The Best Drahvin 3 Quotes

Maaga: We must capture that spaceship from them.
Steven: What for? This is a spaceship as well, isn't it?
Maaga: Yes, but it cannot fly! The Rills shot us down! We cannot move!
Steven: You... you don't belong here?
Maaga: No. Nor do the Rills. There is no life on this planet. We come from Drahva. Some four hundred dawns ago. We were investigating this particular section of the galaxy. We were looking for a planet such as this, capable of supporting life, so that we might colonize it. There are too many of us on Drahva.
Steven: All women?
Maaga: Women?
[Steven stammers]
Dr. Who: Yes, ah,
Dr. Who: feminine. Ah, female. Hmm, hmm.
Maaga: Oh, hah... Oh, we have a small number of men - as many as we need. The rest we kill. They consume valuable food and fulfill no particular function. And these are not what you would call human! They are cultivated in test tubes. We have very good scientists. I am a living being. They are products - and inferior products! Grown for a purpose and capable of nothing more.
Steven: Grown for what purpose?
Maaga: To fight. To kill.
Dr. Who: Yours must be a very interesting civilization. Hmm, hmm, hmm. You attacked the Rills?
Maaga: No. We were in space above this planet. When we saw a ship such as we had never seen before. We did not know it, but it was a Rill ship. It fired on us, and we crashed. But before we did, we managed to fire back, so that they'd crashed, too. On landing they killed one of my soldiers.
Steven: What are they like, these Rills?
Maaga: [whispers] Disgusting!
Dr. Who: Well, heh, heh, that's no description, no description at all. Hmm, hmm.
Maaga: That's all I'll say.
Dr. Who: Yes, I... I think I'm beginning to understand.
Steven: Well, so am I, Doctor. This planet's about to explode. The Rills have managed to repair their ship in time so they can escape. You haven't, so you want their ship.
Maaga: We have no desire to be here when this planet ceases to exist.
Drahvin: Machine approaching!

Dr. Who: [running away from a Chumbley] Oh! Oh, good gracious!
Vicki: Are you all right?
Dr. Who: Yes, I think so. Ahh, it's all this physical exercise at my age. Huh, huh.
Drahvin: They're nearly here. Quickly! Inside! Close external door.
Drahvin: Close external door.
Steven: Well, it, ah, was a decent space ship once.
Dr. Who: [breathlessly] It's pretty backward now, isn't it? Yes, it's almost fossilized. Huh, huh.
Steven: Oh, I don't know, it's got one or two good features...
Vicki: We've, uh, just beat those Chumblies... they're still outside.
Dr. Who: Are we safe yet?
Drahvin: Yes. They cannot enter.
Drahvin: Silence! Maaga is coming!
Dr. Who: Maaga! Whoo, whoo! We're back there again.