The Best Controller Quotes

[first lines]
Controller: Keep away. Don't touch me. I'll obey!
[a claw is seen on screen dragging the old man off]
Jamie: What's that? What's happening!
Polly: Doctor, that was it - that thing in the picture! That was the claw! They're in control.
Pilot: Take them out of here. They're condemned to the pits.
Ola: Come on. Get out, all of you. Out! Get out!

[last lines]
Controller: I... I will tell them. I will tell them. I... I'll do what you say. Keep away. Don't touch me! I'll obey!
[a claw is seen on screen dragging the old man off]
Jamie: What's that? What's happening!
Polly: Doctor, that was it: that thing in the picture! That was the claw! They're in control.
Pilot: Take them out of here. They are condemned to the pits!
Polly: Macra!
Pilot: Take them away!
Polly: They're in control!