The Best Davey Taylor Quotes

Dr. Julia Ogden: [Reading storybook] Now, Little Red Riding Hood knew it wasn't her grandmother's voice.
Davey: Did you know her?
Dr. Julia Ogden: Oh, yes. She once loaned me her cape when it was cold out.
Rosie: Then the wolf would have eaten you, too.
Dr. Julia Ogden: The wolf and I had an understanding: He wouldn't eat me, and I wouldn't eat him.

Rosie: Are you Detective Murdoch?
Detective: I am. Now what can I do for you two?
Davey: The Snow Queen wants you to know she's safe.
Detective: And who is the Snow Queen?
Rosie: She said you would know.
[hands Julia's new ring to Murdoch]
Detective: Oh, right. And how did you know to ask for me?
Rosie: She said to look for the handsome man who gave us four dollars.
Detective: Right.
Rosie: You really married the Snow Queen?
Detective: Yes, I did.
Rosie: So, if you married her, you must be a king.
Detective: Well, I certainly feel that way sometimes.