The Best Sapan Quotes

[first lines]
Victoria: Oh no! Thomni! Help, Thomni!
Thonmi: Run, Miss Victoria, run! Fetch Khrisong!
Victoria: The Yeti! The Yeti! Fetch help! Where's Khrisong?
Sapan: But where is Thomni? What has happened?
Victoria: He's in there. He's coming, now hurry!
Sapan: Khrisong, the Yeti, it is alive!
Khrisong: What!
Victoria: It's true Khrisong! Quick, its coming, do something!
Khrisong: Get back! Get back! Ralpachan, help him! Get him! Get up! We can't stop it! Get a net! We must destroy it!

[last lines]
Thonmi: Victoria. Miss Victoria, where are you? Miss Victoria!
Sapan: My son, what is the matter?
Thonmi: Oh, Sapan, the girl, I can't find her. I think she may have...
Victoria: [screaming] Aahhh!
Thonmi: Miss Victoria!

[last lines]
Jamie: Doctor!
Victoria: I think.
Dr. Who: Khrisong, I have found the control.
Khrisong: It is too late, Doctor, I can no longer help you.
Dr. Who: But you don't understand! It's here! In the monastery.
Travers: What? That's impossible!
Sapan: But the monastery is empty, we are all here.
Dr. Who: Are we? Are we all here?
Thonmi: The Master!
Sapan: Songsten is with him!
Khrisong: Then he is in great danger! Stay where you are. All of you.
Travers: I remember. Songsten, the Yeti, on the mountain. Yes, yes, it's all coming back to me.
Jamie: Tell us.
Travers: There was this cave...