding.
Olenna: [chuckles] Have no fear. The Lord Oaf of Highgarden is determined that Margaery should be queen. Even so, we thank you for the truth.
[Olenna looks up and sees the server approaching]
Olenna: Ah! Here comes my cheese.

Jon: [re Daenerys] She'll make a good queen. For all of us. She's not her father.
Sansa: No, she's much prettier. Did you bend the knee to save the North or because you love her?

Sansa: [to Ramsay] Your words will disappear. Your house will disappear. Your name will disappear. All memory of you will disappear.

Arya: Take this.
[Arya hands Sansa a dagger]
Sansa: I don't know how to use it.
Arya: [quotes what Jon told her long ago] Stick them with the pointy end.

Sansa: [re Lord Petyr Baelish] He's so kind.
Lysa: He really cares for you. Think where you'd be without him. In their clutches, on trial for murder.
Sansa: Yes. I'm, I'm very lucky.
Lysa: He feels responsible for you.
Sansa: Oh, I know he does. I'm so grateful.
Lysa: Why? Why does he feel responsible for you?
Sansa: Well, I'm... I'm half Tully. He loved...
[steers away from what she was going to say]
Sansa: your family so much.
Lysa: Loved your mother.
Sansa: No!
Lysa: That's what you wanted to say.
Sansa: He loved you, Aunt Lysa. He's married to you.
Lysa: Your mother never loved him. Never. Cat always went for the sweetest thing. Your Uncle Brandon. Handsome, arrogant, cruel Uncle Brandon. He almost killed Petyr in a duel. And your mother loved him anyway. And now, he's risking his life to save you. The daughter of a woman who didn't love him. No more than those whores in his brothels. Has he told you about them?
Sansa: [doesn't want to hear about such things] No.
Lysa: [grip on the young girl's hands gets more intense] He hasn't told you about the vile things they do with their bodies? The vile things they let him do with their bodies?
Sansa: No, never.
Lysa: Are you pregnant?
Sansa: [shocked] What? No, I told you, Lord Trion and I never...
[shakes her head]
Lysa: I'm not asking about Tyrion. What did you let Petyr do with your body?
Sansa: Aunt Lysa, no, I...
Lysa: Your young, pretty body?
Sansa: Nothing, I'm a virgin.
Lysa: Don't lie to me.
Sansa: You're hurting me.
Lysa: I'll know if you lie.
Sansa: I'm a virgin, I swear It. He loves you, Aunt Lysa. All he says is that I'm stupid. I'm a stupid little girl with stupid dreams who never learns, and I'm a terrible liar, so I should always tell the truth. And I swear to you that he's never touched me, not once, not ever!
Lysa: [hugs the trembling girl] It's all right. It will be all right. You'll be a widow soon. They'll execute that dwarf for murdering the king, and you'll be free to marry Robin! You'll be the Lady of the Vale. Hmm?

Sansa: Now, I'm sure cutting off heads must be very satisfying, but it's not the way to get people to work together.

Sansa: [about being raped by Ramsay] I can still feel it. I don't mean in my tender heart what he did still pains me so. I can still feel what he did, in my body.

Sansa: [offered a canteen of wine] I probably shouldn't have any more. Father only lets us have one cup at feasts.
Joffrey: My princess can drink as much as she wants.

Tyrion: [down in the crypt, while the battle rages outside] If I had been up there...
Sansa: You'd die.

Cersei: Sansa? Come here, little dove.
Sansa: My queen.
Cersei: What are you doing?
Sansa: Praying.
Cersei: You're perfect, aren't you? Praying? What are you praying for?
Sansa: For the gods to have mercy on us all.
Cersei: Oh? On all of us?
Sansa: Yes, Your Grace.
Cersei: Even me?
Sansa: Of course, Your Grace.
Cersei: Even Joffrey?
Sansa: Joffrey is my...
Cersei: Oh, shut up, you little fool. Praying for the gods to have mercy on us all? The gods have no mercy, that's why they are gods. My father told me that when he caught me praying. My mother had just died, you see. I didn't really understand the concept of death. The finality of it. I thought if I prayed very very hard, the gods would return her to me. I was four.
Sansa: Your father doesn't believe in the gods?
Cersei: He believes in them, he just doesn't like them very much.

Sansa: They respect you, they really do, but you have to...
[Jon laughs]
Sansa: Why are you laughing?
Jon: What did father use to say? Everything before the word 'but' is horseshit.
Sansa: He never said that to me.

Sansa: So, how should we punish them?
Tyrion: Who? Whom?
Sansa: Ser Eldrick Sarsfield and Lord Desmond Crakehall.
Tyrion: Ah. I could speak to Lord Varys and learn their perversions. Anyone named Desmond Crakehall must be a pervert.
Sansa: I hear that you're a pervert.
Tyrion: I am the Imp; I have certain standards to maintain.

[Sansa runs back to her chambers during the battle. The Hound, drunk and despondent, is sitting on her bed in the shadows, waiting for her]
Sandor: The lady's starting to panic.
Sansa: [frightened] What are you doing here?
Sandor: Not here for long. I'm going.
Sansa: Where?
Sandor: Someplace that isn't burning. North, might be. Could be.
Sansa: What about the king?
Sandor: He can die just fine on his own.
[the Hound takes a long drink from his skin of wine]
Sandor: I could take you with me. Take you to Winterfell.
[the Hound stands up]
Sandor: I'll keep you safe. You want to go home?
Sansa: I'll be safe here. Stannis won't hurt me.
[the Hound suddenly grabs Sansa's arm]
Sandor: Look at me! Stannis is a killer. The Lannisters are killers. Your father was a killer. Your brother is a killer. Your sons will be killers someday. The world is built by killers... so you better get used to looking at them.
Sansa: [in a quietly defiant voice] You won't hurt me.
Sandor: No, little bird, I won't hurt you.
[the Hound walks out]

Sansa: Cersei told you her army was coming north. You believed her.
Tyrion: I believe she wants to survive.
Sansa: [with disdain] I used to think you were the cleverest man alive.

Sansa: [sheltered in the Red Keep] I don't know why she sent for me. She hates me.
Shae: Maybe she hates you less than she hates everyone else.
Sansa: I doubt it.
Shae: Maybe she's jealous of you.
Sansa: Why should she be jealous?
Cersei: Sansa.
[the young girl rises, comes over to her]
Cersei: I was wondering where our little dove had flown. You look pale, child. Is your red flower still blooming?
Sansa: Yes.
Cersei: Fitting, isn't it? The men will bleed out there, and you will bleed in here. Pour Lady Sansa some wine.
Sansa: I'm not thirsty, Your Grace.
Cersei: So? I didn't offer you water.

Sansa: You shouldn't have run away from the guards.
Arya: I didn't run. You need better guards.

Sansa: She could have made you happy... If only for a little while.
Sandor: There's only one thing that would make me happy.

Petyr: Loras knew his mare was in heat. Quite crafty, really.
Sansa: Ser Loras would never do that. There is no honor in tricks.
Petyr: No honor, but quite a bit of gold.

Jon: What would we have been without her? Dirty corpses marching down to King's Landing!
Sansa: [insists] Arya's the one who killed the Night King!
Jon: And men gave their lives defending Winterfell!
Sansa: [impatiently] And we'll never forget them.

Old: I will bring you a bowl of hot water. You must want to wash.
Sansa: Thank you.
Old: Welcome home, Lady Sansa.
[adding: ]
Old: The North remembers.

Petyr: I'm the Lord Protector of the Vale, and I command you to escort me safely back to the Eyrie.
Yohn: I think not.
Petyr: [gets on his knees] Sansa, I beg you! I loved your mother since the time I was a boy.
Sansa: And yet, you betrayed her.
Petyr: I loved you. More than anyone.
Sansa: And yet, you betrayed me. When you brought me back to Winterfell, you told me there is no justice in the world not unless we make it. Thank you for all your many lessons, Lord Baelish. I will never forget them.
Petyr: Sansa!
[Arya cuts Littlefinger's throat with his dagger]

Tyrion: My lady, people have been laughing at me far longer than they've been laughing at you. I'm the Half-Man, the Demon-Monkey, the Imp.
Sansa: You're a Lannister. I am the disgraced daughter of the traitor, Ned Stark.
Tyrion: The disgraced daughter and the demon monkey. We're perfect for each other.

Sansa: [at sea, down in ship's cabin] Where are you taking me?
Petyr: I'm getting married to your Aunt Lysa. She's waiting for us at the Eyrie. You'll be safe there.
Sansa: [nervously pacing] Did you kill Joffrey?
Petyr: Did I kill Joffrey? I've been in the Vale for weeks.
Sansa: I know it was you.
Petyr: And who helped me... with this conspiracy?
Sansa: There was Ser Dontos. You used him to get me out of King's Landing. But... you would never trust him to kill the king.
Petyr: Why not?
Sansa: Because you're too smart to trust a drunk.
Petyr: Then perhaps it was your husband.
Sansa: No.
Petyr: How do you know?
Sansa: I just do.
Petyr: You're right. He wasn't involved in Joffrey's death. But you were. Do you remember that lovely necklace Dontos gave you? I don't suppose you noticed that a stone was missing... after the feast?
Sansa: [realizes] The poison.
[stammers: ]
Sansa: I don't understand... The Lannisters gave you wealth, power. Joffrey made you the Lord of Harrenhal.
Petyr: A man with no motive is a man no one suspects. Always keep your foes confused. If they don't know who you are or what you want, they can't know what you plan to do next.
Sansa: I don't believe you. If they catch you, they'll put your head up on a spike just like my father's. You'd risk that... just to confuse them?
Petyr: So many men, they risk so little. They spend their lives avoiding danger. And then they die. I'd risk everything... to get what I want.
[his hand on Sansa's shoulder]
Sansa: And what do you want?
Petyr: Everything.
[his eyes glide over Sansa]
Petyr: My friendship with the Lannisters was productive, but Joffrey, a vicious boy with a crown on his head, is not a reliable ally. And who could trust a friend like that?
Sansa: Who could trust you?
Petyr: I don't want friends like me. My new friends are predictable. Very reasonable people. As for what happened to Joffrey, that was something my new friends wanted very badly. Nothing like a thoughtful gift to make a new friendship grow strong.

Sansa: When the snows fall, and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives

Tyrion: Do you drink wine?
Sansa: Only when I have to.

Daenerys: [about Tyrion] He never should have trusted Cersei.
Sansa: You never should have either.
Daenerys: I thought he knew his sister.
Sansa: Families are complicated.

Sansa: [to Theon] If I could do what Ramsay did to you, right here, right now, I would.

Night's: A letter for the lord commander.
Jon: I'm not the lord commander anymore.
[a pause. Jon takes the letter, examines the seal and opens it]
Jon: [reads the letter aloud] "To the traitor and bastard Jon Snow, You allowed thousands of wildlings past the wall, you have betrayed your own kind, you have betrayed the North. Winterfell is mine, bastard, come and see. Your brother Rickon is in my dungeon, his direwolf's skin is on my floor, come and see. I want my bride back. Send her to me, bastard, and I won't trouble you or your wildling lovers. Keep her from me and I will ride north and slaughter every wildling, man, woman and babe living under your protection. You will watch as I skin them living. You..."
[Jon stops reading]
Sansa: Go on.
Jon: [folds the letter] Just more of the same.
[Sansa snatches the letter]
Sansa: [continues reading the letter] "... you will watch as my soldiers take turns raping your sister. You will watch as my dogs devour your wild little brother. Then I will spoon your eyes from their sockets and let my dogs do the rest, come and see. Ramsay Bolton, Lord of Winterfell and warden of the North".

Sansa: [passing the Hound] I beg pardon, ser. I should have come to you after... to thank you for saving me. You were so brave.
Sandor: Brave? A dog doesn't need courage to chase off rats.
Sansa: [voice trembling] Does it give you joy to scare people?
Sandor: No, it gives me joy to kill people. Spare me. You can't tell me Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell never killed a man.
Sansa: It was his duty. He never liked it.
Sandor: Is that what he told you? He lied. Killing is the sweetest thing there is.
Sansa: Why are you always so hateful?
Sandor: You'll be glad of the hateful things I do someday when you're Queen and I'm all that stands between you and your beloved King.

Tyrion: [drunk] Amazingly long.
Sansa: What?
Tyrion: Neck. You have one. How old are you exactly?
Sansa: Fourteen.
Tyrion: [shakes his head] Well, talk won't make you any older. My Lord Father has commanded me to consummate this marriage.

Brienne: [about Arya] I saw her. With a man. I don't think he hurt her. She didn't want to leave him, he didn't want to leave her.
Sansa: You don't know which way she went?
Brienne: I spent three days looking for her. She disappeared.
Sansa: How did she look?
Brienne: She looked good. She wasn't exactly dressed like a lady.
Sansa: No, she wouldn't be.

Sansa: If I'm going to die, let it happen while there is still some of me left.

Sansa: [to Jon Snow] You're the son of the last true Warden of the North. Northern families are loyal. They'll fight for you if you ask.
[grabs his hand]
Sansa: A monster has taken our home and our brother. We have to go back to Winterfell and save them both.

Tyrion: [Sansa's standing deep in thought as Daenerys' dragons fly past] My lady...
[no answer]
Tyrion: "My lord" is the standard response.
Sansa: Why her?
Tyrion: You know she loves your brother.
Sansa: It doesn't mean she'll be a good queen.
Tyrion: You seem determined to dislike her.
[comes walking closer]
Tyrion: A good relationship between the Iron Throne and the North has been the core of every peaceful prosperous reign that we ever had.
Sansa: Jon will be Warden of the North, so a good relationship seems likely.
Tyrion: I don't expect him to spend much time here going forward...
Sansa: Well, I suppose it's up to him.
Tyrion: Sansa, look at me.
[she finally does]
Tyrion: With Jon in the capital, you'll be the true power in the North. I'd feel *much* better about the future if I left here today believing that you and Daenerys were allies.
Sansa: What are you worried about? Jon's taking her army with him. Your queen still has her dragons.
Tyrion: She's your queen too.

Sansa: If Ramsay wins, I am not going back there alive. Do you understand me?
Jon: I will never let him touch you again. I will protect you, I promise.
Sansa: No one can protect me. No one can protect anyone.

Septa: Do you remember your lessons? Who built the Iron Throne?
Sansa: Aegon the Conqueror.
Septa: And who built the Red Keep?
Sansa: Maegor the Cruel.
Septa: And how many years did it take to build...
Sansa: My grandfather and uncle were murdered here, weren't they?
Septa: They were killed on the orders of King Aerys, yes.
Sansa: The Mad King.
Septa: Commonly known as the Mad King.
Sansa: Why were they killed?
Septa: You should speak to your father about these matters.
Sansa: I don't want to speak to my father. Ever.
Septa: Sansa, you will find it in your heart to forgive your father.
Sansa: No, I won't.

Sansa: [referring to Dontos] Why did you kill him?
Petyr: Because he was a drunk and a fool, and I don't trust drunk fools.
Sansa: He saved me.
Petyr: Saved you? My lady, he followed my orders. Every one of them. And he did it all for gold. Money buys a man's silence for a time. A bolt in the heart buys it forever.
Sansa: He was helping me because I saved his life.
Petyr: Yes, and he gave you a priceless necklace that once belonged to his grandmother. The last legacy of House Hollard.
[Petyr crushes one of the necklace stones]
Petyr: I had it made a few weeks ago. What did I once tell you about the capital?
Sansa: "We're all liars here".
Petyr: Come, my lady. I know you've had a difficult day, but you're safe now. I promise you that. You're safe with me, sailing home.

Sansa: [to Littlefinger] Did you know about Ramsay? If you didn't know, you're an idiot. If you did know, you're my enemy.

Sansa: Will they let me invite my family?
Shae: They didn't ask my opinion.
Sansa: But do you think they will?
Shae: No.

[Sansa is reluctantly undressing to have sex with Tyrion]
Tyrion: Stop. I can't. I could, I won't.
Sansa: But your father...
Tyrion: If my father wants someone to get fucked, I know where he can start... I won't share your bed. Not until you want me to.
Sansa: What if I never want you to?
Tyrion: [raises his cup] And so my watch begins.
[Tyrion takes a sip of his wine and passes out on a chaise longue]

Sansa: [to Jon, about Daenerys] Did you bend the knee to save the North or because you love her?

Sansa: [talking about Joffrey] I don't want someone brave and gentle and strong. I want him.

Arya: They say you killed Joffrey. Did you?
Sansa: I wish I had.
Arya: Me, too. I was angry when I heard someone else had done it. However long my list got, he was always first.
Sansa: Your list?
Arya: Of people I'm going to kill.
[pause, then Sansa starts laughing and then Arya also laughs]

Sansa: Theon, wait!
Theon: Not Theon, my lady. Reek.
Sansa: [sobbing] Help me...!
[gets up]
Theon: [slowly comes nearer] You're his wife now.
Sansa: Theon...
Theon: Do what he says. Do what he says, or he'll hurt you.
Sansa: [shakes her head] He already hurts me every night. All day I'm locked in this room, and every night he comes... It can't be any worse.
Theon: It can. It can always be worse.
Sansa: [stands up, comes nearer] What did he do to you?
Theon: [retreats] No, please!
Sansa: You betrayed my family!
Theon: I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
Sansa: You have to help me! Theon, help me!
Theon: He'll see us. You don't know him.
Sansa: My family's not without friends in the North. All I need to do is give a signal, and they'll rescue me. Climb to the top of the broken tower...
[hands over candle]
Sansa: light this candle, and put it in the window. Promise me, Theon.
Theon: My name is Reek!
Theon: My name is Reek...
Sansa: Your name is Theon Greyjoy. Last surviving son of Balon Greyjoy, Lord of the Iron Islands. Do you hear me?

Ramsay: My hounds will never harm me.
Sansa: You haven't fed them in seven days. You said it yourself.
Ramsay: They're loyal beasts.
Sansa: They were. Now they're starving.
Ramsay: Sit. Down. Down!

Robert: [after Arya is accused of an unprovoked attack on Joffrey] Ned, see to it that your daughter is disciplined. I'll do the same with my son.
Eddard: Gladly, Your Grace.
Cersei: And what of the direwolf? What of the beast that savaged your son?
Robert: I'd forgot the damned wolf.
Jaime: We found no trace of the direwolf, Your Grace.
Robert: No? So be it.
Cersei: We have another wolf.
Robert: As you will.
Eddard: You can't mean it.
Robert: A direwolf's no pet. Get her a dog. She'll be happier for it.
Sansa: He doesn't mean Lady, does he? No, no, not Lady! Lady didn't bite anyone! She's good!
Arya: Lady wasn't there! You leave her alone!
Sansa: [to Ned] Stop them. Don't let them do it. Please, please, it wasn't Lady!
Eddard: Is this your command, Your Grace?
Cersei: [Robert leaves without answering] Where is the beast?
Jaime: Chained up outside, Your Grace.
Cersei: Ser Ilyn, do me the honor.
Eddard: No. Jory... take the girls to their rooms. If it must be done, then I'll do it myself.
Cersei: Is this some trick?
Eddard: The wolf is of the North. She deserves better than a butcher.

Sansa: [about Margaery] We have a new queen.
Tyrion: Better her than you.

Sansa: [re all her exes] You were the best of them.
Tyrion: What a terrifying thought.

Sansa: We could sheep shift Lord Desmond's bed. You cut a little hole in his mattress and you stuff sheep dung inside. Then you sew up the hole and make his bed again. His room will stink, but he won't know where it's coming from.
Tyrion: Lady Sansa!
Sansa: My sister used to do that when she was angry with me. And she was always angry with me.
Tyrion: Why 'sheep shift?'
Sansa: That's the vulgar word for 'dung!'
[Tyrion realizes what Sansa means]
Tyrion: My lady...
Sansa: Well, you asked me...

- My, you're a pretty one.
- Your name is?
- Oh, show us your muscles.
[Chuckles] You'll be a soldier.
Arya: That's Jaime Lannister, the queen's twin brother.
Sansa: Would you please shut up?

Myranda: [washes Sansa's hair] You're so beautiful... but you need to keep him happy. Ramsay gets bored easily. You don't want to end up like... Well... like the others.
Sansa: What others?
Myranda: I shouldn"t gossip.
[as the black dye washes out]
Myranda: Ah, it's good to see the red again. No point in hiding anymore.
Sansa: What others?
Myranda: Let's see, there was... Kyra, the blacksmith's daughter. She was tall like you, lovely figure. But... she talked and talked and talked, and... Ramsay grew tired of that. Then there was Violet. She had gorgeous blonde hair. But
[little scoff]
Myranda: she got pregnant. And, well, that was boring. Then... Tansy. Such a sweet girl. Of course... sweet girls get a bit... dull after a while, don't they? Ramsay let me come with him on that hunt.
Sansa: Hunt?
Myranda: Mm. Have you ever seen a body... after the dogs had been at it? Not so pretty.
Myranda: But, well, it's your wedding day. Why am I talking about such things?
[continues washing Sansa's back]
Sansa: What was your name again?
Myranda: Myranda.
Sansa: And how long have you loved him, Myranda?
[no answer]
Sansa: Did you imagine that he would be with you forever, is that it? And I came along and ruined it. I'm Sansa Stark of Winterfell. This is my home... and you can't frighten me.
Myranda: Are you done with your bath... my lady?
Sansa: Go. I can finish on my own.

[Brienne and Pod encounter Littlefinger and Sansa. Littlefinger's guards block Brienne's way]
Brienne: Lord Baelish. Lady Sansa. My name is Brienne of Tarth.
Petyr: We've met, with Renly Baratheon. What did he say about you? He said your loyalty came free of charge.
[Brienne nods]
Petyr: [smirks] Someone appears to have paid quite a bit for it since then.
[the guards look at Littlefinger. He motions them to let Brienne approach. Brienne kneels down before Sansa]
Brienne: Lady Sansa. Before your mother's death, I was her sworn sword. I gave my word I will find you and protect you. I will shield your back and keep your counsel, and give my life for you if needs be. I swear it by the old gods and the new.
Petyr: Please, Lady Brienne. No need for such formality.
[Littlefinger stands, and so does Brienne]
Petyr: You were Catelyn Stark's sworn sword?
Brienne: I was.
Petyr: Strange. I knew Cat since the time we were children. She never mentioned you.
Brienne: It was after Renly's murder.
Petyr: Ah, yes. You were accused of killing him.
Brienne: [sharply] I tried to save him.
Petyr: But you were accused.
Brienne: By men who did not see what happened.
Petyr: And what did happen?
[Brienne heistates before answering, knowing full well that the explanation sounds insane]
Brienne: He was murdered by a shadow. A shadow with the face of Stannis Baratheon.
Petyr: [sneers] A shadow? With a face?
[Littlefinger turns to Sansa]
Petyr: This woman swore to protect Renly, she failed. She swore to protect your mother, she failed. Why would I want somebody with your history of failure guarding Lady Sansa?
Brienne: Why would YOU have any saying in her affairs?
Petyr: Because I am her uncle. I married her Aunt Lysa shortly before my beloved's untimely death. We're family now. And you are an outsider. Forgive me, Lady Brienne. But experience has made me wary of outsiders.
Brienne: Lady Sansa... if we can have a word alone...
Sansa: No.
Brienne: Please, my Lady, if I can explain...
Sansa: [interrupts] I saw you at Joffrey's wedding... bowing to the king.
Brienne: [shakes her head] Neither of us wanted to be there. Sometimes we don't have a choice.
Sansa: And sometimes we do.
Sansa: You should leave.
Petyr: We don't want our new friend wandering the countryside alone. The roads in these parts aren't safe.
[Brienne looks at Littlefinger disdainfully]
Petyr: Why don't you stay?
[Brienne turns to Sansa. Sansa gives her an imploring look, implying that she is in danger and must leave. Brienne walks away, knocking the guards who try to stop her]

Arya: Why do they call you Littlefinger?
Sansa: Arya!
Septa: Don't be rude.
Petyr: [smiles] No, it's quite all right. When I was a child, I was very small and I come from a little spit of land called "The Fingers", so you see, it's an exceedingly clever nickname.

Sansa: [regarding Littlefinger] In his own horrible way, I believe he loved me.
Arya: You did the right thing.
Sansa: You did it.
Arya: I was just the executioner. You passed the sentence. You're the Lady of Winterfell.
Sansa: [with sincerity] Does that bother you?
Arya: I was never going to be as good a lady as you. So I had to be something else. I never could have survived what you survived.
Sansa: You would have. You're the strongest person I know.
Arya: I believe that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me.
Sansa: Well... don't get used to it. You're still very strange and annoying.
[they both smile]
Arya: "In winter we must protect ourselves. Look after one another."
Sansa: [smiles] Father. "When the snows fall, and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."
Arya: I miss him.
Sansa: Me, too.

Tyrion: I apologize for my nephew's behaviour. Tell me the truth, do you want to end this engagement?
Sansa: I am loyal to King Joffrey, my one true love.
Tyrion: Lady Stark, you may survive us yet.

Arya: Get down to the crypt.
Sansa: I'm not abandoning my people.
Arya: Take this and go.
- I don't know how to use it.
- Stick them with the pointy end.

Septa: Someday your husband will sit there, and you will sit by his side. And one day, before too long, you will present your son to the court. All the lords of Westeros will gather here to see the little prince...
Sansa: What if I have a girl?
Septa: Gods be good, you'll have boys and girls and plenty of them.
Sansa: What if I only have girls?
Septa: I wouldn't worry about that.
Sansa: Jeyne Poole's mother had five children, all of them girls.
Septa: Yes, but it's highly unlikely.
Sansa: But what if?
Septa: Well, if you only had girls, I suppose the throne would pass to Prince Joffrey's little brother.
Sansa: And everyone would hate me.
Septa: Nobody could ever hate you.
Sansa: Joffrey does.
Septa: Nonsense. Why would you say such a thing? That business with the wolves? Sansa, I've told you a hundred times: a direwolf is not...
Sansa: Please shut up about it.