The Best Dodo Quotes

[first lines]
Dodo: Doctor? Steven? Look!
Dr. Who: What is it, my dear? What have you found, hmm?
Dodo: The statue. They've finished the statue.

Dr. Who: [triumphantly to Dodo] You know, my dear, there's something very satisfying, about destroying something that's evil. Don't you think?
Dodo: Yes!
[Dodo joins in the destruction of the lab as the Doctor looks exasperated]

[first lines]
Monoid: Two, are you there? Two, answer me!
Dodo: Doctor, what do we do now?
Dr. Who: Nothing, my dear. We shall just have to wait until the next party lands.
Dodo: But what if they don't come? What if they decide to find another planet?
Dr. Who: Well, in that case, we shall just have to stay here.

[first lines]
Steven: Just where do you think you're going?
Dorothea: Out.
Steven: Out?
Dorothea: Yes, I thought I'd get some fresh air. Somebody opened the door.
Steven: But nobody said you could go out.

Dr. Who: [talking about needing a leader] Jano, since you have destroyed the power you held over Chal and his people, you realize now, of course, that you've got to learn to live together.
Jano: Yes. But the fear and hatred of the past will only die slowly. We need someone like yourself as a mediator until we have become one people.
Dr. Who: I see. But in my case, I am afraid that is utterly impossible.
Jano: The man we need must inspire trust. His judgments must come from his heart even more than his head.
Chal: [the Doctor smiles knowingly, as Chal and Jano turn to Steven] Here is the leader we want, Jano.
Jano: This is what I thought.
Steven: [struggling for words and looking surprised at the choice of him for leader] Just a minute. I couldn't...
Dr. Who: A great honour, dear boy.
Steven: But I can't walk out on you and Dodo!
Dr. Who: Just think of the challenge to be able to set up the people on this planet for a new life. You're quite ready for this task.
Steven: You think I can do it?
Dr. Who: Yes, I do. And you're the only man who can, my boy.
Steven: [to Chal] And the offer come from both sides?
Chal: You would give us new hope. Our people will become great again - we will learn to live as equals - without bitterness.
Steven: What about Tor?
Tor: I should accept your decisions.
Steven: [there is a moment's silence as Steven considers the momentous decision] Very well. I will stay.
Chal: Thank you... and thank you! You have justified our faith.
Dodo: [running over to Steven to be comforted] Oh Steven!
Steven: [giving Dodo a hug] I shall miss you both, Dodo.

Dodo: Steven, there's something wrong. It shouldn't be so easy to get in.
Steven: Chal and his people will be too terrified to break in.
Dodo: Surely they should have some security?
Steven: Maybe they thought one guard was enough.

Dr. Who: [Dodo sneezes] Oh, bless you, my dear. You have a handkerchief I hope?
Dorothea: Of course I have.
Dr. Who: Then use it, my child! We must do something about that cold of yours.

Dodo: [talking to the Doctor, surrounded by Nanina and Steven] Are you all right, Doctor?
Dr. Who: Yes, I think so, my dear. I must have fallen into some kind of a coma. It was as though... as though all my powers had been sapped.

[last lines]
Dodo: Doctor? Steven? Look!
Dr. Who: What is it, my dear? What have you found?
Dodo: The statue. They've changed the statue.

[last lines]
Dr. Who: Yes, I think I can say that I know just exactly where we are.
Dodo: Past, present, or future?
Dr. Who: In the future. Very much in the future. We've now reached the distant horizon of an age, an age of peace and prosperity. Now, I'm going to be off.

[last lines]
Monoid: Two, are you there? Two, answer me!
Dodo: What do we do now?
Dr. Who: Nothing, my dear. We shall just have to wait until the next party lands.
Dodo: But what if they don't come? What if they decide to find another planet?
Dr. Who: Well, in that case, we shall just have to stay here.

[last lines]
Dr. Who: [Steven saying goodbye] Well, I must say, young man, I'm very proud of you.
Steven: Doctor, I don't know if...
Dr. Who: I know, I know my boy. Well, go on, you mustn't keep them waiting.
Steven: [shaking hands with the Doctor] Goodbye, Doctor.
Dr. Who: [shaking Steven's hand] Goodbye Steven, and good luck.
[Steven turns and hurries away. But at the door, he hesitates and sadly turns back to give a last look at the Doctor and Dodo. He gives a small wave, and disappears]
Dodo: [sobbing] Doctor, do you think we'll ever see him again?
Dr. Who: [comforting Dodo] Well, who knows, my dear? In this strange complex of time and space, anything can happen.
[turning to leave]
Dr. Who: Come along, little one, we must go.
[arm-in-arm, the Doctor and Dodo stroll out of the devastated laboratory]
Dr. Who: We mustn't look back.

[last lines]
Steven: We're landing now Doctor.
Dr. Who: Good. That means the gravitational bearing must have rectified itself.
Dodo: [enters from one of the other rooms] Hey, look at this!
[models her groovy new outfit, a sleeveless mini dress. The upper portion is light-colored with a dark, misshaped circle in the center. The bottom portion is dark-colored with light, misshaped circles all around. On her head she wears a cap with a visor. She looks like she just came from Carnaby Street. Meanwhile, the Doctor switches off the TARDIS]
Dodo: Isn't it fab?
Steven: [walks over to her and examines her clothes with approval] Yes... hmm, very nice.
[the Doctor sneezes and as he does so he slowly fades away. Steven and Dodo don't notice right away because they are facing each other]
Steven: Bless you.
Dodo: Oh Doctor, don't say you're catching a cold now.
Steven: [Now Steven and Dodo turn toward the Doctor and discover that he's disappeared] Doctor? Well, where are you?
Dr. Who: [the Doctor briefly fades in and out of sight but then completely disappears] What do you mean, dear boy? I'm still here, hmm?
Steven: Huh?
Dodo: Doctor, you've vanished!
Dr. Who: What? Oh nonsense child! Nonsense! Hmm!
Dodo: You have! Do you think this is something to do with the Refusians?
Steven: Why... it must be!
Dr. Who: You're wrong! This is something far more serious. We're in grave danger. This is some form of attack!