The Best Ella Bruccoleri Quotes

Sister: [carrying the newly abandoned baby out of Dr. Turner's office at the Maternity Home] Dr. Turner wants her to go to St. Cuthbert's, in case she picked up an infection from lying in the bin.
Fred: Aw, poor little scrap. Can I, hold her?
[Sister Frances hands the baby to Fred]
Sister: I told them I wanted to give her a name before she goes. Sergeant Woolf said I could, but then I couldn't think of anything.
Fred: How about Primrose - rare little flowers that turn up in the cold.
[They both sweetly smile in agreement]

Sister: I cannot discern whether you are dusting or at prayer. Whichever should be the case... I deduce you are not succeeding.
Sister: [Shakes her head] I'll get better at it.
Sister: From experience, I would advise that you will not. But you will become more patient and therein know true grace.