The Best Garth Quotes

Kai: Garth, who is he to you that you should risk your life for him?
Garth: We'll discuss this no further.

Garth: Don't you understestimate Queng-Dri. You know, he's not an ignorant man. Why, he speaks and steals in five languages.

Garth: You know, you're questions are much deeper than your search for a missing airplane. Just what are you looking for?
Col. Steve Austin: My father.

Garth: Who are you?
Col. Steve Austin: Oh, you mean my name?
Garth: No, no, names are only labels the outside world attaches meanings to. You outran horses. You're strength, you're strength is incredible. Just who are you?
Col. Steve Austin: Well, I'm just a man.
Garth: Not an ordinary one.
Col. Steve Austin: In most ways I am.

Garth: Risking ones life for a countryman is a rare gift. Please, do not take it away from me.