50 Best Goku Quotes

Frieza: My dear friend... how can I make this even more painful for you? I could crush your hands, rip off both of your ears, or maybe I'll just smash in your tiny little cranium.
[Frieza laughs]
Goku: You might be stronger, a hundred times stronger than me, Frieza, and you may have me down, but I am not about to give up now! And I will do whatever it takes, even if it destroys me, to finish you off once and for all. To give you what you deserve.

Goku: [to Frieza] You seem to delight in seeing other people suffer. And you treat life like a disposable commodity. You destroy homes. You take the lives of innocent, peace-loving people. You even take the lives of children. And all of this, for your own amusement or personal gain. Well, now it's your turn.
Frieza: Oh, is it really? And I suppose the great Super Saiyan is going to arrive and magically defeat what has never been defeated. It's legend. Fantasy.
Goku: Who cares? Look, I don't care about the stupid legend. See, it's me who's going to stop you.

Goku: Gohan! Listen very carefully! You must leave this planet now and take Piccolo with you. Got it?... This is the last time I'm going to tell you! Get out of here right now, Gohan!

Yamcha: [sees that Goku's tail is gone for the last time] Goku, what happened to your tail?
Goku: Huh? Oh, that? I got rid of it. You see, it turned out that the moon could be restored if I lost my tail. So that's what I decided to do.
[Yamcha and Krillin go blank but looks at each other and laughs knowing that are still keeping this secret from him]
Krillin: [jokingly] Did you ever find it again?

Goku: Come on, Vegeta, we don't have much time left! Please, you've got to help me, just this once!
Vegeta: You want my help? You got some nerve asking me to help you! You still don't think I know what you did to me?
[Goku gasps]
Vegeta: I have traveled to the Other World! I know all about your technique - your Super Saiyan 3! You hid it from me during our battle! You allowed me to believe that I can beat you!
Goku: Yeah, that's part true. I do have the ability to become a Super Saiyan 3. But, hey, I can only do it for a short time.
Vegeta: Ugh! That's enough of your lies! Brainless! Do you not realize my humiliation? Just stay from me!
[Goku goes hurt]

Freeza: Hey! Why can't I hit you? Just tell me!
Goku: You didn't say please.
Freeza: Please... what? Please? You! All right then! Please!
[Frieza blasts Goku right in the face but it has no effect]
Freeza: HUH?

Chi: Hyaagh! Here I am! Alright you two, I've had it with this Super Saiyan stuff! You've broken both sets of dishes, and three tables! I swear, is it too much to ask to have a normal dinner where we don't smash glasses, and bend silverware, and break all the furniture? Well, is it? I'm waiting!
Goku: No, sorry.
Gohan: I have an idea. Maybe we should use paper plates and cups.
Chi: Yeah? Well think again, kid! Gosh, what a funny sense of humor. Paper cups, and paper plates, you must get that from your mommy. I'll tell you what, Gohan. Since it's your birthday, I'm going to let you off easy. For your punishment, you can help me clean up. As for you Goku, hit the road! Don't call us, we'll call you.
[Chi-Chi opens the door]
Goku: Uh, you want me to leave home?
Chi: Yes! I can't take it anymore, Goku. I need you gone. At least until I finish setting up for Gohan's party. You like to fish, right? Well go catch a fish, or something.

[Goku powers up to fight Vegeta]
Supreme: No, Goku! You mustn't! If you fight him here, you would be doing precisely what Babidi wishes. Every injury that Vegeta causes would be sent back to the ship and Buu will be revived!
Goku: Tell me, Vegeta. With that stamp on your head, I know Babidi's been giving you orders. Is this one of them? Are you trying to fight me because of him, or is this the same old story between you and me? Which one?
Gohan: Does it really matter?
Vegeta: Not to you, Gohan. But to a warrior, it matters greatly. And you know this as well as I do, Kakarot. In a day, you'll be back to the dead, and I will not miss this opportunity!
Supreme: Who are you people? Don't you see the universe matters more than your meaningless squabble?
Vegeta: MEANINGLESS, HUH? WHAT DO YOU KNOW OF MEANINGLESS? Spend most of your life ruled by another! Watch your race dwindle to a handful! AND THEN, tell me what has more meaning than your own strength! I have in me the blood of a Saiyan prince. He is nothing but a joke! Yet I've had to watch him surpass me in strength, my destiny thrown to the wayside! He's... he's even saved my life like I were a helpless child. He has stolen my honor, and his debts... must be paid!

Goku: The future of Gohan... of Chi-Chi... not to mention the future of the entire universe, it all depends on me!
[powers up a Kaio-Ken attack and screams]
Goku: And I don't care if you're a million times stronger than me, mark my words, I'm not going to let them down! So get ready Frieza 'cause this time you're going down!

Gohan: Stop it! You don't know what you're doing!
Vegeta: [knocks away Gohan] Stand aside! This does not concern you! It's between me and your circus clown of a father!
Goku: Circus clown. Well, that's a new one.

Frieza: I've never met a sentimental Saiyan before. It'll be your downfall.
Goku: Well, if having feelings is a weakness, why am I the only Saiyan left?

Goku: Why don't you come to the Other World with me?
Krillin: What? No way, I'm married now bro! This is the good life! Right, babe?
Android: [blushes] Goon.

Goku: So, what's with the hair, Krillin? I thought you were naturally bald.
Krillin: Oh no, I just kept it well waxed. I could have sworn I told you that.
Goku: Then why did you stop doing it? I mean, you just don't look like, you know, Krillin anymore!
Krillin: I guess love makes you change some things...

Goku: No more. No more! Now you will know the horror, Frieza!

Gohan: So dad, what was the most weirdest part of the day?
Goku: Well, I'll tell ya! I've eaten plenty of fish, but that's the first time one ate ME!

[English dub]
Frieza: So what are you calling this precious level? Super Saiyan with blue hair dye?
Goku: That's funny, I'd say it's a little more complicated than that. I know you don't have the patience for the full story, Frieza, but I got the taste of something called "Super Saiyan God" and then tapped into that power on my own. And it's the Super Saiyan level of that.
Frieza: So a Super Saiyan who's as strong as a Super Saiyan God, yet is not a Super Saiyan God, is now the Super Saiyan of that? You really do need to work on your descriptions, Goku. I nearly bit my tongue just trying to spit it all out!

Vegeta: He killed our home planet... It was him...
Frieza: He's just a corpse and he's still blabbing. I'll have to gag him to shut him up.
Vegeta: Your father and mine... the whole planet... he blew it up... it's true... No one survived but us... Ask him if you want... He'll tell you. He's proud of it...
Goku: Please, stop talking, Vegeta. It's sapping all of your strength.
Vegeta: No... Listen. You have to hear this. We worked so hard for him. We did everything he asked of us, and more. He took me from my father when I was just a little boy. He made me do whatever he wanted and said he would kill my father if I didn't. I did everything he asked, but he killed him anyway along with everyone else. He was scared of us. Scared that a Super Saiyan would be born to rise up and overthrow him.
[breaks down in tears]
Frieza: A touching story.
Goku: Please, no more. Save your strength.
Vegeta: Kakarot, please... destroy Frieza. He made me what I am... don't let him do it to anyone else. Whatever it takes... Stop him, please.
[Vegeta dies]
Goku: Vegeta.
Frieza: Well, it's about time. Saiyans tend to linger like a bad odor.

Goku: [to Chi Chi] Sometimes my brain doesn't know what my mouth is saying. Good thing my heart does... will you marry me?

Goku: I would rather be a mindless beast, than a heartless monster, like you.
Frieza: Why, you!
[Throws a hard punch at Goku's head, Goku narrowly dodges and throws a hard punch right into his abdomen, making him spit up blood and collapse to his knees]

Chi: I want both of you to put your training on hold for now and go to the driving school tomorrow! I think it's about time the two of you learned something USEFUL for a change!
Piccolo: Say WHAT?
Chi: Awww, Chi-Chi, do we have to?
Chi: Listen, all I'm asking you two to do is get a driver's license. It's not like I'm asking you to save the world.
Goku,43490: Uhhh...
Chi: And if you don't, you'll have to cook your own meals from now on! Understand?

Goku: You're just a beast, with no conscience!
Freeza: [laughs] So I'm a beast, huh? Oh, and what about you, Mr. Super Saiyan! Aren't you just like me?
Goku: Hmph!
Freeza: So the jury's still out on that one. Lets just give it a little more time!

Vegeta: [blasts the arena] You'll fight with me, Kakarot! Unless of course, you'd like more bodies to pile up on your conscience.
Goku: Vegeta! Certainly you didn't!... How sad. I didn't think you were weak enough to be controlled.
Gohan: Dad, don't!
Goku: Answer me, Vegeta! Do you let yourself be a slave?
[Vegeta blasts the arena again]
Vegeta: Tell me... Is it slavery when you get what you want?

Goku: [about Cyborg Frieza, who Trunks defeated before Goku arrived] His ship gained two hours on me. He was about to hurt the people of this planet. I was about to make my move, but then you showed up.
Trunks: And how were you about to make your move when you were two hours behind?
Goku: Well, with a new technique I learned, I could have been there in seconds.
Trunks: Are you serious?
Goku: Yep, it's called Instant Transmission.
Trunks: You mean time travel?
Goku: No, you de-materialize and travel as a mass of light. You'd be surprised how much ground you could cover going 186000 miles a second.

Goku: Give me another chance!
Driving: Why should I? You stink!
Goku: I can't smell anything. Are you sure?
Driving: I don't mean you! Your driving!

Goku: How can androids have babies?
Krillin: Well, you see, Dr. Gero created those androids from humans.

Goku: [squeezing Frieza's hand] You just don't know when to stop! Enough is enough!
Freeza: OOOWWWW!
Goku: First Vegeta! Then Piccolo! And now, my best friend Krillin! You don't care, I can see that! Their lives mean absolutely nothing to you! You're not in the least bit sorry! Even now, all you can think about is how to destroy me!
Freeza: [gets free] How? How did you get this incredible power? Don't tell me! It's true, isn't it?

Goku: [trembles with rage] I won't let you get away with this! I won't let you get away...
[thunder and lightning strike around Goku, his hair goes gold and his eyes go green]

[Goku is driving very fast]
Driving: Step on the brake!
Goku: The brake? Now, which one was that...?
[Goku steps on the accelerator]

Krillin: [screams] We forgot about Bulma! What are we going to do?
Goku: Don't scare me like that, Krillin! For a second, I thought you saw Frieza again.
Krillin: In... in some ways, Bulma's worse than Frieza. Uh... at least that's how I feel.
[Everyone laughs]

Chi: Hold it right there! Now, let me get this straight! You expect me to get dinner ready and wash your clothes while you and Gohan relax in a nice hot bath? Well, that's not gonna happen, mister! Do you even care what kind of day I've had? I dunno what I liked better, being chased halfway home by a wild boar, or walking the rest of the way on my tired aching feet! And it's all because we don't have a car!
Goku: Uh, Chi-Chi, I'd drive you if I could, but you know I don't have a driver's license yet...
Chi: Well, it's time you got one! I don't know why you have to be the only man this town who doesn't have a driver's license or a car!
Goku: [to Piccolo] You can't drive, can you?

Goku: [remembers] I have a family of my own, two boys and a wife... an extremely angry wife who probably wants to kill me right now!

Goku: I'm the only one left...

Goku: You can destroy planets, but you can never destroy what I am, friend!
Freeza: You... what... what are you?
Goku: I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good! Nightmare to you!

Goku: My old master likes girly magazines. We'll get you some!
Gohan: Oh boy! Uh, dad...
Supreme: Goku, please! How inappropriate!
Elder: Hmph! I have no need for such things... With my omniscient vision, I can see girls playing volleyball on the beach!
Supreme: You call yourself a Kai?
Goku: Hey, old man! How 'bout we get you a date with a real live Earth woman?
Elder: Is she a good kisser?
Goku: Yeah, of course.
[the Old Kai cackles]
Goku: [to himself] What luck! This guy's just like Master Roshi!
Gohan: Dad, are you nuts? How are you going to find someone that wants to kiss that guy?
Goku: Hey, don't worry. I can't go back to Earth, but YOU can. This is all too simple. You can handle it, son. It might require a little sacrifice, though. Can you get Videl to do it?
Gohan: [outraged] DAD! I'm not gonna ask my girlfriend to kiss that old relic!
Goku: Okay, okay. Sheesh. Who else do we know...?

Frieza: Why am I not surprised? You Saiyans are like a stubborn virus. And now the virus has mutated to preserve itself. But I know how to treat it! I know how to blot it out for good! You should've never come back here, you know. I really thought you were dead. You could've left this place and escaped. I would have never known it.
Goku: No way! Why run from somebody that you're not scared of?
Frieza: Uh! Grr... hmm... just for that one, I'm going to blow you to pieces, just like that little bald guy!
Goku: That little bald guy was my best friend. His name was Krillin. Yeah. How could I forget that? Grr... now die!
[Goku screams]
Frieza: Fool. I'm not the one who's going to die here, catch my drift?

Goku: How do ANDROIDS have babies?
Krillin: As it so happens, she started out as a human being! Dr Gero just remodelled her a little bit!
Goku: Oh, okay. Then, congratulations!
Krillin: Thank you.

Freeza: Why do you loathe what I've done so much? Saiyans are just as ruthless as I am! They were killers, all of them! And you have the gall to condemn what I've done. You and your bloodthirsty race!
Goku: They paid for their mistakes!
Freeza: [laughs] Is that why they died? I thought it was because I killed them!

Goku: Goodbye, Vegeta. You're not as cold-hearted as you believed yourself to be. A heart of stone can't shed tears like you did. You must have been holding them back your whole life.

Goku: WHOA! Watch out, everyone! Android 18 is here!
Android: [sarcastic] Look, he noticed. How cute.
Goku: Someone please tell me she's still not terrorizing the planet!
Krillin: Well, actually, Goku, 18 and I have gotten married.
Goku: You mean you live in the same house as her?
Krillin: That's all part of it. We even had a kid together.
Goku: WHAT? But... but how?
Android: [walks on ahead] Spare me!

Goku: Majin Buu is so much stronger then anyone I've ever faced before. But I know there is still a way to win!
[powers up to Super Saiyan]

Goku: Oh, man, Piccolo! Where did you get those clothes?
Piccolo: [in jeans and a shirt] Your wife gave them to me out of YOUR closet!
Goku: Oh, uh... sorry about that, Chi-Chi means well... listen, since we're here, let's get this over with.
Piccolo: Sounds good to me. Of course, I'm still not sure how I got suckered into this in the first place. She's not even my wife!

Goku: [picks up a gargantuan boulder] Lets start out with this small one.
Gohan: Right, dad! Ready when you are!
Supreme: That's a small one?

Goku: Where's your mother?
Chi: I'll tell you where I am! On Lonely Street! When you were dead, you had an excuse, but now it's just shameless neglect!

Goku: Hey, Vegeta! Sorry to disappoint you. I was really looking forward to one more bout with the prince of all Saiyans.
Vegeta: Heh. Don't worry about it. We couldn't play. Not here. When we fight, we'll need a whole planet for an arena.
Goku: [laughs] You're too much. Bye, my friend!

Goku: Gohan! It's time! Piccolo is our only chance of bringing the others back to this dimension. Take him to the ship and go!
Gohan: But what about you?
Goku: Don't worry about me now! I know I'm where I need to be!
Gohan: But... if we take the ship... that means you'll be stranded out here with no way home.
Goku: I'm your father. Now listen, Gohan! Just do as I say!
Gohan: Whatever you want, dad.

Frieza: Nice move, but your shoe came untied.
Goku: I'm not going to fall for that. I don't even have shoelaces!
Frieza: Darn. I guess you're a little smarter than the average Saiyan.
Goku: [not smiling] Very funny.
Frieza: [laughs] Goodness. No sense of humor.

Goku: [driving] Eat my dust, Piccolo!
Piccolo: Was that a challenge? Well if it's a race you want, it's a race you'll get!

Goku: [buries Vegeta] I think I understand you now. You weren't grieving over your own death, or because our home planet was destroyed. You were grieving because he turned you into what he wanted you to be. You never had a chance to be anything else. Well, I still respect you. I know you made a lot of mistakes, but now I see that it wasn't all your fault. You had the fiery will of a Saiyan. Please share that with me now, 'cause I need it. Thank you for saving my son's life and buying enough time for me to recuperate. I'll do my best to carry out your wish.

Goku: When's the last time you had a bath?... Whew, it's downright unpleasant back here!

Goku: Vegeta's right. You have no honor. For him, and for everyone else you've destroyed, I am going to finish you.
Frieza: We'll see about that, won't we?