The Best Gaston de Levis, Viscount de Leran Quotes

[first lines]
Gaston: I tell you, Nicholas, he refuses to take any precautions. Our noble lord, Henri of Navarre, will not believe that the Catholics are plotting to kill him!
Nicholas: Is that so surprising? He's married to the King's sister! He must put on a show of trusting the Catholics.
Gaston: Trust them! Huh! You know how far we can do that! You told him what the girl overheard?
Nicholas: Yes.
Gaston: What did he say?
Nicholas: He refuses to pay any attention to a servant girl's story.
Gaston: But we must convince them! Nicholas, you are the man's secretary. Now speak to de Coligny again, now tell him...
Nicholas: I've done what I can! Now, I must wait until we find out something more, or for the Catholics to make a move.
Gaston: Their move is likely to be a knife in Navarre's back. What happened to that Englishman, Steven?
Nicholas: He's gone back to the tavern to find his friend.

[a prominent Catholic officer has just entered]
Gaston: Landlord!
Landlord: Yes, sir?
Gaston: Have you got no decent wine? Where are the Burgundies? Or even the German wines?
Landlord: Sir, we have the best Bordeaux on the market.
Gaston: A thin Catholic brew!