The Best Dr. Arizona Robbins Quotes

Mr. Torres: I don't know you well enough to talk about her. We're not gonna do that.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Most people think I was named for the state, but it's not true. I was named for a battle ship. The U.S.S. Arizona. My grandfather was serving on the Arizona when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, and he saved 19 men before he drowned. Pretty much everything my father did his whole life was about honoring that sacrifice. I was raised to be a good man in a storm. Raised me to love my country. To love my family. To protect the things I love. When my father - Colonel Daniel Robbins, the United States Marine Corp - heard that I was a lesbian, he said he had only one question. I was prepared for, "How fast can you get the hell out of my house?" But instead, it was, "Are you still who I raised you to be?" My father believed in country the way that you believe in God. And my father is not a man who bends, but he bent for me because I'm his daughter. I'm a good man in a storm. I love your daughter. And I protect the things that I love. Not that I need to. She doesn't need it. She's strong, and caring, and honorable. She's who you raised her to be.

Dr. Derek Shepherd: [about Zola] Do you know how long her shunt must have been malfunctioning for her bowel to have gotten this bad?
Dr. Meredith Grey: They didn't know what to look for.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Exactly, because she should've been with us.
Dr. Meredith Grey: But she's not and that's my fault and I may never sleep another night again because of that, but if there's a prayer of us getting her back then we just have to dot our I's and cross our T's and not mess with the rules. Arizona is a great surgeon. Please don't make it worse.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: [to Arizona] What is your plan on fixing this?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: It's just kinked. Once I get in there and I remove the adhesions and fix the obstruction. The shunt will be fine.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: What if it's not? What if it's disconnected or broken?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Then I convert to a V-A shunt. Derek, I can do this. Let me do this.

Dr. Arizona Robbins: I don't see things. So maybe I just don't get what's going on with you or why you're so mad, but I do think it's awesome. I think that George joining the army is awesome.
Dr. Callie Torres: Um, shut up.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Um, no. You asked me who I was. I am a person who thinks that what George is doing is dangerous and terrifying and brave. He's going to serve his country. He's going to risk his life to save the men and women who make it possible for you and I to sleep safely in our beds. I'm a person who thinks that that is brave. And I am a person who stood in an airplane hangar and watched them unload my brother's body in a coffin
[voice breaks]
Dr. Arizona Robbins: and all we got was a flag.
[normal voice]
Dr. Arizona Robbins: My brother died over there because there weren't enough doctors, Callie. So, for my money, George O'Malley is a patriot. He's a hero. And I'm grateful that he exists. So yeah, the word I use is "awesome". That's who I am.
[walks away]
Dr. Callie Torres: [grabs her hand] I'm sorry.

Intern: It says here the code's for a 6-year-old kid, not an infant.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: I don't care. If someone's stealing babies, you count all the babies.

Dr. April Kepner: Oh, shut up! Today is not the day.
[to Meredith & Cristina]
Dr. April Kepner: You two... super neat that you're working your crap out, but not today.
[to Arizona]
Dr. April Kepner: And you! You know what? Stop talking about adultery on my wedding day because it is my wedding day! I should be feeling very special right now. I should be flounced and fluffed up and checked over and handed tissues and told not to cry with joy. So just... you know what? Stop thinking about you and you make me feel special.
Dr. Cristina Yang: Would you like a tissue?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: You look good.

Dr. Owen Hunt: One of the surgical residents has a lodged an official complaint with human resources. Three separate complains, actually... directed sexual harassment, quid-pro-quo harassment and hostile work environment.
Dr. Callie Torres: What? Who?
Dr. Cristina Yang: Directed at whom?
Dr. Owen Hunt: H.R. won't release that or the name of the resident.
Dr. Callie Torres: [scoffs] Hostile work environment? Come on.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Does she have a case, legally?
Dr. Jackson Avery: O... okay. Is there a way that we could... or maybe I could... talk to this person? You know, we could just clear the air before it gets out of proportion.
Dr. Callie Torres: He shouldn't talk to her without legal present.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Well, if she's already filed a complaint...
Dr. Owen Hunt: You're all missing the point! This is not about one person. This is a complaint about this hospital and this teaching program. We are too often letting our personal lives disrupt our work. None of us are guilt-free... myself included. Now, H.R have recommended a clear, zero-tolerance policy.
Dr. Meredith Grey: [as she reads the paper] "Excluding those of pre-existing married couples..."
Dr. Cristina Yang: [as she reads the paper] "Relationships or romantic or sexual nature between superiors and subordinates will not be allowed."
Dr. Owen Hunt: It is restrictive, it is non-negotiable... but it is fair, and better still, it is unambiguous. I urge you all to vote to implement this.

Dr. Arizona Robbins: [to Alex] What the hell is wrong with you?
Dr. Alex Karev: Look, let's not do this. I've had enough lectures. I'm not in the mood for another one.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Your job is to take care of children.
Dr. Alex Karev: Look, Arizona...
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Your job is to take care of children. You want to throw your life away? Or your career? The career that I helped you build? I trained you. I had your back and I always pushed for you, no matter what anybody said.

Dr. Arizona Robbins: [to Alex] I'm pissed. That baby deserved the best peds surgeon we have and we didn't have him because you screwed up.
Dr. Alex Karev: Yeah. Today, I froze a wart, diagnosed three sinus infections, gave someone a laxative and waited until they pooped. I wanted to quit every five minutes today. I wanted to walk out the damn door and never look back.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: So now you're gonna complain?
Dr. Alex Karev: That's the point. I'm not. I'm gonna do my time, work in the clinic and help people. I want to come back and I'm gonna do whatever it takes, and I'm not quitting. And that's the guy you trained and raised and whatever, so... okay?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: I missed you today, but I'm still really, really mad at you.
Dr. Alex Karev: I know. Me too.

Dr. Arizona Robbins: [to Karev] Listen, I hate to kick a guy when he's down, but...
Dr. Alex Karev: Down? Who's down? I'm not down.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: You narced on a fellow surgeon, you're a pariah. You're living in the hospital, and you look like a bum and you've got really bad breath, really, really bad. Do you need me to go on?
Dr. Alex Karev: No, no. I'm good.

Dr. Callie Torres: I have spent the last month trying to convince myself that I don't need kids to be happy. Really trying, giving lectures to myself, saying it out loud to you and to Mark and turning myself inside out to want what you wanted. And then I stopped for a second, and I thought, did you ever try to imagine what it would be like to change for me? Because I don't think you did. What you did was you dismissed my dream... my dream... which says to me that you don't give a rat's ass if I'm happy. I never understood squat about who you are. And now I do, and I don't like it.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Oh, really, really, really? I'm supposed to change for you? Why, because we're in love? I mean, because you fall in love all the time... men, woman...

Dr. Arizona Robbins: [to Callie about Sofia] That is my child!
Dr. Callie Torres: Okay, so I can screw some whore on shore leave, but this is over the line?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Hey, I could've called the police on you...
Dr. Callie Torres: Okay, and now she's your baby. I had to talk you into even considering having a child.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: And I had to talk you into marriage.
Dr. Callie Torres: Yeah, because I knew that it would be a mistake and you know what? It was.

Dr. Arizona Robbins: [to Eliza] You want to go back to my place? Sleep it off? Or maybe do some other stuff before we sleep it off? And by "other things," I mean sex. You want to go have some overly-tired sex?
Dr. Eliza Minnick: I shouldn't. I have to pack up.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Pack up what?
Dr. Eliza Minnick: I just got fired.

Dr. Arizona Robbins: Oh, no. No, no, no. You were suppose to be smart and cool and G.I. Jane.
Dr. Teddy Altman: I know that. Instead, I got attached to the trauma guy who swoops in and swoops out a month later. I'm such an idiot. I'm not G.I. Jane. I'm Attachment Barbie.

Dr. Arizona Robbins: [to Meredith] What's going on with the baby?
Dr. Meredith Grey: Oh, nothing. He's fine. They have him in the nursery.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Oh, oh. I thought... I thought something happened.
Dr. Meredith Grey: No, no. I paged you because I wanted to let you know that Callie and Sofia are going to stay at my place tonight. I think she just needs some space. She needs to cool off and... I know you're not gonna go run over there or anything, but I thought that you would just like to know that she and the baby are...
[Arizona turns and walks out]
Dr. Meredith Grey: Arizona. Arizona?
Dr. Cristina Yang: Is "I told you so" inappropriate?
Dr. Meredith Grey: Shut it.

Dr. Arizona Robbins: We've come a long way. And I know that we have further to go, but... I love you Calliope. I love you. Life without you terrifies me, and the world just makes less and less sense. I don't even know what I'm doing at work right anymore. But the thing that I need, is my anchor. It's you, I need you, and you're the only thing I will ever need. And I'm so glad this break is over.
Dr. Callie Torres: The last thirty days have taught me so much. All I wanted when we first came here was to know that we would leave together. But from the minute I sat down I could feel it, I felt like I was going to be suffocated. The last several weeks I have laughed more, I have done more, enjoyed myself more. And I finally feel free. And by being free, I can see now that constantly trying to fix us is the thing that's been killing me slowly. And I don't want to do it anymore, I don't want to fix it or fix us anymore. Maybe instead of loving you so hard, I should just be myself for a while. I should love me. And you should love you, and together we love Sofia, rather than... I want so much for you Arizona. For both of us. So much more than this. More than being stuck with someone who feels stuck. I want you to feel free too.

Dr. Arizona Robbins: I love my child and I want her with me, but I know that, no matter how this ends, she'll survive. She'll be healthy and safe and well-taken care of and loved because we are her mothers, but there's a child at the hospital who will not survive unless I am there, so I have to... I have to go.

Dr. Callie Torres: OK, she saw me, now I can go
Dr. Cristina Yang: She's just getting started.
Dr. Callie Torres: No, I have a headache I need coffee.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: I have a cure for a headache that doesn't involve coffee.
[Christina looks over at Callie]
Dr. Arizona Robbins: [Callie smiles, while Arizona leaves]

Dr. Callie Torres: When are you gonna forgive me for not being a good enough lesbian for you?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: When you do something to convince me that you're falling in love with me and not with being in love. When you do something to convince me that I'm different than George O'Malley, Erica Hahn, Mark Sloan or the girl at the coffee cart. I mean, you have a huge heart, and I love that about you. But I don't trust you. Why would I?

Dr. Arizona Robbins: Hey, I thought you were in surgery.
Dr. Callie Torres: I'm on my way.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Have you talked to Bailey about this peds and Tucker thing?
Dr. Callie Torres: No, I talked to Bailey about the army thing and George.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Are you upset with me?
Dr. Callie Torres: [chuckles] No, I'm awesome.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Calliope...
Dr. Callie Torres: [interrupts] No, do not - do not "Calliope" me, ok? You said it was awesome. George - sweet, kind George, who can't even kill a fly - is joining the army to go to Iraq. In the middle of a war, and you said "awesome".
Dr. Arizona Robbins: It is awesome.
Dr. Callie Torres: No, it's not awesome. God! Who are you?

Dr. Callie Torres: The man flew 3,000 miles to make me straight. With a priest! I'm lucky they didn't march into the ER swinging incense all hepped up for an exorcism.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Are you done yet?
Dr. Callie Torres: Am I... No! He came here to disinfect you from my life, you don't find that abhorrent?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: I do! But...
Dr. Callie Torres: There is no but. Oh what, you're going to tell me you get where he's coming from?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Maybe you should try and talk to him.
Dr. Callie Torres: I have nothing to say! If he wants to throw away our relationship after 30 years then that's his decision.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: He hasn't done anything here; you're the one who changed the game.
Dr. Callie Torres: You didn't expect a little understanding when you came out to your parents?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: I... I never had boyfriends. Ever. I had a poster on my wall of Cindy Crawford, and it wasn't just looking at her mole. It wasn't news to my mom when I brought somebody home named Joanne. But you... you dated men your whole life, you loved men. You even married one! You're talking about 30 years of relationship, you know, he's been consistent for 30 years. And all of a sudden you're a whole new girl. So, cut him some slack. Sit down and have a conversation. Give him room to be a little shocked.
Dr. Callie Torres: I hate you!
Dr. Arizona Robbins: 'Cause I'm right. And I'm awesome.

Ruby: [crying] I want my mommy. I want my mommy.
Dr. Callie Torres: It's all right. I know. I know you do and she's gonna be back soon, but you know what, until she gets here, you have the best doctor in the whole world with you right now.
[looks up at Arizona who is crying]
Dr. Callie Torres: Yeah, Dr. Robbins is the best doctor in this entire hospital. I- I think in the whole world. Yeah, people feel so much better after she helps them, sometimes people feel better just after she walks in the room. 'Cause she has got this super magic smile.
[looks up at Arizona]
Dr. Callie Torres: Yeah, and when she smiles at you,
[Arizona finally looks at Callie]
Dr. Callie Torres: everything gets better. And you don't know it 'cause you have your back to her right now but she is giving you... Wow, she is giving you her best super magic smile. Isn't that right, Dr. Robbins.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Right. I am, Ruby. I am.

Dr. Arizona Robbins: [to Callie] Hey, can we talk? Listen, I want a piece of paper that says Sofia is mine. I know that we say we're going to do it, but we never actually do it.
Dr. Callie Torres: Then let's do it.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: 'Cause she's mine, she's my baby, too. I mean, she's yours and she's Mark's, but she's mine, too. I mean, I'm really the only one who can get her to go back to sleep in the middle of the night.
Dr. Callie Torres: I know.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: And she calls me Mama.
[voice starts to break]
Dr. Arizona Robbins: And I know it sounds like she's babbling, but she's saying it to me. I'm... I'm her mama.
Dr. Callie Torres: I know. I know you are. We'll get you that piece of paper, okay? I promise.
[Arizona and Callie hug each other]

Dr. Arizona Robbins: Maybe I don't understand people, I don't see things. So maybe I don't get what's wrong with you, or why your so mad, but I do think it's awesome, I think George joining the army is AWESOME.
Dr. Callie Torres: um shut up
Dr. Arizona Robbins: um no, you asked me who I was, I am person who thinks what George is doing is dangerous and terrifying and brave. He's going to serve his country, he's going to risk his life to save the men and women who make it possible so you and I can sleep safely in our beds, I'm a person who thinks that is brave, and I am a person who stood in a air plane hanger and watched them unload my brothers body in a coffin, and all we got was a flag. My brother died because there weren't enough doctors Callie, so for my money George O'Malley is a Patriot, he's a hero and im greatful that he exists. So yea, the world i use is awesome, thats who i am
[Starts to walk away]
Dr. Callie Torres: [Callie grabs her hand] I'm sorry

Dr. Jo Wilson: [to Alex] Wait. Did you have sex with any of my friends in this closet?
Dr. Alex Karev: Uh...
Dr. Jo Wilson: Okay, no. This isn't happening. I gotta go.
Dr. Alex Karev: Wh...
[Jo opens the door and finds Arizona about to walk in the room]
Dr. Jo Wilson: Hey.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Hey.
[Jo leaves the room; to Alex]
Dr. Arizona Robbins: I was just gonna get some lidocaine, but I'm not gonna slip on a used condom, am I?
Dr. Alex Karev: Screw you.

Dr. Arizona Robbins: [to Callie] Long-distance relationships aren't impossible.
Dr. Callie Torres: Yeah, I don't know if we can survive long distance. I'm so afraid that it'll all fall apart.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: hen don't let it. I mean, decide you want it to work and make it happen. It's New York. It's a 6-hour flight. It's weekends and phone calls. You can figure it out. You will. You should.

Dr. Callie Torres: [to Arizona] How could you do this?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: [stammers] I don't know... I don't know, except I did.
Dr. Callie Torres: After all that's happened this year, everything we've been through, everything we've survived: the bankruptcy, Mark, the plane...
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Oh, you weren't on the plane, Callie!
[voice breaking]
Dr. Arizona Robbins: You weren't in the woods and you did not hear Meredith crying for Lexie, and Mark moaning in pain or hearing me scream in pain. You weren't there and you keep acting like you were, but you weren't and it wasn't your experience!
Dr. Callie Torres: I lost Mark. You almost died. You...
Dr. Arizona Robbins: I lost Mark. You almost died. You weren't on the freaking plane! You want it? The street cred? The badge of honor? The warrior wounds? Then great. Stick out your leg and I will go grab a bone saw, and let's even the score! Oh.
[starts crying]
Dr. Callie Torres: It always comes back to the leg.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: I trusted you, more than anything, more than anyone...
Dr. Arizona Robbins: in my life. And you decided to cut it off.
Dr. Callie Torres: To save your life!
Dr. Arizona Robbins: You didn't lose anything! I did! I did.
Dr. Callie Torres: Apparently, I lost you.

Dr. Callie Torres: [to Arizona] No matter what the judge decides, I know that you're a good mom, too and I just want you to know this doesn't change that.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: The things you let them say about me, I would never have done that to you. Never.

Michelle: [to Arizona] Just to be clear, Dr. Sloan and Dr. Torres were Sofia's parents and then you came around.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: No, I didn't "come around." I'm Sofia's mother. I legally adopted her.
Michelle: Her last names are Sloan and Torres.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: I'm gonna have to stop you before you continue for your own sake. You're not going to imply that I'm any less Sofia's mother because we don't share the same DNA. Because that would be offensive. It would be offensive to anyone in the room who has an adopted child or is an adopted child, and for you to say that. I chose to be Sofia's mother! It did not fall into my lap. There was a choice and I could stay or I could run, and I chose motherhood. And it was the best choice that I ever made.

Dr. Alex Karev: You don't want me to go. You've been tanking my recommendations.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: I know. It's awful. I feel really guilty about it. But you don't know how hard it is to find a good peads fellow, and I'm not gonna let them take my best candidate.
Dr. Alex Karev: I'm your best?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Go away.

Dr. Alex Karev: [to Arizona] Hey, hey. What's going on?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: I need you to page Callie 9-1-1.
Dr. Alex Karev: Why?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Because she took off with my baby and I don't know where. And when I call her, she doesn't pick up.
Dr. Alex Karev: All right. Did she maybe...
Dr. Arizona Robbins: No, just do it!

Dr. Callie Torres: Oh, new interns. I hate new interns.
Dr. Teddy Altman: Seriously? I love new interns. They're the future, the next generation, filled with hope and promise, innovation.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Wow. The sex with Henry must be really good.
Dr. Teddy Altman: Earth-shattering.
[Arizona covers Sofia's ears]
Dr. Teddy Altman: Not even Yang is gonna get me down.

Dr. Callie Torres: [to Callie about Sofia] Plane tickets. Bring her back next weekend and I want all summer and every other school year. I want Christmas this time, but you can get next time and we'll figure out the rest of the details.
Dr. Callie Torres: What? Are you saying...
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Listen, we did this wrong. We had a chance to do it right and we missed it.
Dr. Callie Torres: Are you saying...?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: I'm saying that Sofia deserves to have two happy moms. I'm saying, let's all be happy.

Dr. Arizona Robbins: Eliza? Hey, come on. Come on. I've given you all the time that I can. Now you have to let me help you lick your wounds. Wow. That sounded dirtier than I meant it to.

Nurse: We're on lockdown.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: What? Why?
Dr. Callie Torres: Oh, come on.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: It's a joke, right? It's a drill or something?
[all of their pagers beep]
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Okay, it's no joke. Everyone... Everyone! We're sealing the floor. I don't know why and it doesn't matter why but nobody goes in or out, past the double doors. Check on your own patients and then come back and check and if there's any others in the queue. We don't have a lot of hands on deck. And people, do not alarm the makers of the tiny humans. They will eat you alive.
[everyone walks off, Arizona looks to Callie]
Dr. Arizona Robbins: I really thought that was a joke.
Dr. Callie Torres: Sick joke.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Excuse me?
Dr. Callie Torres: Uh... Nothing.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: [scoffs] What? Oh, you can't be on the same floor with me? That's a hardship for you?
Dr. Callie Torres: Uh, yeah, frankly it is.

Dr. Owen Hunt: Okay, we should get started. Um, Bailey, we have some board business that we need to disc...
Dr. Miranda Bailey: [while holding Meredith's baby] I'm not going anywhere. Me and this baby got Bailey business to discuss. Don't we? Yes, Mr. Derek Bailey Shepherd. Yes, we do.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: What does Zola think of him?
Dr. Meredith Grey: Oh, she wants to take him into daycare for show and tell.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Where's Richard?
Dr. Owen Hunt: I paged all the board members.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Well, Avery should be here, too.
Dr. Owen Hunt: Yeah, well, he was being a hero last night. He dislocated his shoulder saving a kid from a bus crash.
Dr. Meredith Grey: What bus crash?
Dr. Cristina Yang: She had a baby. She doesn't know things.
Dr. Meredith Grey: So tell me.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: A church was evacuating some people and their bus overturned.
Dr. Owen Hunt: The good news is, everyone survived and there are no major injuries.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: And the bad news?
Dr. Owen Hunt: Everything else. The blood bank is flooded and the E.R. looks like it was ransacked.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: So we need to close the E.R.?
Dr. Owen Hunt: We are dangerously low on meds. Personnel can't make it in due to the flooding.
Dr. Cristina Yang: So we need to close the E.R.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Can we do that?
Dr. Owen Hunt: You are the board. I am telling you that E.R. cannot open today.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Well, what do we need? I can try to coordinate with our suppliers.
[Arizona gives her a look]
Dr. Meredith Grey: I had a baby, I'm not dead.

Dr. Arizona Robbins: Chief.
Dr. Richard Webber: Did you wanna tell me something?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: I am going to cry, and I just want you to know that I know it's going to happen. And I just want you to ignore it. And I'm not crying because I'm upset. It's just what happens when I get mad at people of authority.
Dr. Richard Webber: You're mad at me?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: [starts crying] I am mad at you. And I'm crying because you're the boss. My boss, which brings up issues of authority and my dad, who you kind of remind me of. Not that you're old, but you command respect. People respect you. I mean, I know I do and I know Bailey does. Which is why I'm mad. Because, it's wrong, sir. It's wrong and mean to use a robot to lure Dr. Bailey back into general surgery because I don't have a robot. All I have are little kids, and they're not as fun as a robot. And they're not shiny, and new, and silver, and they don't have things coming out of their belly buttons. But I will fight you, and I will win, sir.
Dr. Richard Webber: You think you can fight me and win?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Yes!
Dr. Richard Webber: Good luck.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Because I have something that you don't have! I have joy, sir!

Dr. Arizona Robbins: [to Callie] I know that you wanted Bailey, but she's working on Richard.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Callie, we should...
Dr. Callie Torres: Should what? Not sleep with other people? Respect our wedding vows?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: We should put our problems aside right now because this guy deserves that.
[Callie scoffs and walks into the O.R]

Dr. Callie Torres: Oh! I'm awake! I'm, I'm, see, I'm, I'm TOTALLY awake. I'm... there's hats, and gifts and, and, donuts! And... lingerie.
[blows into noisemaker, which isn't working]
Dr. Callie Torres: Really?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: I love you.
Dr. Callie Torres: You do?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: I do.
Dr. Callie Torres: I love you too.