Top 1000 Quotes From The Last Kingdom

- Yes, lord.
- But no silver was paid?
Fiske: No, lord.
- Still, they took their man.
- We find the slave, we find the lepers and we find the priest.
- Together they will tell us all we need to know about this horseman.
- Dead or otherwise.

- May it bring a time of healing for mercia.
- I fear my sister will not mourn him.
- With respect, lord king, your sister should follow the custom.
- She loves mercia, but she never loved its leader.
- Have aethelflaed confined until all this is settled.
- If only to save her offending the ealdormen by her lack of grief.

- Good morning, Hubert.
- I believe you now, there is no silver.
- So what else can you give me?

- Tell her I am here and take her there tonight.
- And if she refuses?
- If haesten prevents her?
- She will not refuse and haesten will not refuse her.
- You have never failed me, sihtric.
- I will see you at the tree.
- Let's go. Finan...

- Oh, Jesus!
- Can you believe that?
- Give me your hand! Give me your hand!
- Give me your other hand!
- Pull! Pull up!

- My sword's weight in silver.
- I agree I may have been robbed, but we like you, boy.
- We're going to keep you.
Uhtred: Does this mean I'm a Dane?
- It means you're uhtred ragnarson.
- You are a son to me now.
- Ah!

- And there is talk that they do not honor the union.
- As in mercia break from wessex?
Aldhelm: Some are saying that, yes.
- Then we must appease them. I understand their frustrations with my husband, but to sever Saxon unity would hurt us all.
- We must remain united.

- Come with me!
Finan: Ingrith!
Ingrith: Get out of my way!
- Ingrith!
- Ingrith, go!
- Come on!
Bresal: Fight me, boy!

- Why are you telling me this?
- It is of no concern to me.
- They will make it your concern, uhtred.
- They will find a way and Edward shall become your charge.
- You are a king-maker, my friend and Alfred knows it.

- I won't become a Saxon woman,
- I won't wash, work the fields until I drop and cook.
- It won't come to that.
- That won't be my life.
- Alfred can help us. We'll use him...
- For shelter, and then for wealth.
- He has used you.
- And now he owes me.

- I am.
- I pray you are wrong.
- But I know the sight of you alone, would strike at the heart of both the doubters and heathen.
- Alfred, you will never leave me.

- my commitment to his prosperity has not waned.
- Eoferwic must remain Christian.
- You do me a great honor.
- You shall be my eyes, ears and voice, aethelwold.
- Hmm, a bold response.
- Yes, father, I thought so.

- He has taken my woman, my seer, he shames me. I'd like to slit his belly.
- Now is not the time.
- I would accept the fight of skill, with staffs. Skade as the prize.
- Bloodhair, now is not the time.
- My answer is no.

- I'm not warning you again!
[Osbert] Ships! There!
- Danes.
- The devil's turds.
- Are they traders?
- No. They come as vikings!
- We go!

- You are uhtred, son of uhtred.
- Lord of bebbanburg.
- It's time you remembered that.
- You kept the blade sharp.
- I knew you'd return.

- But with luck, he will fall in battle, and soon.
- Please tell me that you're hungry.
- I am a little.
- Meet me in the kitchens.
- I have arranged a meal for the pregnant.
- But do not rush prayers.
- No. No. Of course not. Heh.

Burgred: I will.
- I will fight for mercia.
- You forget I am king and wield power like a king.
- Lord burgred...
- We have taken your son to wessex for religious instruction.
[Edward] He w17/ be cared for until his father finds better judgment.

- You have a good heart.
- Gifting your silver.
- Odda owes you 15 pieces more.
- I'll see that he pays.
- And the debt's not something
- I blame you for.
- It's Alfred's deceit.
- I should have been wiser.
- Though I was blinded by you.

- We could be killing them before they know we're there.
- Who would set the fires?
- Alone.
- But I'll need your word that you'll attack as soon as the fires have taken hold.
- You have it.
- If we succeed, lord, you'll have saved wessex.

- On your knees.
- {gasps} on your knees.
- On your knees, all of you!
- You will stay like that until your stiorra saves you from your agony.
- Stiorra, show yourself!
- Do not let these women suffer!

- To the sea gate, lord! Run!
- No, I will not leave and see it burn.
- No!
- The smoke will choke you before the flames even reach. Please!
- The gods will decide my fate.
- If not for yourself then for me!
- Please, just move!
- No!
- It is my destiny to die in bebbanburg!

- Bastard Scots! Kill them!
- Slay them all!
- Don't spare a single one of them!
- Sons of whores!

- There will be a ransom to pay.
- No. You will go to my lord and you will tell him that from this moment forth...
- Uhtred of bebbanburg is cursed.
- The witch holds his heart in her hands and she will...
- Squeeze it...
- And break it.

Ragnar the Younger: Then kill him.
- You're welcome to kill him.
- But you have to kill me first.
- I could happily manage without this.
- He's a Saxon. He's a traitor.
- He's an enemy.
- Well, to get to him, you have to kill me.
- My men, they will not follow you.

- Quickly! Get back!
- One formation!
- Pull back! Protect your men! Keep tight!

- Close the gates.
- I do not wish to harm you.
[Guard] Stay where you are.
Uhtred: Stand clear.
[Guard] Don't move.
- After him!
Steapa: Uhtred!
- Every man with me!

- How is the weasel?
- Still a man of wisdom and honor.
- Who promotes an ambitious soldier...
- Brave.
- Who rewards loyalty.
- I hear he takes your sister as his whore.
- Then you heard wrong, Dane.
- She's not a whore and he does not take her.

- He doesn't seem to like you much.
- That's Alfred's legacy.
- The man torments me still.

- I've known how to kill a curse since before you arrived at dunholm.
- I chose not to tell you, because I knew you wouldn't stay.
- So I wanted to see you suffer.
- I did love you, uhtred, but that has passed.
- I do not believe you.
- We are one, you and I.

- I am indebted, uhtred of bebbanburg.
- Wessex is indebted.
- There can be no negotiations, lord.
- Only surrender.
- That is your advice?
- It is.
- Ihearyou.

- Lord aethelred, I heard you were injured.
- Yes, I...
- Forgive me if I do not get up.
- They told me that...

- Lord?
- Osferth?

Uhtred: Brida.
- Sing me a song.
- I won't, and I'm not your skald.
- True, and what's more, you'd frighten the birds.
- What?
- There's a taste in the air.

- I believe lord uhtred is hoping you can tell him about kjartan's fortress.
- It is tall.
[Chuckles] Tell him that, and you're a dead man.
- Then let me speak to him.
- He will speak to you when he's ready.
- He's a good man.

- Bnda!
- Ah! You should not have come for my children, brida.
- It's not like the little priest was using his cock.

- Has he drunk any ale?
- A little.
- A little is of little use.

- You should wait here.
- The king will be with you soon enough.

- He boasts because the gods have not favored him.
- That doesn't mean you should.
- He is my brother and so I honor him.
- For all his faults, our blood is shared.
[Whispering] Blame the christians.
- They have spoken too much of forgiveness.

- We have no fear of it!
- It only takes sinners!
- Is that true?
- Move, I'm getting out of the bad air!
- I'm not risking the sickness.
- I will double the reward of every man who chooses to stay!

- I am to my bed.
- Good night. Good night.

- You're half naked, lord, you might catch a chill.
- This will not take long.
- Was it you? The fires?
- Must have been the gods.
- They're angry with you.
- First blood or to the death?

- Please.
- Go. Go. Please.
- Iseult, you must prepare.
- It can only be tonight.
- She will be ready.
- Shh-shh-shh.

- Thirty will hold, few enough to feed.
- Do this for me?
- I'd rather be with you, but I'll do as you ask.
- Thank you.
Glenna: Come on, quickly.
- Up there, go on.
Beocca: Hurry, please.

- That ram we have dragged, it will not work.
- It will not force open the gates.
- But it will work...
- In its own way.
- We rest. We wait.

- We cannot face the brothers alone.
- Why not?
- Finan, there is bravery and then there is stupidity.
- The northmen have a camp, do they not?
- Not a fortress but an open camp.
- If it is sigefrid and Erik we must kill, then let us do just that.
- We kill them while they're sleeping.
- Shadow-walkers.

- Did you see that?
- There, look!
- It's the signal!
Finan: Move your arses!
Uhtred: Follow us along the rocks.
- The rest of you stay here until I call for the ship.

- Do we split her too?
- You have the tits, I'll have the arse.
- She's mine.
- You are here for the silver?
- It is beneath this seat.

- Someone should tell her father.
- That falls to me, as penance for ignoring his warnings about the Danes.
- Have him brought from the road to Scotland.
- She was dishonored in life, so she will be honored in death.
- We must ready both armies to extract justice from sigtryggr.
- His wife... for mine.

- What... what is it, lord?
- We must ride after brida.
- Now.
- Uh, lord, I must speak with you...
- Fetch father pyrlig.
- He will be with the townspeople.
- Then stay here and make sure the rest of the city is secured.

- I do not need his solace.
- I need him to speak to me.
Aelswith: My life, I have given to him.
- I have prayed for so many hours, lord uhtred.
Aelswith: I have begged him to save her.
- I need to know that he is listening.

- What does he want with cumbraland and with our king?
- He wants bebbanburg, his ancestral home.
- And it's in the king's gift to help him.
- Hm. He will need to be watched.
- He's a pretender,
- I'm sure.

- Give me your strength, your heart and your wisdom.
- Give me your love, brother.
[Exhales] You shall always have mine.

- Did you hear that, bitch?
- Do you want to congratulate us?
- Oh, she cannot speak for thirst.
Rhodri: Hey, want a drink?
- Come on. Come on.
- {gasping} -[Men laughing]

- And you can tell him aethelflaed is well.
- Lord, if a Dane army is fast approaching, then there is only one path to take.
- To join Alfred.
- Tojoin him and to preserve mercia.
- Then we shall fight, aldhelm.
- And with luck, the right people shall die.

- He has made you eager to learn.
- He has given you free will, hoping that you will find the courage to choose him above all else.
- And I believe, I truly believe, he will be rewarded.
- I have a message for guthrum.
- He's in the church.

Haesten: Here.
- There is some water in a flask here.
Eadith: But what are you doing?
- Don't worry. I will look after you.

- You are foolish.
- This could soon be over.
- Cowards.
- Liars and cowards all of you!
- Go in the north. You need good weather to go through there.
- Why don't you go up to eofen/vic?

- How long? Before they come?
- They are near.
- You are facing death, for certain.
- You are wrong, jackdaw. I will not die.
- Osferth!
- The blood.

- It is.
- She is confined to a nunnery.
- Whilst Edward marries another without so much as a backward glance it appears.
- I would understand it entirely if you could not serve him.
- But do men like you and me really have a choice?
Beocca: The king.

[Brida] Two days. [Sniffs] Two days and still stiorra makes you suffer.
- I am here as a mother, to see a better future for our children.
- Daneland restored for Danes and Danes alone.
- Now, the gods gave us fair winds and calm seas to carry us here.
- For this, they deserve a sacrifice.
- Bring her forth.

- For the reason they risked their lives and crossed the seas.
- To make a homeland.
- Follow me and this I swear.
- You have my word...
- As a Saxon and as a Dane!

- Am I mistaken, or is that eadith?
Eadith: We are travelers and traders!
- Happy to pay the toll!

- To the settlements until the winter.
- We must hide you away, while the men go to war.
- Any of you caught humping a Saxon will be executed on our return.

[Dane] Stay back.
Uhtred: Finan!
- She's all right. Come on.
[U htred] Move!
Finan: Get back! Get back!
Uhtred: Move!
- Hold the line! Hold the lines!
[Dane] You heard him!

- Only constantin of scotia, the true Christian king, has power to end Edward's tyranny.
- King constantin will be expecting a gift.
- We shall give him one.
- The ladyaelfi/I/ynn is without allies.
- You must retrieve her.

- It is egbert's stone.
- Within these next few yards, we will know if we have an army...
- Of angels or otherwise.
- I will go alone.
- If no one is there, what then?
- I see.

Finan: Lord!
- I would not send you to be slaughtered.
- When I see you signal,
- I will approach the sea gate.
- He'll be looked after.
- He's blessed, as are you.
Finan: All right, come on.
- Uhtred.

- We can be enemies, or lovers.
- We can suffer or we can rule.
- Back of the line.
- Then you shall remain cursed.
- It's your choice.

- I want to, uhtred...
- To live in peace by your side...
- To raise my daughter in safety.
- Nothing would bring me greater happiness.
- But if we left, we could never return.
- We cannot let them destroy all we have fought for.

- And I will never understand you, that is a fact, and one of increasing concern.
- And on top of this, my enemies now call you king.
- And they called you a weasel, lord.
- Neither is true.
- Impossible.

- You are a good man.
- It matters not you did not love her.
- Others did. That is enough.
- Tell the boy the dreadful news.
Eadgifu: Pity him.
- Do not pity yourself.

- Cnut.
- He wanted to lead the Danes...
- And he wanted ragnar's woman who used to be yours.
- He told aethelwold that ragnar would kill him.
- He guided the blade... [inhales]
- Into ragnar's heart.

- We are not the same and never shall be.
- There is no backward step, my friend, for either of us.
- Birds have flown, horses have bolted.
- Kings will be made and kings will die.
- Because of you.

- until I'm forced to marry someone I despise.
- I wanna live. That's all.
- As much as I would like it,
- I cannot take you with me.
- But your time will come,
- I'm certain of it.
- Take care, sister.
- You will always be in my thoughts.

- when we hump her all night.
- Come on, ragnar!
- Ragnar!
- I killed your father!
Brida: Get up!
Uhtred: Get up!
- Ragnar!
- I burned your mother!
- Go, ragnar!

- I still see her...
- In my dreams.
- Gisela.
- But then I wake and she's gone again.
- I feel her loss also...
- Every day.

- Tell us.
- Uhtred ragnarson is in aegelesburg.
- He had your sons with him.
- Haesten appears to have traded them for his life.
- Tell me that my sons live.
- I will not harm you.
- Just tell me the news.

- Pyrlig, find Edward.
- Tell him what has happened here.
- Yes, lord.
- We go ahead to Winchester.
- They will not take what is not theirs, not whilst I live!
[Pants] Lord!
- What?
- Run!
- Let's go.

- Steapa.
- No, no, no, no.
- No, lord!
- No, please, no!
- No, no, please, no wait, wait, wait, no please!
- Please!

- You will take this to lindisfarne?
- With your approval, lord king.
- You see, when I heard aalys was making the pilgrimage to the holy isle,
- I knew you'd like to make a king's blessing to their offering.
- It means so much to your people.
- Of course.
- God be with you on your journey.

- Her curse must die with her.
- How can I be sure that it does?
- Ask.
- I'll ask a seer more powerful than skade.
- When?
- When I'm sure of you, uhtred of bebbanburg.

- She puts the men of wessex and all the Christian kingdoms at risk!
- I demand you call her back.
- You will show loyalty to your king.
- I cannot swear loyalty to a plan that is misguided!
- Aethelflaed will summon the mercian fyrds to tettenhall.
- You mustjoin her.

- How you go, as a Saxon hostage or as a viking warrior, becomes your choice.
- I'll do as you ask.
- But if my child is born while
- I'm captive, I ask that you send word.
- Of course.
- And should you die as a captive, rest assured, your debt shall die with you.

- Yes, lord.
- Steapa.
- Lord sigebriht.
- An approximation to a witan has gathered.
- The outlaws are required.
- What is an approximation to a witan?
- It's almost a witan but not quite.
- We must be without the king.

- I will do as god wills.
- I will be king of the angles and of the saxons.

- Lord, we should not do this.
- If she found us, so will they.
- Are you good with children?
- Not really.
- Excellent, neither are we.
- We go back!

- Kill anyone who looks like they cannot work!
- Fat ones we can sell as slaves. [Roars]

- You looking for company, girl?
- I prefer the company of the gods to stupid men.
- Another time, then?

Uhtred: Lord.
- I want to thank you for not abandoning me.
- I know that would have been a choice, a reasonable choice.
- I'll go to your estate now, to see mildrith and my son.

- The priest has arrived finally.
- Let's get this done.
- You do not need to "get this done."
- I will make a plea to Alfred.
- She's here, praise god.
- You should stand and look respectful, if not entirely clean.
- How does she look?
- Terrified, I bet.

- We tell the story and then what?
- We find a new lord to serve.
- I will not stand by and have everything that's mine taken from me.
- I'm going back.
- Where?
- To the beginning.

- What happened here with you? [Gasps]
- Which one of these is the farm girl from lewes?
- I am the visionary.
- A visionary, but you did not see us coming.
- Whose men are you?
- We were sent by king sigtryggr.

- That is not something he would forgive.
- Lord!
Uhtred: He will go nowhere.
- And you will go nowhere and you will say nothing about what you've just heard.
- Yes, lord.
- You mean, "no, lord."
- I'll...
- Do as I say.

- You know I did this to you, when I saved the king's son.
- You did not.
- I knew an innocent would die.
- I'm tired of being like this.
- I've seen too much. I know too much.
- I want to see no more.

- It appears to be good progress, lord.
- The people of coccham seem to be in good spirits.
- It would appear so.
- We shall see.
- Man: Lord king.
- Open the gates!

Beocca: God in heaven,
- I never thought I would see the day.
- Is it him, father?
- It is.
- 200 years after his death, he remains whole, a sign of the depth of his holiness.

- Uh, I searched until nightfall.
- There was no sign.
- He must have traveled back to the king.
- That is not like him.
- Uhtred, forgive me. We... we must speak.
- We go after brida.
- We can talk on the journey.
[Softly] It's the lady aethelflaed.

- I do want to live alongside you, father.
- It's just... coccham is small.
- And peaceful and safe.
- Could we not go to Winchester?
- We were happy there.
- Have those riders been following us?
- No. We are just on a trading route.

- If you can delay the Danes until lady aethelflaed arrives, she will persuade Edward to endure a longer siege.
- You know that we can take back the town when they're depleted.
- That is not my plan, aldhelm.
- Ha! Told you.
- Why else would you make such a dangerous offer?
- Because I believe I can end this.

- He insisted you were told.
- And where to after beamfleot?
- I can't say.
- But it is hoped that you will join us there.
- Eilaf is resting, lord, in preparation for tonight.
- You... may wish to do the same.

- It makes no sense.
[Edward] Dismount!
- Archers ready!
- Let's take back what is rightfully ours!
- That way to the walls.
Sigtryggr: Archers.
- We have to stop them, lord, before it gets them all killed!

- More than that, even.
- Accept aethelred's offer of men, half the number,
- I will choose them myself, and they will be loyal to you alone.
- I swear.
- I am beginning to believe you are a good man, lord aldhelm.
- Not quite, lady.

- It will give them sleepless nights, and when they do sleep,
- I want them to dream of a cold, cold hell.
Osferth: Hell is a place of fire, lord.
- Er, what are you doing?
- Did you believe you were leaving without me?
- Not a chance.

- You Grant him three trees, lady, and he invites you to share food with him and his wife.
- Then he will wield you like a sword.
- Telling all the country that you and him are the best of friends.
- Unless he's paying you handsomely, your trees deserve better.

Guthred: You did.
- But you made me a slave.
Guthred: Yes.
- Hmm.
- Yes, but, in my defense,
- I was meant to kill you.
- I spared your life...
- Uhtred! No!

Finan: Um...
- Is this the place?
- Yes.
- I'm not sure I can see Edward's camp.
- I'm not sure I can see anyone.
- He will be here.

- Sigtryggr!
- Sigtryggr!
- Open the gates.

- we'll have all the silver we ever dreamed of.
- You will all be rewarded for your service, even you baby monk.
- Amen.
- How many men remain here?
- Not enough.
- We will ride to Winchester and raise an army.
- It's time for wessex to repay all that I have given.

- This one schemes against us, father.
- He is a spy.

- I wish to see guthred. Guthred!
- Make yourself known!
- Guthred of cumbraland!
- Can you hear me?
Sven: I will decide when you see your man.
- You will give us the ransom and you will give it now.
- You will do everything I say.

- And what about them?
- Lord!

Finan: Danes! The Danes are here, lord!
- They're heading towards the gates!
- How many?
- Too many, lord!
- Stay back, aethelflaed.
- Seeing you will inflame them.
- Go! Upstairs now!
Finan: They got past the entrance!
- Go. We will hold them off.

[Softly] Thank you for staying by my side.
- Your wife has commanded it.
- They all wish me dead, do they not?
- Why? Did I do something to offend my people?
- All of you, leave me alone... with...
- With eadith.

- I'm thinking of keeping them both, the boy and the girl.
- Can help your mother.
- Disagree?
- No.
- But we did kill his father.
- If he's an ealdorman, we could sell him for ransom.
- Perhaps.

Edward's Rider: I rode for peace.
- And sigtryggr has repaid us with more bloodshed.
- Lord, what would you have us do?
- We must trust uhtred.
- There is still time for him to stop this.

- King guthred may consider you a friend, but the men close to him do not.
- Well, that is no hardship.
- You may have one ear of the king, but they will most certainly have the other.
- And as you have witnessed just today, they speak well, their words have effect.
- So, go carefully.

- Forgive me for not being awake to greet you, lord.
- Bjorn has given me little rest these recent times.
- We understand.
- The gods are wanting true men.
- So I thank you for being here, uhtred of bebbanburg.
- After tonight... I hope to sleep.

- Mother!
- Mother!
- Mother!

- M y men and I have bebbanburg within our grasp.
- But we aren't prepared for what lies ahead.
- You have lost everything...
- Osbert.
- Put down the bow.
- Destiny is all.

- Burnstone.
- Very pretty.
- Someone will buy it.
- Lord haesten. Lord haesten!
- You must see this.

- Who is with me?
- Who is ready for glory?
- Or Valhalla!
- Shield wall!
- Shield wall!
- Shield wall!
- Faster! Move!

- Even if it wasn't made for me,
- I can't blindly follow the king's command.
- That is something I understand.
- Yet I cannot believe he has left me to face this without him.
- I thought, somehow, he would find it in his heart.
- What do I tell my men?
- Tell them your brother is close behind us.
- They must believe we have a chance.

- But you speak the truth.
- You are not yet ready, far from it.
- You gave your word without the means nor ability to keep it.
- Perhaps you will never be ready.
- Leave me.
- Father...
- I said, leave me.

- Lord, we are crossing into wessex.
- This stretch of river is protected by lord uhtred.
- You say you have trade there?
- I do, lord.
- Lord, please,
- I cannot risk losing my ship.
- You will keep your ship.
- It's easy enough to say it.

- Uhtred, listen to me, we serve ragnar best alive.
- We tell the story.
- I need to kill someone.
- No.
- And I choose him.
- Uhtred, no.
Kjartan: Come on!

- And you will need skade, the seer, to help you lead.
- It is not a seat I want.
- I have made my choice, uhtred, now you must do the same.
- Make your life your own once more.
- Turn away from me and you and those you love shall be tormented 'til death and beyond.

Brida: We will never get an opportunity like this again.
- Winchester is weak and nobody realizes except us.
- You told me you would not ask your men to risk death...
- Unless for food, or land, or to protect their families.
- Winchester provides all things and more.
- And there is no risk.

Uhtred: Unh!
Uhtred: Shields together!
- We hammer them with our shields!
- They are our defence and our weapon!
- We knock them off their feet!
- We are a wall!
[Leofric] Charge! [All] Argh!

- Speak or you will die.
- It is buried.
- In the hall, beneath my throne.
- I'll need a small amount myse...

- I thought you were not interested in her plan.
- I am not. I've played my part.
- The Dane-slayer is now a man of peace.
- It is a great pity Alfred is not here to witness it.
- My husband saw things in uhtred none of us understood.
- Lady, we all understood it.
- I think it was just you that didn't.

- Pardoned.
- On condition I agree to remain in Winchester?
- You are pardoned regardless of your decision.
- And if beyond that door, my wife has summoned guards, which is likely...
- I will dismiss them.

Sigefrid: Princess!
- I see you, Princess!
- And I will kill you!
- I will have your head and your tits!
- Sigefrid!
- Sigefrid!

- You should eat.
- I should eat.
- But I don't want to eat alone.
- God has made me your wife.
- There must be a reason.
- God is good.

- If he is to stand with Edward, what then?
- I have said!
- They must die.

- What of you, brother?
- Have you forgiven me?
- If it were stiorra's choice, you would be left to fend for yourself.
- Then I am lucky that it is not.
- She is not a true Dane.
- A true Dane would not betray their family as you did.

- Is it really st cuthbert's comb?
- Of course it's st cuthbert's comb, and his holy hair lies in the teeth of that comb.
- Where was your father last?
- He was humping the servant girl.
- That's a lie, osbert.
- No.
- Are you never gonna tire of teasing?
- Nope.
[Man] Horsemen approaching!

- I will go with you to the king, my friend.
- I am pleased to hear you say that, lord.
- The king is merciful.
- He knows your worth.
- We shall see.
- You know what to do.

- You do not change, woman.
- I spared you for ragnar.

[Laughs] Six. No more.
- Eight, and I'll make her my finest.
- Eight, if she is not your finest, you'll be her first.
- I want this stone set into the handle.
- That can be done.
- Don't sell it nor lose it.

- I will prepare to return to coccham.
- You will not stay?
- No.
- Staying here and...
- Seeing you every day...
- And not being able to be with you, it is too painful.
- The price we are paying is great, but it is an oath that I had to make.
[Quivering] I will miss you, uhtred ragnarson.

- Why would I fight you?
- You will fight me, you piece of shit.
- For I am wessex. I am Saxon.
- I am for Alfred. And you, arseling, are a Dane and a traitor.
- Fight me!

- [Gasps}
Aethelhelm: This cannot be.
- Forget them!
- Protect me at all costs!
[Shouts] Shield wall!

- Come on!
- It is to the death.
- Valhalla awaits one man.
- Are you ready?
- Then...
- Begin.

- What laws will prevail?
- You have had your time...
- Soon it will be the turn of others.
- God, or the gods...
- They will decide.
- Agreed.

- But she was wrong.
- There has already been so much death, uhtred.
- I could not bear more of it.
[Finan groans] I've had too much. Oh...
Finan: Leave me here.
Sihtric: You're all right.
Finan: Oh, god.
Sihtric: Come on. Up the stairs.

[Screams] No! No! Father!
- Lord!
- Go back! Stay back! The road is closed!
[Beggar] Let go!
- Move!
- Stop there!

Uhtred: ...And gave birth to cnut's child.
[U htred] But / fear that her anger towards me still haunts her.
- Blood has been shed. More will flow.
- I will take revenge on all those who have betrayed me and I will not rest until they suffer at my hand.
Uhtred: Destiny is all.

- Our ways with women are not the same as yours.
- I'm a man of honor.
- Perhaps I am misunderstood.
- You're a liar.
- Your plot is discovered and your other men captured.
- Tell me the truth of why you came to bebbanburg and I shall take only their lives.

Beocca: Nothing I'm sure that cannot be resolved given time.
Uhtred: I'll see Alfred.
- Uhtred, Alfred is at peace.
- Uhtred, please!
- Uhtred, please.
- You cannot disturb prayers.
- Uhtred, your sword!

- I cannot place you.
- I'm presuming your fortress is one of strategic use.
- You've probably heard of it.
- It's called bebbanburg.
- You are the man that torments uhtred?
- I had expected someone different.

- Uhtred is dead?
- Uhtred is, by now, on his way to dunholm and then to bebbanburg perhaps.
- Where he is not, is wessex.
- Uhtred is no longer Alfred's sword.
- Uhtred is gone.
- Uhtred is a Dane.

- We are resolved.
- Every man who can wield an ax should be building defenses.
- Mother?
- What news do you talk of?
- Perhaps I could offer the wisdom ofexpenence.
- Take comfort that all is well.
- Come.

- I will say nothing more than it is time we change these lands forever!
- It is time to begin a story that will be told amongst the living and by those in Valhalla forever more.
- It will be our song... and our story!
- Let it begin.
- Let's move out.

- I gave him my word.
- He will die and you can call him a hero.
- The others are here.
- You must decide what you will tell them.

- Did not exist?
- For Edward and the children that may come.
- Perhaps if...
- If they were truly nothing more than rumour?
- Something to ponder.
- If you would excuse me.

- Send word he will pay in blood for this affront to us all.
- You fight under one king for the first time.
- No longer men of wessex or mercia...
- But saxons all.
- Come.
- Take some guards to find lord aethelhelm.
- Bring him home to us, child.

- Nose, face, teeth, the chin...
- Beard, eyebrows, ears, cheeks.
[Woman] Make way! Move!
- Stand back!
[Man] Who is it?
[Woman] Who is it? Children, stay back.
[Man] What have they done to him?

- I'm trying to keep him happy.
- As should you.
- Just hump the desperate bastard.
- I hump him and he loses interest.
- If we want all this to continue, then we must not overplay our hand.
- Do you want to return to being landless and ridiculed?
- You hump him, if you do not believe me.
- I tried. He did not bite.

- That is not true.
- I have not walked blindly.
- All your battles, all those you have killed.
- You chose them over your family and called it fate.
- What your destiny has brought me is pain and grief.
- So now my choice is to turn my back on you.
Stiorra: Hyah!

- You have missed a great victory.
- Have you seen the wisdom of staying here?
- No.
- I'm even more certain we must attack the saxons now.
- I have made my decision, brida.
- And you will change your mind when you see what I've brought you.
- Not unless it is an army of thousands.

- God preserve us.
- It is a death, nothing more.
- Lords, it is uhtred.

- {gasps} she says your daughter passed into the next life.
- And her body was taken to aegelesburg.

- Mother, what happened to your plan to spirit aelfwynn away from mercia?
- It went awry, and so I bring grave news.
- Aelfwynn was captured on the road.
- By who?
- We are not certain, but one, at least, did not survive my wrath.
- We believe them to be hired men.
- We suspect an association with lord aethelhelm.

- I gave him my word!
- Then what will you do, boy?
- You can either bleat or you can make a decision!
- What will you do?
Uhtred: Destiny is all!
- Lord king, we cannot wait any longer.
- Lord king!

Brida: It's done.
- She gave me peace.
- When I was with her, I felt it.
- I'm sure she would want you to find that feeling again.
- I can think of no better tribute.

- It's the beginning of our army.
- That is where we're headed.
- Uhtred, I will do everything I can to help.
- I will be at your side.
- I'll be a flea in Alfred's ear.
- Thank you.
- Your father would be a proud man.
- As am I.

- Take them all.
Kjartan: Archers!
- Don't go up there. Wait for me.
Sigrid: Come. Come.
- Unh!
Sigrid: Ragnar.
- Close the doors.
- We have thyra. Let the rest burn.

- One day I will kill you.
- Storri will tell you othennise.
- And I am telling you the truth about ragnar.

- For luck.
- Then I'll need a lock from you.
- Where's Alfred?
- Watching.
- Waiting for his army.
- I think I shall go and sit with him a while.
- You are fond of him now?

- Will he attack or will he raid?
Uhtred: He will raid, lord.
- To assess your strength and readiness.
- It is you who must attack.
- Destroy his army and send a message to all northmen.
- My lord has eaten something that is not agreeing?
- Too much wine, lord?

- You have diminished me.
- We march into wessex!
- To the aid of wessex!
- But be in no doubt, what we fight for is the freedom and the glory of mercia!
- And once again we will show the king Alfred how a warrior should be!
- We will show the bastard heathen how a warrior should be!

- Drop your weapons, it's over.
- Shield!
Brida: Ragnar, no.
- No, ragnar, don't give him the chance.
- Burn the bastard! Ragnar!
Uhtred: Brida!
- You and me.
- Move!
- We make this square.

- Do not come forward!
- Do not shoot!

- Besides, for now, burgred has no men to fight for him.
- Do not provide him with a readymade fyrd.
- I agree.
- Shut the gates!
- Shut the gates!
- Close the gates!
- Get the gates closed!

Brida: At some point,
- I w/ll see you on the battlefield
- I won't hesitate to kill you.
- It does not mean you do not love me.
- Uhtred! Give me death.
- Vibeke is waiting for me.

- Could this son be betrothed to your niece lady aelfwynn?
- Bring a successor under your wing with a family connection?
- It worked for your father.
- A child on the throne will not bring security.
- Let us meet with the older ealdorman ludeca.
- He is likely to be the most reasonable.
- First, I must speak with my sister.

- Fight on for bebbanburg.
- You've earned this, uhtred.
- God is not cruel.
- Fight...
- As you need to fight.
Constantin: Well, your grandfather may have friends anywhere...

- You sent aethelwold to kill ragnar?
- Because“.
- Because we're destined to be together.
- You know this.
- Please, my love.

Cnut: What do you have for me, bjorgulf?
- The head of a Saxon turd.
- So, another village burns in mercia!
- The smell of Saxon blood stiffens our warriors for battle!
- But I hope not your cock.

Guthrum: Men, the peace is over.
- Prepare for battle.
- The Saxon hostages, kill them all.
Guthrum: Catch him!
[Man] Get him.
Guthrum: Cut him to pieces!
Guthrum: Kill him!

- From the smallest pig, to the golden crown upon Alfred's head.
- Wessex and everything it holds shall belong to the warriors of bloodhair!

- You are certain of this?
- He is here, trust me.
- And beocca, what do we do with him.
- He is protecting an outlaw.
- Alfred can decide.
- Go. Go!

- Your horses belong to whom?
- Lord odda.
- You'll let us pass?
- You selling or buying?
- Selling. To the Danes.
- There is a peace.
- Did you not know?
- That odda has made a peace?
- No, I did not.

- No doubt.
- You...
- You have made this possible.
- By abandoning Alfred, by leaving wessex, you have made this possible.
- It is fate, no doubt.

- Let her death be a warning to all of you who would stand beside the Dane slayer's daughter.

- When the time is right.
- We have taken the first steps against wessex.
- But ubba has left us weak.
- He put all of our lives at risk.
- So until ubba returns, we have to make peace.

- Poor wretches.
- And us, father, what are we?
- We are fortunate, lord.
- We know god.
- Although granted,
- I'm in no hurry to meet him.
- Let us pray he feels the same.
[Man] Amen.

- After everything I have done for mercia...
- To have risked my life for this reward, my child thrown to a man who will mistreat her?
- Perhaps it will teach her more deference than her mother has.
- Ride to saltwic. Fetch the lady aelfwynn.
- King Edward would like you to ensure no force is used.

- Hold firm!
- We do not break! We stand our ground!
- For mercia!

- Very well.
- I am with steapa, behind steapa.
- Your bravery knows no beginning, aethelwold.
- A toast. To the mercians who died for wessex at ethandun.
- And to the men of wessex who will fight for mercia at lundene.
- To allies.
- To allies.

Sigtryggr: Lock them up.
Sigtryggr: Do we hold the town?
- Soon enough.
- We have ripped out the Saxon heart.
- So, it begins!
- Ready yourselves.
- Take your positions.

- She needs you.
- Mercia needs you.
- Of course. It will be my honor.
- No one has served mercia more faithfully.
- We must act quickly.
- Thank you, aldhelm.

- Ah, yes.
- They sit in my hall as we speak.
- They eat my food, they drink my wine, and ale...
- And they raise a cup...
- To the happy pair.
- May god help them.

- You belong to me now.
- And her mouth.
- Your path is the path I choose for you, uhtred ragnarson.
- And your spirit is mine to torment.
- Cover her eyes.
- We will take her with us to aescengum.

- And, as lord of bebbanburg,
- I will provide for and protect you!
- And this cruel shit, who has hated you and mistreated you, will die.
- I've come home!
- Swear to me and you will have my oath.
- Aidan... you remember me?
- Who has your allegiance?

- This is no storm.
- My mother and I came to this land on a ship that lost half of its crew to the sea.
- Waves taller than a barn swept them to their death.
- This is not a story I wish to hear.
- The real storm you will face will come at dunholm.

- Eadred: See the power of the blessed Saint, lord.
- In carrying him before you, he has given you this city without a single drop of blood being shed.
- All that is required now is that we praise him.
- Will you join me in prayer, my lord?
- I will, Abbot eadred. I will.

- Open the gates!
- Open the gates!
- Open the gates!
- Go! Go!
- Open the gates!

- Think of no one but me.
- Look at nothing but my eyes.
- Feel nothing but my body.

- If they capture you, you do exactly this.
- Hey, careful, cnut!
- It means they like you.
- They're good boys, cnut.
- Yes.
- You're blessed.
- Come, they'll have taken down the camp without us.

- Trust me.
- I have seen the rebirth of uhtred ragnarson.
- I have seen 50 men become 500 and then 5,000, with more joining him by the day.
- And I have seen Alfred fall at last and uhtred rise.
- Taste me.

- Come, I've alerted the man that protects you.
- He's outside the window.
- And I have pledged to protectae/fi/I/ynn on the dangerous road that lies ahead.
- Stiorra, get the children on the cart.
- We head north towards ceaster!
- Destiny is all!

- It is enough that humping me has lifted his spirits.
- So, you must tell him the news from mercia.
- Perhaps I should delay...
- You cannot put it off.
- I know you are afraid, but I have bought us some goodwill.
- I'm not afraid. I'm just...
- You are afraid and so am I.
- But I have done my part, brother.
- Now you do yours.

- If we took Alfred, he could teach you.
- Only a fool would march an army into a swampland.
- Are you that fool?
- Are you that fool, ragnar?
- No, I am not.
- Then we wait.

[Rognvaldr sighs] She says she has fled with her women.
Brida: Is this true?
Brida: Come on, you can trust me.
- It would be foolish to lie, girl.
- -[Gasps} -[Gasps}
- {gasps}

- We will, um...
- We will continue with a moment of silence to help find the peace once more.
- This interruption cannot be allowed to go unpunished.
- It must be death.
- Peace be with you, my dear.

- Ah, I shall remove her.
- Like you removed lady aelswith?
- Lady aelswith's...
[Louder] ...Strong constitution is a blessing to us all. [Chuckles]
- My grandfather, lord aethelhelm.

Uhtred: Brida!
- Show yourself!

- She would want you to be with her, uhtred.
- You must go to her.
- I thought one day we might...
- I thought there would be more...
- There is so much I should have said.
- There's still time.

- To Alfred, a man who would become king.
- Though not all agreed.
- I am my father's heir.
[U htred] I swore an oath to this king.
- An oath that lost me brida and prevented me from joining my brother ragnar.
- But destiny is all.

- May it strengthen our new union.
- As we are united in faith...
- Let us be united in prosperity and security!
- I promise you, we shall feast tonight!
- There will be no alliance and no more favors.
- The people of wealas do not need Saxon help.

- I would like to know.
- Steapa, my sword.
- One day, father...
- I hope that my path will eventually lead north, to bebbanburg...
- But now, I believe I am needed here.
- I will follow Edward Rex!

- I hope you win what you have longed for.
- Uhtred...
- What if you die doing this?
- Then you will be the last woman to hump uhtred of bebbanburg.
- Is that your way of promising to be faithful?
- Do not answer that.

Edward's Rider: I wish that this had not come to pass.
- Yet there is hope, even in all this despair.
- Eofennic is yours, lord king.
- The dream of england has never been closer.

- Yes, yes, he is dead. He is dead.
- That he is dead.
- I'm s o rry, I'm 8 o r[Ii but he is trapped in niflheim.
- He did not die a warrior's death that privilege was stolen from him.
- Thyra, only your blood can save him now.
- A cup full, not all of it.

- You have land and wealth, all you can eat and drink.
- And I have earned it.
- Make your choice, boy!
- Accept your punishment.
- Or allow your friends to kill each other, all to spare you the hardship of life as a lord.

- Say it, lady aethelflaed, so that we may witness your oath.
- I swear... that as long as I hold the mercian throne,
- I will remain chaste.
Ludeca: Is the witan agreed?
[All] Agreed!
- Agreed!
- Then, lady aethelflaed, you may take the throne.

Brida: So uhtred lives...
- Now rides with Edward?
- Yes.
- You were supposed to kill him.
- And I did not.
- Could you not find him sleeping?

- Beocca!
- Beocca!
- Beocca!
- Beocca my love.

- Am I to be spared?
- Yes, you will be spared, but you will not be returning to the Danes.
- Say your message.
- She says, "aethelwold", lord.
- She says, "do not fail."

Earl: That's enough whispering in his ear, priest.
- Uhtred.
- One more word,
- I'll have your ball bag for a purse.
- I'll meet you there.
- That will not be necessary.
- What did he say?
- He... he asked if you were treating me well.

- For my part, I do not care if I serve god in the palace of Winchester or the middle of a barren field.
- But in rescinding a royal pardon,
- I fear you're making a mistake.
- The Danes will hear about it and it will emboldened them!
- And your son Edward, is not yet a commander!
- If god is with us, then we shall win!

- Bail, you dogs!
- Release our chains! We'll work faster!
- Bail out or you'll go down with her!
- You want to live? You bail!

- Good luck, little brother.
- See you all in dunholm.
- We move quickly, we must be in place before dawn.
Sihtric: This path is fit for goats only.
- Be quiet and watch where you're placing your feet. [Grunts]
- Bless you.

- You alone will kneel.
- I will not.
- Kneel!
- I have come to negotiate.
- I demand respect.
- If you do not wish to hear my price, then I will leave, happily.
- Aethelflaed.
- As you can see, she is well.
- I would like to speak with her.
- Then do it.

- The lady warrior, putting her strength to good use, I see.
- To think men died to defeat you.
- I wouldn't give you the satisfaction.
- You smell of shit.

- Keep your formation!
- Lord.
- Man: Fire! Fire!
- Fire! Up there!
- Stand ready! It's a signal!
- It is a signal no doubt, lord.
- They will come.

- He is no fool. He will not wait for us to knock on his door.
- He will want to choose the place of battle and we cannot allow him that advantage.
- We each volunteer a man, you, me and bloodhair.
- Yes, lord.
- Will you speak to bloodhair or shall I?
- You.

Hild: No!
- No, please don't...
- Oh, lord... [panting]
- Oh, forgive me. [Pants heavily]
- Thank you.
Hild: There's more. Stay back!

- This is not the way succession is determined!
- Until my sister's rule, succession was always determined by bloodshed.
- I did not want it to be so again.
- Better the blood of the few than the blood of the many.
Aldhelm: You have murdered mercia's ealdormen.
- And in doing so,
- I have ensured mercia's protection.

- They will know nothing of the lord uhtred...
- Nor of your loyalty...
- Advice...
- Bravery...
- Courage...
- And insolence.

Smith: [re: Uhtred's sword] It'll take some time to make her right, which means she'll be expensive.
Uhtred: If she's right, I'll pay in silver. How much?
Smith: Ten pieces, half now.
Uhtred: [laughs] Six, no more.
Smith: Eight, and I'll make her my finest.
Uhtred: Eight, and if she's not your finest, you'll be her first.

- If uhtred and ragnar's wish is to kill me, they can die trying at my gates.
- Was I not heard?
- Father, what can I do?
- Go to your wild whore.
- Tell her she need not feed her hounds.

- Who will take ragnar's men?
- Ragnar's men belong to brida.
- They merely await her return.
- Aethelwold, you will leave tomorrow.
- So I am journeying to wessex to become a corpse, and from my grave, I am to raise an army and kill the greatest warrior in the land.
- Mmm.

- She could help your son.
- Thank you.
- If you help, then you better succeed.
- If the child dies, you will be blamed.
- We cannot do nothing.
Hild: That is not what I am saying.
- Iseult is a pagan and a woman.
- She will be blamed, regardless of her meaning well.

[Men] Yes!
- We have swords in hand and the battle ahead of us!
- Land to be won, silver to be shared and saxons to kill!
- We are Danes, together!
- Together!
- Together!
Cnut: Together!

- You're kind to believe so.
- Am I right?
- None suitable, lord.
- My name's uhtred. Call me uhtred.
- Arseling, time we were on our way.
- Or from time to time, you may wish to call me "arseling."

- Why not?
- It is Alfred we want dead and for that to happen sooner, we will require war.
- How do we look?
- As royalty.
- Aethelflaed is a fortunate young woman.

- Nonetheless, it is what is planned for you.
[Aethelflaed sighs] I know you are young, but look beyond yourself.
- To be a queen is an honor.
- There is no greater destiny.
- Destiny is for arselings.
- I do not want it!

- I am grateful.
- Thank you.
- I would like to speak to lord uhtred.
- You cannot.
- I would like to serve him.
- You cannot! Now shut your mouth, before I fill it with my boot!

- Jackdaw!
- What?
- Cnut will be sending out spies in search of the Saxon camp.
- You will follow.
- I will?
- You will find uhtred and give him a message.

- You!
- You will go to my uncle, and when he asks of his wife, you will tell him she's in the bed of uhtred of bebbanburg.

- I will always answer mercia's call with you on the throne.
- I know.

- The ealdormen have ordered that the gates be held closed.
- There is sickness here.
- Speak to my son.
- Of course, but I'm sure he'll not want you to be harmed.
- In fact, he might wish that you quit mercia altogether.
- Tell him I survived the swamps of athelney and am unafraid of the sickness.

- God willing, this will be the last of both Alfred and Edward.
- You disagree, aldhelm?
- They know my god, lord. The Danes do not.
- Long live the king! Long live the king!
[Chanting] Long live the king!
- Long live the king! Long live the king!
- Long live the king!

- Fetch the others, tell them brida is traveling north.
- I'll go ahead.
- Uhtred, no.
- Brida escaped.
- It was not your doing, you know that.
- You must stop blaming yourself.
- She did not escape.
- I let her go.

Stiorra: Sigtryggr!
Sigtryggr: Stiorra!
Pyrlig: Hold back some men to help the townsfolk.
Pyrlig: Be ready!

- I must ready myself for the ceremony.
- Will you attend?
- I will be with uhtred.
- Well, you'd be welcome should you change your mind.
- Aethelflaed was your blood...
- As am I.

- Throughout all my victories, defeats, loves and losses,
- I ha ve stayed true to my con viction thatl will one day return to bebbanburg and overthrow the man who will stop at nothing to have me killed...
- My uncle aelfric.
- Destiny is all.

- Woman.
- Warrior.
- I need to go into the woods there.
- I need to shit.
- I do not wish to fill my breeches!
- Halig. Our prisoner requires attention.

- I don't like black. It's so cold.
- It would be a strange man who does.
- It is time.
- She asked that you protect mercia.
- You have only done as you saw right and good.
- Perhaps.

- Now, I haven't quite worked out the theology of luck.
- Can there be luck if god disposes?
- If your god is with you, you're a lucky man.
- Yes. You're right.
- Simply put, but you are right.
- With me.
- We shall talk inside briefly.

- Should we take a fight to the Scots, risking decades of conflict, or seek a solution that profits both sides yet denies uhtred his ancestral home?
- You do not have to answer, aethelstan.
[Edward] And yet he should.
- Since aelfweard has shown himself disloyal, aethelstan could be the king to face the Scots.
- What do you say, aethelstan?

- We move!
Beocca: Can you smell the northern sea, boy, the northumbrian air?
Uhtred: I smell it and I feel it, father.
- It feels like home.
Beocca: That it does.

- It's a Christian graveyard.
Haesten: Yes, lord.
- Perhaps that is why bjorn cannot rest, nor pass.

Pyrlig: Lord king!
- Our scouts send good news!
- The lady of mercia has come.
- She brings an army!

- Come on.
- Lady aethelflaed is not coming.
- Let's go, not wait for the foul air to catch us.
- Lord, I promised her
- I would send you to meet her.
- On horseback, she must have been here first.
- She would have gone on to ceaster as agreed we move.

Steapa: Gather your weapons.
- Off your arses now and gather your weapons.
- Gather your weapons!
Edward: Steapa!
- We march, lord, to beamfleot.
- Come on. Make ready. We march!

- They are gone.
- We need to be gone ourselves.
- Put on a helmet. We are Danes.
- Again?
- You will not leave me.
- No, we will not.
- You are prisoners.

- I could not leave, lord.
- You feared I could not rid myself of the curse?
- I did.
- I stayed here for the lady gisela, lord.
- This is her hall and there was no kinder, gentler lady.
- You clearly did not know the lady gisela.

- Never leave his side. Amen.
[All] Amen.
- Allow him pure and holy thoughts, and the power to carry out your work on this earth as our king.
- Allow this anointing of Alfred to enable your will.
- You are god's king,
- Alfred of wessex.

- Do not move.
- I said... do not move.

- Eat with myself and with my father, and I will tell you all about my land, the range of my influence.
- I am sure an agreement can be reached.
- Neither of us need lose any men.
- Neither of us need be weakened.
- Eat?
- And drink. At my hall.
- I assure you this is no trap.

- in wanting to spare aethelflaed?
- Lord, you were a father before you were a king.
- But your reasons stand.
- She is wessex.
- She is the blood, the heart and the spirit of wessex.
- She cannot be humiliated.

- Where are you taking us?
- Sit down.
- To whom are we to be delivered?
Eadith: Answer me.
- Sit down.
- Or I will make you sit down. Huh?

- But...
- My last act, for my god, must be to ensure that good men hold power.
- That is what I must do.
- And that is why you are here, in this room.

- A lady wants to meet you.
- Go to the garden.

- Uhtred, he must have said something.
- He believes the lie.
- He believes that I killed ragnar.

- Seize the land to the north until you reach the sea.
- And then we will see which Saxon kingdom is the greatest.
- And who should knee! To whom.

- She has taken eofennic and the Danes there have submitted to her rule.
- She now travels south with her army.
[Inhales and exhales] Let her not be shamed by weakness in her brother.
- Let her return to the land of her birth and find it cleansed of the Danes.
- Tell them it is decided.
- If they do not surrender,
- Winchester will burn!

- Clapa! With us!
- Clapa!
- We go!

- Thyra!
Steapa: Lady aethelflaed!
- Not a single man left living.
- Nor woman.
- She is the daughter of king Alfred.
- They would not kill her.
- They would not.
- Thyra!

- But lady aethelflaed...
- She has been taken from us.
- That is a cruelty, father.
- But she's at peace.
- It is of some comfort.
- There has been much cruelty.

- Why have you not killed me?
- What is it you want?
- I am worth more than just silver.
- Put the food into your mouth and chew.
- If it is me that you want, then have me.

- Calm down, sihtric.
- You will need your energy.

- But she has been struck by illness and may not survive.
- I fear she's getting worse.
- We must return to aege/esburg, re veal eardwu/f's treachery and we tell him what kind of a man he trusted.
- A new ruler must be found to bring peace, or all will be lost.
- Destiny is all./

- Back!
Ragnar: Back.
Kjartan: Use the fire!
- Burn the bastards!
Uhtred: When we attack, steapa...
Steapa: I know, lord, to the gate.

- then I am minded to bring her into this hall and allow each man here to take his turn.
- I swear, she will be tied to a cart and she will travel the kingdoms.
- Is that what you want... Saxon?
- Do not insult me.
- I'm not insulting you.
- Do not.

Aldhelm: What is it?
- We're being followed. Come on!
Aldhelm: Go!
- Could we have been discovered?
Aldhelm: We cannot outrun them.
- We must hide. Hyah! Away!

- Lord, are you certain you will not use the carriage?
- I'm certain. We ride to aescengum.
- Steapa.

- Danes of jorvik who turned to Christ...
- We are here to return you to the gods!

- Come nightfall, we'll be rid of this plague and counting our share of the plunder!
[Aella] My shield.

- He is cunning.
- Whilst you played lord and the saxons fought amongst themselves, he...
- Captured Winchester!
- No!
- Yes! Lady aelswith, you're going home!
- Take the girl, too.
- No.
- You will not fight it!

- Danes, they have other customs.
- Take the survivors to danelaw.
- Mercia is no place for us.
- We will take osferth back to the place of his birth.
- Let him rest in wessex.
- Take finan with you to meet uhtred.

- Don't let them kill us.
- I've been told you are in charge.
Aethelhelm: I am not the king.
- I'm aware you're not the king.
- Would you like to fight or to yield?
- Yield.

- The charters of bebbanburg.
Beocca: Yeah, the land books. Yeah.
- You kept them safe.
- I have shown them to Alfred.
- He knows you are the ealdorman by right.
- I will continue to keep them safe, but, uhtred, you must behave like an ealdorman.

- Are you are not going with them, my dear?
- My place is in mercia, lord.

- I am grateful there is no screaming.
Aelswith: I fear that is because everyone is dead.
- We are being kept alive, so they can make a show of our deaths.
- Then if they try to take me,
- I shall throw myself upon their knives.
- I can show you a way with a piece of cloth.
- I have learned things in my life, which you do not know.

- I would, if I believed you were sincere in accepting god into your heart.
- Do you worry if every child baptized is sincere in accepting god into their heart?
[Scoffs] I'm confident few of them are using it to lay claim to a throne.
- God is infinitely wise, is he not?
- He will know if I am sincere.
- Lord uhtred, come fonnard and receive god's grace.

- Do not say it.
- Do not say the words.
Aelswith: He has forsaken me.
- He has forsaken her.
- I have given him the entirety of my life.
- And I am left with nothing.

- Ragnar rides with them, lord?
Odda: A Dane?
- You have doubts, odda?
Alfred: Then we shall air them.

- It is good?
- Oh, not at all.
- Thank you.
- There will be more tomorrow.
- He will become lost, I guarantee it.

- What the...
- My lord! My lord!
- Push on, men... to victory!

- What she loves is your silver.
- Is that the name of his cock?
- I wish to marry her.
- I wish you to kill Danes and survive the night.
- We're the only chance the villagers have.
- They have begun.

- You can wish, but that is all.
- These decisions are not made by us.
- You think I would not have liked a greater voice, instead of having to stand there quietly while men blithely make foolish decisions?
- This is our lot.
- They are gathering.

- No. Uhtred led, you followed.
- He's the ealdorman, he is to blame.
- I share the blame, lord.
- No, he is responsible.
- Irresponsible.
- He will pay with his life.
- For the last time, beg.
- No, I will not beg.
- I will fall to my knees for no man, no king and no Christian god.

- You have plenty of insults for a man who can no longer wield a sword.
- I can wield it, uhtred.
- I think you should go.
- We must speak, somewhere out of sight.
- There's nothing I want from you.
Haesten: Believe me, uhtred.
- We must speak.

- What has happened?
- Accept a trial and speak out.
- If you do not, then the devil will have won!
- Beocca?
- Do not abandon what you helped to build!
- There is a change in you.

- Who is a little too fond of himself.
- Will uhtred be coming to the wedding?
- Sadly, he will. I'm sure.
- I consider him to be our lucky charm.
- Now, now. There will be no mention of luck or charms.
- There is god's will and nothing more.
- Praise him.

- Indeed. Aelfweard, come and bow to king constantin...
- A word of advice from a king to a future king.
- Trust no one who advises you.
- Understood.
[Laughing] Well, let's eat.
- Ask lady aelfwynn to join us.

- We have the numbers. God is with us!
- We shall become richer in body and soul.
- We shall become the masters of northumbria!
- Yeah!
- To eoferwic!
- Would you share a jug of ale with me?
- Tomorrow, I must return to wessex.

- Up! Up! Up! Down!
- As I am leaving, does anybody want my dog?
- Does anybody want my dog?!
- All you have to do is feed him and water him. And beat him!
- Beat him every day!
[Laughs] Up you get. Move!

- We have an invitation.
- Who leads here?
- I am haesten and you... are uhtred of bebbanburg.
- You spared me at eofenlvic, lord.
- You're expected and welcome.

- Get up.
- He took me by surprise.
- Otherwise, I would have made a contest.
- You were right to speak out.
- He should never have been allowed to leave.
- That was...
- Weak of my cousin.

- You will go to hell.
- Uhtred, look.
- A bridge.
- He's crossing to Valhalla.
- He's free.

Uhtred: Aethelstan!
- Sihtric, get him to safety!
- You find sigtryggr,
- I'll deal with aethelhelm!

- Dear god, no.
- Shield!
- Dear god of infinite mercy, not this.

Ceolwulf: What is this?
- Each time I talk of swords and Spears and yet you insist on speaking of unions and of ki...
- A cup of water for lord ceolwulf?
- A cup of water?
- I think perhaps a hole in the ground.

- That is a kindness, but we have much to do.
- I have pilgrims
- I need to ferry to the island.
- Too many dangers present themselves to travelers here.
- Come into the fortress.
- A wedding feast is imminent and that is a delight we wish to share.
- My men will gather your cargo, though, of course we will take a tribute.

- It's a signal that can be seen from a mile or more.
- Aethelred! Aethelred!
- Move! Move!
- Aethelred! The camp!
- Thyra.

- Uhtred.
- One moment, please.
- Lord, I pray, forgive the breaking of this peaceful ground.
- It is an act of love.
- Amen.
- Amen.

- He will assume you are lying and take aelfweard anyway.
- Are you lying?
[Softly] I do not know.
- Which of these two children is more precious to his heart?
- I'm the elder brother. I should be chosen.
- I will take them both.

- To remind me of Earl ragnar.
- Why do you not attend church with your wife? Why do you not pray to god?
- God created everything that surrounds me.
- The fields, rivers, the forests.
- The land is my church.
- And I pray each day, lord...
- In silence.

- You will be mine once again.
- He is slow on his feet, he cannot win.
- He must not win.
- He will not win I swear.
- He cannot win.
- Never.

- Father beocca, you do not need to trouble yourself.
- No, lord?
- Unlock the door.
- What are they doing?
- Alfred's said he'd like to hump the witch.
- No word of lie.

- Were you due to hump an alehouse whore, lord?
- Aelflaed, continue to the palace.
- I was due to eat, nothing else.
- Yes, my lord.
- If people have been gossiping, they are wrong, as I hope they are wrong about
- Edward having a whore and children?

Cenric: ...Formation!
- Halt!

- We need get no closer at this point.
- Lord!
- Drop the sail!
- Row inland and keep under the shadow of the cliff.
- How long do we wait for your son to send a sign?
- Until it comes.
- It is all the will of the gods now.

- Lord! Lord! Lord!
- Run!

- they would've remained in lundene.
- It's you who's Alfred's spy.
- Next step is to kill for him. Will you?
- Answer me this, if we were to cross and find guthrum, what would happen?
- We owe them nothing.
- Alfred needs to know about the Danes,
- I need his trust.
Brida: You'd think he'd deliver you bebbanburg, what if you're wrong?

Aethelhelm: We should not act in haste.
Aldhelm: Maybe aethelred's right...
- Edward, you must not delay.
- Enough!
- I will decide how to respond to this affront and when!
- Not you, nor you, nor you will set the terms.
- And certainly not cnut.

- Then he's mine to kill.
- Only mine.
- When battle comes he must be protected.
- He's mine.
- Very well.
- I'm cold.
- Then go to bed.
- I'll follow.

- Eofewvic is the great city of the north.
- To make it Saxon once again would bring hope.
- It would be a beacon.
- Yes.
- A fortress from which all Danes of the north could be challenged and england grows.

- Ride to coccham with us. In time, we will find you a proper horse.
- Why would I go to coccham?
- To collect the ship that will take us north...
- To reclaim your birthright and mine.
- To seize back what was lost and unite our family.
- I'm taking you to bebbanburg.
- Never heard of it.

- Already you wish me to become king of eofewvic?
- Why wait? The brothers will return, weakened or not.
- I'd rather they remain outside the walls of eofewvic.
- Lord! Lord, the Roman wall!
Guthred: We follow the wall all the way to cumbraland. Home.
- And then, uhtred, we prepare to take eofewvic.

Eilaf: Bjorn...
- You have blood.
- I have given you life.
- I have sent you a message.
- If it's peace that you want, you shall not have it until we hear you speak.

- What if he sees me, lord?
- What if...
- What if he knows that I am near?
- Then you shit yourself. [Chuckles]
- You will remain unseen and keep watch.
- Yes, lord.

Uhtred: Tell them that you'll die for them, that's good.
- Tell them that we'll make the Danes pay in blood and that they'll be rewarded in plunder.
- I am to talk of revenge and greed?
- They are men, lord, not angels.
Alfred: We shall stop for a moment.
Leofric: Hold!

- Steapa, when you are ready.
- Yes, lord.
- [Gasdingl
- We march, men of wessex!
- We march!

- Not as a wife.
- No longer as a wife.
[Sighs] But you will always be half my life.
- And all of your madness, is what you said.
- It's true.

- The sacrament of healing will restore you.
Father: "And the apostle said unto them, 'is any sick among you?
- Let him summon the priests of the church.
- And let them pray over him, anointing him with oil, in the name of the lord."' god is good.

- But it may be the only compromise.
- The ealdormen will complain, but this time, do not treat them too harshly.
- Then you will find some redemption.
- I do not need redemption, either.
- Oh, my son, you do.
- If only for the sins of your mother.

- Form our lines.
- Form our lines!
- Shields up!
- Advance!
[Man] Come on!
- Forward.
- Hold the line. We work as one.
- Shield, block.

Brida: Wessex, Mercians, all Christians. This will bring them together.
Haesten: Then you will have united the Saxons. Alfred would be very proud!

- to raise the greatest army these shores have ever seen.
- Lord, it's a signal that can be seen from a mile or more.
- Thyra.
- Death is coming!
- The forest! The forest!
Uhtred: It's a trick, I know it.
- And I fear terrible consequences.
- Destiny is all.

- He is to be offered no safe harbor, no support.
- That is the word of the king, is it?
- If asked, he would deny it.
- Thought I was going after the young bastard.
- Yes.
- After you have finished playing messenger, you may return to rumcofa.

- I should kill him first.
[U htred] My brother has disowned me as a traitor.
- And it is true.
- You are no longer my brother!
Uhtred: I betrayed him by leaving him in the company of men without honour.
- Destiny is all!

- Fate had made me a Dane.
- And then fate brought betrayal.
- I will not stand by and have everything taken from me.
- Bebbanburg's mine!
- Destiny is all.
- Horses.

- Yet even I would not stoop to seek the favor of that...
[Raises voice] ...Wessex turd.
- I am not certain that our host welcomes your ambition.
- Then he will learn what happens when you cross men like us.
Rognvaldr: You! Boy!
- Fetch me ale! Fetch ale for your king.
[Boy] Ye... yes, lord.

- Do not think him na'ive.
- He will see right through you.
- He will see what I allow him to see.
- Look, uhtred, right now you are a warrior, not a thinker.
- Though, in time, this will come.
- You are much like your father, and he was both.
- You are Alfred's priest now, beocca.

Uhtred: They will come, lord.
- We must continue on to the woodland and begin the fight.
- We cannot allow them into open ground.
- Then this may well be the place we die, uhtred.
- Or it may well be the place you become king, lord.
- A great king, like your father at ethandun.

- God has not forsaken you, lord.
- Fetch aelswith, fetch his mother!
- The prayers of the whole of wessex have been answered.
Alfred: Indeed.
- Every mass, lord, every mass said by 100 priests or more has been heard.
- Look at him. Look at him, he is well.
- God is good. Praise him!
- Yes, praise him, father beocca.

- You must not tell anyone what has happened here.
- You're quiet today, father beocca.
- A sleepless night.
- Should I speak with thyra?
- Tell her you need your rest?
- You shall do no such thing.
- You will not talk of such matters.
- And what matters are those, father?
- I have said enough.
- You've all said enough.

- Excuse me, my lord,
- I am on an errand to my lord Alfred.
- The milk is for Alfred?
- It is.
- Not a word.
- Go on.

Uhtred: It is hard for a father to see his daughter go.
Young: But you were right, father.
- Sigtryggr is different.
Uhtred: Perhaps I was not so foolish.
- Or someone was guiding you.
- The gods like to see me fight.
- It is sport to them.

- Will you hurry, sable!
- Ah, the monks.
- I'll fetch your silver.
- You leave for northumbria immediately.
- St. oswald's heart? Bloody long way to go for a piece of dried offal.
- Still, a few taverns to stop at along the way.
- Northumbria's a piss-hole place to waste a journey on.

- Two lines!
- Shields up!
Haesten: Surround them!
- Give them no escape!
- And then we kill every last one of the bastards!
Uhtred: Turn!
- Circle!

Sihtric: Aethelstan!
- Shit!
- Uhtred!
Aethelstan: Uhtred!
Aethelstan: Uhtred!

- Follow us. We go north.
- Join them.
- No, we'll miss aelfwynn.
- Lady, do not be foolish. The sickness takes all, regardless of rank.
- I would rather be foolish than abandon my child.
- Do not ask again.

- Protection.
- You are too good a woman for god alone.
- Uhtred, it is you.

- You're too ready with anger.
- There's a bad spirit within you that needs to be exorcized.
- You should look to god.
- I'll pray for you.
- Humility is what you need.
- What I need, woman, is justice.

- So answer me this. Where might this lord come from? Do I know of him?
- Should I fear him?
- You can be sure he will not be called uhtred, lord, if that is your meaning.
- My advice, lord, is to send ships and men to beamfleot.
- We shall maintain the peace.

- It is about pain.
[Crowd chants] Three!
Wolland: An agony of burning that the flesh never forgets.
- Then we wait to see if the blood sickens.
[Crowd chants in unison] Four!
[Crowd chants in unison] Five!
[Crowd chants in unison] Six!

- How is lord odda faring?
- Well, I hope.
- Frail.
- He's still very frail.
- The blow would have killed many a man.
[Alewold] Take consolation, lady, that should your land be confiscated, it is the church that'll benefit.

- Halt! halt!
- Wulfhere, I will have your guts, you traitorous bastard!
- This is our land!
[Man] Second!
- First in line, as you wished.
- Here they come.

- We've heard from uhtred and the lady aethelflaed.
- Where are they?
- They're waiting for you at a place called tettenhall.
- It mocks the gods to give away the advantage!
- I will have my revenge.

- Does that not get heavy?
- You do not have to hold your sword.
Brida: You're stronger than me.
- The sword makes us equal.
- How far are we going?

- from the temes to the sea.
- "Valhalla in this life."
[Laughs] Yes. "Valhalla in this life," yes, he said that.
- How proud would he be if together we marched a great army and we took that land?

[Rognvaldr whispers] That way.
Sigtryggr: Let's go.

- Frigga, tell me I'm not deceived...
- That the curse is lifted.

- What is it you want?
- The spoils of battle, all of them, every last piece of Danish silver.
- That is not a promise
- I have the authority to make.
- You are here on Edward's orders, you must have his authority.
- Do I have your promise, father pyrlig?
- Let him swear upon the book.

- Bnda?
- I just did what one has to do to break a curse.
- You have to kill the sorcerer without breaking the skin and without shedding one drop of blood.
- And you've got to do the same to skade.
- Or if you can't, you can make her your woman.

- I'll fight you, ubba, if that's what you want, but you will die.

- Wait! Please!
- I fought with you!
- No, you saw the tide turn and sought only to save yourself.
- I saved your life.
- We're brothers.
- We're blood.

- Brida. The horses are just there.
- Wait, there is another.
- We have to go. Come.
- Move, move, move, out of the way!
- Brida, the door.
- Wait.

- I loved you, lord king.
- Heaven shall be your reward...
- And I pray that one day...
- We shall meet again.

- Siege at Winchester, it is imprinted on my memory.
- And yet you lived and thrived aftennards.
- We were both...
- Younger men.
- My grandson barely slept for years aftennards.
- Well, I have removed the icicles from my balls and will be on my way.

- But only if you do the same.
- If they come, don't shelter in a church or nunnery. Go to the hills, the woods.
- I'll come.
- For both of you.
Leofric: Arseling.
- Kiss her and let's be on our way.

- Winter will be on land.
- Iceland.
- Where there's work to be done.
- Be ready.
- Hear that, halig, land.
- I love land.

Finan: Lord.
- Lord.

- Why is she not dead?
- She has beauty and power, osferth, over men who believe in their own reputation.
- But she is evil.
- He has promised her death!
- Pray for him.
- He'll need it.

[Edward] But you would not be.
- Because if eardwulf takes the title, the land he is owed becomes vacant.
- And those could be handed to you in exchange for your generous support.
- To the peacemaker.
- Peacemaker.
- To the peacemaker.

- Remember, what we need more than silver is women!
- Red-haired women!
- To the shield wall that awaits us!
- To the joy of battle!
- And to the blood of the Scots! Yeah!

[Whispers] What?
[Whispers] Outside.
- No one knows I'm here.
- The people that know will not betray us.
[Whispers] Wait.

- She is so beautiful.
- She is too good for him.
- Why are we delaying?
- Did sihtric witness something at the graveside?
- Sihtric saw nothing.

- They are not to approach the palace!
[Asser] Father, they will hack the likes of us to pieces.
Beocca: The king! Where is the king?
[Younger] The king will have to make his own arrangements.
- And what of me? Odda! Odda!
Uhtred: Leofric, this way!

- Can we not simply give you the silver and be on our way, lord? Please.
Sven: There is nothing to fear but the lies of a priest.
- I know it.
- Lord?
- Oh, dear god in heaven, it is him.
Sven: It is who?

- of how the Danes were vanquished.
- But I can help you put that right.
- I know how to defeat Edward.
- But if you kill me...
- Then it goes to the grave with me.
- All I'm asking is that you listen to what I have to say.
- And if it's not of value, then kill me.
[Chomping] I intend to.

- I asked, are you satisfied?
- You have my sincere apologies, father.
- Lady.
- He was here.
- I can smell him.
- Will we see you at the wedding, lords?

- From niflheim.
- Asking me to help him cross from he! Into Valhalla.
- If there is one thing I could do, it would be that.
- You're here because you want forgiveness.
- You abandoned him three times over.
- That was through fate, not choice.

- Only guthrum can save you.
- Guthrum is your god now.
- Should I spare you?
- Please.
- Please.
- Go in peace.
- Find Alfred.

- as well as eardwulf's sister.
- The feelings thataethe/flaed and I have always held can no longer be contained.
- But for now, my duty draws me to the north once again.
- To bebbanburg!
- Destiny is all!

Alfred: We shall Bury the dead and pray for their souls.
- When you are ready...
- I would like to say a prayer for uhtred, son of uhtred.

- Thyra, thyra it's me. Beocca.
- One moment!

- I will decide...
- Whether to stay or to leave.
- And go where?
- Hmm!
- I have perhaps said too much.
- Uhtred.
- Lady.
- You may call me gisela.

- Thor strikes his hammer when he's displeased.
- But he will be appeased if we make another offering.
[Screams] No, please! Please, no!
- No!
Stiorra: I cannot hide any longer.
- I'm sorry.
- We cannot sit and wait to be saved.

- I'm in need of a hump.
- We will share her.
- She is my wife.
Uhtred: Aethelred, they are teasing you.
- Perhaps we can begin with a cup of ale?
- It was a long walk from the river.
- A cup of ale it is, lord uhtred.
Clapa: Do you have food, lord?
Erik: The bread is stale, but good.

- Tomorrow, ragnar will become a different man.
- Once it is done, you will have my protection.
- Fdend.
- Very well.
- Tonight.

[Softly] Uhtred...
- Beocca!
Uhtred: Beocca!
- Make for the ship!
- They came from the sea gate.
- Destroy their ship!

- We will continue the search, lord.
Uhtred: They've taken her, they must have.
- Why else abandon the city, why raid the camp?
- She is the daughter of the king.
- They wouldn't dare.
Aldhelm: We will scour the camp and beyond!
- We are looking for the lady aethelflaed!

- Did your queen tell you...
- That your sister is being humped in the arse each and every night by one-eyed sven?
- Did your mother tell you that she should've kept her legs closed?
- I will look for you first across the battlefield.
- I will be there and I will not be difficult to find.

- I do not know.
Uhtred: They're coming.
- Get into position!
Rhodri: Follow me!
- Mercians to the woods!
- To the woods!

- Yes.
- They are at the gates and I do not want to be here for the fight.
- And you are coming with me.
- No. No, no, I cannot.
- They will be slaughtered!
- Come with me.
- Many women have grown to appreciate my charms, given a year or so.

- Just a cup or two, nothing more.
- I have news for you.
- You know where to find me.
- Before you take yourself away to an inn,
- I wish to speak with you.
- About what?
- Privately.

- Spies north of here say the Scots have left a camp and march in this direction.
- How long until they reach bebbanburg?
Cynlaef: Unclear.
- It will depend on whether they stop to meet reinforcements or if that is the full force.
- And what of uhtred?
[Sighs] No word, no sighting.
- We cannot track him.

- Take his eye.
Kjartan: Yes.
- You can take his eye, but I want him here and I want him alive.
- I will take him piece by piece.
- I will make him suffer.
- Uhtred ragnarson is mine.

Rognvaldr: Brother.
- It is as we hoped.
- We may have found a way across the ice.
- Then the gods have answered us.
- Tell the men.
- We rise before dawn and we attack them in their deepest sleep.
- When we cross over, make for the high ground.
- Strike down those saxons as they try to flee.

- Stop this! It is over.
- It is never over!

- Aethelhelm shall be found and tried before saxons and Danes.
- We can forge a new union with daneland.
- For that, I am glad.
- I am sorry for osferth, even though I did not know him well.
- He was still your blood.
- You were his true brother.
- Yes. And I will avenge him.

- I think you suffer without my guidance.
- That is wolland.
- Show me those who follow you.
- This can be resolved.
- Strongest bow, sharpest spear
- -[Guard 2 shouting]
- He who rules heaven and earth
[guard 2] My lord!

- Once or twice.
- That is true.
- The abbess has me shackled, lady!
- I'm her prisoner!
- Abbess hild, be sure to wash your hands.
- Winchester is a better place when you are here.
- Know that much.

- Just leave.
- Have your child.
- Leave while you can.

- Thank you, father.
- Goodbye, pure and holy abbess.
- Goodbye, you bloodthirsty heathen.
- Take this.
- Turn it into hack-silver and pay for bribes along the way.
- Keep each other out of trouble.

Leofric: Uhtred.
- The water is rising.

- You are trying to protect her.
- Perhaps I should have accepted it all with good grace.
- I was married young and I survived.
- Lady, your husband wished you dead.
- Maybe that's what royal husbands do.
- Maybe that's what I should have been preparing aelfwynn for.

- I wish to serve you as a warrior.
- Uhtred.
- Uhtred, you are wanted.
- The king!
- Enjoy the wedding feast.
- You. Find me again, bring a sword and lose your cross.
- Thank you, my lord. I will.

- You will see a priest and we shall find the truth of this.
- This is not love, that is the truth of it.
- You will see a priest!

- For all this bluster, he does not know when these scotsmen will come.
- He just hopes they do.
- Does your cousin uhtred still fight for the king of the saxons?
- Yes.
- Which is why we will not be leaving these walls whatever promises we have made, whatever alliance.

- No, uhtred, you cannot.
- Retrieving his body means nothing now.
- His journey in this world has ended.
- He is left with thieves and traitors!
- He should lie beside thyra where his friends can grieve.
- Instead, I led him to die among strangers.

- Ah!
- Uhtred!
- Arseling!
Uhtred: I have your sword.

- Amen.
Guthred: Amen.
- And now, lord, we shall enter the church for the royal oath, which shall be sworn upon the corpse of the blessed Saint cuthbert himself.
- Cuth Bert?
- He is here?
- In his entirety.

Ravn: It is not.
- I will give 120 pieces of silver for the boy.
Ravn: Heh, heh, heh. Not enough.
- Very well.
- Two hundred pieces.
- I agree to your terms.

- Even the walls surrounding the old Roman city would need many hundreds of men.
- So the brothers' position is weak?
- Not weak, but lundene's been open to all tribes for a reason.
- The ground is not far now.
- I shall speak.
- You should ask for food and ale, lord.
- My belly believes my throat is cut.

- You're to confirm lady aethelflaed is alive and how they're treating her.
- Send rypere back to me at coccham.
- You will remain there and yes, you are to spy.
- Sihtric, I will need to know every part of beamfleot, every blade of grass that surrounds their fortress.
- Yes, lord.

- Because of her love for god.
- God will never abandon her.
- You were being humped against your will.
- He sent you.
- Is the king likely to have been killed?
- The king is not our concern.
- If the king is dead, then wessex is dead.

- Now you sound like the girl who I chased through these woods and humped amongst these trees.
- The girl that I loved.
- She's there still.
- Is she?
- I can't find her.

- Thank you.
- What's your name?

- Why go by river and not horseback?
- If we go with the tides it'll be faster, and to escape we row across river.
- They will follow you.
- They will follow aethelflaed.
- She's the silver.

- And I will slaughter Edward and aethelred's armies here.
- And when the kings are dead, we will sit together on Alfred's throne.
- That is my promise to you.
- Mm.
- Do it for ragnar.
- We do this in his memory.
- For ragnar.

- I shouldn't sleep until father Benedict has visited.
- My mother was never going to let me travel home without a priest.
- Benedict is here, my dearest.
- The lady should rest tonight.
- She is weakened from the journey.
- She will be healed by god's grace, not your potions.
[Sighs] Will you help me with my robe, eadith?

- Wait, wait, wait!
- There is something I can give you.
- The name of the man that killed ragnar...
- Huh?
- Aethelwold!
- No.
- He held the dagger, but another whispered poison into his ear.

- I am aethelwold.
- Son of king aethelred and rightful king of wessex.
- Alfred stole my crown.
- This crown.
- As king...
- I am prepared to negotiate.

- I am the queen of eofen/vic.
- I am my father's daughter.
- Perhaps you're afraid the gods will favor me?
- You know nothing of the gods.
- Make the square.
- Do not do this, stiorra! Do not fight!

- Edward, you are certain?
- Set a day for the attack and I will be there.
- You shall have the men.
- Draw haesten out of the fort.
- Our army will be hidden in the woods, waiting.
- You have my word. I swear.

- She was not the target. It was a tragedy.
- She was killed by men you sent?

- leaving me with an infant I despise.
Hild: She has given you a son.
- From this moment forth, uhtred of bebbenburg is cursed.
Uhtred: She is the power behind my misfortune.
- Destiny is all.

- any remaining loyalty to your family...
- It is not I who has been disloyal.
- It's my family who has been disloyal to me.
- I will throw myself from the walls sooner than marry this man.
Aethelhelm: Then do it!
- It will just be one less thing for me to be concerned with.
Aethelhelm: I thought so.
- Do not make promises you cannot keep.

- Bring lady aethelflaed outside.
- She has to see what's happening.
- What?

- Do not turn immediately, but he has arrived with another woman.
- She is still here.
- Normally they do not last the night.
- The women of cent are a law unto themselves, but they tend to be sensible.
- I'll deal with it.

- Shield wall!
- Shield wall!

- You choose now to act with caution?
- When you have shown such boldness of late?
- The pilgrims may be resting peacefully in lindisfarne as we speak.
- Or killers maraud your lands without consequence...
[Edward] Perhaps!
- But I will not be moved to retaliate until I am certain.

- Hear me now!
- A silver coin to any man who will untie me!
- Two coins!
- And... and my father's thanks!
- Who is there? Name yourself.
- If you are on this land, you will know who I am.
- You will know not to harm me.

- I demand...
- That the sword-Danes unite and crush the anglo-saxons...
- It's not your place to make demands.
- It's enough that you've been heard.
- Excellent.

Finan: Get your saintly arse on the bench, osferth.
Uhtred: Let's go.
- He gets sick traveling backward.
Osferth: I do not. I just like to see where we're going.

Alfred: Time has passed so quickly.
- Take comfort that steapa would kill any man who dared to harm her, husband included.
- He's as much her man as he is yours.
Alfred: Yes, he is.
- Should I have him beheaded as a traitor?

- I would have liked to have seen my land of Devonshire once more.
- How did it look?
- Devonshire was beautiful, lord.
- God be with you.

- May your mother forgive me.
- And may you be forgiven for your treason.

- Guards!
Brida: Take the priests.

- Get up onto your feet!
- She is... a hostage!
- She is precious!
- She's of value!
- Release her.
- Leave us.
- All of you.

Earl: Wasp has lost its sting.
Ragnar the Younger: Yeah.
- Argh!
Earl: Ow!
Uhtred: Unh!
Ragnar the Younger: Are you sure he's a Saxon?
- He fights like a Dane.
Earl: Yeah.

- Where is uhtred?
- We expect him with the men from rumcofa.
- I am the vanguard, but the king is sending his sister reinforcements.
- And yet I have heard nothing and seen less.
- The saxons will fight for you.
- You're no longer alone.
- Good.
- We meet these armies, take my homestead, kill the bitch.

Sable: They should reach Grimesby by Sunday, then Bebbanburg on the Day of Ascension.
Uhtred: [Uhtred looks confused] When is Ascension?
Sable: Ten days before Pentecost.
Sable: [Uhtred still looks confused. Sable makes a sour face] Two weeks from now.

- Come, see the men we have gathered for this adventure.
- The king will need...
- Lord, I must speak.
- The bastard may be concealing that which I myself learned in rumcofa.
- Your daughter was traveling with the pilgrims and was also slaughtered.
- {gasps}

- Which I regret.
- But if you were not a disappointment, aethelwold, I may have had you killed.
- For the good of wessex.
- Never doubt it.
- Every decision I make is for my country.
- Yes, lord.
- I understand completely.

- More sent from the northern burhs.
Edward's Rider: We look strong.
- Lord king, we bring grave news.
- Sigtryggr did not kill the queen.
- It was the work of aethelhelm's men.

- We must take her to a place of-of comfort.
- Let us go back to aegelesburg.
- No, but lord uhtred said...
- I know what uhtred said.
- But uhtred is not my master and we cannot stay here.
- We must get her to a healer in aegelesburg if she is to stand a chance.
[Quietly] Okay.
- Lord have mercy on us.

- You?
- I will not forget.
- You will always have my protection.
- I could not ask for more.
- And this...
- This is my gift to you.

- With Saxon blood.
- You... are to be king.
- King of mercia.
- King of Saxon and Dane.
- King of other kings.
- You, lord uhtred.

- We have work to do.
- No flirting with the nuns.
- We'll leave that to you, uhtred.

- and is coveted by haesten.
- This haesten has seemingly allied himself to Alfred.
- He can never be trusted.
- Now that Alfred's health is failing, these are dark and dangerous times for all the peoples of this land.
- Destiny is all.

- we will gather for business at the beach.
- Sverri will be there, I swear.
- And between that time he sails where?
Jonis: His ships plough the roughest sea, he could be any place.
- You tell us nothing.
- I tell you what I know to be true.
- All you can do is watch the beaches and wait.

- We are all mistaken and we are all proud.
- What men say is true.
- You behave as if you were still at your mother's tit.
- You will learn respect one day,
- I'm sure.
- Lord, it is over, is it not?
- It is.
- I have the king's trust!
- That's a warning!

- So, when I kill him,
- I'm allowed to go free, that is the bargain?
- That is the bargain.
- Hear that, boltan? He plans to kill you.
- I do. Beware.
- I'm afraid, lord.
- Spare me this trial, I beg you.

- Haesten looks a broken man.
- He looks like shit. He brings my woman.

- Stop looking impressed.
- You will push up the price.
- Has he given the signal?
- Lord.
- Nothing.

Aldhelm: [Aethelred executes a messenger] Lord, you cannot simply execute your subjects as you please. This is the ninth century.

- Patient?
- Oh, there will still be blood to spill, brother.
- But this way, we can be kings of it all.
- No guthrun.
- No aethelred. No Alfred.
- No uhtred.

- She's already been taken to Winchester.
- Who by?
- Erm, I think he called himself uhtred.
- Let us in!
- You two, search the grounds.
- The rest of you with me.

- He is aethelstan.
- He cannot be here.
- And my fate has changed with an unexpected otter.
- If I place someone to rule here who might forge a path to peace,
- I wondered if that person should be you.
[All] Uhtred of mercia!
[U htred] Destiny is all./

- Come on. You need to drink to your first victory.
- This is the part where we usually enjoy the gratitude of the local women.
- If brida left any.

- With your help...
- I will find the words.
- The devil cannot win.
- The devil will not win.
- I will need a sword or an axe, a shield.
- This is a battle I will not watch.
- I need to fight, uhtred,
- 'til I can fight no more.

- Do you have something to say, sihtric?
- He does not.
- Except that enough of us have died already.
Finan: You are a warrior.
- Death is a hazard.
- I've decided to go to ragnar.
- I must help him find peace.
- All you will find at ragnar's graveside is ghosts.

- We will Bury him!
- As a warrior!
- He is feasting in the great halls with our fathers!
- Bury him.

- I will be forever the man who killed the great warrior uhtred.

- I've lost every family I had.
- Beocca was always there...
- The only constant.
- Without beocca, I have no home.

Sigtryggr: I will not harm you. Do not.
- I only wish to speak with you.
- Answer me truthfully and I will treat you kindly.
- I've heard of men's kindness and I do not want it. [Pants]
- I am the Dane who took Winchester.
- If I wanted to hump a woman,
- I would not need to use force.

- Uhtred!
- Lady aethelflaed is arriving.

- I fear your prayers have been wasted.
- Please, let my lord the king listen to the words of his servant.
- Please, let my lord listen to the words of...
- Lady aelswith...
- I am trying to make him hear me!

[Man] In the name of the lord,
- I wish to be loyal...
- Your reign was brief, lord uhtred.
[Man] I offer myself...
- But in that time, you've served mercia well.
- We have the ruler we need.
- Yes, you do.

- So, what do we know of this Alfred?
- That he is sickly, he's weak.
- He wants to negotiate.
- Turns out that he's no warrior.
- But he beat you, guthrum.
Guthrum: Heh, heh, heh.
- So, what does it say?

- Kjartan can wait, and thyra must wait.
- And gisela?
- What of her?
- She's safe.
- She waits for you at the nunnery at ebchester.
- Huh.

- Per istam sanctam unctionem et suam...
- Piissiimam misericordiam...
- Indulgeat tibi...
- Dom/nus quidquid per visum...
- Del/guisti

- Uhtred...
- I came here to rest, to hunt, to find a woman, maybe.
- I did not come here to talk of war against Alfred.
- I will be outside drinking ale.
- Finish your plate.

- Ragnar!
- Again?
- Yes.
- It's the last time, I promise.
- One more son, I swear.
- If it's not, I will take your cock.

- This is madness.
Aethelstan: Give us lord aethelhelm and lady aelfwynn and we will not attack.
- Refuse and we will besiege and kill you all!
- None will survive!
[U htred] Destiny is all./

- Come on, priest.
- Finish him!

- I've given her some beauty.
- But she is a tool, no more, no less.

Hakka: Pull, you bastards!
- Yah!
- Pull!
- We need to fly! Pull!

- She knows that to return to eofennic means certain death.
- She's ruthless, but she's not foolish.
- Rest the horses. We will ride out again.
- Uhtred, you are summoned to the king.
- There is no news. That is the news.
- Nonetheless, his word stands. Come.

- Protect the gate!
Uhtred: Full force!
Uhtred: Full force, ragnar!
- Pull back! Pull back!
- Pull back!

- Fire. Fire! Fire!
- Outside, now! Quickly!
- Put the fire out!
- Find something to carry water!
- Six men stay with the Princess!

- Can you say the same?
- Er, uhtred, I am tired of listening to this squirrel's arse.
- Let me offer you a cup of ale.
- Come inside and sit with me.
- Let me convince you, I am for wessex.
- Hear me.
- Please.

- This is no business of yours, witch.
Aelswith: Perhaps not of hers, but as aelfwynn is my granddaughter, it is most definitely business of mine.
- Lady aelswith, I did not recognize you.
- It is an honor to keep the company of your granddaughter.
- You may keep the silver as reward for finding her.

- Ishahfight
- I must.
- As my father must, he too shall march.
- Aethelflaed...
- If you will excuse me, I promised the abbess I would pray with her.
- There is much to pray for.

[Man] Clear the way.
- Stand clear! It is the king!
Odda the Younger: I have to speak, lord.
- The axe cut deep.
- Even a king couldn't survive.
- We shall pray and we shall see.

[Man] Lord, the cart is stuck.
- Release the horse from its harness and ride.
- Sihtric, your axe.

- Ragnar, we're with you.
- Then you will sail with me?
- I have sworn to Alfred.
- It means nothing.
- Well, if you have sworn...
- Then you must keep your word.

- You've not looked me in the eye, not once.
- I am ashamed of what I became.

- I will travel with half my number, no less.
- Ag Reed.
Aethelred: The lady aethelflaed, she is well?
- There'll be no negotiation until I have seen her.
- She is well. My lord Erik sees that she is... most content, lord.
- Ride on and we'll follow.
- Oh, you will not be needing horses.

- Lord, I... I would never...
- You told me dunholm has no weaknesses.
- Yet last time I was there,
- I saw a door along the east wall.
- Access to a water spring.
- Yes, lord, but you could never bring an army through it.
- I would not be bringing an army.

- The king demands the grain be shared fairly amongst the people.
- The king does not care for the people.
- Guards!
- Stand aside!
- With me!
- I would call this provocation.

- I have proof. His runes.
- Storri will be returned to you.
- Take his head from his shoulders.
- Guthrum, be quiet.
- Have them open the doors.
- I will release storri when I am clear of this place.
Ubba: You go nowhere.
- Then he dies. Your sorcerer dies.
- Have them open the doors.

- and take away any and all fever and sickness.
- Restore health and strength to the child and to his ever watchful parents.
- Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
Aelswith: Shh-shh-shh.

- The world needs more little cnuts.
Cnut: Brida!
- Hm?
Cnut: Come.
Cnut: Rest tonight. Prepare yourselves.
- There will be many sleepless nights ahead!
- But, at daybreak, we shall strike and blood will run!
- Mercia will burn!

- Does he know you're here?
- It does not matter.
- You know me.
- You believe in me.
- All I want...
- Is your victory.

- God wants us to right the wrongs done to mercia.
- Nevertheless,
- I will be betrothed to the child, and I will succeed the throne.
- If it is so certain, why is it not yet done?
- I think the king conceals something and lies to us.
- So, we will wait for our moment.

- Osferth, at times we're all afraid.
- Courage is finding the will to overcome your fear. Nothing more.
- Perhaps we'll find you an axe.
- It requires less skill than a sword.
- But you must find the courage.
- Yes, lord.
- Thank you, lord.

Uhtred: Did they get to safety?
- Yes.
- How can I win you the day?
- They are taking hostages. Do likewise!
- Take him, the commander. And find finan!
- They're retreating!
- They're retreating.

- Take her with you to Valhalla.
- Yes. I will meet you there.
- Argh!
- No. Oh, no.

- and one thousand pounds' weight of gold.
- Delivered by Alfred himself.
- Of course.
- And he shall arrive with a stoat upon his head and an apple in his mouth.
- With respect, sigefrid, you fart louder and longer than the pig's arse and I together.
- I need to take a piss.
- It's going to be a long day.

- Aethelstan!
- Bastard?
- Aethelstan!
[Man] He's here!
Uhtred: Aethelstan!
Aethelstan: Uhtred!

- And who do you belong to now, brida?
- No man. I am a warrior alone.
- You do not look like a warrior.
- Give me your sword and I will show you.
- Give you my sword? You might kill me.
- No, the brida I have heard of is cunning, so I will stay armed.
- If you are who you say you are, then show me.

- I've seen you before.
- I served Earl ragnar and now I serve ubba.
[Dane 2] Quiet, woman.
- You'll see me again, I'm sure, boy.
- I'm told storri is at the church?
- Monastery, looking after king Edmund and killing his priests.

[Finan screams] Uhtred, the line is breaking!
Uhtred: Push back!
- Where is sigebriht?
- Lord! Horses! Horses!
Uhtred: It is aethelflaed! It is mercia!

- It is not my place to instruct a king in the ways of war.
- I am asking for your counsel!
- I am without a commander of my guard!
- Then I would say we need first to secure grain enough for the winter to feed these wretches.
- And I would say we need lord aelfric of bebbanburg now more than ever.

- Do not fight it!
- Death is the destiny of all men.
- We are not men, and we are not so easy to kill!
Aelswith: Did you see?
- I felt like Saint Michael the archangel when he slew Satan's armies.
- Begone or I shall slay you also!

- Are you lost, father?
- Not lost, but abandoned, lord.
- I'm returning to Winchester with an important message for Alfred.
- We're going to see Alfred.
- Climb onto the cart.
- You can help guard mercia's ransom.
- God bless you, lord, saviour of my blistered feet.

- Not here.
- Then I beg you for one last time, change your ways, uhtred.
- If you allow god into your heart, he will guide you.
- I can never become the man you want me to be.
- You could try.
- I would despise that man.
Leofric: Arseling!

- {gasps} you have a stench about you.
- You are not worthy of my daughter.
[Strained] You will never rule mercia.
- Get out.
- Leave me.

- And I swear that I will kill you, uhtred ragnarson. This is not finished!
- I see you are a funny man.

- Thank you.
- Quickly grab what you can and return to your posts.
- And keep an eye out for more Danish ships!
- I'd like somewhere quiet to dress.
- Are there ladies' quarters in the fortress?
- You may find your way down to the kitchen.
- There are some women there.

- Alfred...
- Though he may be afflicted by pain, he's as strong a man as you will find.
- He is also as clever a man as you will find.
- I was ready to have him as my advisor, until he stole my crown.
- His strength, lord, I believe, comes from his faith.
- From god. Heh, heh, heh.

- Well, perhaps.
- But I know when I'm hearing half-truths.
- I do not like him.
- Ugh, I like her even less.
- Nor I you, hag.
- She reminds me of my mother, and that woman was never wrong either.

- Thank you.
- Sleep well.
- Lord Abbot, the most holy Saint is safe and covered.
- Thank you, brother.
- Well, I will bid you goodnight.
- One other small matter.

- She hangs where every man can see her.
- Lord, I enjoy a fight as much as the next idiot, but this is beyond us.
- She's inside the hall?
- Inside the hall, inside a cage, surrounded by men.
- Warriors.
- We must first get rid of the men.
- We do it now.

- I see the new king is keeping you busy.
- He is.
- I do not know you.
- Where will I find the man uhtred?
- Lord uhtred will be that way, with the king's guard and the king, and half the townsfolk starved of interest.

- S-kjartan?
- Aylng what?
- Saying how my nephew may be found and therefore killed.
- Why bark when there are hounds available?
- Are we agreed?
- Yes.
- We are agreed.

- I do not expect brida to comply, but I would hope stiorra might.
- What is it you want her to do?
- Tell her to swear to me, publicly, to bring comfort to the Danes that all is resolved between us.
- The people here have endured too much for that.
- We have all endured too much.

- Pull, lord!
- You are alive only because I am curious to know who you are and if you'll fetch a good price.
- Pull!
- Pull and save him the pain!
Sverri: Pull!

- Take this.
- It is the symbol of my kingship.
Alfred: Bear it with authority.
- Make yourself ready.
- Consider how you spend this time.
- Tomorrow, you're my errands man.

- I think we might be getting fed, lord.
- Call him osbert.
- More than you deserve. Be grateful.

- Push on!
- Aldhelm!
- Aldhelm!

- Maybe we know things you do not.
- These past weeks, there have been stories, mutilations.
- Raiders seen with white marking on their faces.
- I do not think that is the work of rognvaldr.
- They may speak it of him, but that does not make it true.
- Who then?

- I have to speak with him.
- No!
- At least not now.
- The Danes are defeated.
- Let us just enjoy the peace...
- Just for one night.
- I will do as you ask...
- Just for one night.

Beocca: "One may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.
- A cord of three is not so quickly broken."
- Now that you are bound together, uhtred and gisela,
- I can declare you man and wife.

- Where are the prisoners being taken?
- To the hall, to be fed upon my orders.
- Come join us, lady aethelflaed.
- Hold your tongue, dagfinn, or I will cut it out!
- I do not like my enemies within my walls.
- I will leave you to your peace.

Uhtred: But his treason is known to the dying Alfred.
- Aethelwold's failings were born from my own.
- My brother who I loved.
- Who am I to take his son's life?
- The punishment...
- Is blinding.
Uhtred: Destiny is all!

[Guard] You, secure the gate! Secure it!
Uhtred: Oh no, no, not yet.

- And you can fight for the witch...
- To the death.
- Agreed.
- Lord, say nothing.
- Agreed.
- We fight.

- All debt to me is paid.
- Twice over.
Aethelhelm: Now come, tonight we celebrate your arrival.
Aethelhelm: Drink well, feast well, all.
- Great energy will be required for the times ahead.
- Eat!

- Is the king really happy with his son living among soldiers?
- We tend not to mention that.
- No shame in being a bastard boy.
Aethelstan: Whoa!
- Yes, much has changed.
- No. Uhtred's still the same.
- What?
- He's not married either.

Aethelwold: What have I been saying?
- Wessex is splintered.
- I will have no more of it.

- He's made his choice.
- And I have made mine.
- You made no choice.
- If you had not killed the monk, you would still be Alfred's oathman.
- Then I'm glad I killed the monk.
- I am Dane.

- Did you hear me, lady?
- He is ready to leave.
- Then let him leave!
- We will remain here until
- I've finished my work with the priests.
- Tell him we will follow.
- But he is to leave my guard.
- Yes.

- Osferth, prepare to open the gates, finan with me.
- Uhtred, what is it?
- Who is it?
- Bloodhair, lord, with hostages.
- He wishes to negotiate?
- Possibly.

- What we must do now is save the lives of your nuns and my men.
- And aethelflaed.
- Abbess?
- I will do it.
- No, this is my house, it's my responsibility.
- I will do it.

- Nothing can.
- But your daughter is at peace now.
- Maybe in finding peace of your own, you might repent.
Brida: I don't want your bread.
- I believe it was your bread to begin with.
Pyrlig: Should you change your mind.

- Well, what did you see?
- What did they show you?
- What I saw is my business. Unh!
- I feel unwell.
- Here.

- You want to kill me, uhtred ragnarson?
- That was the plan.
- You don't like me?
- I can be a funny man.

- I do not care. My life is over.
- Are you the king of the Scots?
- Are you the bride?
- So I'm told.
- Why are you not married?
- You're older than my father.
- Which father would that be?

- Might I find the gates of heaven closed to me?
- Never, lord.
- Aethelwold is a man who believes himself to be king.
- He is a danger to Edward...
- To your own son.

- The ale is good.
- It is.
- Very good.
- To the creators of fine ale!
- May god... bless them.
- May the gods bless them. Him.

- Who travels with you, nun?
- A trader bringing relics to lindisfarne.
- Name yourself.
- Haesten. Allow us to wait for the tide and you can have some spoils.
[Sighs] Wait here.

- This is it? This is where we find storri?
- I see him.
- Huh?
- The gods are with us.
- And this is from your wife?

- Trust that I have good reason to refuse.
- You're like the worst of your father.
- Uhtred...
Uhtred: And you a coward!
- I will do this alone, even if you give me nothing!
- How you've changed.
- How you have not.

- Which he will.
- He will want to know the truth.
- In the time between, we stay alive.
- We pass the time.
- Doing what?
Brida: Hm?
- Ow! [Yells]

- Who are they?
Uhtred: They belong to oswald.
- Their mother sends them hoping to shame me for killing their lying, thieving father.
- I see her plan is working.
- They're not the first to lose a parent.
- They'll live.

- I would say a hindrance.
- A wife?
- No, no. Never, no.
- She is restless.
- She is the devil on his shoulder, I fear.
- But he is fond of her.
- Yes, that is his way.
- We shall see.
- Thank you.
- My lord.

- It is good to see you safe, lady.
- Lord aldhelm.
- I shall advise the king you're here.

- Who's there?
- Forgive me, you looked too beautiful to disturb.
- You may disturb me.
- Immediately.

[Leader] Spare him!
- You want the silver?
- I have no interest in silver.
- We are looking for a Dane named brida.
- Too late. I killed her.
Brida: You did not!

- Off!
- I told you...
- She's not here.
- Let's go!

- Tie them all together.
- Form a chain.
- Bind them tightly.
- If any object, march them into the river.
- Get this inside your belly, arseling.
- God knows you deserve it.

- He is here, lord!
- Uhtred is here!
- With me! Now!
Finan: Uhtred, run!
Sihtric: There are ships on the river!
Uhtred: To the river. Sihtric, you lead.

- Where is she?
- Where's lady aelswith? And who helped her?
- Who betrayed us?

- It is odda, lord.
- Prior to leaving Winchester, he sent a man, some man, with word to raise the fighting men of Devonshire.
- He has now met them on the road, lord.
- With the intention of doing what?
- He is marching against beamfleot.
- Yes, lord. He is.

- Oh!
- Jesus, save us.
- Yield!
- She will do it again.
- Sigtryggr, for the sake of your people, yield.

- Here, piggy! Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Woo, woo!
- Ow!
Finan: Aethelstan, you madman, you!
- [Cynlaeti piggy, piggy, piggy!
- Aethelstan!
[Cynlaet] Aethelstan!

- Oh!
- You were worth the fight, my dearest girl.
- Your mother would be proud.
- I have a gift for you.

- You will smite all of us?
- Yeah, most.
- Some of you might run away, hopefully.
- I've got... I've got a sword.
- A very sharp sword.
- Though I'd prefer it if you surrendered.
- Kill him!

- I cannot do that.
Brida: But your god can.
- You're his voice! So speak! Give her back!
Brida: Give her back!
- Dear god, spare her!
- Put no more blood on her hands!
Pyrlig: She was born your servant.
- She need not die in torment.
- She can still repent and join her daughter in paradise.

- I have one more thing to ask.
- I will pay.
- Ask.
- How do you kill a curse?
- I knew it.
- I saw the darkness on your shoulder.
- It's yours.

- And why young ragnar will soon be going for Ireland.
Uhtred: You leave to fight?
Ragnar the Younger: To make my wealth.
- If you want land or silver, you have to take it.
- You made me proud today, uhtred.
- You made me proud.

- Hmm, charming.
- Aethelhelm, I shall bring you into my confidence immediately.
- War is coming, your lands are under threat.
- Danes are marching in numbers from north to south.
- Let us pray for the strength and fortitude to defeat them once again.
- Join me.

- I was just thinking about you.
- You were in my prayers...
- Is what I mean.
- Thank you, hild.
- Please continue.
- Do not let me disturb your peace.
- Would you care to sit with me...
- In peace, lord?
- I would, hild. I will.

- Other Danes are coming.
- We will live as Danes and die as Danes.
- You will not find peace here.
- Then I will find it in sigtryggr's dead embrace.
- No, do not say that.
- That path is not meant for you.
- That is not what the gods want.
- I no longer believe in destiny.

- You must give in to fate.
- Attend his witan.
- Will you sleep alongside me tonight, under the furs?
- Sleep?
- Nothing more.
- I would like that.
- As the only other source of warmth would be a goat.

- You can smell it on the air.
- They're burning bodies.
- It means the fever is just fields away.
- Lady, no one has passed by for hours.
- They've probably closed the roads to contain the sickness.
- Uhtred will have gone on ahead to ceaster.
- We should do the same.

- Look at me.
- You owe Alfred nothing.
- To him, your word means nothing, you are a pagan.
- Please.
- Uhtred ragnarson can never become uhtred of bebbanburg.
- Never.

- Go take a piss.
- Who is he?
- A thief, lord.

- The ugly Danes who were sat there, when did they leave?
- I'm allowed to take an eye.
- Which one would you like to keep?
- The blue one.
- I swear I'll kill you before we reach kjartan.
- I look fowvard to seeing you try.

- You're a dead man!
- Fight me!
- I'll kill you! I'll kill you!
Aethelhelm: Get me away from here!
Finan: Fight me!
Sihtric: Pull back!
- Too many protect him!

- We must divide, go separate ways.
- Male: Come this way, follow me.
Uhtred: Halig, keep going.
- Come on. Come on.
Uhtred: Come on.

- The rest of the army will be inland looking for food.
- We kill the men, we burn the ships.
- You really believe skorpa will then go to guthrum?
- I do. One army, one battle.
- It's the only way, lord.
- It begins here, in these waters.
- You were brought here for this reason, lord.

- If he comes to the gate,
- I will speak to him.
- Why are we on the ramparts?
- To show Edward you are still alive.
- That is not what was discussed.
- Show her to the saxons.

- I will earn it, by taking the first head.
- You can take what you want.
- Just take it.
- No, I will earn it.
- You earned it at the stables.
- I need to become accustomed to how it feels.

Clapa: It's rypere.
Finan: He must have news from beamfleot.
- I'll go and tell uhtred.
- Uhtred!
- Uhtred!
- Uhtred?

- Tell him to find me.
- Erm, I think he may well be sitting at your table, father.
- Uhtred is here. I know it.
- Are any of your men sober?
- Some. They are with the horses.
- We should pay a visit you and I to father beocca's house.

- Retreat! Retreat!
- Take him.
Rognvaldr: I'm sigtryggr's brother.
- I'm sigtryggr's brother!
- Sigtryggr, she made me.
- She made me!

- Keep them quiet!
- Elgin!
- Are you drunk?
- Now!
Finan: We kill 'em!
- Every bastard one of them!
- Man: To arms!
- Defend yourselves!
- Run!

- Then choose.
- Do you stand with us, with each of us, or not?
Bloodhair: You will give your answer,
- Dane-slayer.
- Let us hear you.

- I am sent to tell you peredur will pay you well to help him recapture this fort.
- Pay us well? How much?
- I do not know the sum, but I am sure he will be generous.
- He has silver?
- He is a king.

- We take a hostage, a shield, a guarantee for your life.
- Who?
- I don't know.
- Someone he can't do without.
- Storri, his sorcerer.

- Here you go.
Sihtric: Thank you.
- What was that?
Finan: King's men.
- When was the last time you saw your father?
- A long time ago.
- Well, you'll be a fair bit taller than him now, I'll bet.

- Sire, we're fighting on two sides!
- {gasps}
- Charge!
- {gasps}
- Charge!

- The price was 33.
- I'm sure it was an honest mistake.
- You were robbed, as I was robbed.
- That price is your security, and you will have it, all of it.
- May I rest?
- I'm sorry the day has been a disappointment for you, lord.

- Boltan! We need to be entertained!
- Are you man enough to kill a priest?

- Uhtred! Get her out of here!
Aethelflaed: Erik, no!
- We need to go.
- Aethelflaed!

- A bridge from our world to bjorn's.
- Kill him.
- Please, lord. Please, lord, no, please!
- Get the message into his mouth and kill him!
- Spare me! Spare me and I will repay you with gratitude.
- Please, lord... [Sobbing]

- Two days ago.
Beocca: Praise god. Praise him.
- Well, then wessex is saved.
- It is, yeah, for a time.
- Guthrum will have no choice now but to make peace.
- As your father recovers, take his place.
- His lands will be your lands and more.
- Wessex is saved.

- Are you afraid of me?
- Man on man!
- I will make the square!
- Will you fight me?
- Are you the son of ragnar the fearless or are you a coward?

- We won the war.
- Now we must help bring about the peace.
- Mercia does not need any more instability.
- And what about the people of Winchester?
- 4ndeed.
- Have my mother publicly rebuked for raising king hywel's army.
- She must learn her interference brings a cost.

- Every man to the ramparts!
Ragnar: Keep together!

- And Edward alone is not the answer.
- You know this yourself, lord, which is why you hope, and pray perhaps, that uhtred will return.
- If that is the case, lord, then your prayers have been answered.
- He is here.
- You can have him found and executed, or you can speak with him.

- Are you prepared?
- I am.
- Yes.
- It is to the death, no matter how death occurs.
- May god choose his Victor.
- Swords.
- Begin!

- We Mark him with the sign of your cross.
- God, who is creator of all people, let us rejoice in the gift of grace bestowed on uhtred that he could not attain on this earth, but only by divine blessing.
- You are now catechumen.
- I ask your sponsor to come fonuard.

- So, he comes for us.
- And he is trapped by the thegn of a village up river.
- I would say we should kill him together, but one of us must remain here.
- Then, he is yours to kill, my friend.
- Go and make your reputation.
- We have a Dane-slayer to kill!

- You weakened me, brother.
- It should have been me who took the Princess and put her in the cage.
- Yes. You are right.
- I... did not think.
- You never think.
- Because I have you to think for me.

- Who was it who attacked your village?
- Danes?
[Hywel] Don't worry.
- We will right this wrong.
- The witan is gathered.

Guthred: Uhtred is an ealdorman.
- He has land, in wessex.
- But he's born of northumbria, a deposed ealdorman whose ancestors were indeed kings.
- He believes himself to be your equal, lord.
- Perhaps more than equal.

Ragnar: I didn't think so many would come.
- Ragnar!
- Rollo.
- What makes you think we're here for you?

[Man] My lord king.
[Man] My lord.
[Man] Sire.
- My lord...
- He dares to walk amongst the fallen?
- Do not.
- There has been enough fighting.
- Your men need you.

- Hild?
- Lord, she is a woman.
- I'm as good a horseman as anyone here.
- If it means more Danes will die, then I'll do it.
- Yes, hild.
- You will.

- Then free me from this bargain.
- No.
- Because I have given my word.
- I am being traded.
- That's just the way of things.
- You will be rich and well-cared for.
- It is not a terrible curse...
- You have no idea! None!

- Do not turn away from all of your family.
- I know your son would like to see you.
- He often speaks fondly of you.
- A child without its father's guidance will grow weak.
- Which is why
- I endeavor to seek the lord's help.
- So if you would leave me in peace.

- Any spare coins, lord? Any spare food?
- God would bless you, I'm sure.
- Are you travelling to Winchester?
- We are, lord. For the wedding.
- We shall see you there then!
- And a good day to you, lord!
- Miserable bastard.

- I've been told not to answer that.
- Indeed. That is probably wise.
- Are you an abbess, lady?
- No. I am... a friend.
- Though many great abbesses feel
- I could have been one of their number.
- Come with me, aethelstan.

- and he spoke of no one else who cared for him.
- Are you not the woman who humped aethelred for silver?
- I do not know who you speak of.
- Come.
[Gasps] Where are you taking me?
- Somewhere sigtryggr won't find you.
- You do not want to suffer your brother's fate.

- You will find us at the river ouse, one army.
- It was either you or bloodhair who killed ragnar.
- Brida, you cannot accept that his last night was spent with a whore and that she killed him.
- Who knows what goes on between a man and a woman?
- Ragnar did not appreciate nor deserve your love.

- Bury him.
- Lord king?
- It is done.

- Release her and I will not kill him.
[Softly] Uhtred.
- Do you want to see him die?
- Let her go.
- Run.
- Run!

- Lady, please...
- I do not want to be involved in any more plans to deceive the king.
- Except this one.
- I am not concerned about Edward.
- He seems to have come to his senses, at last.
- But why has my daughter taken leave of hers?

- Who are you, you piece of shit?
- You want me to spill your guts?
- Here I am, I am waiting.
- We'll send each of you to corpse hall!
- Hit the big bastard!
- Come and fight. Are you afraid?
- We stand our ground.
- We stand our ground.

- The people here are volatile, the mood not favorable.
- Much pain is felt for the lady stiorra and I fear her grief could ferment more trouble.
- Add brida to that and...
- The air is poisoned. I understand.
- If sympathy for the young widow is the problem, that can be resolved.
- Summon lord uhtred.

- until Edward has sworn he will not harm her.
- You will tell him what kind of a man he trusted.
- So, we fight for peace, lord... again.
- We cannot let them turn on each other.
- We do it?
- We do it.

- I can be of use to you, lord.
- Eadred: He's nothing but a heathen.
- Kill him!
- No one is to move.
- Kill him now!
- I say no one is to move, and no one is to speak but me. No one!

- And remember we have a task ahead.
- Cousin, you are our leader now.
- I am hungry for blood and battle!
- Nothing has changed! We've lost a handful of men and nothing more than that!
- Nothing has changed.
- We march as soon as we're ready!

Finan: Steapa!
- What is this?
- Hmm? What is this?
- Finan, do nothing.
- He's a free man!
- Do not think I am afraid of you!

- Did I hurt someone as I am now hurt?
- Did he?
- All I wanted was a husband and family!
- To be with the one I loved in a quiet place to call home.
- Then you would have been unsuited to life in the palace at Winchester, ecgwynn.
- Which is why this has all come to pass.

- Alfred could remove the debt.
- He has chosen not to.
- The amount owed is 2,000 shillings, lord.
- Damn him.
- Damn everything he stands for.
- Damn his church and his god.
- Lord, I don't like your blasphemy.
- My name is uhtred!

- Then I would hate for you to meet that which you dread.
- I should like to pray, alone.
- I have verses I must study.
- Perhaps there are some wise words in the book about the sort of man I am.
- Perhaps you do not know me as you think.

- I swear I will not leave your side until we have found a way to help him.
- Or until you have killed me.
[Sniffs] Then we must find a way quickly, because I'm sure to kill you soon.

- Oh, were you expecting a rather tall girl?
- Yes!
- She asked me to exchange rooms because this bed was too short.
- That would explain it.
- Yes. Ooh!

- Where?
- A field, a barn?
- In the chapel, lord.
- Keep watch.
- Should his cock wander and her virginity decide to join it...
- Yes, lord.

- Leave us.
- Be careful, lady.
- Like you...
- I'm tired of caution.

- Lord, that is not advisable.
- I've made up my mind.
- If there is treachery, it is something I must witness.
- I'll go with you.
- I do not require a nursemaid.
- I am a priest.
- And I a king.
- You will wait here with iseult.
- I am aware of the care I need to take.

- Pull and give him the peace of death!
Sverri: Pull!
- Pull!
Sverri: Pull!
Sverri: Pull!
- Pull!

- Your boys live.
- The body your man saw was a mercian, killed by Danish hands.
Cnut: Both... both survive?
Uhtred: Both.
- But you will not live to see them grow old.
- You should not have trusted him.

- that is all I know to be true.
- It's uhtred's intention to return to mercia.
- He asked me to petition the king to have his children follow.
- Now open the gates and let us rest.
- Hey, big man, we're guilty of being hungry and tired, my friend. That is all.
- Open the gates.

- Do not forget your wife...
- Of strong, Dane stock.
- Why am I not surprised to hear you threaten a woman?
- Father beocca, please forgive me my sins.
- I shall leave you to your prayers.
- If indeed that is what you are here for.
- I shall watch out for you, father beocca... with my good eye.

- Help him in his mission and you will be helping...
- Helping him return to a life of Christian piety?
- Not that, but...
- There is a chance.
- All sinners can repent.
- Well, we shall see.
- Come on.

- The chronicle will grow, pages will be added, but uhtred of bebbanburg will not be mentioned.
- Although I too was victorious.
- My name is uhtred, son of uhtred.
- My name is uhtred ragnarson.
- Destiny is all.

- Help me.
- I want my son to remain untarnished by heathen ways.
- I wish him to be god's king.
- Pure.
- Lord, should you be walking unaided?
- While I can, I will.

- Block the hole.
- That's enough.

Yahya: It is the king.
- A king would choose a finer ship.
- Except for perhaps this one.
- My men disembark at the sea gate.
- A king arrives at a fortress through the front. [Laughs heartily]

Gisela: What?
- He is here.
- Who?
- Your brother, the king.
- He lives?
- Oh, he is well and he is near, very near.
- I must inform Abbot eadred.
- Brother trew.

- Let them wag if it please them.
- You asked me some days ago if I agree with the payment of a ransom.
- I do not.
- If I had an army to call upon, a fyrd to raise,
- I would prove it.
- But I have not.

- How have you strayed so far?
- Forging an alliance with mercia is everything.
- I did not intend to harm any child.
- But children should not be dragged into politics, Edward. We know this.
- The ones that are...
- Well, we know they rarely survive.

- It makes you appear weak.
- My dear, you have been invited to leave us.
- And you will do what?
- Ask him to stand at Edward's side?
- I will decline.
- I will not have it!
- Aelswith, you will leave us!

- by the lies you tell, the bile you spew
- I think we should find another table.
- In the eyes of some, a gentle woman became an enemy and nothing more.
- You should turn a deaf ear to this man.
- Father beocca,
- I will forgive this display, just once!
- Another word and you will pay.

- Good. Fewer to protect here.
- Let Edward see us in retreat.
- Bring down the men.
- You are sworn to him, but he is sworn to me.
- Pull back!
- Pull back. Stand down!
- Stand down!

- He has my protection.
- And who will protect the rest of us?
- I've never seen him so angry.
- You'll clean mail, tend to the horses.
- Anything.
- You'll wipe our arses if I say so.
- Of course.
- And I'm gathering the moss and dock leaves as you speak, lord.

- God is merciful. That is her horse.
- She will be close by.
- Wait here in case she returns to it.
- We will look for her.

- in the charge of Earl ragnar, who was under my orders and whom I hold responsible for the killing of Abbot eadred.
- No. No, lord, it was me and me alone.
- Why did he not stop you?
- You cannot blame ragnar for the Abbot's death.
- Yes, I can and I do.
- That is unfair.
- He will stand trial.
- No.

- It has been an eventful time.
- Mm. Then you have surely earned a good rest.
- I will ensure you are given the grandest chamber in eofennic.
- The king and I can sleep elsewhere.
- It is my honor to honor you.
- I hope, in time, you deem me worthy of your son.

- What awaits us at loidis?
- We shall see.
- Need I remind you that first and foremost our purpose here is the king's business.
- Nothing has changed but our path, beocca.
- We shall see.

- So, perhaps
- I should be unifying them myself...
- Rather than making a child do it for me.
- You are free to go, uhtred.
[Sighs] Return to aelfwynn.
- Reunite with my sister and keep them safe until the conflict passes.
- Matters may grow ugly here.
- It is best they do not see it.

- Who carried out this attack?
- We cannot be certain.
- But there have been rumors.
- Some say war is coming.
- These lands are no longer safe.
- Cynlaef may yet still live.
Aelswith: We cannot linger here any longer.
- I must get you to safety.

- Die! Die!
Brida: No! Wait! Hold back!
Uhtred: Now... charge!
- With me!

- The warrior priest of rumcofa.
- He showed great courage.
- And made osferth proud.
- I have heard of your bravery.
- Let us drink to it.
- I bring news I do not wish to break.
- Brida has struck again.

- Sigurd is blind. There can be no battle.
- Lord, you are both right and wrong.
- We wait, uhtred.
- Now...
- I wish to look at her.
- Skade.

- Maybe just someone trying to frighten me.
- And are you frightened?
- No. But I expect worse.
- Lord, you're brooding.
- My wife thinks it's the change of the seasons getting to you.
- We have scouts at every lookout point from here to the burh at thelwall.
- Hey, hump the tall girl.

- Well, what do you suggest, then, lady?
- That you give yourself over?
- Yes.
- Haesten speaks the truth. Why should
- I live when so many others have died?
- Haesten has never spoken the truth in his life!
- Do not say as much again! Never!
- Or those men have died for no reason.

- The king has questions about your loyalty.
- It's his way.
Aethelred: And he tells me you've been associating with those heathen Danes.
- Like this one here.
- Uhtred, we are needed elsewhere.
- Is he required between your legs, my dear?

- Earl ragnar. I have a task for you.
- And you alone.
- Guard: Move it!
- Move!
- You are no longer a warrior.
- You belong to me now.

- They have a fleet. How many, I wonder.
- 19 ships.
- That's more than 500 men, plus those already there.
- And those who will come.
- Then it has started.
- What?
- The end of the peace.

Sihtric: Shut that door!
- My balls are freezing to nothing!
- Something's wrong.
[Osferth groans] Just go back to bed.
Osferth: Get some sleep. Lord uhtred might need us in the morning.
Aethelstan: There, did you see that?
- Wake up.
Sihtric: No, no, it's the ale. Your eyes are playing tricks on you. Just...

- You dig your own grave?
- Mine...
- Or yours.
- I'm prepared.
- Either way, it ends where it began.

- He refuses to leave because he's making such good coin here.
- We've become quite the marketplace.
- I will find you.

Uhtred: There will be no more than 30 raiders.
- We hide and we wait.
- We attack on my command, not before.
- You all heard the lord. We find cover.

- In those times, we hold steadfast to our lord and do not buckle.
- We may not survive this...
- But our kingdom will and that is all that matters.
- Our sense of history is who we are.
- It is how god separated us from the animals.
- And I will not be treated as an animal.

- He will have men hump you.
- I tell you every time, you do not need to live like this.
- You don't need to eat and sleep with hounds.
- It is my wish.
- I dream of you, as you were.
- I dream of nothing but the fire.

- If asked, he will deny it.
- Stiorra cannot stand by and let her people be murdered
[yelling] Bridal you will pay for this!
- Then show yourself!
[U htred] We must now enter the city by stealth and save my daughter.
- Destiny is all/

[Grunts] Of course, I would slit her throat after she'd been ridden!
[Pants] Wait, uhtred.
- She's too well used to fight over.
Uhtred: Now I will kill you!

Alfred: You may choose.
- Your sword, uhtred.
- You can be a free man within my service.
- Ragnar goes free?
- He has earned it.
- Swear.
- I, uhtred of beb...
- It is the custom to kneel.

- Do you want a dog?
- Nobody wants you, dog.

- Hear me now. Wareham has fallen.
- We march at once.
- Every man is to be ready to do as the king asks.
- The Danes have taken the fortress.
- Wareham has fallen.
- We march at once.
- We could be slipping in blood and entrails before the day is out.

- If I place someone to rule here who might forge a path to peace, someone who might not necessarily please the ealdormen, but whose popularity with the people might force them to accept it...
- Let us call him a lord and protector who would rule here just for a few years until things are less volatile.
- I wondered if that person should be you.

Uhtred: Destiny is all.

- Put a sword to his throat if he does not!
- Give me time. I can make this right.
- Rognvaldr will betray you.
- You know this...
- Then I shall execute him and find another and another and another until I can turn my back on this wretched town forever.
- I advise you do the same.

- They did. They spoke my name.
- But the lord guided her.
- She stood for me, claimed my place in the slaughter.
- I wanted only to see the holy isle.
- Why did St. cuthbert lead me...
- Then let this happen?

- But mani is chased each night across the sky by hati the wolf.
- My mother did not want me to be chased by wolves.
- I saw the moon, the clear sky, and I wanted to share it.
- I'm glad you thought of me.
- It was either share it with you or with my brother.
- The choice was difficult, I admit.

- Why must I be paraded like a prize?
- It is a show of unity, nothing more.
- Do this one thing and it is over.
- You can resume your life here, live as a lady.
- I know how hard this is, but pride is what drove brida to the darkness.

Haesten: You were right, lord she has beauty.
- She does.
- More than that, she's worth ten times her weight in gold and silver.
- I'm thinking we should fatten her.

- Then we must go where he will not find us.
Aelswith: In truth, it should comfort aelfwynn to see you.
Aelswith: Where is lady aelfwynn?
- How could you let her leave?
- I did not know.
Eadith: She has fled.
[Aelswith sighs] She has taken her horse.

- and asks that you convey yourself to buccstan for Sunday.
- There you will meet with lady aelfwynn and marry her.
- Why have I been selected for this alliance?
- Because you're a nobody.
Aethelstan: If aelfwynn marries you, no ealdorman can force her hand.
- Then I will be honored to preserve the safety of the Princess.

- I will get you out of here.
- But you will take me to your camp.
- You're no longer sworn to uhtred, boy?
- Uhtred is cursed and has lost his mind.
- I am at the mercy of gods, and this is their will.
- Are you with me or not?

- I went against you, even.
- I shall accept any punishment you think necessary.
- Without my permission, you swore my men to a traitor.
- You led my armies into a battle I did not sanction.
- Your actions were not worthy of an aetheling.
- They were worthy of a king.

- Jesus!
- Get the prisoners back with the pigs, bound!
- Sihtric!
- I will leave first light.
- But I will return.
- And if you are here still...
- Then I will kill you.

- Do you think there will be war with wessex?
- Peace serves both kings better.
- We stay here, kiss arses, go home.
- That old goat's not of northumbria.
- Just another lord whose balls hang lower than his coin purse.
- Lord king.

Aelfweard: No, it was the Danes.
- He may not have loved her as we did, but... but that he would not do.
- Of course. I am sure you are right.
- But everything we do hence is to honor her hopes for you.
- Are we united?
- Always. With a whole heart.

- Lady aelswith, forgive me...
- You appear to be going against the king's wishes.
- Father beocca?
- You may be needed.
- Get the door! Get the door!
[Man] Get back! Get back! It's falling!

- True.
- It is also a truth that she was very fond of your nephew.
- Eadred: I have a duty to tell you, there was talk of marriage.
- She remains fond of osbert?
- Oh, I would imagine that he is the reason she is in hiding.

- But it's the festival.
Uhtred: She thinks rumcofa shames mercia with its heathen ways.
- Uhtred! A ship, it's turned in from the sea, which we cannot identify.
- Then the soldiers will be ready.
- Why would anyone attack before the lady arrives?
- Line the riverbank. Prepare.

- See they are fed and watered, horses and slaves.
Erik: You are called sihtric?
- Yes, lord. Good evening to you, lord.
- Uhtred says you can be trusted.
- So you will take him this letter.
- This is a great responsibility.

Brida: No!
- You kill him.
- He's my kin.
Brida: He has betrayed our gods.
- He allowed the christians to take root here and poison our brothers.
- Kill him, hmm?

- Drive them!
- They're tiring, can't fight back.
- We're winning, look.
[Man] We're winning.
- Follow!
- Drive on!
- Not yet! Not yet!

- This would be truly god's work you do.
- Forgive me, lord, but I cannot help but feel afraid.
- They are not content to simply kill a priest.
- Fear is within all of us.
- As is strength.

- I cannot agree.
Sigtryggr: It is unclear what your choices are.
- Perhaps we should consider it.
Aethelflaed: He would be on my border!
- Edward, do not let him divide us.
- I will leave you to trade between yourselves.
- I'll find my daughter.

- Stay back!
- Dear god.
- We can swim through.
- No. I'd rather face them and die now.
- I'm not sweating and shitting in three days' time.
- I want to try. I am not ready to die.
- No, stiorra!

- Osferth's spirit will stand in place.
- His spirit is busy taunting the fool that got him killed.
- You're not guilty of this, finan.
- Save your anger for the ones that are.
- Aethelhelm will get what is coming to him.
- But first we must avert this war.

- There's no more.
- We're going.
Sven: Come on.
Kjartan: Bring the horses.

- Help!
Osferth: Where's the wound?
- Where is it?
- Oh, my god, oh, my god,
- I'm going to die! I'm going to die!
- It's all right.
- Don't let me die, finan!
[Softly] Shh, I'm here with you.

- Your king could not choose between his sons.
- And so...
- Guards, bring in the prisoner!
- He has given us his greatest warrior in their place!
- Bring him to me.

- In favor of lady aethelflaed!
- Lady aethelflaed cannot rule mercia!
[U htred] Yet it was not without sacrifice.
- I swear that as long as I hold the mercian throne, I will remain chaste.
[Ludeca] Is the witan agreed?
[Witan] Agreed!
- Then, lady aethelflaed, take your throne.

- He needs to be on horseback, not on his knees.
- I hate this place.
- It grows worse.
- I was not told you were here.
- How pleasing.
- Lord.
- And so much of you.
Uhtred: Is he ready?
- The king is ready, as is his council.

[Aelswith panting] Oh, dear god!
- We will need a priest.
- We've tried everything.
- She needs the final rites, lord.
- Find me every healer in town.
- Do not speak a word of this to anyone.
- Yes, lord. Come with me.
[Edward] Go.
- Do you think she will survive?

- Hm? I'm sure he'd be touched how you mourn for him while we're stuck in the middle of nowhere. But if he were here now, he would tell you this is not the end.
- We will gather more men.
- We will return with an army and batter down the gates.
[Softly] Yeah.

- Do not believe it, Edward.
- Scots.
- Does the king see them?
Uhtred: No.
- Men are gathering behind the gates.
- They'll attack them on two fronts!

- I must kill the man who killed ragnar, with a blade marked with ragnar's blood.
- Thyra's blood.
- It is the same.
- Who is this man you will kill?
- I do not know.

- When the time is right,
- I swear I will be with you.
- I know.
- I can't believe I'm about to let you go.
- Lose you.
- You have been half my life.
- All of my madness.

- Oh, lord, Grant wisdom to your servants gathered here.
- Help them to decide what is right, what is just and what is fair.
- Grant us this, oh, lord.
[All] Grant us this, oh, lord.

- I lost beocca in my haste at bebbanburg.
- Understand if I try to find a more cautious path.
- I'll be quiet.
- I'm an arseling.
- We care for the people within.
- It puts us at a disadvantage.

- My men tell me you are refusing to eat.
- I am. I would like to wash.
- You have a bowl, you have water.
- I would like to bathe.
- I would like to breathe cool air.
- I am beginning to feel sickly.
- My brother suggested you bathe inside a barrel in full view of all men.

- Bnda.
- What have you done?
- Only what you could not!
- I'm sorry.
- I'm cold.

- Look at her. She is dying.
- If she does, we will be blamed.
- There's sickness everywhere, eadith.
- Yes, and who gets accused?
- Sinners, people like me.
- You have not been shunned as I have.
- I will not take the risk.
- And I thought you were amongst the bravest of warriors.

- Alfred wants his daughter, that is plain.
- But is that best for mercia?
- Is that best for aethelred, lord of mercia and lundene and more perhaps?
- My advice to you, lord, is rescue her, by all means, but not at a price that will cut our throats.

- The memories will overwhelm you.
- It was a different life, beocca.
- I am a different woman.
- I'm with you, always.
Beocca: Riders.
- We should hide ourselves.

- If they decide to wait?
- Why would they?
- Because we are sat isolated on this high ground.
Wulfhere: And supplies are low.
- They don't know that.
- We bide our time. Hold our position.
- With luck, Alfred will see off guthrum and provide us with reinforcements.
- For now we stay put

- You have no right to speak to me in this way!
- Of course I have a right, you are my wife!
- I am aethelflaed of wessex and you will not treat me like I am a servant girl!
- Do not...
- Do not... never raise your shrill voice to me!

Sihtric: They are waiting to be slaughtered.
Uhtred: Lord?
- There will be no better time to fight than now.
- Uhtred, I'm thinking...
- We must attack.
- Lord, what I'm saying is good advice.
- We must attack tonight.
- Do you not hear me? I'm thinking.

[sees his son watching the fortress gates]
Lord: Why do I leave the villages unprotected and bring the men inside? Is that your question? A village can be rebuilt. A warrior can die only once.

- I may have been too emphatic in my encouragement of the king.
- Come, ride with me south.
- No! I will not flee the battle.
- I will stay where I may be of use to injured men.
- I am not suggesting we flee, but if you want to avert a slaughter, then follow.

- He believes he can negotiate...
[Groans] ...Or is at least considering the possibility.
- The bleeding has stemmed. I hope.
- A gut wound is a slow death.
- A gut wound can heal.
- It will heal.

- I have everything I need and young ragnar will share in that good luck.
- We need to kill a chicken.
- But not the small one, she has a name.
- What is she called?
- I wouldn't be surprised if he humps it.
- Storri?

- Find her. Find her.
- Raise the alarm. Now!
- Son.
- My son.
- Lord Jesus Christ, in a rich man's house.
- A fallen woman cried as she dried his feet...

- Guthred himself was captured and sold as a slave.
- Then he would be prepared to raise an army against kjartan?
- He would be an ally, I'm sure.
Hild: As I'm sure uhtred is but one man.
- Against many.
Beocca: No.
- No, uhtred is more than just one man.
- And he is here for a reason.

- When?
- Spring. It is always spring.
- I'll go to readingum. Where is it?
- It's too dangerous.
Uhtred: Not for me.
- I'm a godless Dane, remember?
Brida: Why spy for Alfred?
- He is an ealdorman of england.

- Race you over the hill?
- Why?
- Why not?
- Child.
- Afraid of losing?
- Child.

- You do not have the courage.
- Aldhelm, you must.
- Since you are Alfred's daughter,
- I'll let you choose which of us humps you first.
- Aldhelm, please.
- I can't. I can't.
- You saxons have...

- It is one of ours, lord.
- The flesh is rotten, but I know it, I'm sure.
- Go to the others!

- Man: Erik.
- The city, we leave in your hands.
- It's ours. It must remain ours.
- I will ensure it.
- You have enough men. Keep them sober and do not kill for the fun of it.
[Chuckles] No, lord.
- You do me a great honour, lord, though I wish I was going with you.

Alfred: Odda is not a danger.
Uhtred: But who sits with odda?
Alfred: I will not hide.
Beocca: Lord. Hear the advice.
- You are a symbol of wessex, the standard around which our army will gather.
- You can't be put at risk.
- Very well.

- We should leave.
- There are men looking for us.
Brida: From ubba?
- I don't know.
- Saxons and Danes are looking for us.
- We seem to be collecting enemies as we go.
- Get to the horses. Go, go, go!
[Man] Oh!

- Come on. Let's find aelfwynn!
- Lord king, wait for uhtred's signal.
- We have waited and heard nothing.
- The time offered to prevail is slipping away.
- But what of uhtred or aelfwynn?
- They will be killed!
- This is madness.
- Yes.
- But we must follow.

- All I have done has been to protect him.
- He knows this.
- If he knew all, he would not stand by you.
- Tell him the worst of it.
- Tell him or I shall!
- Confess your sins and live, or die disgraced.

- I need them alive...
- For now.
- Do you like this?
- Then I need your help.
Brida: I don't want his sword!
- I want him!
- You'll have your revenge, brida.
- Sigtryggr!

- And continues to threaten the life of the king?
- Uhtred of bebbanburg would never dare to harm Alfred, nor Edward.
- But what of uhtred ragnarson, father?
- Ealdormen are arriving from across the land for the celebrations.
- You should not be talking out of your arse.
- So from now on, lord, buttocks clenched.

- You gave her up to save yourself...
Bloodhair: She is mine.
- If I have to kill you, then that is what I will do.
- Right here.
- You are a guest of my brother, so I will ignore you this once.
- But threaten me again and I'll feed your guts to the pigs.

- pray for strength and to expunge these unholy thoughts that fill my mind.
- You want land in wessex?
- It's my way back to bebbanburg.
- Any silver you find under Alfred will be taken by the Danes, along with your life.
- They can't be beaten.
- Why are you doing this?
- I've said, wealth.

- He must be tried.
- And he must be executed.
- What secrets of the Danes do you claim to have discovered?
- They await your death, lord.
- They wish to exploit the chaos that will follow.
- I wish to swear allegiance to the aetheling Edward.

Cnut: Where is he?
- Give me your hand! Pull!

- Brother, please let me have this one chance.
- I cannot let her go.
- She is our fortune!
- She is our reputation!
- If it's reputation you want, you can begin with killing me.
- Uhtred, no!
- If you want your fortune, you must kill me.

- Reject our plea to sell us your riches, but...
- Do not deny my boyhood dream.
- Well, I am generous and a loyal servant to the church.
- So, um...
- You are welcome.
- Put them in the slave quarters.

Uhtred: Head for the woods.
- Go right.
- There's a gully over that Ridge.

- You know nothing of how I suffered!
- I will not kill you, nor cnut's child.
- He is not cnut's. He is mine alone!
- And he will be loyal to me, as no man ever has!
- I will breed in him a hatred of all saxons.
- Then you condemn your child to a bloody death and that will undo you!

- Haesten, rest. Then the three of us shall sit and decide how we are to proceed.
- A war council.
- You mean the four of us?
- Aethelwold, another word from you and I shall take your head.
- Very well.
- Not another word.

- Which one do you want?
- That one.
- All yours.
[Guard] Halt!

- Thyra.
- I forbid it.
Beocca: Please.
- Please...
- Let me help you.
- I am a friend.

- I accept he will never know god...
- Icannot but if you sent him to beamfleot, if she saw him...
- You know I cannot.
- Perhaps her spirits would rise.
- She believes in him.
- Our belief is in god. In prayer.
- It is.
- I will leave you to your letters.

- We're running out of time, lord king.
- Tempers are fraying.
- Father pyrlig, how do the preparations proceed?
- Forgive me, but we should delay all ceremonies.
- They say the sickness is coming.
- People are abandoning their villages.
- It ravages worse than any Dane invader.
- We have to protect aegelesburg.

- This one.
Uhtred: This repair looks weakest.
- Try it.
- Too fast and too loud.
- I cannot hear anyone.
- I think haesten has got them to the shore.

- Should we not stop and rest?
- I'm tired of the sight of my horse's head, his ears in particular.
- We need shelter and fire, boy.
- And there's no shelter here.
- We keep going.
- For a short time at least.

Esgar: No!
- No! [Sobs]
Esgar: No!
Uhtred: Leave!
- Or I will kill the other one also!
- Now...
- Go!

- But not that of a mother.
- An agony I would not want for my own son.
- I would like to see them both.
- I can have it arranged.
- I am presuming you do not want anyone else to know.
- It would put the boy in danger.
- We both know that.

- But the king, he may need you.
- The king, in his wisdom, has all but banished him, father beocca.
Aldhelm: You should also raise the question of how the northmen came to know of aethelflaed's situation, of where she would be.
- Man: Move on.

- Do as I say!
- Do not threaten your own men!
- Enough talk.
- If she lies...
- Let us see what you bear around your neck.
- Now.

- and peasants alike.
- They cry in the streets of Winchester.
- Then it begins.
- It begins.
- Sharpen your blades!
- It begins!

- My sword is heavy.
- I must sit.
- There is wine in the jug, if you would pour it.

- So, the lady aethelflaed has returned to mercia.
- Do you think she's alone?
- If she is, the rest of the saxons will not be far behind.
- Take her and they are in our power.
- You will find aethelflaed and you will bring her to me.

- And when he moves,
- I will have his balls. [Chuckles]
- 30 men is nothing.
- He is no longer a lord.
- He has no men, no silver, no land.
- Then be sure to win me, lord.
- And be sure to gift me prisoners.
- I have not seen a man beg for mercy for some time.

- It does not matter where we fight!
- We have a thousand warriors!
- Jackdaw! Prepare the men to march!
- I will.
- And send men ahead to find them!
- We will follow... now!
- Cnut...
- Leave me!
- This way is foolishness, cnut!
Cnut: You find him, jackdaw!

- I get to Winchester at last.
Aelswith: Do not look on it.
- It is not the place I left.
- Be under no illusion. They will murder us.
- So, I suggest you say your prayers and thank the lord for the lives you've led.
- I will not. I'm not a Christian.

- Surely that is a good thing?
- We would not be marching to beamfleot in support of uhtred but to protect the kingdom.
- And to delay a greater battle and give me time.
- Time to become worthy of your crown.
- You should have approached me.

- Then you must try harder...
- Because it is clear that lady aelswith is following a plan of her own.
- Then you must do something to stop her, before she turns the king from me and my son!
- I will do what I must. Trust me.
- I have not come this far to be thwarted by a bitter widow.

- Uhtred?
- He's gone. He's gone!

- second half to follow once we have the measure of them.
- They have conceded higher ground.
King: King aella, yours and lord uhtred's armies will attack in the first wave.
[Aella] Prepare! Prepare!
- Shield!
- No. No, not without me.

- Should I hand you back to wessex?
- Unused but... tarnished?
- You wouldn't dare.
- We shall see.
- Lord!
- I am your wife.

- I will assume that was a warning!
- They do not wish to comply.
- Did you see my father?
- I will get the girl, parade her from the ramparts.
- Will king constantin agree to that?
- If we do not ask, he cannot refuse.

- Do not do this for me.
- Do it for your descendants.
- Whatever I take will one day be yours.
- I'm not the warrior you seem to mistake me for.
- Why do you have this faith in me?
- Because I know that the spirit of our family is within you.
Uhtred: That will give you a strength that you do not know yet.

- Perhaps we have gone the wrong way.
- The farmer said this was east, but now I think it is west.
- I was told many havejoined her, here amongst the trees.

- This is so foolish.
- Ubba will come look for me and he will be here soon.
- I said be quiet.
- Then I'll wait for him here.
- I'll wait for ubba here.
- That means it's just you and me.

Bresal: Your daughter was traveling with the pilgrims.
- And was also slaughtered.
[U htred] And now, both king Edward and sigtryggr prepare for war.
- His wife... for mine.
[Men chanting] Sigtryggr! Sigtryggr!
- Sigtryggr...
[U htred] Destiny, is all!

- marry this pretty bread-pudding of a boy.
- A fair description.
- Furthermore, he gets to hump the king's daughter all night long.
- Aethelwold, you will be quiet.
- It is the truth.
- You will be quiet.
- Or you will do what, irishman?
- Kill you in your sleep.

- Agreed. The seer is mine.
- Then step back and she will walk to you.
- And then you leave.
- I will.
- And you are cursed once more, uhtred of bebbanburg.
- You shall wither!
- Open, let her pass.

- You know this one well.
- Keep him out of my sight.
- Take them to the church. Feed them.
- Now you are where you belong.
- Now I'm with my brother.
- I will remind you what it is like to be a Dane and make you stay.
- Brida's here.

- The problem being is neither side wants him.
- Which is a further reason why you must stay, wait for Edward, which is why Alfred asked you for what appeared to be a simple promise.
- Bastard thinks.
- He knows your honour, uhtred, that is all.

Sven: Argh!
Brida: He'll kill us! Run!
- That was a real sword.
Brida: I saw it.
Thyra: Ah! Uhtred!
- Thyra.
Thyra: Uhtred!

- Why? Because you have sent me to my death?
- You risk me. You risk aethelstan.
- You have men and you have fire in your heart.
- You will achieve what you set out to do.
- But if I do not see you again...
- You will see me again.
- If I die, I will haunt you to the end of your days.

- Stiorra.
[Wolland, yelling] Stiorra, don't do this!
Uhtred: You know what to do, move quickly.
- Don't fight, stiorra!
Uhtred: We go on your signal.

- Is she well?
- Oh, she is well.
- And she is loud.
- Some privacy.
- Sit yourself down, father.
- We all need to piss.

- You...
- You did this.
- You have killed us both.

- And finan is right. I chose to be here, so, that must mean something.
- It means that you care for the fate of mercia and the saxons.
- Now you sound like your father.
- He only used me for his own wishes.
- Yes, he was a wise man, and I tried to follow in his path.
- So, perhaps then, I, too, should only use you for my wishes.

- Keep the wall tight!
- Have that, wulfhere, you bastard.

- Will he return?
- I doubt I will see him alive again.
- It is over for us.

- Ragnar.
- Ragnar, it's over! It's over!
Uhtred: Shh... shh...

- Sable, the letters. You know what to do.
- I do, lady.
- God will be with you.
- See no one but father beocca.
- Yes, lady.
- You have the will of a queen.

- We cannot leave our children without a place to find comfort.
- Uhtred, come on!
- I've lost stiorra until I can offer her hope.
- I need you to agree.
- If you command rumcofa, we'll follow you.
- But I ask, is there another path?

- Why would they leave a fortress to face us?
- Aethelwold. Advance.
- Go on the Ridge, see why they're prepared to leave the fortress.
- On my own?
- You wanted to be first in line.

- How do you know he won't simply turn you over to guthrum to pass on to ubba?
- You know nothing about him.
- I trust father beocca, and beocca is his priest.
- I said leave me.
- You were not on the ship with me!
- Go to Alfred, and I will watch him betray you!

- She is angry because I am dying.
- And that does not make her heartless, it is her heart that is hurting.

- We live by god's laws.
- And he has bestowed on us uncountable blessings and untold mercies.
- Wessex is a sacred place, a place of home and harvest, of fairness, and pity.

- Do battle with a turd, directly from the devil's arse!
- You can cut him but you cannot kill him!
- And if he kills you, then so be it!
- More fool you!
- Hit him! Hit him!
- Hit him!

- We need to be quick and discreet.
- Quick and discreet...
- We are off to the great north, you and I.
- I am to be Alfred's errand boy.
- He wants me away from Winchester...
- Aethelwold, I am not listening...
- He wants me dead even.
- That is the plan, I know it!

- Who fights alongside aethelflaed?
- The mercian fyrds, her husband, even the Welsh.
- Christians united.
- And without wessex to lead them fonnard.

[Guard] Open the gate!
Eardwulf: Halt!
- Make way!
[Man] Gently.
- Lift him. Careful.
- Have no fear. He will recover.

- There! There! There he is!
- Did I not say?
- What position is he taking?

- Let me die with honor here on the battlefield.
- You owe me that, uhtred.
- I want to be with ragnar. Please, uhtred.
[Softly] Please.
Rhodri: Take the pagan bitch!
Uhtred: Brida.

- Indeed.
- As is uhtred.
Aethelwold: Father beocca.
- Welcome to dunholm.
- It comes as no surprise to see you here.
- Amongst friends.

- They must have been too afraid to stop and fix the cart.
- Wrap it in cloth. Keep it safe.
- Let's move on.
- I want every Saxon dead by nightfall.
- Move on!
- Your man is here.
- I know it.

- May the good lord protect me.
- Protect us all.

Finan: [raises cup] To Uhtred of Mercia! Finally, he can pay us some money!
Pyrlig: I very much doubt it.

- No more ground is to be lost!
Skorpa: Follow me!
Viking: Hey!
- God have mercy.

- I will need 20 horsemen...
- To take word to all men able to carry sword, hook or spear.
- The word is that Alfred is king.
- And will fight alongside the swords of wessex to his dying breath!

- You! That's enough!
- He's not your kill!
- That is not how you wet your sword!
- Find your courage!
- Or find your cross and go back to the monastery as Alfred would wish.

- It did not have to be this way.
- Funny.
- That's what your son said when he begged to keep his balls.

- Well, it would certainly bind him to the land, and indirectly to the church, to god.
- It would test him.
- It would.
- You would be in favour still?
- Of course.
- Anything for wessex.

Alfred: Brother asser, I wish you well on your return to cornwalum.
- You do not wish to see the outcome?
- No, I do not.
- My dear, will you ask the nurses to fetch the children?
- I wish to walk with them.
[Man 1] Unh! [Man 2] Unh!

- I agree. It is unlikely he will arrive south by sea.
- Constantin is strategic. He will know how changeable the tides are, the risk of summer storms.
- All right, we stay with the plan.
- With luck, his full army will take days to gather.
- Onward.

- Where we will drink with you again!
- We will meet again!
- To Valhalla!
- To sigtryggr!
[All cheering] To sigtryggr!
- To sigtryggr!

- What do you call this man?
- He calls himself osbert, but I heard another slave call him lord.
Sven: It is him.
- I have waited for this moment.
Sven: Give him a sword.
- A sword.

- Stand down your men!
- Edward, stand down!
- Stand down!

- He lied to me regarding the marriage.
- Are you referring to the debt?
- You know of it?
- It's not a secret.
- And I urge you to show him you accepted, especially as it is owed to the church.
- You must remain calm, uhtred, respectful.

- How long...
- Before I am taken? Do you know?
- Is that something that you can see?

- I think you've been fooled, lord wihtgar.
- How did you get past my men?
- Are you shipwrecked Danes also?
Wihtgar: Torture them for answers.
- Show them what any sea raider would face.

- Swiftly.
- Yes, lord. I will gather what I need.
- Lord.
- You are ready?
- I am.
- There's still a little decorative work to be done.
- Now, do not touch it.
- You have ink on your hands.

Hild: Up. You've been asleep for a day or more.
[Grunts] I can do it.
- Take off your clothes.

- Warriors.
- How many?
- Forty or 50. I don't recognise them.
- Spears and arrows to the walls until we know who they are and what they want.
- Hold your aim until I command it.
- Finan.
- Bar the gates!

- The ealdorman uhtred may join the witan.
Pyrlig: Yes, lord.
- Lord.

- Then we must prevail now.
Cnut: Farmers and their families die in war. It's just the way of things.
- Danish settlers, Saxon children...
- They pay the price.
- Besides, if aethelred has left his people undefended, they will be easier to slaughter, and slaughter will bring Edward sooner.

- King Edward sends you this message of intent!
- Leave the town, or on his command, these flames will...
- I knew what he was going to say.
- They're getting desperate.

- There is no cause for more bloodshed, brida.
- Hella is a good servant, she can be useful to you.
- Mmm.
- What do you say, girl, hmm?
- Will you make yourself useful?
[Chuckles] Good.

- Why does constantin place his men here?
[In Scottish accent] We do not discuss what measures we take to ensure my lord is protected.
- King constantin?
- Your man strays where he is not wanted.
- He's no man of mine.

- They will be satisfied with this.
- Let me go. She will show no mercy.

- To become who we are.
Uhtred: Do you regret it?
Aethelflaed: On occasion.
- Then when I do, it is with every part of my being.
Aethelflaed: What of you?
- Would you have begged fate for a different path over these years?

- You are.
- Safe journey.
- All the way back to frankia.
- Uhtred ragnarson.
- You will always have my respect.
- But do not forget you were raised as a Dane.

- More than that, she was the devil in disguise.
- It is what he would do.
- Hmm.
- Ale and women.
- And prayer.
- Absolutely.
- But in that order.

- If that is the path it sees for us.
- I wonder if destiny lost its hold on me when I left these lands.
- I have been free of pain for a while now and better for it.
- Perhaps pain is our choice, not destiny's.
- So tell me, uhtred.
- What would finally allow you to be free of your pain?

- They've been after silver, so let's give them some.
- Keep going! Ride!
Steapa: We must not be seen!
- We track them, and then we kill the bastards!

- All you have is me.
- No.
- We go to him with our story and with his army, we avenge ragnar's death and we take back bebbanburg.
- It's that simple?
- Yes.
- Yes. Tsk, tsk.

- It is not your place to decide what we do. Lord uhtred put me in command.
- Oh, yes, lord.
- Hild, you will return to uhtred.
- Alone?
- With sihtric.
- The two of us?
- Clapa, shut your ugly Dane mouth.

- Marry her.
- Marry her?
- You should marry her, father, and bed her.
- And then give thanks to god for giving us such a joy.
- Praise him, father.
- Praise him!
- But what if she refuses?

- You will ensure no one follows.
- Not until Alfred himself knocks.
- Lord, on my oath, he will not harm you.
- But if he does harm you,
- I swear, I will kill him myself.
- Beocca, the door!

- If that is what you want, then yes!
- Fight me! We shall make the square!
- Haesten! No more!
- I will cut your heart from your chest!
- Prepare!
- I'm ready!
- I'm ready!
- We'll make the square then.

- Your daughter.
- Which you have refused.
- Because you know what it is to have your child used in a bargain!
- Stiorra is not a child.
- She is a young woman.
- So, we did not refuse.

[Crowd chants in unison] Seven!
[Crowd chants] Eight!
[Crowd chants] Nine!
- If the gods have not healed you by the third sunrise, they have abandoned you to die.
- As will I.

- She is married.
- Uhtred!
- Is she married?
[Muffled] Yes!
- He is a man of god!
- Say it one more time, priest, and I swear the devil will take you.
- You're nothing but a heathen and the bitch is married!

Haesten: They are holding firm!
- Aethelwold, when will your man attack?
- Soon!
- When they are tired! Very soon!

- For the sake of the saxons, you must take Alfred's place.
- Only you can unite the two tribes.
- What Alfred could only wish for can be yours.
- Ours, my lord, my king.
- What I want is to be your queen.

- He rides uhtred's horse.
Beocca: Osbert.

- Whoa!
- I think we might be feeding you too much.
- Don't forget your daughter.
- She's here too.
- It went well?
- It did. Not a scratch.
- You have a visitor.
- He has been here all night.

- Surely I would not have been hard to find.
- We have found each other now, it seems.
- There are matters to be attended to. We...
- I should like to talk further with you.
Edward's Soldier: Much has changed in both of our lives, but now is not the time.
- It is good to see you, aethelstan.

- Tell the king to have his men ready.
- Peredur, any in the fort who try to escape are yours, yes?
- You will do your part, Dane,
- I will do mine.
- Walk on. Advance.
Leofric: Let's scare the shit out of these bastard britons, see if they have the stomach for this.

- This is a threat to both our lands.
- Our allies must join together with the guard of wessex.
- Yes, lord.
- I shall draught the letter at once.
- Inform him, we shall join him at the burh of aescengum.
- I will now, um...
- Take some air.

- What Alfred did was ignore uhtred's pain.
- This is not the end of the matter.
- It is only the beginning.
- If Edward is being made ready to be king, then uhtred knows that Alfred's death is near.
- That is what he will tell the Danes.

- Kjartan!
- Where are you?!
- Shield!
- Wall!

- In return,
- I shall require the head of osbert.
- Osbert, lord?
- My nephew's name is osbert.
- There shall be no more talk of uhtred. He's not the heir.
- He's nothing.
- The head of osbert.
- Thank you, lord.

- Is this true?
- I thought we had agreed to leave all alehouse gossip at the alehouse, lord?
- Lord, perhaps you could direct the lady aelflaed to her room.
- Of course.
- Do not dwell, lord.

- When our armies are united, we will face cnut together.
- By the time aethelred returns, there will be no mercia to defend.
- This is your decision?
- It is.
- You will not oppose it.
- Edward!

- If it is agreeable with you,
- I would like to take charge of the boy and take him to bedwyn and raise him there, as I raised you.
- To follow your footsteps and those of Alfred's.
- Make the arrangements.
- I will ask uhtred to accompany you.

- See, this one tells us how 20 men can fashion a palisade in under a day.
- It is all for our own protection.
- Mother, I'm so sorry.
- Please, do not pity me.
- I have a better life than many widows.
- And my new rooms are comfortable, if rather near the kitchens.
- Every time I return, there is a new insult.

- That we are here with god!
- And this is our land!
- This is our land!
- Our wessex!
- This is our england!
- And we shall murder any heathen bastard that tries to take it!

- Bless you.
- Uhtred, you have given me so much, but giving me the courage to approach thyra, that was your greatest gift.
- I will be in your prayers, no doubt?
- Perhaps.
- Always.

- Tell me or I shall have you seized.
- I've done nothing wrong. You know this.
- Your actions have caused chaos, disturbed a smooth transition of power and launched an uprising amongst the ealdormen!
- So, even you will understand why I call you traitor.
- Take him away.

[Woman] That's what you get.
Man: Take it like a man.

[Man] Yes.
- In three days, we slaughter him, his offspring and those who fight in his name.
- Tell the coward boy the battle place.
- Tell him sigtryggr will be waiting.
[Men chanting] Sigtryggr!

- while it's still in Saxon hands and before the brothers return.
- Hmm. I will speak with the Abbot.
- Lord, the Abbot is an Abbot.
- I am a warrior, you're a king.
- The Abbot and his dream is the reason I am king.
- I will speak to the Abbot...
- And my sister shall do her duty.

- It's her, finan...
- Turning my insides outward.
Finan: Then kill her...
- Or let me do it for you.
- -Uhtred...
- I fear you're... dying.

- Clapa's a bear. A big, angry bear.
- Should we call a halt?
- No, not at all.
- With a little luck, a blow will land.
Beocca: All he's doing is showing off his feathers.
- I believe the lady feels the same.
- They usually do.
- Even his scars are handsome.

- I've been told not to answer that.
- And though I hope the gods will allow peace,
- I fear ambitions will lead us back to war.
- When we return to aegelesburg,
- I will publicly castrate you!
- But the heat of battle has brought eardwulf unexpected re ward.
- Destiny is all/

[Volunteers] Queen killers!
- Dane-loving scum!
- Do your duty and rid the cockles from the wheat!
- Stop it!
- Danes here! Christian there!
- Separate them.
Bresal: Dane! Saxon!

Finan: Pull!
Finan: Pull!
- Pull!
- Pull!
- Pull!
- Pull!

Uhtred: Lord king.
- Uhtred.
- Are you here or is it my sickness?
- I wish to tell you that I will remain in Winchester until Edward is crowned king.
- I swear.

- Is it a trap?
- Is it a trap we can fight our way out of?
Wihtgar: Again, who...
- Do you really...
- Serve?
- My flock and god himself!
- You, what is your mission?
- Simply to...

Osferth: Nothing to the east, nothing upriver, nothing downriver.
- I don't think she's here, lord.

- Letting christians roam your lands?
- Ignore them. They are harmless.
- Am I welcome?
- I will warn the serving women.
- You're welcome.
[Missionary 2] Jesus loves you!

- He has chosen, uhtred, and I cannot go back on my word.
Uhtred: He is not the one to blame.
- Aethelhelm is responsible.
- And yet he has fled the battlefield.
- Aethelhelm worked to destroy the peace you created.
- If sigtryggr dies, he has won.
- Do not let him.

- Respect.
Man: ... remains disinterested.
- We shall talk of Bridges later.
- Beocca, what is this?
[Younger] Be quiet there!
- Face your king.
- Come.
- There is an urgent matter which, with the witan's permission, we shall deal with now.

- You will not see another summer.
- But your name will live on.
- You will be remembered as the first, last and only king of all saxons.
- I do enjoy the summer time.

- Find uhtred.
- I will not leave my people to your mercy.
- We will find your wife, you know we will.
- So I offer you this bargain.
- I will spare her life only if you bring me uhtred.
[Shouting] Sigtryggr!

- You will have a guard at all times.
- You will be safe here.
- And my companions?
- My servants from the camp?
- Any woman who is not aethelflaed will have been killed or claimed.
- Claimed is most likely.
- There's a bucket in the corner.
- A royal bucket, no splinters.

[Constantin laughs] Well, your father has not shown himself to be wise in judgment.
Aelfweard: We seem to be the ones...
- Hild, if we distract the remaining guard, can you get her to the sea gate and to safety with father pyrlig?
- Yes, I will need a torch to signal to him.
- You will need a weapon.
- I had hoped never to hold such a thing again.

Aethelflaed: Uhtred!
- Clapa, sihtric, the cage.
- Come on!
Sihtric: This is one bastard lock to break!
- Get it done before we burn!
- So we've cleared the hall of men, lord.
- Now how do we clear the yard?

- It is no lie. Eardwulf has near confessed it before his men.
- This was found on him.
- It belonged to lord aethelred and was stolen from his dying hand.
- Eardwulf has done many things to harm mercia.
- You all chose to turn your eyes from it.
- This is the consequence.

Uhtred: Do we stop?
- No. Edward and his men will be half a day behind us at most.
- We must move faster to have any chance.

- Before he concedes one square of wessex land.
- You are a pack of fools...
- Unknowingly, you have trapped yourselves within these walls.
- For once, the heathen are all in one place.
- And when the fire comes, as come it shall...
- We will watch your souls burn as we ascend!

- Keep an eye on the ealdormen yourself.
- I will find out how long Edward intends to stay.
- My brother is finally trying to enact my father's will. We should welcome this.
- I know, but his authority is under threat and men under threat do not always act with wisdom.
- Show respect for the fallen of tettenhall!

- Send me an angel, lord.
- What, so you can hump her?
- A titless angel to guide me.
- No more servant girls in my bedchamber, lord.
- Please.
- I beg you.

- I know his soul.
- Father beocca, he has no soul.
- And you say yourself, the pagans need to feel the power of god.
- It is written, now, here.
- You may leave me.
- We shall see what the days bring, my lord.

- Fetch the blood.
- It is time.

- Lord god, give me strength and guidance to do your work.

- There will be no argument, I swear.
- Open the gate!
[Man] Open the gate!
- They are here for one thing only.
- To speak of war and of Alfred.
- Lord. Aethelwold.

Leofric: Good to see you again, Brida.
Brida: Leofric... How did you manage to get such a big head into such a small helmet?
Leofric: It was necessary.

Leofric: How do we do this?
- How do we share?
- We don't share.
- Oh, we can fight and some of us will die, including your queen.

- He'll send for you when he has scraped the mud and blood from his mail.
Brida: We will give thanks to Odin for our deliverance.
Beocca: Do that.
Brida: We are Danes!
[Guard] Show respect!
- Do it again, and I will cut you cock to throat.

- That is what he wants you to believe,
- I'm sure.
- It seems a rather grand strategy lord aethelred, and for what?
- He is here, among us!
- And under guard.
- Then let us get to the truth of the matter!
- Let us hear exactly why uhtred is here.

- What did the king say?
- You have been spared.
- But Edward is to be overlord of eofenrvic.
- And sigtryggr is sentenced to death.
- {gasps}

- Aethelstan, my boy, what do you say?
- I will follow lord uhtred.
- Not sure things are going your way, lord king.
[Edward] I will brook no more defiance.
- No one will leave on penalty of execution!
[U htred] Destiny is all./

- Ragnar is my child.
- Betray him and I will kill you.
- If you are now a Dane, you must undo the past.
- Undo the past, how?
- You must destroy Alfred.

- You have broken my peace.
- You have broken the peace of Christ, brought weapons into a sacred place.
- I'm telling you the truth.
- Go to the courtyard and wait for me to pass judgement.
- Judgement? For what?
- I've done nothing wrong...
- You will be quiet!

- We must keep moving.
- What about the last one?
- Should I kill him here?
- He comes with us.
- The gods delivered him to me.
- They will show me why.

- The ships have been fired.
- Ah!
- It's him. I know it.
- Yes.
- You saw them dying on the hill.
- Did you not see a fire?
- I can only see what the runes allow.
- How many ships burn?
- I don't know. Many.
- They are planning something, they must be.

- I can raise the men of rumcofa.
- They know me, and no one will notice me leave.
- Do that.
- Send them up and wait downriver until I say it's safe to return here.
- Swear it.
- I swear. Go.

- Can he be trusted?
- Lord, are we sure of uhtred's position?
- Lord uhtred's position is that of an ealdorman of wessex.
- Lord, it is my own view he should be admitted.
Odda: And mine.
- Man: Allow him in.
Aelswith: Lord king.

- For all your mistakes in mercia, gathering his bones was not one of them.
- They're in the treasury.
- Ask for them to be brought to me.
- I will fetch them.
- Perhaps they will bring you to yourself.
- Or just a scrap of luck.
- I fear that I have much to account for.

- My exact written instruction shall follow.
- I want sigefrid and Erik out of lundene and soon.
- It will be done, lord. Thank you, lord.
- Steapa.
- Lord?
- Do you trust the ealdorrnan uhtred?
- With my life, lord.

Brida: You're one of sigtryggr's men.
Brida: Who did this?
- Saxons. They slaughtered us.
[Gasping] We fought only to avenge our people.
Uhtred: Was uhtred ragnarson at the battle? Uhtred ragnarson?
- He fought with the saxons. [Gasping]

- Not at the expense of the north.
- Aethelflaed would listen to uhtred now.
- As must we.
- And I gave your sister my word that I would keep aelfwynn safe.
- I will not sacrifice her as you do now!
- And nor will the mercian army.

- It's beautiful.
- She is drifting away from the earth and upward to the heavens.
Finan: We've done a good thing here.
- God knows it.
- The gods know it.

- If he survives the night, he does so at god's mercy.
- We're all here, pyrlig.
- You are with friends.
- Uhtred... she wants to punish you.
- She will not rest.
- Fetch aethelstan. We will need his guard.
- We'll hunt her down. We'll kill her.

- Do you wish Alfred harm?
- No. No, of course not.
- I mean, I wish him dead but I would not harm him.
- I know what I saw.
- I will not outstay my welcome.
- Thank you for your kindness.

Uhtred: But you are right,
- I have unleashed a storm.
- Cnut will find us. This is now our fight.
Finan: It was our fight from the moment you took those boys from haesten, lord.
- The men would be forgiven for abandoning me.
- They like an adventure and they're loyal to a good leader.
- As are you.

- Who may live in these lands in peace.
[Edward] Lord uhtred of northumbria.
- I congratulate you on restoring your birthright.
- You honor your children and bring them solace and healing.
- May these lands be held by your descendants for all eternity.
- Let the sons of your sons profit for generations!

- That is how you got where you are, lord aethelhelm.
- Lord, take this moment your god is offering you.
- Your father had a dream...
- And my father also knew when to say no to uhtred ragnarson.
- I am no longer the boy who can be bent to your will.
- This is not saying never, but now is not the time.

- You're impossible to reason with.
- Everything is a game.
- I hope for mildrith's sake, your time on this earth is short.
- You are not an ealdorman and never shall be.
[Man] Hey! Here!

- You will watch the death of your boy.
- No!
- And all the fools who followed you to your doom.
- Don't! Finan, drop your swords! Now!
Wihtgar: This is the end, uhtred.
- Your name will be forgotten.
- -[Arrow whistles] {Gasps}

- Then you have to kill him.
- I must kill him?
- Than king aethelcod can walk into Alfred's camp and be welcomed as a friend?

- My lady. Forgive me.
- I was, hoping for a moment to discuss the ealdorman uhtred.
- Father, forgive me, but my lord is in need of rest.
- He is.
- You are, um...
- Forgive me.

- where he shall pray every hour of the day and night...
- I wish to remain at the palace.
- Until god grants him the sense to realise that being king is not a pastime, not a choice, but a duty.
- Your wife will be dealt with.
- You shall never dare put at risk all that I have achieved.

- The very day I'm told that my home is my own is the day I decide I must leave.

[Chuckles] I suppose, once more, you ride out to save the lady aethelflaed.
- Continue if you like, uhtred.
- It seems fate has brought us together again.
- Your men look like ragged dogs in need of meat and we have plenty.
- We camp here tonight.
- Join us.

- She's my wife.
- Good, good.
- I shall write to Alfred,
- I shall inform him that...
- That your journey to dunholm is my instruction.
- And I do hope that you can one day find a place in your heart to forgive me.
- I still consider you my greatest friend.

- Danes. I can smell their stench from here.
- Shall we attack or retreat?
- We are men of wealas. We attack!
- Form a line!
- Form a line!
- Slaughter them! Slaughter them all!

- Don't make her destroy you.
- I swear...
- I will kill you, bitch.
- Jackdaw, keep your hands on your sword and your eyes off her tits.
- She's cleverer than you.
- I heard that.

- Christians will not harm you here.
- Ordinary christians do not hate Danes.
- And yet Edward will no longer let us thrive here!
- We will avenge you.
- We will avenge you.
- We have to go to war.

- Wake up!
- Take up your swords!
- Wake up!
- Death is coming!
- Aethelflaed is to be protected!
- With your lives!
- For god and the king!

Priest: In nomine pat/7's, et f/iil, et spiritus sancti...
- In nomine patris, et fi/il, et spiritus sancti...
- In nomine patris...

- Hey! All stand for the king!
- My son, who has led us to such victory!

- You did.
- Then news came of the invasion and we returned to protect our people.
- After hundreds had already been slaughtered.
- I remember arriving at the battle...
- But I...
- Am I to recover?
Eardwulf: I'm assured that you will.

- Knowing our fates are entwmed,
- I answered brida's call.
- We both knew this was a fight to the death, but our bonds were too deep.
- I will not kill you.
- If there was hope before, there can be hope again.
Uhtred: What have you done?
- Ragnar...
Uhtred: Destiny is all.

- Thyra.
- Thyra, please. Please.
- Please.
Sven: Thyra.
Thyra: Kill...
- Thyra!

- Aelfwynn is not your kin.
- I did not help you when you came to me...
Uhtred: Stop.
- I will protect aelfwynn and mercia as best I can.
- Come. Let us find somewhere quiet to sit or some may think I am breaking my oath.
- The gate is this way.
- There are other gates, ones that are not so fiercely guarded.

- I did not say it was a good choice.
- Send men out to speak with them.
- If they return with heads on their shoulders, we know that the Scots might negotiate.
- I shall go myself.
- I am sick of sending men to slaughter.
- Which is why you will never lead, Aidan.

- Stay.
- Uhtred, he... sa... saved me once...
- Before, from sven, when he was your little boy.
- Yes, he would do that.

- Now I know what to do should it happen again.
- I... I will use my night bucket and a knife.
- You should.
- You are precious, lady.
- Sleep well.
- Safely.

- We are here at the request of Alfred of wessex!
- The king will wish to see us!
Uhtred: Open the doors.
Beocca: Uhtred, I will speak first.
Uhtred: Father, you will say nothing.

- No! No, this is not happening!
- Thyra!
- I am here!
- Thyra!

- Make him fall, why don't you?
Uhtred: Thank you! Pyrlig next.
Finan: Is he?
Uhtred: Wake up, sihtric!
Pyrlig: You're safe.
Finan: Kill him, sihtric!
Finan: Kill the bastard!

- Are you ready for this?
- Uh... uh, yes.
- It has been a while since we went to fight.
Finan: Can't wait.
- I'm desperate to wield a sword again.

- Hm?
- The men you will slaughter.
- You seem to take things when you want them.
- When you do, show mercy.
- To my uncle aelfric, who spent a lifetime wishing me dead?
- There is a power in forgiveness.
- Good.
- Then you may use it to forgive me.

- Walk.
[Softly] Now.

- Sigtryggr, you wish to talk with us?
- There will be no negotiation until we see the captives.
- Welcome.

- Let me speak with him.
- Let me speak with the king.
- Go with this man.
- If he kills Danes, kill him.

- And I would rather be at the top of a hill than on the flat.
- I say we march to asec's hill.
- Take them both, make them secure.
- Lord.
- What is this?
- I have spoken the truth.
- I have spoken the truth. Father beocca.
Beocca: My lord, please.
- Beocca, help me! Beocca!
Beocca: Have faith!

- Perhaps we should rest here.
- For a short while.
- Is it cold? I feel so cold.
- It is cold enough.

- I'm not certain, lord.
- How much does he pay you for my timber?
- Lord, it is one tree.
- How much does he pay you?
- Lady, please.
- How much does he pay you for my timber?
Mildrith: Uhtred, no.
- You be quiet.

- She is an angry woman.
Skade: Attack now!
Uhtred: What is your answer?
- I have a mind to kill her regardless.
- She tires me.
- He cannot do it, lord! He is cursed!
- Kill them all!
- You will not harm her again!

- Odin favors us!
- Burn the fortress.
- I do not want their stronghold on my border!
- Take any hostages you can!

- We are simply making plans should the worst happen.
- You agreed aelfwynn should not be used as a bargaining piece.
- That was before king Edward struck a bargain.
- Ludeca, you cannot be joined to aelfwynn.
- She's a child.
- I'm not the suitor. I'm merely someone trying to prevent chaos.
- So, who have you betrothed my daughter to?

- I am needed.
- You are a whore to the crown of Alfred.
- He does not leave with skade.
- Ragnar, she belongs to me.
- Yes, bloodhair, you can fight for the witch... to the death.
- Agreed, we fight.
Uhtred: Destiny is all!

- Can you hear me?
- I hear you, skorpa.
- Do you wish to surrender?
- I have a gift for you.
- Your queen!
- No mercy!
- You will be struck down with my spear!
- And you will spend eternity in the fires of hell!

- All right.
- Do you have the strength to lift a wee cup, lord?
- Even if it is to... wet your lips.

- He is?
- Then he will join us, when?
- He will join us in battle.
- My plan is that he will arrive to attack the saxons from the rear, once battle has begun.
- Good.

Sihtric: Oh, thank you.
- You're an angel.
Osferth: Coming, lord.

- And you told me that you feared my father was to blame!
- For the blame is his!
- His disregard sent her to the pilgrims.
- I did not know!
- If I had known, never would I...
- Never!

- As a dying infant.
- I feared my prayers had not been answered...
- And I gave him to you...
- And to iseult.
- You remember her.
- Always.

- and together we will fight.
- When you send out your messengers, lord, might I suggest that you hand them the letters personally?
- Perhaps place a hand on their shoulder.
- It will embolden them, I'm sure.
- Thank you, beocca, I will do that.

- Lord!
- We are being pursued by sigefrid.
- The Danes are low in number and disorganized.
- My advice is that we kill them all.
- Steapa, put a guard around my daughter.
- Father, I want to fight them!
- You will do as I say!

- It is you who are the great warrior, brother.
- What will you do now the fight is over?
- I'm going on a pilgrimage...
- And you can rule from the fortress in my absence.
- Play king for a while. You deserve it.
- You fought valiantly.
- Come on!

- You will need silver to travel.
- A ship's fare.
- Yes.
- I would.
- Not much.
- You will never see this face again.

- Oh, god.
- It is her, skade, and her curse.
- It goes on and on.
- Could it not be just life?
- Death comes to us all.
- It is her. She must be recovered.
- We go to Alfred and to aethelred.
- We do?
- And we beg for an army.

Finan: Lord.
- Tie them up!
Esgar: Let go!
- Come on.
[Groans] Jesus!
- No, no, no! Where are you going?
- Where are you going?
- Cnut's sons?
- I thought you did not want to be a part of this war.

[Man] Protect your king!
- [Qasdsi

- Although the letters uhtred has written you could count with one finger.
- I will teach you.
- What is to prevent him from doing nothing?
- We are asking him to risk everything for no reward. Why should he come?
- It is uhtred.
- He will come. I swear.

- Weland!
- Wh-where is weland?
- I do not see him. Weland!
- Weland!
- Ah. Weland.
- This... man here.
- Hit him.

- What's your name?
- Her name is aethelflaed, lord.
- You're her mother?
- No, lord.

- Good journey then?
Uhtred: It was.
- I know what I must do now.
- Osferth?
- Lord.
- Are you still alive?
- Of course!

- Five days and nothing.
- There is time yet.
- We're not the first Danes they've seen.
- I need silver.
- We keep looking.
- What if the whole of cornwalum has been sacked already?
- We keep looking.
- We keep heading west.

- You brought Edward here.
- If you had done nothing, we would have won.
- They will cheer for you in Valhalla.
- And I will sing for you here on earth.
- I will wait for you in the halls of our ancestors.
- Will you find me?

- Listen to me. Talk.
- Prepare to be broken, as you tried to break me.

- Make sure the grain stores are emptied and no food remains.
- Gut this palace before the other saxons retaliate!
Cnut: Did you see the ealdormen?
- I did.
- You're inventive in your cruelty.
- Have you found aethelred?
- Not yet. I'm just enjoying his bed.
- Would you like to join me?

Sven: Pick it up.
- Pick it up!
- He... he's too weak.
- I will kill you.
- Uhtred, I am pleased that you will try.
- He is too weak!

- This does not mean the Princess is forgiven, uhtred.
- She is safe for now, no more than that.
- Leave! Go!

- Instead you swore an oath to kill Danes.
- You know my reasons.
- We have been living in a palace.
- What happens if you find yourself facing young ragnar in battle?
- We fight.

Wulfhere: I shall ready my men and by tomorrow have horses waiting.
- You believe the Danes can be defeated?
- I'll see you across the water, ealdorman wulfhere.
- You will.

- Skade! He must remain cursed!
- It's your duty!
- He has defeated you twice over!
- I belong to uhtred now!
- Never! I've tasted your blood!
- What you see is mine!
- Ragnar, he cannot be allowed to leave.
- Didn't mean to miss! Next time, I won't!
- The gates. Now. Let us be rid of them.

- I know the pain you feel.
- It's almost unbearable.
- Even for a queen.
- I will stay only for as long as you need me, for a moment or a year.
- He is dying.

- because I was in ragnar's charge,
- Alfred did blame ragnar.
- He was going to have him put on trial and then killed.
- The options given to me were to swear a second oath to Alfred or my brother's life.
- You didn't tell ragnar?

- This news is... unbearable.
- And yet we shall bear it.
- Both of us.
- My father faced death with a soul that was prepared.
- He knew his dream would outlive him and he did not grieve his loss.
- And nor shall I.

- Take the body down and clear all traces of this.
- Now!

- My sister would never forgive me.
- Kill me!
- Goodbye... osbert.
- Guthred, you should kill me or I will return, I swear!
- Guth red!
- Guthred, you should kill me!

- You may choose a quick death here, or you may trust your fate to a public trial, but you must choose now.
[Laughing] A trial?
Stiorra: It's what you pretended to want when you came here, wasn't it?
- A trial for your people under danelaw?

- It has grown heavier these past weeks.
- I will manage.

- We cannot hand Winchester over to the Danes for the life of one man.
[Edward] Indeed.
- Set the hay sacks close to the gates.
- Add shit and lime, so they may choke on the stench.
- We force men from the ramparts and into the streets, breach the gates and slaughter them!

- We have our proof, rypere.
- You will go to uhtred. Now.
- Why so many guards?
- Are you afraid of me?
- You're a prize, lady.
- Even when unwashed.
- She's the daughter of a king.
- You will all turn away.
- Show her the backs of your heads.
- Lord, where is the harm in looking?
- The back of your heads!

- End of negotiation.
- You smell like you've shit yourself.
- I've not been well. Unh!
- I pledge to you my allegiance. Unh!

- Danes!
- Danes!

Smith: [presenting the finished sword] I've given her some beauty, but she is a tool, no more, no less.
Uhtred: [examines it] She's exactly as I'd hoped. We said ten?
Smith: We said eight.
Uhtred: She's worth ten.
[gives him the remaining silver]
Uhtred: Thank you.
Smith: Thank you.

- You have shown me you're loyal. Good.
- Now I've shown you all I act with justice, you will come and welcome me in time.
- I set you free, Danes of jorvik.
- Open the gates. Open them!

Uhtred: Will the child die?
- Can you save him?
- There is a way...
- Though it is not a good way.
- If it is the only way, then you must.

- We must devise a plan of attack.
- Uhtred, you will leave us.
- You will leave.
- Oh, I will be happy to.
- Should you need me further, you will find me at the two cranes inn.

- But I promise, I will return.
- Uh-hmm.
- And when you do, you will be sleeping alone.
- You would do that to me?
- Oh, yes, I will do that to you...
- For a time.

- This isn't part of the plunder.
- It's a holy cross.
- It goes back to the church.
- There'll be blessings.
- It's all ours.
- Home?
- Wessex. And our separate ways.
- There's a bishop I must see.

- There.
- Now she and I are both doomed.
- Aelfwynn?

- Where is she?
- Kill them all!
Uhtred: Enough!
- Come and face me.
- I have cnut's sons.
- You are lying.

- She's in there, lord, inside the church.
- Am I still needed?
- Go find your family.

- He cursed you when?
- Along time ago, we were young. [Laughs]
- He threw a curse, I stuck a branch up his arse. It was that day.
- I've been a barren bitch ever since.

- Why would my sister endanger the peace so recklessly?
- Perhaps the lady aethelflaed has done what wessex should have done long ago and cut ties with the enemy within.
- No, this is not like her.
- And why has there been no word from pyrlig? [Breathes deeply]
- I will send a messenger to aegelesburg.
- We are missing something.

- Why do they stare?
- They think you're pretty.
- - huh.
- Or they have never seen a Dane so close.
- But they will.

Aethelflaed: Edward, you swore you'd not betroth her to a man I despised.
- He is a great warrior.
- He is a leader of men.
- Aethelred still rules here, and he will not allow this.
- I cannot wake him.

- Huh.
- He's right, you should rest.
- We're wasting away, you and I.
- We should be saving what's left of our strength to run.
- But to run we'll need skin on our feet and not rotting flesh.
- Then we should bail.

- I am yours and you are mine...
- To love, to guide, to own.
- I own you.

- What are you thinking?
- I have a way in. Follow me.
[U htred] Move.

- I could not...
- I could not bear it, to have you taken from me again.

- Bloodhair, you do not yield.
- Do not yield.
Uhtred: Give them no ground!
- Give them nothing but your sword!
Aldhelm: They are running scared!
- They are beaten!

- You have silver.
- You could easily buy the men to find her.
- Silver? For the honor of saving the blood of Alfred?
[Sighs] I merely suggest...
- Men should be paying me for the privilege of fighting in her name.
Aelswith: As ever, the lord provides.
- I have a job for you.

- These are cnut's sons...
- You can go.
- You will leave cnut's bastards behind.
- I'm tired of the red-headed runts.
[Inhales] You can take them.

- Your husband would take great pleasure in punishing you for adultery, should you give him the excuse.
- He takes great pleasure in punishing me for whatever I do.
- So, I must try to live with a little happiness.
- Besides, I have good men to protect me.
- And I know you do not speak from envy.

- Some of guthrum's ships will have made it to shore and I cannot let him simply walk through wessex.
- He must be faced.
- Odda, should either of us have luck and defeat our enemy quickly, we will march to the other's aid.
- Yes, lord, of course.
- Prepare.

- but only because Alfred lives.
- The very instant he dies, then fear and doubt will grow.
- The people will not wish their fate to be in the hands of a smooth-faced child.
- We must be ready.
- We must be ready.
- And we must be ruthless.

- Get up! Get up!
- You Saxon shit!

Finan: Put your back into it!
Finan: Come on! It's moving! Come on!
Finan: Can you get under it, lord?
- A little more.
Finan: Go on, lord!

- I am not your lackey.
- You may be an ally of king constantin, but you are a guest in my fortress...
- I am ready.
- Who is here for me?
- Your grandson.
- Aelfweard?
- Why did you not say?

- It will bring them all and the end will begin!
- What?
- I thought you welcomed the fire.
- Put the queen and the others back where they keep their dead king.
- She comes with me.
- [Gasps}

- My place is with the captives!
- Ah, die, then, ungrateful bitch!
- Edward has attacked us.
- Come with me.
- Uhtred.
- You betray me, all will suffer.

- The country is rife with word of my death I am told?
- So what a fright you shall be to the Danes.
- Marching beyond wessex and into mercia, to stand by the side of aethelred and look them in the eye.
- To look them in the eye.
- Yes.

- Anyone here could have warned you of that.
- Eardwulf has gone to find aelfwynn?
- Yes.
- You assured me he would do as we requested.
- I asked him to remain.
- He is a man of action, not a man of politics.
- In future, advise me better in whom we place our trust.

- There comes a point at which we cannot hide.
- We just have to pray that god is with us.
- You will stay here and not foolishly go out onto the battlefield?
- If the injured need my help I may...
- She will not.
- We know our role in this.
- Some moments men must face alone, and this is one.

- Then this will be the last time we speak together.
- We go north, past bebbanburg, on to the next cove.
- We will seek the help of someone I know.
- What if help is not forthcoming?
- Then finan will have to think of something.
- What?

- Then I will go to thyra.
- I will discover who killed ragnar.
- And we send him on his way to Valhalla?
- At some point,
- I will see you on the battlefield.
- I won't hesitate to kill you.
- That does not mean you do not love me.