Top 50 Quotes From Sir Malcolm Murray

[Madame Kali reveals her intentions to Sir Malcolm in wanting him for a companion]
Madame: Eternal life, eternal beauty. Such shallow pursuits. What value do they hold if we walk always alone? I've been too much alone... and this house is... so cold. But with you, I've found a kind of elation. To feel the old touch of passion. To yearn. To be truly human.
Sir: My humanity, such as it is, is colder than this house.
Madame: [Madame Kali starts to tear up] No. No arrogance or pride. This is your chance to live, Malcolm. Let's bury the past together. Your wife... your son, your daughter, and all my sins as well, which surely match your own. Far exceed them. I don't want to live alone. Nor do you. So take my hand and love me. We have no one else. And together we will walk quietly. So quietly.
Sir: You know, if I could, I would tear that beautiful head from your shoulders and laugh all the while. But if you will let Miss Ives live, I will walk with you to the end of time.

[Victor Frankenstein asks Sir Malcolm about love]
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: I don't have the proper tools to perform this operation. I don't know what I'm doing... honestly.
Sir: Oh, we're all neophytes in love, Victor. None of us have the tools, nor the weapons, nor the resources. Prepared as we think we are, we're defeated.
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: I have surmounted in my life. It's been my inexorable pattern of behavior. No mystery too deep... no puzzle too complex. They've fallen before me.
Sir: I don't know what wisdom I can offer. We're in the same unknown jungle, my friend. We have to thrash our way out alone. Isn't that what love is?
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: And if we're in danger of losing that love, and that... creates greater panic still, what do we do then?
Sir: We suffer in our own ways. But we're all unequal to the task. We are... enchanted.

[Sir Malcolm believes the artifacts and Vanessa are related]
Sir: A prophecy. Give it a thought. Lucifer tells a past tense narrative to a monk. Why? Just so his history can be recorded? No. If we accept the Devil walks amongst us today... we must consider this is meant to be part of an ongoing story. That it has relevance now. It's possible he wasn't just recounting the past but foretelling the future.
Vanessa: Whose future?
Sir: I think most likely yours.
Vanessa: You don't know that.
Sir: Vanessa...
Vanessa: You don't know that! Are there any references to a woman? To any one like me?
Sir: We're not done yet.
Vanessa: You'll understand I find it difficult to accept I'm the object of a eternal Satanic quest that's so far only demonstrated in something that's half-poetry, half-gibberish. I'm sorry. No!

[Victor Frankenstein tells Sir Malcolm where he shall plant his flag in medical science]
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: There is only one worthy goal for scientific exploration: piercing the tissue that separates life from death. Everything else, from the deep bottom of the sea to the top of the highest mountain on the farthest planet, is insignificant. Life and death, Sir Malcolm. The flicker that separates one from the other, fast as a bat's wing, more beautiful than any sonnet. That is my river. That is my mountain. There I will plant my flag.
Sir: You have the soul of a poet, sir.
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: And the bank account to match.

[Vanessa speaks to Sir Malcolm about seeing the witches come to her]
Vanessa: Last night they came to me. They were there, as real as you are. Then... they weren't.
Sir: Vanessa...
Vanessa: Is this what it is to go mad. Your darkest fears made manifest before your eyes.
Sir: You're not a neurotic, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Then tell me where am I to find peace! Not even my prayers are safe! Do you know what that's like?
Sir: No. But I understand the fear of twisting things that move at night.

[Madame Kali tells Sir Malcolm that she needs him to be bait for Vanessa Ives]
Sir: What do you want of me?
Madame: You see, darling, I understand hunting as well. Though I've never been to your beloved Africa. Sometimes you tie a lamb to lure a lion, don't you? So all I require of you is that you...
[as Madame Kali mimics the sound of a sheep bleating]

[first lines]
Sir: [Vanessa concludes the story of Joan Clayton and the witches to Sir Malcolm, Victor Frankenstein, and Mr. Chandler] And then?
Vanessa: They burned her alive. When I left the moors, I thought I would never hear that wicked language again. Or confront that evil. Mr. Chandler felt you needed to know.
Ethan: For thee are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies... but against mighty powers of this dark realm.
Vanessa: And against evil spirits of heavenly places.

[Sir Malcolm goes out to a gun range with Madame Kali]
Madame: [Sir Malcolm misses his shots] Courage, dear.
Sir: It's pulling to the left, a bit.
Madame: [Madame Kali laughs] Always blame the equipment.
Sir: Would you like to try a new gun?
Madame: Oh, I'll try anything new. Aside from vegetables.

[Ferdinand Lyle tells Sir Malcolm the story of Amunet]
Ferdinand: Amunet was the consort of Amun-Ra, one of the great gods. He was the first 'Hidden One.' The original serpent prince. So named not for any particular reptilian qualities, but for the power of rebirth; like a snake shedding it's skin. Everlasting, perpetual life... sustained by feeding on the souls of others. Amunet and Amun-Ra never appeared in the same incantation. It is inconceivable in Pharaonic Religion to conjoin them, their narratives are kept completely separate.
Sir: Why?
Ferdinand: Because if they ever came together, Amunet would become the mother of evil. All light would end, the world would live in darkness. The hidden ones would emerge and rule. Amunet-Amun-Ra conjoined. This is a spell foretelling the annihilation of man and the coming of the beast.
Ferdinand: [Sir Malcolm remains silent] I would not tell Miss Ives this. After all, who wants to know they're being hunted by the Devil.

[Sir Malcolm tells Vanessa Ives he will either save Mina or he'll kill her]
Sir: If I save her, I will. If I cannot, I will end her suffering.
Vanessa: And will that bring you peace?
Sir: Don't be naive. It doesn't suit you.

[Vanessa Ives and the group informs Sir Malcolm that his wife took her own life by slitting her throat]
Sir: Where did she do it?
Vanessa: In the master bedroom, apparently... at the country house.
Sir: Oh, I see. I shall have to have the carpet replaced then. Good morning. Morning.

[Victor Frankenstein and Sir Malcolm wonder where to get raw meat to feed Fenton]
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: I suppose we could get him some very rare meat.
Sir: Or scraps from the butcher's yard, or even the slaughterhouse.
[as Sembene walks up behind them with a cat, breaking the cat's neck and throwing it to Fenton]

[Fenton tells Vanessa Ives, Sir Malcolm, Ethan Chandler and Sembene where his master is]
Sir: Where is your master?
Fenton: Right behind you. Don't you feel him in the dark? On the back of your neck, his breath. Now one finger reaching out. Do you not feel it? Well, you soon will. And then... And then... All light will end and the world will live in darkness. The Hidden Ones will emerge and rule... Amunet. Amun-Ra.

[first lines]
Vanessa: [Vanessa Ives tells Sir Malcolm that she believes Mina wants to be found] 'There cannot be a happy end, for claw will slash and tooth will rend.'
Sir: And nothing more?
Vanessa: There were images I had seen before from the theater where I saw the play. I believe Mina is trying to be found.

Vanessa: You weren't there to dress me, were you? You were away on some trek or other. Who could keep them straight? We tried to follow your progress on that map in the solarium with the little red pins but you were terra incognita. That's where you were said you were going. What adventure in those words. Do you feel you are there again, Father?
Sir: [to Vanessa] Mina?
Vanessa: [smiling] Somewhat.

[first lines]
Vanessa: [Vanessa knocks on Sir Malcolm's bedroom door late at night] Sir Malcolm?
Sir: [Sir Malcolm from the other side of the door] Come in.
Sir: [Vanessa walks in] What's happened?

Sir: We'll carry on with this fight. We can lose every battle, except the last.

[Ferdinand Lyle tells the story of the Verbis Diablo to the group]
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: So you're the Chappy who's going to translate the mythical language?
Ferdinand: Not so mythical as you think, young man. The Verbis Diablo, the Devil's Tongue, has roots as old as Aramaic, and likely much older. It was an oral tradition for the most part, like most now dead languages. We haven't entirely lost it, we've just forgotten it.
Sir: And if I were to tell you it's spoken now? In London?
Ferdinand: I should express surprise, but not complete bafflement. Note I said it was an oral tradition for the most part. There is one written example of the language. Relics of a sort. In a long-forgotten box deep in the archives of the British Museum, and I can't imagine anyone has looked at them in years. In the 11th century, a Carthusian monk known to us as Brother Gregory began to lose his mind. He said he was possessed by a demon, perhaps the father of all demons, the fallen angel himself. In any event, this demon spoke to him in the Verbis Diablo. Brother Gregory wrote down what it said on whatever was to hand. Having nothing like science to consult, his brothers finally pronounced Brother Gregory mad, and locked him away. But his lunatic ravings are now in the British Museum. The only existing written example of this seemingly dead language. If we seek to understand the Verbis Diablo, we must start there.

Sir: You're hunting for a man, you need to start hunting for a beast.

Sir: You're moving through the tall grass, getting a glimpse of the prey, the shoulders mostly, the mane. You prepare your rifle. You're very quiet. And then there's a moment. The wind changes, the grass stops swaying. The lion turns, looks at you. The moment you realize you are no longer the hunter, you are the prey.

[Vanessa confides in Sir Malcolm's companionship]
Vanessa: Tell me I deserve peace.
Sir: I'm a poor minister for that, Vanessa. That's not been my life. But this I do know. I'll not leave your side. Wherever we walk, we walk together.
Vanessa: I don't know what I would do without you.

[Madame Kali suspects Sir Malcolm of being Vanessa Ives' father]
Madame: You knew her when she was born, didn't you?
Sir: Yes.
Madame: You saw her grow into the fine young woman she is?
Sir: Yes.
Madame: Yeah. You watched her rather carefully, I'd say.
Sir: Did I?
Madame: Of course you did. She was always your favorite. It's good we care for our daughters.

Sir: Most of the local natives have been run off, or captured by the Germans and the Belgians for the rubber and ivory trade, for slaves in all but name. What romance I saw in Africa is done for me, the land is tainted now beyond repair, and I want to be quit of the filthy place. What then? Are there no fresh wonders left? No worlds yet to conquer?

[last lines]
Sir: [Sir Malcolm holds his dead son up from his coffin, crying] Peter.
[as Sir Malcolm feels two more coffins appear behind him, when his dead wife Gladys and dead daughter Mina sit up, when Peter's eyes open]

[Sir Malcolm gives Inspector Granworthy a piece of advice for his investigations]
Sir: If you don't change your tactics, you'll never stop him. You see, you're hunting for a man, you need to start hunting for a beast.

Vanessa: Is this what it is to go mad. Your darkest fears made manifest before your eyes.
Sir: You're not a neurotic, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Then tell me where am I to find peace! Not even my prayers are safe! Do you know what that's like?
Sir: No. But I understand the fear of twisting things that move at night.
Vanessa: Tell me I deserve peace.
Sir: I'm a poor minister for that, Vanessa. That's not been my life. But this I do know. I'll not leave your side. Wherever we walk, we walk together.

[Madame Kali continues to hold her spell over Sir Malcolm at the party]
Sir: I can honestly say I've never met a woman like you.
Madame: You have no idea.
Sir: You're a breath of air in a complicated life.
Madame: Well, let's see if we can simplify it.

[Sir Malcolm describes what he felt when seeing Mina visit him in the night]
Sir: There was another thought when she was so very close to me, a strange working of memory. I thought of a particular lion hunt many years ago. Moving through the tall grass, getting a glimpse at the prey, the shoulders mostly, the mane. You prepare your rifle. You're very quiet. And then there's a moment. The wind changes, the grass stops swaying. The lion turns, looks at you. The moment you realize you're no longer the hunter, you are the prey.

[the Master in the form of Sir Malcolm asks Vanessa Ives if she will close that door to her life]
Sir: You could have shut the door at any time. You still can. Right now. Will you?
Vanessa: Yes.
Sir: And give up everything we could have together? The true knowledge of man's virtue, as well as his sin. The power. The sight beyond this world.
Vanessa: I want nothing beyond this world.
Sir: Don't lie to me. You've always been drawn to the deep ocean, to the dark whisper, a mirror behind the glass eyes. To life at its fullest. Will you close that door now?

[Sir Malcolm tells Victor Frankenstein that he reminds him of his son]
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: I've never been valued for my athleticism. That was always the sphere of my brothers. From time to time, though, one would like to be thought of as capable.
Sir: I lost a son in Africa. He was much like you in a way. Mr. Chandler means nothing to me. He is a finger on a trigger. You are not.

[Sir Malcolm asks Victor Frankenstein to join his group]
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: I've only one other question: why me?
Sir: Because you were unafraid to pull back the skin and look beneath.

[Sir Malcolm tells Victor Frankenstein to get some sleep]
Sir: Work tomorrow, Doctor. Get some sleep.
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: Who can survive the dreams?

[Sir Malcolm talks to the imaginary dead Peter, dead Mina, and dead Gladys]
Peter: Did you imagine it? When you came across my emaciated corpse? Crawling with the creatures of the earth, flesh eaten hollow. Did you imagine my slow death? Feeling the bugs crawling over my face?
Mina: Oh, Peter, my outrage takes pride of place. Our father left you to die from neglect and his lust for glory... but with me, he actually looked into my eyes and pulled the trigger. With my arms outstretched, defenseless before you.
Gladys: Not many men can claim to have killed all their children.
Sir: [Mina laughs] You're not real! You are not here!
Mina: We're here as long as you are.
Peter: You think you can forget us?

[the Master in the form of Sir Malcolm tells Vanessa Ives to join him]
Sir: [quoting John Keats] 'Darkling, I listen and, for many a time I have been half in love with easeful Death, Call'd him soft names in many a mused rhyme, To take into the air my quiet breath.'
Vanessa: [as Vanessa kisses the Master] So the darkness spoke.
Sir: Yes. But you listened.

[Sir Malcolm offers Gladys Murray for the two of them to get back together]
Sir: We were happy once, you and I.
Gladys: No, Malcolm, you were happy once. Everything that was left between us is buried here. We shall remain married, despite all. That modicum of decency I'll insist upon for myself. But I'll live in the house here. You stay in London. Or go to Africa. I don't care.
Sir: If only you knew how much I tried to save her.
Gladys: We have no more children for you to save, or to kill.

[Sir Malcolm tells Victor Frankenstein who he's become in the mirror]
Sir: All my life, I've been a man who sought singular achievement and fed on rage and dissatisfaction. My character was one of monomaniacal anger. My blood thrilled to the lash. I was cruel to my wife, and to my children, and grew more famous in the process... more myself.
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: And now?
Sir: I've become alienated from the cruel man who used to look back at me in the mirror.

[Madame Kali continues shooting with Sir Malcolm while discussing his late wife with him]
Madame: [Madame Kali holds out a new model of a pistol] A man's gun. An extension of a man's arm. Like the bow of an elegant battleship.
Sir: Just so you know, about my wife. There is no love between us, not for some time, if I'm honest. But I am bound to her. That is how I must live now, and in the future.
Madame: I appreciate your honesty, Malcolm. And it's always good to have something to aim at.
[Madame Kali fires the pistol, hitting a bulls-eye]

[Vanessa Ives asks for Sir Malcolm's forgiveness, as the two join each other to find Mina]
Sir: Do you know how many men I have killed? In Africa we walked in blood every step. There was a time I would gladly have killed you. There may come a time I gladly shall. But for now, I can make use of you.
Vanessa: And no more?
Sir: What else? Forgiveness? Go to your Roman church for that, you'll find none here.
Vanessa: Have you imagined for one moment what this has been for me? An unforgivable transgression that has marked me for life. You think you've suffered. You think you know blood. You think you've walked on corpses. Spread them from here to the horizon and I have walked further! You weak, foul, lustful, vainglorious, man. How dare do you speak to me of death.
Sir: Then we will speak it together.

[Ferdinand Lyle asks Sir Malcolm if he knows the source of the Egyptian hieroglyphics he carries]
Ferdinand: I do assume you know the source of the writing?
Sir: No.
Ferdinand: It's from the Egyptian 'Book of the Dead.'

[Sir Malcolm kills the vampire Mina]
Mina: [already shot, with her back to the ground] I'm your daughter.
Sir: I already have a daughter.
[as Sir Malcolm shoots her a second time]

[Sir Malcolm informs Victor Frankenstein the origin of the hieroglyphics on the vampire body]
Sir: They're apparently from the Egyptian 'Book of the Dead.' Do you know it?
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: Not intimately, but I've studied theology over the years. The ancient Egyptian religions were unique in a way. They had a singular goal. Not transmutation to an afterlife, but something even more profound: Eternal life.

Sir: Before you speak another word, I asked you to consider this: how valuable's your life? Do you hold it dear? Does your wife value your company? Do you favor growing old? To one day teach your ugly inbred children your grotesque manners? Lay hands on him and it will be your end.

[the imaginary dead family tell Sir Malcolm to go to the graveyard]
Sir: The past is dead.
Gladys: Come to the graveyard on the hill and tell me the past is dead.
Peter: Touch the tombstones. We're still warm.

[Vanessa Ives and the group make a pact to remain together]
Vanessa: We here have been brutalized with loss. It had made us brutal in return. There is no going back from this moment.
Sir: If we are to proceed, we proceed as one. Without hesitation and with fealty to each other alone. This, we seek, demands nothing less. It is not for the weak or the kind. No one in this room is kind. That's why you're here. Now look into each other's eyes. And pledge to go as far as your soul will allow. Swear it now.
[Vanessa nods her head]
Sir: [Sembene nods his head]
[Victor nods his head]
Sir: Give your assent, Mr. Chandler, or leave this company and its mysteries behind.
Ethan: [Chandler looks to Vanessa, whispering] I'm with you.
Vanessa: And I with you, Ethan.
[Chandler nods his head]

[Sir Malcolm tells Ethan Chandler to not be amazed on what he will see during the night work]
Ethan: One - One minute. What're we doing here?
Sir: We're looking for someone. More than that, you don't need to know. Do not be amazed at anything you see and don't hesitate.

[Sir Malcolm and Vanessa Ives talk while mourning the death of Mina]
Sir: This room will seem empty without my gear. We should get a Christmas tree, should we not?
Vanessa: We can have the boys come over to decorate.
[as Sir Malcolm cries in Vanessa's arms]

[Sir Malcolm runs into Madame Kali while shopping for firearms]
Sir: Are you interested in firearms?
Madame: My late husband was. I suppose I'm sentimental about the smell of gun oil. And a woman alone in a city needs protection, doesn't she?

[Ferdinand Lyle tells Sir Malcolm and Vanessa Ives about the non-urgency of the Egyptians]
Sir: This is a matter of some urgency.
Ferdinand: Good heavens, Sir Malcolm, there hasn't been anything urgent about the Egyptians for 2,000 years. And I'm dreadfully busy now, you understand. Ever so many papyri to translate. Isn't that a delicious word? Papyri. Sounds like something being eaten by little Persian boys, doesn't it? So, I shall see you Friday next.

[Sir Malcolm invites Victor Frankenstein to join him on an adventure]
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: What are you after?
Sir: I'm trying to rescue my daughter. To save her, I would murder the world. Join me, Doctor. With me you'll behold terrible wonders.
Dr. Victor Frankenstein: And how much of the world will we have to murder?
Sir: Do you care?

[Sir Malcolm faces his imaginary dead family]
Gladys: I don't know how you could live with it, Malcolm.
Mina: All those tombstones in a row.
Peter: Wife, daughter, son.
Sir: Not me. Not my doing.
Gladys: You know it was.
Peter: Who walked away as I starved?
Mina: Who pulled the trigger that killed me, Father?
Peter: Did you name a mountain after me?
Gladys: [about Madame Kali] Did you enjoy her body as I bled?