Top 50 Quotes From Flash Gordon

Zogi,: Do you - Ming the Merciless, Ruler of the Universe - take this Earthling, Dale Arden, to be your Empress of the Hour?
The: Of the hour, yes.
Zogi,: Do you promise to use her as you will?
The: Certainly!
Zogi,: Not to blast her into space?
[Ming glares at Zogi]
Zogi,: Uhm, until such time as you grow weary of her?
The: I do.
Dale: [DELETED LINE] You just try that, buster, and I'll give you SUCH A PINCH!

Kala: We're going to empty your memory as we might empty your pockets... Doctor.
Dr. Hans Zarkov: Don't empty my mind! Please, I beg you! My mind is all I have! I've spent my whole life trying to fill it!

Princess: [attempts to use her ring to open the door, it doesn't respond] They've changed the code!
Prince: I've changed as well, Aura.
Princess: And so have I.
Dr. Hans Zarkov: Oh, it's okay. I think I can work it out.
[starts to use Princess Aura's ring at different angles on the door]
Prince: I love you. Will you marry me?
Princess: I don't know; we'll try...
[breaks away as Barin moves in to kiss her]
Princess: Not now, Barin...!
Prince: You haven't changed at all...!
Princess: If I'm not at the wedding, I'll be shot!
Dr. Hans Zarkov: [Finally manages to picks the electronic door lock with Aura's ring] A-ha! I thought it was one of the prime numbers of the Zenith series. *I* haven't changed.

Princess: But my father has never kept a vow in his life!
Dale: I can't help that, Aura. Keeping our word is one of the things that make us... better than you.

Princess: l'm a princess. My father will have your head for this. He'll execute your whole perverted secret police. l demand to see him!
Klytus: With pleasure.
[Ming appears]
Princess: Father.
Klytus: The traitor is close to confession, Your Majesty. Should we stop the torture?
The: No.
Princess: Father! Damn you, Father!

Klytus: The tributes of the Hawkmen will be first.
Dale: Are we dreaming?
Flash: I'd like to think so.
Prince: The fabled ice jewel of Frigia; we seized it in battle from the royal crypt.
Prince: Stop! The ice jewel is our tribute, not Vultan's.
Prince: Vultan stole it while we were burying our dead on Frigia
Prince: Liar!
Prince: You are a thief!
Prince: What?
Prince: [Prince Barin draws his sword, preparing to attack Vultan]
[Vultan raises his clubbed sword]
Prince: Aargh!
Klytus: Put down your weapons! No one, but no one, dies in the palace without a command from the Emperor.
Prince: Hail, Ming!
[Barin lowers his sword]
Prince: Aargh!
Klytus: Vultan! You obey, or you sacrifice your daughter.
[Vultan's daughter emerges, looks at her father]
Prince: [lowers his club sword relentingly] Hail, Ming.

The: Klytus! Are your men on the right pills? Maybe you should execute their trainer!

Klytus: Now, the tributes from Ardentia.
Prince: We, the people of Ardentia... We have suffered, since you blasted our kingdom. I can offer you nothing, this year, except my loyalty.
Klytus: Prince Thun, we prize nothing more highly. And tell us... How great is this loyalty to your Emperor?
Prince: Without measure.
The: We are delighted to hear it. Fall on your sword.
The: Show us this loyalty. Throw yourself onto your sword.
Prince: [unsheathes his sword] Let this deed of Ardentia's Prince be an example to all the kingdoms of Mongo!
[Thun whirls to assassinate the Emperor]
[the Prince is frozen in his tracks by an energy-beam from Ming's servant]
The: [DELETED LINE] Now, let this deed of Mongo's Emperor be an example to all its kingdoms.
[He takes Thun's sword and fatally disembowels him with it. Dale winces]

Dr. Hans Zarkov: Look at them! The poor wretches are just waiting for someone to lead them in revolt...!
Flash: [annoyed] Oh, are you looking at ME, Zarkov?

Ming's: Long live Flash! You've saved your Earth. Have a nice day.
Flash: [leaps into the air] Yeah!

Klytus: [watching Zarkov's memories of Hitler at a Nazi Party rally] Now, he showed promise!

Princess: Fly back to your kingdom. You may see me sooner than you think.
[kisses Barin]
Prince: Lying bitch.

Dale: Flash! Flash, I love you! But we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth!

Prince: My thanks to you, Flash.
Flash: What for?
Prince: For giving an old bird a second chance!

Flash: Where am I?
Princess: Back from the dead. I've saved you.
Flash: My God! How?
Princess: By magic, of course. With a kiss, because I like you.

Dr. Hans Zarkov: [to dead Munson] Sorry, Munson. Missed your opportunity.

Dr. Hans Zarkov: Check the angular vector of the moon!

Dr. Hans Zarkov: We are only interested in friendship. Why do you attack us?
The: Why not? Pathetic earthlings. Hurling your bodies out into the void, without the slightest inkling of who or what is out here. If you had known anything about the true nature of the universe, anything at all, you would've hidden from it in terror.

Klytus: Bring me... the bore worms!
Princess: No! Not the bore worms!

[Hawkman Biro has been injured during the attack on war rocket Ajax]
Flash: Biro! You alright?
Biro: They just winged me!

Flash: I'm flying blind on a rocket-cycle!

Prince: [to Flash] Welcome back from the grave.
[to Princess Aura]
Prince: I knew you were up to something, though I'll confess I hadn't thought of necrophilia?

The: I'd much rather see you on my side, than scattered into... atoms.

[from trailer]
The: Pathetic Earthlings! Who can save you now?

Dale: [trying to turn over hourglass] It won't turn over! It won't turn over!

Luro: They were brave creatures Vultan.
Prince: SHUT UP!
Luro: With respect. The men who rid us of Klytus should not be deserted.
Prince: Will you shut up! So. Maybe I'd do it different. If I had it over again.
Luro: Then FIGHT!
Prince: But there's no way I could help a man who's dead!

Prince: Flash... when the ship hits the forcefield you'll be killed; this is suicide!
Flash: No Vultan... it's a rational transaction! One life for billions...

Princess: Look! Water is leaking from her eyes.
The: It's what they call tears, it's a sign of their weakness.

Prince: Freeze, you bloody bastards!

Kala: Open fire! All weapons, now! Charge the lightning field! I take personal responsibility in the Emperor's name!

Dr. Hans Zarkov: What do you find? The moon out of orbit?
Munson: By more than 12 degrees. This must be some sort of mistake.
Dr. Hans Zarkov: No, it's no mistake... IT'S AN ATTACK! I've been right all these years!

Dale: So that's why they let us escape; Klytus thought he'd wiped out your memory.
Dr. Hans Zarkov: But do you know why it really failed?
Dale: I can't imagine.
Dr. Hans Zarkov: As I was going under, I started to recite Shakespeare, the Talmud, the formulas of Einstein, anything I could remember, even a song from the Beatles.
Dr. Hans Zarkov: It armored me, girl; they couldn't wipe those things away. You can't beat the human spirit!

Flash: This isn't happening, Dale. We're not here. It's just a bad dream.
Dale: Oh, I agree completely. We'll wake up in any minute in Dock Harbor and have a laugh about this.
Flash: Only this time I won't just ask the maitre d' your name. I'll walk over and talk to you.
Dale: You promise?
Flash: I promise. Cross my heart and hope to... I really will talk to you, Dale.

Flash: The game's lost, Ming! Stop your attack on Earth and I'll spare your life!
The: You pitiful fool! My life is not for any Earthling to give or take!
[Ming attempts to hold back Flash with the power of his ring. Flash approaches unaffected and menaces Ming with his sword. Ming cowers]
Flash: Your power is fading, Ming!

Flash: Biro's hit! I'm going in after him!
[flies off]
Prince: Grrrr! Impetuous boy!
Prince: Ah, well; who wants to live forever?
Prince: [laughs heartily, to the Hawkmen] DIVE!

Dale: Ming's not unbeatable. With all his men, he couldn't even kill Flash.
Prince: [incredulous] Gordon's alive?

[Munson refuses to go aboard Zarkov's rocket ship]
Dr. Hans Zarkov: I swear, Munson, I'll shoot!
Munson: Get shot or go up in that thing? What's the difference?
Dr. Hans Zarkov: This way, you'll be giving your life to save the Earth! Haven't you any spirit at all?
Munson: NO!

[Flash is in chains and with a helmet over his head]
Flash: I demand to see the governor! I can hardly breathe in this thing!
Klytus: Yes, you don't look well. I'm told you refused your final meal. The chef will be upset.
Flash: Tell 'em to go to hell!
Klytus: Maybe just as well. Gas works more quickly on an empty stomach. Any final requests?
Flash: Yes, let me see Dale. Right away.
Klytus: Oh, dear. How pathetic. Yes, I anticipated that.

Prince: Onward my brave Hawkmen! Let this be known forever as Flash Gordon's Day!

Dale: I'm a New York City girl. It's a little too quiet around here for me.

Colonel: General Kala, Flash Gordon approaching.
Kala: What do you mean 'Flash Gordon approaching'?
Colonel: On a Hawkman rocket cycle. Shall I inform His Majesty?
Kala: Imbecile! The Emperor would shoot you for interrupting his wedding with this news! Fire when Gordon's in range!
[Flash is on a Hawkman rocket cycle and escapes]
Kala: He's escaping, idiot! Dispatch war rocket 'Ajax' to bring back his body!

[Flash is using football moves to fight Ming's soldiers]
The: Klytus! What is he doing?
Klytus: I don't know, sir! It looks like some kind of barbaric sport!

Flash: Prince Barin! I'm not your enemy, Ming is! And you know it yourself. Ming is the enemy of every creature of Mongo! Let's all team up and fight him.

Prince: [War Rocket Ajax is under heavy laser fire from Mingo City. Cut to Int. Ajax Cockpit. Flash is at the controls. Vultan is just reaching a ladder to leave] Come on, Flash! Come on! It's time to bail out!
Flash: Sorry, Vultan! I'm not coming!
Prince: What?
Flash: The rocketcycle's gone!
Prince: So, come on! I'll carry you!
Flash: Bail out, Vultan, before it's too late!
Prince: Flash,
[runs back to Flash]
Prince: are you crazy?
Flash: The fire's too heavy!
Flash: You know we'll never make that opening with nobody at the wheel!
Prince: Come on! You'll be blown to pieces, Flash! It's suicide!
Flash: No, a rational transaction! One life for billions!
Prince: [Vultan grabs Flash's shoulders and shouts] Come on! You'll be destroyed!
Flash: [shouts] You loony bird!
[Pushes Vultan away]
Flash: Get outta here! They need you on the ground!
Prince: [Vultan holds out his right hand] Well, good bye, Flash! It's been...!
Flash: [Flash shakes Vultan's hand] I know! For me too, Vultan!
Flash: [Vultan heads back to the ladder and starts climbing] Tell Dale
Flash: I know it would've been good!
Prince: [shouts] That must be one hell of a planet you men come from!
Flash: Not too bad!

Flash: This Ming is a psycho!
Ming's: This Ming is a psycho.
Klytus: Who said that?
Ming's: The fair-haired prisoner.
Klytus: Who are you?
Flash: Flash Gordon. Quarterback. New York Jets.
Dale: Dale Arden, Your Highness. Live and let live, that's my motto.

Dr. Hans Zarkov: [pulling a gun on Munson] Get your toothbrush and whatever!

[first lines]
The: Klytus, I'm bored. What plaything can you offer me today?
Klytus: An obscure body in the S-K System, Your Majesty. The inhabitants refer to it as the planet... "Earth".
The: How peaceful it looks.
[He activates a console, and watches as earthquakes, floods, etc. start to occur. They both get a good laugh out of it]
Klytus: Most effective, Your Majesty! Will you destroy this, er, Earth?
The: Later. I like to play with things a while... before annihilation.
[laughs evilly]

Munson: Dr. Zarkov! There's no sun! It's 8:24 in the morning, and there's no sun!

The: Every thousand years, I test each life system in the Universe. I visit it with mysteries, earthquakes, unpredicted eclipses, strange craters in the wilderness... If these are taken as natural, I judge that system ignorant and harmless - I spare it. But if the Hand of Ming is recognized in these events, I judge that system dangerous to us. I call upon the great god Dyzan, and for his greater glory...
[leans forward, smiling]
The: ... and for our mutual pleasure...
[leans back again]
The: ... I destroy it utterly.
Doctor: You're saying... it's my fault the Earth is being destroyed?
The: [grinning] Precisely... Doctor!

Prince: [to Zarkov] Tell me more about this man Houdini.