The Best Co-Ordinator Engin Quotes

Co: [reading the Doctor's file] The Tribunal chose, in view of the extenuating circumstances, to impose a lenient sentence.
Castellan: What?
Co: [louder] The Tribunal chose...
Castellan: What sentence?
Co: Oh, I beg your pardon. Banishment to Earth.
Castellan: Earth?
Co: Sol 3, in Mutter's Spiral. Rather an interesting little planet, I understand. Several of our...
Castellan: Is there anything further of relevance I should know, Coordinator Engin?
Co: I see there is an addendum. Ah yes, the sentence was subsequently remitted at the intercession of the CIA.
Castellan: Celestial Intervention Agency. They get their fingers into everything.

Doctor: Goth? Goth, what was his plan?
Chancellor: [dying] Couldn't... fight... his mental dominance. Did everything he asked. Sorry now.
Doctor: Goth, what was...
Co: It's no use, Doctor.
Doctor: No answer to a straight question. Typical politician.

Cardinal: Our story is going to be that the Master arrived in Gallifrey to assassinate the President, secretly. Before he could escape, Chancellor Goth tracked him down and killed him, unfortunately perishing himself in the exchange of fire. Now that's much better. I can believe that.
Co: You're making Goth into a hero?
Cardinal: If heroes don't exist, it is necessary to invent them. Good for public morale.
Co: And the Doctor's part in all this?
Cardinal: Best forgotten. Of course, Doctor, the charge against you will be dropped.
Doctor: How kind.
Cardinal: Conditional on your leaving Gallifrey tonight.
Doctor: Somehow, Cardinal, I don't want to stay.
Cardinal: Good. I believe you know something of the Master's past.
Doctor: We've bumped into each other from time to time.
Cardinal: Then before you leave, you can assist Coordinator Engin to compile a new biog of him. It doesn't have to be entirely accurate.
Doctor: Like Time Lord history.