The Best Finn Little Quotes

John: You iron things out with Beth?
Carter: I'm afraid that ship has sailed, sir.
John: Yeah, you better start swimmin' after it.

Owen: I went and did the right thing.
Connor: Then how come you're... we're running?

Hannah: [Re: Connor's disgust at the MRE] Mmmmmmm!
Connor: You eat these?
Hannah: Three meals a day.
Connor: No wonder you're so skinny.

Connor: What's "obtuse" mean?
Owen: Mmm. Like, annoyingly insensitive.
Connor: Has a girl ever called you obtuse?
Owen: Only your mother, son.

Carter: What?
- You know what we're gonna do?
- We're gonna ride the foul right out of your mouth.
Carter: Fuck! [Grunts]
- Oh, god damn it!
John: Just shut up and ride.

Lloyd: You got a big ol' shit-eatin' grin on your face like you spent the night in some girl's arms.
Carter: I do?

Hannah: We looked it right in the eye.
Ryan: What was it like?
Hannah: It was beautiful.
Connor: I didn't think it was beautiful, it scared the shit out of me.
Ryan: Well, it scared the shit out of me too, sport.

Hannah: [struggling on the ground] What do I call you?
Connor: [defiantly] Fuck you!
Hannah: [repulsed] How charming.

Lynelle: You gonna miss me?
Lloyd: I'd rather not answer that considering I was forced into this relationship.
Carter: If you love something, Teeter, set it free.
Lynelle: I mean fuck that. He lucky I ain't chaining his ass to the fucking radiator.

John: Where's your dad now?
Carter: Polluting the dirt they buried him in.
John: Shit. Just like you, huh?
Rip: Yessir.

Connor: My dad said if anything happened to him, I should find someone I trust.
Hannah: Something happen to your dad?
Connor: Are you someone I can trust?

Hannah: [on failing to rescue three boys] All I could do was watch them die.
Connor: [sadly] I watched my mother die from cancer.
Hannah: [disappointed] I can't feel bad around you, can I?