The Best Kala Quotes

Kala: Open fire! All weapons, now! Charge the lightning field! I take personal responsibility in the Emperor's name!

Colonel: General Kala, Flash Gordon approaching.
Kala: What do you mean 'Flash Gordon approaching'?
Colonel: On a Hawkman rocket cycle. Shall I inform His Majesty?
Kala: Imbecile! The Emperor would shoot you for interrupting his wedding with this news! Fire when Gordon's in range!
[Flash is on a Hawkman rocket cycle and escapes]
Kala: He's escaping, idiot! Dispatch war rocket 'Ajax' to bring back his body!

Kala: We're going to empty your memory as we might empty your pockets... Doctor.
Dr. Hans Zarkov: Don't empty my mind! Please, I beg you! My mind is all I have! I've spent my whole life trying to fill it!