The Best Frank Faylen Quotes

Ernie: Just a minute! Quiet everybody! Quiet, quiet. Now get this, it's from London.
Ma: Oh!
Ernie: [Reading the telegram in his hand] Mr. Gower cabled you need cash, stop. My office instructed to advance you up to twenty-five thousand dollars, stop. Hee Haw and Merry Christmas! Sam Wainwright.

[first lines]
Mr. Emil Gower: [voice-over] I owe everything to George Bailey. Help him, dear Father.
Giuseppe: [voice-over] Joseph, Jesus and Mary. Help my friend, Mr. Bailey.
Ma: [voice-over] Help my son, George, tonight.
Bert: [voice-over] He never thinks about himself, God, that's why he's in trouble.
Ernie: [voice-over] George is a good guy. Give him a break, God.
Mary: [voice-over] I love him, dear Lord. Watch over him tonight.
Janie: [voice-over] Please, God, something's the matter with Daddy.
Zuzu: [voice-over] Please bring Daddy back.