100 Best One Piece: Wan pîsu Quotes

Usopp: Talking's easy, but we'll need true strength for the battle. What are you guys capable of?
Roronoa: Slicing!
Monkey: Stretching!
Nami: Thieving!
Usopp: ...Running and hiding!

Kurohadol: [Jango runs into the village chasing Kaya] You'd be no match for him anyway. This way is probably safest for you!
Usopp: [Usopp was trying to stop Jango] Even if I am no match... Even if I am no match for him... I will protect them! I'm captain of the Usopp Pirates and a brave warrior of the sea! I won't let you lay a finger on the village!

Captain: This is a direct order! Everyone who spouted weakness just now must now shoot themselves in the head! I have no need for weakling soldiers!

Roronoa: [about Firefist Ace] Luffy, did you know that guy? Is he a friend of yours?
Roronoa: No, well yeah, sort of.
Monkey: [laughs]
Roronoa: He's my big brother!

Nami: [after Luffy falls down to take a nap in the middle of a road] Luffy, how can you sleep at a time like this?
Monkey D. Luffy: Because I want to, and also, because I'm tired.

Coby: [after Alvita asks him who's the loveliest on the sea] Why, you are, of course, Mrs. Alvita, pirate, ma'am!
Monkey D. Luffy: When was the last time you had your eyes checked?

Nami: If I don't shoot, I'll be killed! But if I do shoot, I'll wind up no better than pirates!

Kaya: Usopp-san. You need to clear up everyone's misunderstanding...
Usopp: Misunderstanding? I was only called an exaggerator, like always. There's no need to scare everyone with something that's already over. Aside from things like this, no pirates will show up to attack a remote village like this one. I'm just going to pretend that nothing ever happened. It was all a lie.

Red: I'm in your debt, Luffy... Makino-san told me everything. You fought for us. Hey, don't cry! You're a man!
Monkey D. Luffy: But... Shanks! Your arm!
Red: It's only an arm. It's no big deal. I'm just glad you're alright...

Zoro: Hey, you guys. You're an eyesore. Get lost!

Monkey: What's the matter? Your hands are shaking! That's what happens when you take on pirates with half-assed resolve.
Nami: Resolve to do what? To kill people like it's nothing? Is that a pirate's resolve?
Monkey: No! The resolve to put your own life on the line!

Kuina: [Zoro startes crying after losing their final duel] I'm the one should be crying out of frustration.
Roronoa: Eh?
Kuina: You see, when girls grow up, they get weaker than men. Even you'll catch up to me soon. You're always saying you're going to be the world's best swordsman. My father told me that a girl can never be that... I know... I know that! But... But it's frustrating!
Kuina: You're lucky, Zoro. You're a boy. I want to be the world's greatest swordman, too! My breasts have even started to grow out now... If only... If only I had been born a man...
Roronoa: Don't be whining like that after you beat me! That's not fair! You're my goal!
Kuina: Zoro...
Roronoa: Boy this, girl that! Are you gonna say that stuff too when I beat you someday? You act like none of it is skill! You're insulting all the hard training I've been doing! So don't say that stuff!
Roronoa: Promise me! Someday, one of us will be the world's greatest swordsman! We'll compete to see who gets there!
Kuina: You dummy. You're so weak...
Roronoa: [Both shake hands with each other]
[Both say together]
Roronoa: It's a promise!

Higuma the Bear: Any closer and he'll shoot your head off, wimp.
Bandit: He said no closer! Don't make me blow your head off!
Red: Put your life on the line.
Bandit: Huh?
Red: Now that you've drawn your pistol, put your life on the line.
Bandit: What the hell're you talkin' about?
Red: I'm saying those aren't for threatening people.

Navy: We heard that you fellas are actually pirates? Is this rumour true?
Monkey: Right. Now, I just added the first member in my crew. So pretty much the whole thing just became official.

Usopp: There's a rule against going for that area of a man!

Monkey D. Luffy: I'm the man who's going to be the Pirate King!

Morgan: [to the Marines] My strength was what I used to rise to the rank of captain! Listen! In this world, titles are what matter! That means by being a captain of this base and the highest ranking officer, I am the most superior person as far as the eye can see! This means that I do everything right!

The: Wealth, fame, power... Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, attained everything this world has to offer. The words he uttered just before his death drove people to the seas.
Gold: My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! Find it! I left everything this world has to offer there!
The: And so men head for the Grand Line in pursuit of their dreams! The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era!

Roronoa: Scars on the back are a swordsmans shame.

Monkey D. Luffy: Soon I'll be King of the Pirates!
Roronoa: I'll be the greatest swordsman in the world!
Monkey D. Luffy: Come on, everyone join!
Sanji: I'll find the Great Blue!
Usopp: I'll be brave!
Nami: And, I'll have mapped out the entire world!

Monkey: Here's your treasure! Which is yours? I couldn't tell, so I brought three of 'em.
Roronoa: All three are mine. I use the Three-Sword Style.

Coby: What was it that first got you to sail on these sees?
Monkey D. Luffy: [smiling] Well, I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates!

Tony: [after Luffy is taken off the ship by a giant bird] HELP! LUFFY... BIRD... DANGER... HELP!
Roronoa: [calmly] Did he ask for help?
Tony: Well, no.
Roronoa: Then don't worry about it.
Sanji: Yeah, he can handle himself.
[takes down the bird]
Monkey D. Luffy: Hey, Sanji, can you cook this up?
Sanji: Sure thing.
Roronoa: Dibs on the drumstick.

Coby: Please escape, Zoro-san!
Zoro: You'll be killed for doing that, you know!
Coby: I can't stand to watch the navy like this anymore. I want to be a honorable marine!
Zoro: Stop! I can't escape! I only got ten days until...
Coby: You're going to be executed tomorrow!
Zoro: What?
Coby: Helmeppo never once intended to honor your agreement! So Luffy got angry and punched him!
Zoro: He did?
Coby: The navy is after Luffy-san now. I won't ask you to be a pirate. But please, help Luffy-san! Luffy-san is the only one who can save you. And I think you're also the only one who can save Luffy-san now.

Niko: [she was their enemy just a few days ago] So, can I join your crew?
Monkey D. Luffy: You're a good fighter, so sure.
Nami: LUFFY!
Monkey D. Luffy: What's the big deal?

Roronoa: An injury to my name is much worse than any injury to my gut!

Helmeppo: Dad! Why aren't you going to get revenge? The guy hit me! Not even you've ever hit me in the face!
Morgan: Do you know why I've never hit you before?
Helmeppo: Eh? Because you think I'm...
Morgan: Yes. Because you're a stupid son who isn't even worth hitting! Don't get the wrong idea! Your dad is the one who's great! Me!

[repeated line]
Sanji: That's no way to treat a lady!

Monkey: But I've never seen a person stuffed inside a treasure chest before! Are you a boxed and sheltered son?
Gaimon: Yeah. I've been overly pampered since I was just a little boy...
Gaimon: Of course I'm not! I can't get out of this box! I've been alone on this island and in this box for 20 years now!
Roronoa: [Zoro who was sleeping all this time joins the conversation 5 minutes later] W-Who's this guy?
Nami: Notice sooner.
Monkey: He's a guy stuffed in a treasure chest!
Roronoa: Are you a boxed and sheltered son?
Gaimon: Yeah. I've been overly pampered since I was just a little boy...
Gaimon: Of course I'm not! Don't do the same stupid gag twice!

Nami: Luffy, what are you still doing here? I told you to leave. Leave! Leave! LEAVE! Don't you understand, I... I... I need your help.
Monkey D. Luffy: [gives her his hat, his most prized possession] Then let's go!

Red: Listen, bandits. Whether I'm splattered with alcohol or food or even spit on, most of the time I'd just laugh and forget about it. But! No matter the reason, anyone who hurts my friends has to pay!

Monkey D. Luffy: [after seeing a skinny woman claiming to be Alvita] Don't you mean you're like half of her?

Gaimon: Straw Hat... Strive for your dream, for me. You, if anyone, will surely get the legendary treasure, the One Piece! And then buy the world!

Sanji: It's time to get a girl.

Monkey D. Luffy: [after learning about a forbidden island, that all who enter are never seen again] You mean there's a place we're not suppose to go to?
Usopp: Oh no, I know that look! We are *not* going there!

Roronoa: I'll be a pirate. I promise you that. I'm officially a criminal, now that I've fought the navy. But I'll tell you this right now. I'm only going to fulfill my ambition!
Monkey: Ambition?
Roronoa: To be the world's greatest swordsman! If I wind up having to give that up, you'd better accept responsibility and apologize to me!

Sanji: Don't
Sanji: waste food. At sea, provoking a cook is the same as committing suicide. Remember that.

[One of Alvida's pirate attempts to open the barrel, but a Luffy emerges and accidentally hits him]
Monkey D. Luffy: [yelling] I slept so great!
[realizing a man lying on the floor]
Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? Who's that?
[saw other pirates]
Monkey D. Luffy: Who the hell are you guys?
Pirate: Who the hell are you?
Monkey D. Luffy: [about unconscious pirate] Your friend will catch cold sleeping like that.
Pirate: You're the one who knocked him out!

Zoro: You again? You sure have lots of free time.
Luffy: I'll untie you, so join my crew!
Zoro: Say what?
Luffy: I'm looking for people to join my pirate crew.
Zoro: Forget it! Me, stooping to a criminal's level? Screw that!
Luffy: What's wrong with being a pirate?
Zoro: Pirates are despicable! As if I'd wanna be one!
Luffy: Oh, come on! You're already known as an evil bounty hunter!
Zoro: People can say whatever they want, but I ain't done anything I regret. I'll live through this and accomplish what I want!
Luffy: Yeah? But I've decided you're gonna join me!
Zoro: Quit deciding on your own!
Luffy: I hear you use swords.
Zoro: Yeah. But that stupid son took my stuff...
Luffy: I'll get it back for you!
Zoro: What?
Luffy: So if you want your sword, join my crew!
Zoro: You're really getting on my nerves!

Alvida: Are you a bounty hunter?
Monkey D. Luffy: I'm a pirate!
Alvida: A pirate? Hah! All by yourself on these waters?
Monkey D. Luffy: Today it's just me, but I'll find my crew tomorrow or next week or something! I need... I don't know like ten guys. Yeah, ten.

Monkey D. Luffy: [after they picked the orb test] Hey! Maybe this is like one of those games!
Sanji: What games?
Monkey D. Luffy: You know! You pick the right door and you get a prize, but if you pick the wrong one...
Usopp: You waited until now to tell us this!
Monkey D. Luffy: I forgot.
Sanji: So what happens if we picked the wrong one?
Monkey D. Luffy: Let's see... we fall all the way back to the Blue Sea!
Sanji: Come on, nothing like that is going to happen!
Sanji: [they fall down a huge waterfall] I can't believe that just happened...
Usopp: I seriously thought... we we're falling all the way back to the Blue Sea...
Sanji: That's because *someone* had to make up that story to scary us!
Monkey D. Luffy: [laughing] Come on! I thought I was a goner too!

Monkey: [in Nami's cartography room at Arlong Park] It's this room. I can't let it exist. The room she doesn't want to be in.
Monkey: I'll destroy it all!

Nami: I'm here to kill you.

Black: H-He beat Captain Kuro! Not even the navy was a match for Kuro, Man of a Thousand Plans! But he really beat him! Just who are you?
Monkey: Monkey D. Luffy.
Monkey: I'd never lose to a pirate who ditches his name and runs from the sea. The only time a pirate should abandon his name is when he dies!
Black: L-Luffy? Yeah, I never heard that name before!
Monkey: Remember my name for the rest of your lives! I'm the man who's gonna be King of the Pirates!

Monkey D. Luffy: I'll need tough fighters for my crew. How about that guy Alvita mentioned?
Coby: You mean Roronoa Zolo?
Monkey D. Luffy: Yeah!
Coby: But he's a pirate hunter, not a pirate! Big difference.
Monkey D. Luffy: Not really if he's a good guy.
Coby: Besides I heard he got arrested.
Monkey D. Luffy: Well, if he's a good guy, I'll help him escape!
Coby: [looks at him in disbelief] You think you can make anything happen, don't you?
Monkey D. Luffy: Sure do!

Zoro: I got more spirit than you. I will live through this... I swear it!

Luffy: I run a pirate crew and I'm looking for people to join up.
Zoro: No way! I'll never stoop to joining up with a criminal. Screw that business!
Luffy: And what's wrong with being a pirate?
Zoro: They're despicable. Like I ever wanna join up with one.
Luffy: Oh, come one! Give me a break. Everyone already knows you're some vicious bounty hunter, always out for blood!
Zoro: People can say whatever they want about me, but I've never done a single thing in my life that I regret.

Luffy: That doesn't work! I told you I was strong!
Zoro: W-Who the hell are you?
Luffy: I'm Monkey D. Luffy! The man who's gonna be the King of the Pirates!

Monkey D. Luffy: You guys mentioned some pirate hunter? So, what's he like, Coby?
Coby: Oh, you mean Zoro? Last I heard was that he's being held prisoner at some marine base.
Monkey D. Luffy: Oh, well, a weakling, huh?
Coby: No, you're so wrong! He's as violent as a demon and three times as horrifying! Why are you asking about him anyway?
Monkey D. Luffy: I figure if he's good enough I'd ask him to join my crew!
Coby: Chasing him down is just point reckless!
Monkey D. Luffy: You never know he might jump at the chance to join.
Coby: He's a bad enough guy and the marines caught him! No way! Not a chance! Forget it! No, no...
[Luffy hits him in the head]
Coby: Coby: Why did you hit me?
Monkey D. Luffy: 'Cause I felt like it.

Monkey D. Luffy: Hey, there's the ship!
Sanji: Nami, my sweet! I beat the IQ Love Test to rescue you!
Monkey D. Luffy: Love? I thought it was orbs!
Usopp: If that was love, I don't ever want to see it again!

Monkey: I will be King of the Pirates!
Roronoa: You really seem obsessed about this King of the Pirates thing. Is there some sorta reason for it?
Monkey: No reason. It's just...
Roronoa: It's just?
Monkey: I swore to a certain man that someday I would gather a great crew, find the world's greatest treasure, and become King of the Pirates! This straw hat knows!

Monkey: The world's greatest swordsman? That sounds great! The King of the Pirates would need no less than that on his crew!

Niko: Let put out the fires if we don't need them. We don't want to announce our location to our enemies.
Monkey D. Luffy: What a rookie move. You hear that Usopp? She want us to put out the fire, what should we do?
Usopp: I don't know. It's not really her fault, though. She's never been exposed to this kind of living. We should be tolerant.
Niko: What are you saying?
Monkey D. Luffy: [both crying] You're always suppose to have a campfire when you camp, that's what makes it *camping*!
Nami: It's never ending with those idiots. HEY! Lay off the sob stories! You know how dangerous this island is! Let's not give it any help in killing us!
Monkey D. Luffy: Don't care.
Nami: We are in the middle of a war between knights protecting their king, and gorillas forging a coup, not to mention the giant, blood-thirst monsters that wait around every corner to eat us!
Usopp: Sky island scary... sky island scary... sky island scary...
Roronoa: [with giant pill of wood] Luffy, take a look! Is this enough wood for your fire?
Nami: Can you idiots think for one second!
Sanji: [dozens of eyes appear behind him] Don't worry wild animals are afraid of fire they'll stay away!
Nami: But they're surrounding us!

Captain: The devil fruits... Whoever eats one is said to gain seemingly unwordly abilities. The power to breathe fire... The power to cause tsunamis... There are all sorts of rumors, but there are many types, and almost nothing is known about them. It's said the secrets to them lie in the Grand Line...

Tony: [translating for a wolf] You rotten two leggers better not be trying to muscle in and take what doesn't belong to you!
[as himself]
Tony: No, we're not like that!
Tony: This is our forest! Everything here belongs to us! The land, the trees, and the air!
Nami: [punches the wolf] Nothing's keeping me from that treasure!
Usopp: [wolves growling] Great! Everything's gotten worse again! Now we get eaten by wolves, didn't see that coming!
Nami: Do something!
Usopp: What can I do?
Tony: [translating for the wolf] Back down boys, we might have the numbers, but they have the raw power! Girl, you back one mean punch. Gotta say, you're my kind of angry.
Usopp: So that's what a happy ending looks like?
Roronoa: I guess so.
Monkey D. Luffy: Then I have an idea: CAMPFIRE!
Usopp: It's the Festival of the Night before Gold Hunting!

Roronoa: You sure talk big. At this point, whether it's as a criminal or whatever else, I will spread my name throughout the world!

Monkey D. Luffy: Why are you laughing? That was so uncool! Why didn't you fight them? No matter how many there are or how strong they seem, you're not men-- or pirates-- if you laugh after something like that!
Red: I can understand how you feel, but he only spilled some booze on me. it's nothing worth getting mad over.
Monkey D. Luffy: Whatever!

Roronoa: Was that a bribe?
Monkey D. Luffy: Yup.
[walks off]
Roronoa: Well, at least he's honest.

Gaimon: [Gaimon rejects Luffy's invite to join his crew] Yeah, Straw Hat. Even if there's no treasure, there's something else I want to protect.
Nami: Eh?
Usopp: Something you want to protect?
Gaimon: I've shared hard times and happy times with these guys for 20 years. I can't leave them now. Now that I know there's no treasure, I somehow finally feel free. I think I can really live a life I want now. Plus, I've actually grown a bit fond of being in this box!

Marine: I-I'm sorry, little girl. Curl yourself into a ball.

Roronoa: Sensei, Let me have... The sword...
Koshiro: Kuina's sword?
Roronoa: I'm gonna get stronger for her, too! I'm going to get strong enough that my name reaches to Heaven! I'm going to be the world's strongest swordsman!
Roronoa: I promised her... I...
Koshiro: Yes. You can have it. I leave Kuina's spirit and dreams... with you.

Monkey D. Luffy: CAMPING!
Usopp: This isn't a party! We're in enemy territory! now calm down!
Monkey D. Luffy: Not a party, got it. Hey, Usopp, is a BBQ a party?

Morgan: It was with my strength that I rose to my rank of captain! Listen! In this world, titles mean everything! That means that I, the captain and highest ranking officer at this base, am the most superior person here! So everything I do is right!

Morgan: Don't you dare underestimate me! You may be strong, but before my authority, you're as good as scum!

Gaimon: But who are you guys? You're nothing like any of the other pirates who've come here.
Monkey: I'm Luffy! The man who's gonna be King of the Pirates!
Gaimon: W-What?
Monkey: I'm gonna be King of the Pirates and get the One Piece!
Gaimon: Don't tell me you're seriously planning to enter the Grand Line?
Monkey: We even have a chart of the Grand Line!
Gaimon: Don't take it lightly! That place is Hell, or a graveyard! I once saw pirates who'd managed to escape from the Grand Line! They looked almost like people who had died and lost their souls! Something incredibly horrific must've happened, or they must've run into monsters or something... Not a single one of them even tried to speak.
Gaimon: On top of that, rumors about the One Piece spawn even more rumors, so there's no telling what's true or not! Some 20-odd years since the start of the Great Pirate Era, the One Piece is already a dream within a dream beyond a legend!

Zoro: Who the hell are you?
Luffy: My name's Monkey D. Luffy! And I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!

Roronoa: Just having three swords is different from knowing the Three-Sword Style!

Red: Bet you'll miss me, huh?
Monkey D. Luffy: Well, yeah, but I won't ask you to take me anymore. I've decided to become a pirate on my own now!
Red: I wasn't gonna take you anyway! You'll never be a pirate!
Monkey D. Luffy: I will too! Someday, I'm gonna gather a crew every good as yours, and I'm gonna find the greatest treasure in the world, and I'm gonna be King of the Pirates! I'll show you!

Black: T-That's Captain Kuro for ya! Get I'm! Hurray for Captain Kuro! Captain Kuro! You're awesome, Captain Kuro!
Kurohadol: Don't call me that name! Do you still not get it? This plan is so I can be completely rid of the name Captain Kuro! I'm tired... Devising plans everyday for you men who only care about mayhem... Being relentlessly attacked by government dogs and bounty hunters... I was absolutely sick of it all!
Monkey: That's right! I've toughened myself up, to be a pirate! You're "tired"? You're not fit to be a pirate if having a name on the seas scares you! My ambition is much greater than yours!

Coby: I wonder if I should go with him... He stands for everything I'm against, yet he makes me feel brave.

Monkey: [shouts] Nami! You are my nakama!

Coby: Do you think I could ever join the Marines?
Monkey D. Luffy: Marines?
Coby: Yes! Catching bad guys is the only thing I've ever wanted to do! It's been my dream since I was a child! Do you think I can do it?
Monkey D. Luffy: How should I know that?

Coby: We shouldn't worry about being able to achieve our dreams, as long as we have the desire to do it!

Usopp: I'll take command here. Go kick their butts! I'll cover you!
Nami: Eh? Hold on, why me? There's no way I can take on that huge army! I'm weak, you know!
Usopp: Don't underestimate me just 'cause I'm a guy! I'm so scared my legs are shaking like crazy! See?
Nami: Big deal! See, look! I'm so scared I have tears in my eyes!
Usopp: Your eyes are bone dry! If you're gonna lie, lie more realistically!
Nami: I don't need you to tell me that!

Coby: You know this world has two oceans, right? And the giant continent that cuts them right in two is the Red Line. Supposedly, there's a town right in the middle of the Red Line, and the Grand Line goes through it at a right angle and stretches around the world. It was said that Gold Roger, King of the Pirates, once obtained everything this world has to offer, and before he died, he said he left the great One Piece treasure there, so pirates everywhere have since set sail for the Grand Line! It's now an intense battlefield and even called a pirate graveyard!
Ririka: I've heard from patrons before that whoever enters the Grand Line never comes out alive...
Monkey: But the One Piece is somewhere there, so we're going there!
Roronoa: Guess it can't be helped!

Kurohadol: Uncool? Pirate groups are nothing more than a collection of social outcasts! Without plans, what can they possibly do? Every last one should just shut up and follow my plans! Crew members are loyal pawns of the captain! Whether my men live or die is all up to my orders as their leader! No matter how powerful the obstacle, they simple need to stand up to it and die for my plan...
Kurohadol: This is how pirates are! Don't you talk down to me, traveler boy!

Monkey D. Luffy: I want to eat meat!

Coby: King of the pirate is the title given to one who obtains everything this world has to offer! You're talking about seeking the great treasure of wealth, fame and power... the treasure that you seek is the One Piece!
Monkey D. Luffy: Yeah!
Coby: Yeah? That's it. Pirates from all over the world are looking for that treasure, you know!
Monkey D. Luffy: Yeah. So?
Coby: No way! It's impossible, impossible, impossible! There is no way anyone like you could ever reach the pinnacle during this great pirate age. There's just too many of them out there...
[Luffy hits him in the head]
Coby: Why did you hit me?
Monkey D. Luffy: 'Cause I felt like it.
Coby: Well, I'm used to that stuff. My ship smacks me around a lot... all the time, in fact.
Monkey D. Luffy: It's not about if I can. I'm doing it because I want to. I've decided long ago that I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates, if I've to die fighting for that, then I'd die!

Tony: Zoro, you said you're going to the island, but what are you gonna do when you get there?
Roronoa: God's on this island, right? I'm gonna go meet him.
Nami: Why would you want to meet someone with such horrible power?
Roronoa: Who knows? I guess that depends on his attitude.
Tony: Zoro... is more arrogant than god!
Nami: There are priests on this island, and everyone knows you're not suppose to anger god! That's just common sense!
Roronoa: Sorry, but I've never actually prayed to god.
Tony: Zoro is so cool!
Roronoa: Why should I pray to someone I don't believe in?
Nami: [praying] Oh, Lord God, I don't know this man! Please don't punish me with him!
Tony: You're so cool, Zoro!

Alvida: Coby! Who is the most beautiful of all on these seas?
Coby: Well, I... Give me a sec, I know this...
Monkey D. Luffy: [about Alvida] Hey, Coby? Who's the fat lady?

Monkey: [to Morgan Taisa] You call yourself a Marine, but you destroyed my friend Coby's dream!

Kuina: You're still weak as ever, Zoro! You're so pathetic. Especially for a boy.

Gold: Bear conviction under your flag!

Nami: What's that Luffy?
Monkey D. Luffy: This armor will protect me from harm!
Roronoa: AHHH! The armor broke!

Monkey D. Luffy: So we're on a pirate ship or what?
Coby: No, it's a passenger ship that's being raided by pirates. Pirates under the command of Lady Alvida.
Monkey D. Luffy: Who cares anyway?

Buggy: I'm so angry, I can't even fart...

Tony: [after seeing Ussopp's 5 ton hammer break] You mean it was a fake?
Usopp: Of course! I can't lift five tons! I quit after five pounds!

Roronoa: My swords aim to be the world's greatest! I can't lose even once to anyone who calls himself a swordsman!
Cabaji: I see... A strong resolve keeps you going. But never fear. Wounds as bad as yours will be more than enough of an excuse for losing to me!
Roronoa: The hell with that... If I lose to someone like you with such light injuries, I won't have much of a bright future ahead of me!

Nami: [after Luffy and Zolo allow themselves to be beaten up] I still don't get why you guys didn't flatten them! I mean it's what guys do! When someone insults them or pushes them, they fight back! It's just not normal...

Coby: Luffy, do you think I could join the Navy?
Monkey D. Luffy: The Navy?
Coby: Yes! It's always been my dream to serve the law, and uphold good over evil! So, do you think I can do it?
Monkey D. Luffy: Well, how should I know?

Usopp: Protecting what we cherish most as men is the reason why we formed this pirate crew!

Usopp: So, I know this is sudden, but I've decided to set out to sea by myself! I'm gonna be a real pirate! I had always been unsure if I wanted to stay here forever or not... But, once I saw them, I finally made up my mind! I feel that, as a man, I must set out onto the vast ocean! So I'm leaving this village!
Usopp: There's but one reason: the pirate flag is calling me!

Nami: Luffy, who, or what, in the world are you?
Monkey D. Luffy: What do you mean?
Nami: Don't you think it's kind of odd that you smashed through all those buildings and you don't have a scratch on you?
Monkey D. Luffy: Nope.

Roronoa: I am always serious.
Nami: That's what makes you so stupid.

Johnny: Were all problems to be solved with apologies, we wouldn't need the marines!

Roronoa: Please tell me you've a ship?
Monkey: Sure do.
[points at a small dingy]
Monkey: It's right there.

Red: You're gonna surpass us, huh? In that case... I'll leave this hat with you. It's dear to me. Take good care of it! Come bring it back to me someday! Once you've become a great pirate! That's our promise, Luffy!

Usopp: [he last saw Luffy at the bottom of a cliff] YOU'RE ALIVE!
Monkey D. Luffy: Of course. Why wouldn't I be?

Coby: Just the thought of Alvida finding me scares me so bad, I wanna throw up!
Monkey D. Luffy: [laughing] You're a moron and a coward. I hate people like you.

Merry: It's the truth!
Kaya: Then, what Usopp-san said yesterday was...
Merry: Yes. Now that I think about it, he tried his hardest to help us when he learned the truth! Yet, not a single one of us even tried to hear him out!
Merry: We protected a real villain and drove off that brave lad, who ran about with desperate resolve, all for the villagers' sake!