150 Best Eva Green Quotes

[the Cut-Wife asks Vanessa one last question before she can enter her home]
Joan: I have a scar on my back. Tell me how I got it. Tell me.
Vanessa: How am I to know?
Joan: [the Cut-Wife pulls Vanessa's head to her finger tips] Right here. You go right here inside your mind. Close those eyes. You feel my spine through my fingers. Do this or turn around and take your pretty cunt elsewhere. Do this, I tell you! That's it girl. Good. You're strong-willed, and agile. Like the scorpion. Feel around my skull with your claws. Yes. Behind my eyes, you feel my bones down my spine.
Vanessa: [Vanessa whispers] Yes.
Joan: Now feel out to my skin. To my past, to my pain.
Vanessa: [Vanessa whispers louder] Yes.
Joan: What do you feel?
Vanessa: A woman. Her nails on your back. No, no, not her nails. Hotter, burning.
Joan: Yes.
Vanessa: [the Cut-Wife let's go of Vanessa] Burning. Burning my skin! A branding iron.
Joan: [the Cut-Wife walks back to her house] You can enter now. Leave everything you were outside this door. Everything you are, bring with you.

[Vanessa Ives talks to Madame Kali about being a friend of Sir Malcolm]
Vanessa: He speaks very highly of you, Mrs. Poole.
Madame: While he speaks of you so rarely. I suppose we could say you're something of a ward to him.
Vanessa: A friend, I'd like to think, who cares a great deal for his welfare.
Madame: Sounds like a warning.

[Vanessa teaches Ethan Chandler how to dance]
Vanessa: It's the opposite of homicide. Always look in your opponent's eyes.
Ethan: And then?
Vanessa: Proceed gently. Take my waist.
Vanessa: [Vanessa places Ethan's hands where they need to be] Up here, Mr. Chandler. And sway. And one, two, three. One, two, three.
Vanessa: [Vanessa chuckles] One, two, three. That's it.

Vesper: [introducing herself to Bond on the train traveling towards Montenegro] I'm the money.
James: Every penny of it.

Vanessa: I'm no witch. You know nothing of me.
Kaetenay: You are a great, fertile bitch of evil, and I love you for your fertility and your power. You are the woman of all our dreams and all our night terrors.

[Victor Frankenstein has Vanessa accompany him to buy a dress for Lily]
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: [Victor nervously explains the situation to Vanessa] It's my cousin, you see, she's coming to visit me and she's a simple girl, not slow, you understand, not retarded in any way... just from the country, you know?
Vanessa: Your cousin, how lovely.
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: Yes. My cousin. Second cousin. Lily is her name. Lily Frankenstein. Yes, that's her name.
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: [Victor bumps into a mannequin] Excuse me. Oh! Not a real woman at all. The mannequin, I mean, not my cousin. She's a real woman.
Vanessa: So your second cousin Lily is coming to visit you?
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: Yes. That's it entirely, yes.

[Vanessa Ives meets Dorian Gray for the first time while at Ferdinand Lyle's party]
Dorian: I couldn't help but notice your skepticism.
Vanessa: Am I skeptical?
Dorian: About the room. Rather aggressive in the chinoiserie and geographically capricious to say the least. In this one room, there's Japanese, Siamese, Egyptian, Balinese, and something I take to be last season's panto of Aladdin.
[the two chuckle together]

[Vanessa Ives writes to Mina about the time she should've stopped Peter from leaving or Africa]
Vanessa: [narrating] If I could only go back now, I would run off after him and say 'Don't go. Don't go to Africa. You'll never survive, you're too weak. You're beautifully weak, Peter. I love you for your weakness.' For at that moment, Mina, I saw the future crystal clear.
Vanessa: [Vanessa prays in her bedroom, narrating] I tried to pray that night, God didn't answer me. But another did.

[from trailer]
Artemisia: I will attack the Greeks with my entire navy!

[the Cut-Wife tells Vanessa about her nickname]
Vanessa: Where I come from, we've heard of you.
Joan: [the Cut-Wife chuckles] I'm famous, hear that.
Vanessa: They say you have powers.
Joan: What they call me, where you come from?
Vanessa: The Cut-Wife of Ballentree moor.
Joan: [with food in her mouth the Cut-Wife replies] You know why they call me that? Because when the girls need little baby killed inside them, they come to me. I cut it out, Cut-Wife. Fetching name, you think?

[the talking Vanessa Doll offers Vanessa Ives a chance to be normal]
Vanessa: There is an old dream in you. A deep longing. You know it.
Vanessa: No.
Vanessa: Let me show you what I can give you.
Vanessa: No.
Vanessa: To be free of pain. To be loved, simply for who you are. Is that not the engine in all human creatures? To be normal.

[Dorian Gray asks Vanessa Ives if it's the dark thing in a flower that's exciting]
Dorian: It's the adder beneath the rose, isn't it? All of this. They can seem so exciting and luxurious, yet within, there's a dark thing waiting.
Vanessa: Things are so rarely what they seem.
Dorian: Which of us does not have our secrets, Miss Ives?

[the Master in the form of Sir Malcolm tells Vanessa Ives to join him]
Sir: [quoting John Keats] 'Darkling, I listen and, for many a time I have been half in love with easeful Death, Call'd him soft names in many a mused rhyme, To take into the air my quiet breath.'
Vanessa: [as Vanessa kisses the Master] So the darkness spoke.
Sir: Yes. But you listened.

Vanessa: Fear not old prophecies. We defy them. We make our own heaven and our own hell.

[the little girl outside the church tells Vanessa Ives the dead never stay underground]
Girl: We put Mother under the ground. But I don't think she'll stay there. They never stay, do they?
Vanessa: Where do they go?
Girl: You know.
Vanessa: Do I?
Girl: [as the little girl hesitates] Of course you do. Heaven, silly. They go to Heaven. Unless they go to the other place.

[Vanessa strolls with Ethan Chandler, talking about her unique connection to Sir Malcolm]
Vanessa: For years now, Sir Malcolm and I, have had a very private relationship. In a way, I think I savored that. The intensity of it. Perhaps I even fed on it.
Ethan: And Mrs. Poole threatens that?
Vanessa: Doesn't she? He lost his anger. That resentment and rage is what we shared. Our bond was of our mutual suffering.
Ethan: Despite all that, you're still the closest thing to a family he's got left.
Vanessa: He didn't go to his own wife's funeral. Doesn't that demonstrate his allegiance to his family?
Ethan: Because it was too painful, maybe.
Vanessa: You know better. He's in love. The memories of his past, including me, are clouds he doesn't want to face. And why should I demand him to? Just so I can retain my unique bond with him? It's selfish. My God, let him be happy.

[Ferdinand Lyle asks to walk Vanessa Ives home from the Ball as he feels she's in danger]
Ferdinand: Let me escort you home, please?
Vanessa: Let me say good night to the doctor. I'll be right back. And thank you.
Ferdinand: It's not every night I leave with the most beautiful woman in London on my arm.

[Vanessa Ives offers her help to Ethan Chandler]
Vanessa: How can I help?
Ethan: You can't change who you are, no matter who you save, or who you love.

Vesper: I can't resist waking you. Every time I do, you look at me as if you hadn't seen me in years. Makes me feel reborn.
James: If you had just been born, wouldn't you be naked?

Vanessa: Things are so rarely what they seem.

[Vanessa and Mr. Chandler discuss the witch Hecate]
Vanessa: Hecate wasn't a sea goddess. She was a moon goddess, and bringer of magic. And also a character in Macbeth, the Protector of Witches.
Ethan: She didn't look like a witch.
Vanessa: And would an old crone have attracted your eye? No, Mr. Chandler, they can assume many guises, like a chameleon on a leaf. In their natural state, they're more... memorable.
Ethan: She was some chameleon then.

Vanessa: I think Mr Gray, there are tremors around us, like the vibrations of a note of music - hidden music. Some may be more attuned to them than others, what do those people do? Those who have been chosen.
Dorian: They endure uniqueness.
Vanessa: To be alien, to be disenfranchised from those around you, is that not a dreadful curse?
Dorian: To be different, to be powerful, is that not a divine gift?
Vanessa: To be alone?
Dorian: To be seeking.
Vanessa: What?
Dorian: Another.
Vanessa: Like you?
Dorian: Who shares your rarity.
Vanessa: Then you are no longer unique.
Dorian: Nor are you alone.

[Vanessa confides in Sir Malcolm's companionship]
Vanessa: Tell me I deserve peace.
Sir: I'm a poor minister for that, Vanessa. That's not been my life. But this I do know. I'll not leave your side. Wherever we walk, we walk together.
Vanessa: I don't know what I would do without you.

[Vanessa Ives tells Warren Roper he's a repellent creature]
Vanessa: You are a repellent creature.
Warren: You don't know the half of it.

[Vanessa Ives holds onto Ethan Chandler and tells him to be with her]
Vanessa: Walk with me. You recall the night I came to your room? I was so frightened. You were kind, and in the morning I was not so frightened. Stay with me tonight.
Ethan: And tomorrow?
Vanessa: [with tears in her eyes Vanessa smiles] I promise you, we will be less afraid.

[Ferdinand Lyle finishes the story of the Verbis Diablo]
Vanessa: What happened to Brother Gregory?
Ferdinand: Ah. Locked away by his brothers, the visitations from the demon did not abate. They were deep within him. A curse, if you will. Seemingly inescapable.
Vanessa: And?
Ferdinand: After years of confinement, and torment, they were finally convinced that he was not in fact mad, but possessed by the devil. They burned him at the stake.
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: God love religion.

[Vanessa announces that she's going to bed in front of both Mr. Chandler and Sembene]
Ethan: [Mr. Chandler replies before noticing Sembene's cooking] Don't tell me you're going to miss Sembene's... what is that?
Sembene: Buttercream torte.
Ethan: Two words I thought I'd never hear come out of your mouth.
Vanessa: Save me some for breakfast. Good night.
Ethan: [Vanessa walks off as Mr. Chandler whispers to Sembene] Does she really eat dessert for breakfast?
Sembene: Always.

[Vanessa Ives sees Mina on the beach]
Vanessa: Sister.
Mina: I do not blame you. Whatever sin, it has been forgiven in your suffering. So much suffering.
Vanessa: It is more than I deserve, but I can't forgive myself. There's so much to say.
Mina: Or so little.

[Vanessa Ives gives Ethan Chandler an explanation for the night work]
Vanessa: Do you believe there is a demimonde, Mr. Chandler? A half world between what we know and what we fear. A place in the shadows, rarely seen but deeply felt. Do you believe that?
Ethan: Yes.
Vanessa: That's where we were last night. Where some unfortunate souls are cursed to live always. If you believe in curses, that is.

Artemisia: If death comes, I'm ready!

John: Is it not this, Ms. Ives? The glory of life surmounts the fear of death. Good Christians fear Hellfire, so to avoid it they are kind to their fellow man. Good pagans do not have this fear, so they can be who they are. Good or ill, as their nature dictates. We have no fear of God, so we are accountable to no one but each other.
Vanessa: That's a profound responsibility.

James: [Reading about their alias covers] We've been involved for quite a long while. Hence, the shared suite.
Vesper: But, my family is strict Roman Catholic. So, for appearances sake, it'll be a two-bedroom suite.
James: I do *hate* it when religion comes between us.
Vesper: Religion - and a securely locked door. Am I going to have a problem with you, Bond?
James: No, don't worry, you're not my type.
Vesper: Smart?
James: Single.

[Vanessa Ives writes about the memories at Mina's family dinner table]
Vanessa: [narrating] Those festive homecomings I remember most. They were our true holidays. My mother and father were always welcome company at your table. Your father would return to us with rare gifts and a sunburn. But rarest of all, were his tales of adventures, I'm sure much edited for our ears. Peter's eyes would light up, such a marvelous future he imagined alongside his father.
Vanessa: [the family celebrates Sir Malcolm's homecoming, narrating] But for all our kinship, my Mina, we were not completely alike. Mysteries of my Catholic church were alien to you and your family. Had I had been older, I would have seen more. Beneath the laughter, beneath that great, easy outpouring of conversation, it wasn't tension exactly, was it? Not amongst two such congenial families. No. It was more a tremor of something. Like words hollered down a bottomless pit that come back occluded and more complex. Adulthood.

[Vanessa and John Clare speak about words and religion]
Vanessa: [Vanessa whispers as the two see a group of nuns] They make me nervous.
John: Who?
Vanessa: The nuns.
John: Why?
Vanessa: I was raised in the faith. It was arduous for me. Have you religion?
John: Are you offering it?
Vanessa: Do you require it?
John: I never have.
John: Then I shan't offer. And I would be a poor advocate. The Almighty and I have a challenging past. Not sure we're speaking these days.
John: [John chuckles] I read the Bible when I was younger. But. Then I discovered Wordsworth, and the old platitudes and parables seemed anemic. Even unnecessary.
Vanessa: Mr. Wordsworth has a lot to answer for, then.
[John chuckles again]

[Ethan Chandler is surprised at Vanessa's perfect aim with a pistol]
Ethan: You haven't done this before?
Vanessa: No. I suppose it just comes naturally.
Ethan: [Mr. Chandler smiles] Why am I not surprised.

Vesper: [sitting on opposite sides of the dinner table, discussing poker skills on the train heading towards Montenegro] What else can you surmise, Mr. Bond?
James: About you, Miss Lynd? Well, your beauty's a problem. You worry you won't be taken seriously.
Vesper: Which one can say of any attractive woman with half a brain.
James: True. But this one overcompensates by wearing slightly masculine clothing. Being more aggressive than her female colleagues. Which gives her a somewhat *prickly* demeanor, and ironically enough, makes it less likely for her to be accepted and promoted by her male superiors, who mistake her insecurities for arrogance. Now, I'd have normally gone with "only child," but, you see, by the way you ignored the quip about your parents... I'm gonna have to go with "orphan."
Vesper: All right... by the cut of your suit, you went to Oxford or wherever. Naturally you think human beings dress like that. But you wear it with such disdain, my guess is you didn't come from money, and your school friends never let you forget it. Which means you were at that school by the grace of someone else's charity - hence that chip on your shoulder. And since your first thought about me ran to "orphan," that's what I'd say you are.
[he smiles but says nothing]
Vesper: Oh, you are? I like this poker thing. And that makes perfect sense! Since MI6 looks for maladjusted young men, who give little thought to sacrificing others in order to protect Queen and country. You know... former SAS types with easy smiles and expensive watches.
[Glances at his wrist]
Vesper: Rolex?
James: Omega.
Vesper: Beautiful. Now, having just met you, I wouldn't go as far as calling you a cold-hearted bastard...
James: No, of course not.
Vesper: But it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine. You think of women as disposable pleasures, rather than meaningful pursuits. So as charming as you are, Mr. Bond, I will be keeping my eye on our government's money - and off your perfectly-formed arse.
James: You noticed?
Vesper: Even accountants have imagination. How was your lamb?
James: Skewered! One sympathizes.
Vesper: Good evening, Mr. Bond.
James: Good evening, Ms. Lynd.

[Vanessa Ives bids Ethan Chandler farewell when he doesn't take up her offer to join her and Sir Malcolm]
Vanessa: I hope you enjoy your life as an actor. It seems to be what you're suited for. But if you find yourself in that demimonde we spoke of, and seek to escape it, you know my address.
Ethan: And what do you seek to escape?
Vanessa: Perhaps the same thing you do. We all have our curses, don't we? Good day, Mr. Chandler.
Ethan: Miss Ives.

Vesper: [standing inside the elevator to James who is standing in front of her outside the elevator] There isn't enough room for me and your ego.

[the talking Vanessa Doll promises Vanessa Ives peace]
Vanessa: I will give you an eternity of peace with the man you love. And at the moment of your death, your family will gather around you and hold your hand.
Vanessa: And then?
Vanessa: No more suffering. No more anguished nights of terror. Only the peace of being who you were meant to be. At my side, cherished bride. Your body will die, but your spirit will be everlasting. Say yes.
Vanessa: And my friends?
Vanessa: Released. Left to live freely.
Vanessa: And my God?
Vanessa: A better God at your side.
Vanessa: And me?
Vanessa: You will be who you are. End the torment, Vanessa. Kiss me.

Artemisia: Do not forget who put the crown on your childish head! My king. Now sit on your golden throne and watch this battle from the safety I provide you.

Vanessa: To be beautiful is to be almost dead.

[Vanessa Ives writes about the time she realized Mina would be leaving her]
Vanessa: [narrating] I watched your courtship with Captain Branson flourish. All the stratagems of advance and retreat. I always thought of myself as the stronger one. But here, you were so valiant. How could he not be conquered? I think you set your future at that table. He spoke of India and suddenly I saw you going. When would I see you again? Isn't India so terribly far away? What would I do? Marry Peter? God, how I envied you. Perhaps I even hated you. How was it possible that you, always so meek and obliging, were to have this greatest of adventures before me? You would know love, you would know a man's touch, while I, the courageous one, knew nothing of life.

[Dorian Gray tells Vanessa Ives how he arrived to Ferdinand Lyle's party]
Dorian: It was more of a... random invitation.
Vanessa: Do you get many of those?
Dorian: Entirely.
Vanessa: You could say 'no.'
Dorian: I never say 'no'.

[Ethan Chandler and Vanessa Ives describe the witches they witnessed]
Ethan: They were branded and deeply scarred.
Vanessa: The devil's mark. Those in the service of the demon are irrevocably marked. His claws rake across them to seal their obedience. No, Sir Malcolm, these were not the creatures we faced before.

Vesper: You're not going to let me in there, are you? You've got your armour back on. That's that.
James: I have no armour left. You've stripped it from me. Whatever is left of me - whatever is left of me - whatever I am - I'm yours.

[Vanessa tries to ask Ethan Chandler about his secret]
Vanessa: Tell me. We're alone. Speak quietly, but tell me.
Ethan: Tell you what?
Vanessa: [Vanessa puts her hand on the back of Mr. Chandler's neck] We can whisper about those things that hurt us.
Vanessa: [Mr. Chandler doesn't answer her question] You need to learn to protect yourself.

[Vanessa Ives writes about that night in the hedge maze]
Vanessa: [narrating] And on that terrible night, that night it happened, did anything particularly important happen at dinner? No, not that I recall. Honestly, I thought I was going to find you and Peter around the next corner, playing some trick on me.
Vanessa: [Young Vanessa finds the two parents having sex, narrating] My mother. Your father. More than the shock, the sinfulness, the forbidden act, there was this. I enjoyed it.

Vesper: You can switch off so easily, can't you? It doesn't bother you? Killing those people?
James: Well, I wouldn't be very good at my job if it did.

[Vanessa Ives and Ethan Chandler stand over Warren Roper's grave outside the Cut-Wife's house]
Vanessa: So now we are homicides together.
Ethan: It was him or us.
Vanessa: And that excuses everything?
Ethan: I don't know.

[Vanessa and the Cut-Wife discuss the tarot Devil card]
Joan: Casting the tarot is a gift. When you know the Arcana, you can hear the echoes of time in your ear.
Vanessa: And the meaning?
Joan: You'll learn. They are never always as they seem.
Vanessa: The Devil card?
Joan: Not always the demon from Hell or the throat slit at midnight. It can mean other things. Tell me what.
Vanessa: Evil.
Joan: Do better!
Vanessa: [Vanessa pauses to feel the exact emotion] The dark lover approaching, bringing terror. Irresistible. Part of you, but not. The whisper of something ghastly and beautiful.
Joan: That's more the feeling.

[Ethan Chandler talks to Vanessa about the monsters]
Ethan: They just wait, don't they?
Vanessa: What?
Ethan: The monsters inside us.
Vanessa: Monsters?
Ethan: What would you call them?
Vanessa: For me... demons. But one word is much like another.
Ethan: And when they're released?
Vanessa: We're most who we are. Unrestrained. Ourselves.

[first lines]
Vanessa: [Vanessa knocks on Sir Malcolm's bedroom door late at night] Sir Malcolm?
Sir: [Sir Malcolm from the other side of the door] Come in.
Sir: [Vanessa walks in] What's happened?

[Ethan Chandler tells Vanessa Ives that he needs to leave from the rest of the group]
Ethan: Mina's dead. The Creature's dead. We lost.
Vanessa: That was only a battle. Do you think the dark forces that converge on our heads can be vanquished so easily? Do you honestly believe you can escape them?
Ethan: And the other ones? The ones inside us?
Vanessa: Inside me, you mean?
Ethan: No. That's not what I mean.

[from trailer]
Artemisia: Steel and flesh... life and death... war.

[Vanessa Ives crushes in the face of the talking Vanessa Doll]
Vanessa: Beloved. Know your master.

[first lines]
Girl: [the little girl outside a church approaches Vanessa Ives] Why didn't you go in? Don't you like churches?
Vanessa: Well, I suppose I do.

[Victor Frankenstein tells Vanessa Ives everything has an inner clockwork]
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: Science would tell us... there's always an inner clockwork. Nothing is happenstance.
Vanessa: Yet you wear a flower.

Artemisia: You fight much harder than you fuck.

[Vanessa Ives asks a Priest if he believes in exorcisms]
Vanessa: Do you believe your soul can be taken over by another? That you can lose yourself to something dark?
Priest: I believe in the devil, if that's what you mean.
Vanessa: That's what I mean. I believe in curses. I believe in demons. I believe in monsters. Do you?
Priest: I believe more in sicknesses that can be treated.
Vanessa: But when the treatments fail. When science fails. What is there then?
Priest: You mean exorcism?

[Mr. Clare talks with Vanessa about what love is between two people]
John: [Mr. Clare describes it as] The kind touch of a hand.
Vanessa: I saw it earlier. I was having coffee with a friend. He's in love with someone, though I don't know if he knows it. But... she touched his hand. And his face... something I had never seen before. A kind of peace, anyway.
John: The cruelest kind. It's lethal, that touch... for it leaves your heart at the mercy of another. You're so unprotected.
Vanessa: We're all awkward in love. Mine has always gone awry. When I have opened myself to it in the past, it's left me... damaged. The consequences are too grave.
John: And what is our recompense? We who cannot cast out boats on that sea.
Vanessa: [Vanessa smiles] And how are we to navigate the waters when they are so alien?

James: [after tasting the Dry Martini] I think I'll call it a Vesper.
Vesper: Because of the bitter aftertaste?
James: No, because once you've tasted it, that's all you want to drink.

[Ethan Chandler sees Vanessa Ives after she knows what he is]
Ethan: You know what I am.
Vanessa: Yes. And here I stand.

Dr. Victor Frankenstein: You know, once I would have thought all of this impossible.
Vanessa: And now?
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: I know nothing's impossible. Whatever we can imagine, far worse is true.
Vanessa: And far better.
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: You think so?
Vanessa: I choose to.

[Young Mina looks at the mirror ad feels something behind her]
Vanessa: Something whispered. I listened. Perhaps it has always been there, this thing, this demon inside me. Or behind my back, waiting for me to turn around.

Tiberias: There is a rumour. We must condemn it immediately.
Sybilla: Call it treason. And kill those who whisper it.
Tiberias: The rumour will die if we show the boy as active...
Sybilla: [bursts out] How long before he wears a mask? Will you have one made for him? How did my boy deserve it? Jerusalem is dead, Tiberias. No kingdom is worth my son alive in hell. I will go to hell instead.
[Tiberias steps forth and hugs Sibylla]

Sybilla: What becomes of us?
Balian: The world will decide. The world always decides.

Vanessa: Don't ask permission. If you want to do something do it, because it is your desire, not my allowance. You must risk rejection.

[Vanessa and Ethan Chandler listen to the storm]
Vanessa: I love storms. Primordial. Every bit of civilization gone. Everything true coming out.
Ethan: [Mr. Chandler looks out into the storm] Let it.
Vanessa: You don't fear it?
Ethan: Not now.
Vanessa: This must've been how the world was created.
Ethan: Or how it ends.

Vanessa: Is this what it is to go mad. Your darkest fears made manifest before your eyes.
Sir: You're not a neurotic, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Then tell me where am I to find peace! Not even my prayers are safe! Do you know what that's like?
Sir: No. But I understand the fear of twisting things that move at night.
Vanessa: Tell me I deserve peace.
Sir: I'm a poor minister for that, Vanessa. That's not been my life. But this I do know. I'll not leave your side. Wherever we walk, we walk together.

Ethan: Mina's dead, the creature's dead. We lost.
Vanessa: That was only a battle. Do you think the dark forces that converge on our heads can be vanquished so easily? Do you honestly believe you can escape them?
Ethan: And the other ones? The ones inside us?
Vanessa: Inside me you mean?
Ethan: No, that's not what I mean.

[Vanessa Ives talks to Madame Kali at the Ball]
Madame: Life does batter at us. But we must persevere with spirit for as long as we possibly can. It's the trick to staying young, don't you think?
Vanessa: That's not a trick I seek.

[Sir Malcolm tells Vanessa Ives he will either save Mina or he'll kill her]
Sir: If I save her, I will. If I cannot, I will end her suffering.
Vanessa: And will that bring you peace?
Sir: Don't be naive. It doesn't suit you.

[Mr. Clare talks with Vanessa about meeting a girl whom he doesn't know how to act around]
John: I've... met a woman recently, in fact. But I don't know how to behave.
Vanessa: [Vanessa smiles] As yourself.
John: [Mr. Clare scoffs] Or as anything but. I'm so maladroit Miss Ives. I can speak poetry to the end of days, but... I cannot take her hand in this hand, so... pale and ugly. All the stratagems of the battle are unknown to me. When to laugh... how to laugh. How to stand and sit and bow and dance.
Vanessa: Ah, there at least, I can help. See this woman in me, Mr. Clare, and follow your heart. It's the curse of my class. I was taught dancing from a very young age.
John: [Vanessa stands up with her hand out] Oh, no. Please, I can't.
Vanessa: Come on.
John: [Mr. Clare smiles] No.
Vanessa: [Vanessa smiles] Mr. Clare... the sea is waiting for you. Set sail.

[Mr. Clare tells Vanessa Ives he no longer has a dream]
John: This dream I had... this... this long dream of kinship with those unlike me... it is gone.
Vanessa: Yes.
John: When you've seen that of which you are capable... when you have stood in blood long enough... what is there left but to wade to a desolate shore, away from all others?

Vanessa: People are better than we think.
John: Do you believe that?
Vanessa: Almost.

James: [talking privately to Vesper after losing all of his chips] Well, I'm gonna need the other five million to buy back in.
Vesper: I can't do that, James.
James: Look, I made a mistake. I was impatient, maybe I was arrogant, but I can beat him.
Vesper: [quietly] I'm sorry.
James: [angrily grabs Vesper's arm] "Sorry?" Sorry! Why don't you try putting that in a sentence, like maybe, "Sorry Le Chiffre's gonna win, continue funding terror and killing innocent people!" That kind of "sorry"?
Vesper: You lost because of your ego, and that same ego can't take it! That's what this is all about. All you're going to do now is lose more.
James: [mumbling] Well then, you're an idiot.
Vesper: I'm sorry?
James: I said you're a bloody idiot! Look in my eyes. I can beat this man - you know that.
Vesper: [quietly] Get your hand off my arm.

[last lines]
Ethan: [Ethan Chandler lectures at Vanessa for the witchcraft she used to kill Sir Geoffrey Hawkes] Do you feel better now? Now that you're a murderess? I suppose that's what you learned here, isn't it? From your nice old lady friend. How to kill babies? How to kill men? You do belong here.
Vanessa: I know what I've done.
Ethan: Do you? Do you know what it is... to walk with someone's body tied around your neck for the rest of your goddamn life? Do you know what that is, little girl? Let me tell you about it. First time is hard. I'm sure you cried a bit, didn't you? Don't worry, that'll pass. Second time is easier. Third time, you don't blink. Then it's all just repetition. You don't cry anymore. You don't even remember when you used to cry. You're alive and they're dead. Fuck 'em!
Vanessa: Stop it!
Ethan: [Mr. Chandler holds on Vanessa's shoulders] You'll never get your soul back. Not ever. Do you understand that?
Vanessa: Yes.
Ethan: [Mr. Chandler whispers] Welcome to the night, Vanessa.

[the Cut-Wife tries to warn Vanessa of what's coming]
Joan: You're in danger, you know that. You're in danger here, too. But I'm an old woman, for me, it brings spice to my last days, but for you. Give me the salt there. You have to learn to protect yourself.
Vanessa: From whom?
Joan: Legions.
Vanessa: Legions of what?
Joan: So many names, I'd die before I go through them all.

[last lines]
Vanessa: [Madame Kali walks Vanessa Ives into a room filled with her doll creations] And these are your works?
Madame: Mmm. From over the years. They facilitate my singular occupation. Handsome bits of the craft, aren't they?
Vanessa: [when Vanessa stares at the Vanessa Doll of herself, it's eyes and mouth open, whispering] Murderer.

Artemisia: I am Greek by birth, and I have Greek blood running through my veins. But my heart is Persian.

[Vanessa Ives invites Ethan Chandler to join her on a nightly adventure]
Vanessa: The job's tonight.
Ethan: Is it a murder?
Vanessa: Would it matter?
Ethan: [Ethan smiles] One smile and I say yes.
[as Vanessa Ives smiles]

Vanessa: Your father loves you very much and would do anything to save you. But I love you in a different way. I love you enough to kill you.

[Vanessa begins yelling at the Cut-Wife when she talks about her mother]
Joan: There's your mother's eyes.
Vanessa: Stop it!
Joan: But not when she died. Her eyes were different then, weren't they?
Vanessa: You're a terrible woman.
Joan: Not half so terrible as you. I knew it the first time I felt you, this danger. I wanted to scream and bolt the door, curl up in my little bed and sleep and sleep. But you came closer. I felt you every step across the moor. They felt you, too. They'll be here soon. I felt you walking to my door. Felt you standing there. By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.

[first lines]
Vanessa: [Vanessa Ives tells Sir Malcolm that she believes Mina wants to be found] 'There cannot be a happy end, for claw will slash and tooth will rend.'
Sir: And nothing more?
Vanessa: There were images I had seen before from the theater where I saw the play. I believe Mina is trying to be found.

[Vanessa Ives sees that Victor Frankenstein has a Shakespeare book in his carry bag]
Vanessa: Romantic poetry, Doctor?
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: Man does not live only in the empirical world. We must seek the ephemeral or why live?
Vanessa: [Vanessa quotes Shakespeare] 'If this belief from Heaven be sent, if such be nature's holy plan... '
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: [Victor continues the quote] 'Have I not reason to lament... '
Vanessa: 'What man has made of man.'
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: 'What man has made of man.'

[Mr. Chandler comforts Vanessa to bed]
Ethan: The first time I picked up a gun and decided my life was more important than anyone else's. You never come back from that.
Vanessa: And are you sure that wasn't part of His plan?
Ethan: You've never killed anyone. Talk to me then.
Vanessa: Whatever you have done... whoever you have made yourself... I'm here to accept you. We're together for a reason.
Ethan: God's plan?
Vanessa: Yes.

[Vanessa Ives asks Ethan Chandler to pick a tarot card for her]
Vanessa: Before you go, one last task, if you'll indulge me. Pick a card.
Vanessa: [Mr. Chandler reaches to pick a card] No, no, not like that. Not impulsively. Not without thought. Let them work on you. Look into my eyes. Believe.
[Mr. Chandler chooses, as Vanessa Ives reveals 'The Lovers' card]

[Vanessa makes a joke to Victor Frankenstein]
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: This is all giving me a headache.
Vanessa: You should talk to a doctor.
[Frankenstein sighs to himself]

[Vanessa Ives tells Mr. Clare that he's the most human man she's ever known]
Vanessa: [Vanessa combs her hand over Mr. Clare's face and cries] I think you are the most human man... I have ever known.
[Vanessa kisses Mr. Clare before leaving him to his cries]

Sybilla: There will be a day when you will wish you had done a little evil to do a greater good.

[Victor Frankenstein makes a joke about himself when Vanessa Ives comments]
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: I'm bloodless.
Vanessa: The essence of your appeal, Doctor.

[last lines]
Ethan: [Ethan Chandler reads his letter to Vanessa Ives while on a ship back to America, narrating] Dear Vanessa... your many kindnesses I will always carry with me. Such generosity... has not been a part of my life, and I thank you for your affection and understanding. In my most frightened and lonely moments, you were there. And such light you brought to me. But I am made for the dark. As we both know. I am fit for only one place and should have been there long ago. Deep in the cold clay on a forgotten hill. Your road may be difficult. But mine is doomed. So we walk alone. Written with love... Ethan.
Vanessa: [after Vanessa turns off all the lights to the house] So we walk alone.

[John Clare sits with Vanessa]
John: Do you like poetry?
Vanessa: All sad people like poetry. Happy people like songs.

Vanessa: You weren't there to dress me, were you? You were away on some trek or other. Who could keep them straight? We tried to follow your progress on that map in the solarium with the little red pins but you were terra incognita. That's where you were said you were going. What adventure in those words. Do you feel you are there again, Father?
Sir: [to Vanessa] Mina?
Vanessa: [smiling] Somewhat.

[last lines]
Vanessa: [Vanessa Ives writes her last words to Mina in her letter, narrating] There is no exculpation I expect of you. My guilt is my own and that I carry with me. It is my present and my future. It has damned me well beyond this short life of mine. But I will not rest until you are safe. There is no other purpose in my life. I shall love you always. Your dearest friend, Vanessa.
Vanessa: [as Vanessa folds the letter away, narrating] Postscript. Your father loves you very much and will do anything to save you. But I love you in a different way. I love you enough to kill you.

Ava: I own Sin City.

Vanessa: You have to give them names or they'll never come to life.

[Vanessa Ives tells Victor Frankenstein she met a man named John Clare]
Vanessa: You sound like my friend Mr. Clare.
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: What did you say?
Vanessa: A man I met recently. Same name as the poet, John Clare. He breaks my heart, Mr. Clare. A kindred spirit, I think. We met in the strangest way. Is it random we met, I wonder... or is it a hidden design like these relics?

Vanessa: There are things within us all that can never be unleashed.

[Vanessa Ives writes about the gate between her and Mina's home]
Vanessa: [narrating] Were any two families closer than ours? I don't remember a day that gate between our home was closed. Until the day it closed forever.

[Victor Frankenstein tells Vanessa Ives about the complications of him and Lily]
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: My cousin and I... it's not without it's complications. That's what they call the workings inside watches. Did you know that? The intricate gears and mechanisms. Complications.
Vanessa: [Vanessa smiles] Then enjoy them, Doctor. They will tick away, no matter what we do.

[Ethan Chandler talks to Vanessa about the late Brona Croft and Sir Malcolm]
Ethan: When I was with Ms. Croft, I was more content than I ever thought I could be. For once in my life, I didn't feel like running away. I felt out of place to want to belong.
Vanessa: She was your moors. Your solitude.
Ethan: In a way. Sir Malcolm's just looking for where he belongs now. Without Mina. Without you, even. But when he settles down, he'll come around, he won't forget about you. I certainly didn't.

Dorian: You have exceptional composure.
Vanessa: Do I?
Dorian: Poise, I mean.
Vanessa: Control.
Dorian: Yes. What if you were to abandon it?
Vanessa: I couldn't.
Dorian: Why?
Vanessa: There are things within a soul that can never be unleashed.
Dorian: What would happen if they were?
Vanessa: They would consume us. We would cease to be, and another would exist in our place, without control, without limits.

[the Cut-Wife introduces Vanessa to a book of evil]
Joan: Truly, I don't know if your heart is good or bad. But I have to show you something. See that big book? With the glyph on the side. Bring it to me.
[Vanessa brings her the book]
Joan: Of all the texts, of all the spells, this is the most cursed.
Vanessa: What is it?
Joan: Forbidden. The Poetry of Death. If ever the day comes when my little scorpion is crushed and beaten, if her God deserts her completely, only then does she open it. And on that day she will never be the same. She will have gone away from God, forever.

[Vanessa Ives talks to Ferdinand Lyle at the Ball]
Ferdinand: [as the two look at the dancing guests] A dizzying panorama, isn't it? All the toys of love out of the box and scattered around the floor.
Vanessa: And at the end of the night to be put carefully away. These terrible games.
Ferdinand: And do you ever play... or only spectate?
Vanessa: [Vanessa smiles] I never learned the rules.

[first lines]
Vanessa: [the talking Vanessa Doll tells Vanessa Ives she's a murderer] Murderer. How many scattered corpses will you leave in your bloody wake before your life has run its course? A hundred? A thousand? A race? Or will it be all of mankind you devour?
Vanessa: And you speak for the Fallen Angel?
Vanessa: 'The Fallen Angel.' Much the most gentle appellation you could give me, Beloved.
Vanessa: Beloved, is it?
Vanessa: Don't deny what you know to be true, Amunet.

Artemisia: It's a curious thing for a simple ship guard... to not lower his eyes when questioned by me. That could've been just a lack of discipline.
[Grabs His Hands]
Artemisia: But a man's hands do not lie. They can reveal every imperfection and flaw in his character. You see, your hands are not rough enough to work the rigging of this ship. I know every single man beneath my lash. Can you explain to me how I don't know you?
Scyllias: Forgive me, Commander. Let me introduce myself.
[He bows, Unsheathes a Knife and Kills Two Soldiers]

Ava: You've made me a very rich woman.

[Vanessa Ives speaks with her first doctor while possessed]
Vanessa: Have you seen someone who's drowned? I have. Not a dog or a cat. Not enough soul in a dog or a cat. I mean a man. A hundred men. A slave ship. Yes. More than anything. Pulled right down, while the men still chained. Souls in torment who now find themselves in greater torment? Have you seen that, Dr. Christopher Matthew Banning?
Dr. Christopher Banning: Vanessa, it's very important to me that you sit down now.
Vanessa: Who's Vanessa?
[Vanessa attacks the doctor by trying to bite his face]

[Dorian Gray shows Vanessa Ives a bundle of deadly nightshade flowers]
Vanessa: Mmm, it's beautiful.
Dorian: You can do better. Give me words.
Vanessa: [Vanessa smells the flowers] Delicate, subtle fragrance. Like a berry, but not a woodland thing. Not a thing of the forest, something... of the jungle.
Dorian: What does it say to you?
Vanessa: [Vanessa continues smelling with her eyes closed] Touch me. With your finger. Softly. My scent on your neck. Open your lips. Taste.
Dorian: [Vanessa opens her eyes as Dorian reveals the type of flowers they are] Atropa Belladonna. Deadly nightshade.

[Dorian Gray asks Vanessa Ives if she's interested in botany]
Dorian: Have you an interest in botany?
Vanessa: All I really seem to know about plants is how to kill them.
Dorian: Then let me show you something extraordinary. I like to see one extraordinary thing every day.

[Vanessa Ives seduces Mina's fiancée while the room with the taxidermy animals]
Vanessa: [while looking at a taxidermy crow bird] The most challenging bit is the eyes. They're glass, of course, so by nature are dead and dull. But that wouldn't do for my great predator. So I put mirrors behind the glass eyes, so they would spark. You see?
Captain: It's like they're alive.
Vanessa: [Vanessa whispers] They are. I would put mirrors behind the entire world if I could.

Vanessa: I am nothing. I am no more than a blade of grass. But I am. You think you know evil? Here it stands.

[Ethan Chandler tries to tell Vanessa Ives that he has a monster in himself]
Ethan: There are times that I have... Well, like these blackouts. Times I can't remember.
Vanessa: What happens?
Ethan: I don't know. But there's usually blood.

James: [stepping out of the bathroom showing her his dinner jacket] I have a dinner jacket.
Vesper: There are dinner jackets and dinner jackets; this is the latter. And I need you looking like a man who belongs at that table.
James: [irritated] How?... It's tailored.
Vesper: I sized you up the moment we met.

[Victor Frankenstein shoots drugs into his arm while sitting beside Vanessa Ives]
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: Scientifically speaking, life's nothing but a series of chemical reactions. So, to accelerate or decelerate that process is of no great matter. It gives us that illusion of power in a life with little, does it not? And yes, it becomes an addiction, this... seeking transcendence. Much like your addiction to God.
Vanessa: [Vanessa comments on Lily] I'm sorry she hurt you. I'm sorry you feel so unloved. You are a beautiful monster. And there are those who could love you... and shall.
Vanessa: [Vanessa kisses Victor on the forehead] Life awaits you.

[Vanessa Ives and the group make a pact to remain together]
Vanessa: We here have been brutalized with loss. It had made us brutal in return. There is no going back from this moment.
Sir: If we are to proceed, we proceed as one. Without hesitation and with fealty to each other alone. This, we seek, demands nothing less. It is not for the weak or the kind. No one in this room is kind. That's why you're here. Now look into each other's eyes. And pledge to go as far as your soul will allow. Swear it now.
[Vanessa nods her head]
Sir: [Sembene nods his head]
[Victor nods his head]
Sir: Give your assent, Mr. Chandler, or leave this company and its mysteries behind.
Ethan: [Chandler looks to Vanessa, whispering] I'm with you.
Vanessa: And I with you, Ethan.
[Chandler nods his head]

Vesper: [to Bond] This is me in character pissed off because you're losing so damn hard we won't be here past midnight. Oddly enough, my character's feelings mirror my own.

[Vanessa meets the Cut-Wife for the first time, standing outside her sacred property]
Joan: You want me to kill your baby?
Vanessa: What? No.
Joan: You come for the love police then? You want a dandy man to be wooing you like.
Vanessa: No.
Joan: Then the ague? The head-stammers? The pain in your joints when you take your man, for knell to the God.
Vanessa: No, I...
Joan: Why are you here? You're not like them others.
Vanessa: [Vanessa whispers from outside the property] I'm not. I'm like no others. I'm like no others. That's why I'm here.

[the Cut-Wife asks Vanessa about her mother]
Joan: Tell me about your mother. No. I'll tell you. She's dead. But she was very much like you. Strong-willed. Imperious. Fucked other men, not your father.
Vanessa: Yes.
Joan: You saw them at it? Your mother and these men. Did you like watching?
Vanessa: [Vanessa walks off] No.
Joan: [the Cut-Wife snickers] You did. Your little secret gave you power, eh?

[Vanessa Ives tells Ethan Chandler what she thinks of him]
Vanessa: I have a need for a gentleman who's comfortable with firearms, and not hesitant to engage in dangerous endeavors. Or was that all a tall tale as well?
Ethan: What do you think?
Vanessa: Expensive watch, but threadbare jacket. Sentimental about the money you used to have. Your eye is steady, but your left hand tremors. That's the drink, so you keep it below the table, hoping I won't notice. You have a contusion healing on your other hand, the result of a recent brawl with a jealous husband, no doubt. Your boots are good quality leather, but have been resoled more than once. I see a man who's been accustomed to wealth, but has given himself to excess and the unbridled pleasures of youth. A man much more complicated than he likes to appear.

Vanessa: No more let Life divide what Death can join together.

[Vanessa and John Clare thank each other for the company]
John: Thank you for the soup.
Vanessa: Thank you for the conversation.
Vanessa: [Vanessa pauses while smiling at Mr. Clare] You have beautiful eyes.

[Vanessa tells Ethan Chandler how she wishes it could just end]
Vanessa: I can't live forever violated. When I sleep, when I wake, when I pray, those demons tearing into me. I once begged you to put a bullet through my heart, but you thought it kindness to spare me. It was cruelty!
Ethan: [Mr. Chandler grabs Vanessa's shoulders] You will not die while I'm here. You will not surrender while I live. If I have one goddamn purpose in my cursed life, it's that.
Vanessa: You are one man.
Ethan: More than that and you know it. We are not like others. We have claws for a reason.

[Vanessa Ives speaks about naming a creature before it is born]
Vanessa: I've always felt you have to name a thing before it comes to life, like a witch's spell.

[Vanessa Ives becomes possessed while sitting across from Sir Malcolm]
Vanessa: [speaking as Mina] I wonder... I wonder when was the moment you knew you wanted to fuck her? Why were you not more discreet? Vanessa heard you, the two of you. She heard you fucking and she was curious. She walked closer, she rounded the corner and discovered you, the two of you. You know, fucking. Fucking her cunt. Vanessa saw that.
Vanessa: [Vanessa slams her chair back, crawling on the table] Fucking animal. You man. You animal. You man. You animal. Betrayer! Creature!
Vanessa: [Vanessa stands on the table looking to the ceiling of the room] I look into his eyes and they are red with blood like from Peter's ass. His lips are red like blood from her cunt when you fucked her. His teeth are sharp like yours when you bit her cunt. And it's so cold and dark and wet like the jungle. Like tears, I am crying. I am so afraid, father. Find me! Find me! Save me! Save me!
[as Vanessa arches her back when the guests begin to scream]

[Vanessa Ives tells Ethan Chandler what kind of man he is]
Vanessa: Are you a wise man, Mr. Chandler?
Ethan: Not especially.
Vanessa: A wise man would walk away from this house and make a concerted effort to forget everything that occurred last night. He would not look back.
Ethan: That sounds like a warning.
Vanessa: It's an invitation. Should you be so unwise as to entertain the idea, we have continued use of a man of your skills. Your kind of man.
Ethan: And what kind is that?
Vanessa: A man of great violence and hidden depths. You play your role well, Mr. Chandler, but this is not who you are.

[Dorian Gray shows Vanessa Ives the most rarest of all flowers, Rothschild's slipper]
Dorian: Rothschild's slipper. The rarest orchid on Earth, and thus the most expensive. It's only found in one place, a particular mountain in Borneo. It can take up to 15 years to bloom. A lifetime for six perfect flowers.
Vanessa: How long will it bloom?
Dorian: A moment.
Vanessa: Is it poisonous?
Dorian: Like all beautiful things, I hope so.

[Vanessa talks to Ethan Chandler about having a fear toward dolls]
Vanessa: I mean, I played with them. You had to, or they thought you were deviant in some dreadful way, but I never liked them. My mother insisted on deploying them around my room like an army of little play friends. But every night, before I went to sleep, I ran around my room and knocked them over.
Ethan: Ms. Ives!
Vanessa: Then every morning I would put them all back. God, those eyes staring at you, just waiting to come to life. Who thinks that's healthy for a child?
Ethan: Well, I played with toy soldiers. Also not the best recipe for mental health when you think about it. All those things that mark you when you're young... they make you who you are. Never escape them.

[first lines]
Sir: [Vanessa concludes the story of Joan Clayton and the witches to Sir Malcolm, Victor Frankenstein, and Mr. Chandler] And then?
Vanessa: They burned her alive. When I left the moors, I thought I would never hear that wicked language again. Or confront that evil. Mr. Chandler felt you needed to know.
Ethan: For thee are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies... but against mighty powers of this dark realm.
Vanessa: And against evil spirits of heavenly places.

[Vanessa is accompanied by Ethan Chandler as the two prepare to enter the old Cut-Wife house]
Vanessa: Do you believe a place can be haunted?
Ethan: Yes.
Vanessa: Have you been in such a place?
Ethan: Indian graveyard in Arizona. Indians I killed.
Vanessa: Were you frightened?
Ethan: I felt I belonged there.

[Victor Frankenstein tells Vanessa Ives he's just like everyone else]
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: It's the oddest thing, Miss Ives. My whole life, I've thought I was... bound to live with exceptionality. I was not like my brothers. I was resolutely this... disjointed thing, freakish thing. So I came to celebrate what uniqueness I had.
Vanessa: And now?
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: I wear a flower! I find, lo and behold... I'm just like everyone else.

[Vanessa Ives sees Peter for the last time before he leaves to Africa]
Peter: [as Peter rests over Vanessa in her bed] It's Peter. I'm off to Africa. Can you believe it? Finally having that adventure we talked about. Very excited. I walked by the shore yesterday where we used to swim.
Vanessa: [Vanessa whispers] You should have kissed me. Will you kiss me now?
Vanessa: [when Peter leans down to kiss Vanessa, as she struggles to say] You're going to die there. You're going to die there.

[Vanessa Ives asks Sembene if he believes the past can return]
Vanessa: Do you believe the past can return?
Sembene: More than that. It never leaves us.
Vanessa: Never?
Sembene: It is who we are.
Vanessa: God help us, then.

[Mr. Clare talks with Vanessa about sharing his name with the dead poet John Clare]
John: I've always been moved by John Clare's story. By all accounts he was only five feet tall, so... considered freakish. Perhaps due to this, he felt a singular affinity with... the outcasts and the unloved... the ugly animals... the broken things.
John: [Mr. Clare begins quoting a John Clare poem, 'I Am'] I am yet what I am none care or knows. My friends forsake me like a memory lost. I am a self-consumer of my woes. They rise and vanish in oblivious host, like shadows in love's frenzied stifled throes. And yet I am, and live...
John: [Mr. Clare continues as Vanessa joins in] Like vapors tossed...
Vanessa: [Vanessa continues quoting the poem] I long for scenes where man hath never trod. A place where woman has never smiled or wept. There to abide with my creator, God. And sleep as I in childhood sweetly slept. Untroubling and untroubled where I lie.
Vanessa: [Vanessa continues as Mr. Clare joins in] The grass below, above the vaulted sky.

[Vanessa Ives tells Ethan Chandler that they can both walk away together]
Ethan: There's no walking away from what I am.
Vanessa: What we both are. I have run from the darkness for so long... only to find myself in a place darker still.

[the talking Vanessa Doll tells Vanessa Ives that her soul belongs to Him]
Vanessa: The moment you opened your mouth and spoke the Verbis Diablo.
Madame: The moment you stretched your midnight powers to take the life of another.
Vanessa: At that moment, you took me in your arms and kissed me deep. Kiss me now and end the pain.
Vanessa: My soul is mine... that part of God is mine!

[Vanessa Ives asks for some night work help as Ethan Chandler makes a joke]
Vanessa: I have a need for some night work.
Ethan: Oh, honey, don't we all?

[Madame Kali tells Vanessa Ives she no longer has God on her side]
Madame: God has turned his back on you. Church, God, Ministers of Grace. You've left them behind, you know you have.
Vanessa: No!
Madame: All of that is behind you, but what lies ahead? Think of it. All of time. All of history. Everlasting power to rule the darkness with he who loves you, and will never reject you.
Vanessa: You have no power to tempt me. I have faced eyes more cruel than yours, woman.

[the Master in the form of Sir Malcolm asks Vanessa Ives if she will close that door to her life]
Sir: You could have shut the door at any time. You still can. Right now. Will you?
Vanessa: Yes.
Sir: And give up everything we could have together? The true knowledge of man's virtue, as well as his sin. The power. The sight beyond this world.
Vanessa: I want nothing beyond this world.
Sir: Don't lie to me. You've always been drawn to the deep ocean, to the dark whisper, a mirror behind the glass eyes. To life at its fullest. Will you close that door now?

[Vanessa Ives meets Ethan Chandler for the first time]
Vanessa: You didn't tell the truth. By my reckoning, you were a boy when General Custer died and 'tis well known there were no survivors.
Ethan: [Ethan smiles] What we call a tall tale, darlin'.
Vanessa: Exceedingly tall.
Ethan: Vice of my nation. We're storytellers.

[Vanessa Ives rejects Dorian Gray]
Vanessa: Poor Dorian. You've never known this feeling before, have you?
Dorian: I don't know what I'm feeling.
Vanessa: [Vanessa kisses Dorian on the forehead] It's rejection.

[Vanessa Ives writes about the clouds to Mina]
Vanessa: [narrating] I don't remember clouds when we were young. Were there any, my dearest Mina? Just beyond the horizon, perhaps? Or was it all seashore and sandcastles? Such a thought is naive, I know. But aren't memories always that.

[Vanessa Ives enters Ferdinand Lyle's office when seeing his glass case of beetles]
Vanessa: What are these?
Ferdinand: Oh, Carrion beetles. We employ them when the usual solvents are deemed too abrasive. They eat the flesh, don't you know. Sorry, my dear, it's a bit ghoulish to the lay-person.
Vanessa: Very exotic. Where do they come from?
Ferdinand: Actually, Waveney, in Suffolk.
Vanessa: Not exotic at all.

[first lines]
Vanessa: [Vanessa Ives writes her letter to Mina, narrating] My dearest Mina, my darling friend. I began these letters when I recovered from my illness. At first, I composed them perhaps every month. Then weekly and now daily. Soon I will no doubt give up all other occupation and simply write. The ending of one letter becoming and beginning with the next, an endless ribbon of words. I write in hope that one day you will answer me and that everything can again be like it was... Though I know that can never be.

[Vanessa picks some flowers while strolling with Ethan Chandler on the moors]
Vanessa: Wood Betony, attracts bees for honey. Crushed and put into your pillow it prevents nightmares.
Ethan: Ooh, get a lot of that.
[Vanessa chuckles]

[Vanessa proves to the Cut-Wife her power]
Joan: Thee and me got nothing to talk about here. You want a salve for your heartache, I can give you that. You want herbs to ease the gout, I can give you that. You want to poison your baby brother, I can give you that and laugh while I do it. But if you think you are touched by the demon then you best walk out that door. Because what I can give you for that, is only knowledge you don't want, little girl!
Vanessa: Who branded you? Who did that to you? Someone you loved. Someone you trusted. Someone you kissed once. A woman. A sister? Your sister. If I'm right, then let me stay.
[the Cut-Wife stops talking after Vanessa's correct answer]

[Vanessa Ives tells Mr. Clare she no longer has a dream]
Vanessa: There is no place far enough. I've lost the immortal part of myself, you see. No. I've thrown it away.
John: [Mr. Clare holds Vanessa's hand] No matter how far you have walked from God... he is still waiting ahead.
Vanessa: You don't believe in God.
John: But you do.
Vanessa: That dream is gone.

[Vanessa speaks to Sir Malcolm about seeing the witches come to her]
Vanessa: Last night they came to me. They were there, as real as you are. Then... they weren't.
Sir: Vanessa...
Vanessa: Is this what it is to go mad. Your darkest fears made manifest before your eyes.
Sir: You're not a neurotic, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Then tell me where am I to find peace! Not even my prayers are safe! Do you know what that's like?
Sir: No. But I understand the fear of twisting things that move at night.

[Vanessa Ives stops herself from kissing the talking Vanessa Doll]
Vanessa: You offer me a normal life... Why do you think I want that anymore? I know what I am. Do you?