The Best Harry Sullivan Quotes

Ronson: I'm sorry if they hurt you. I lack the courage to interfere.
Doctor: Well, you did save me from becoming the very first victim of a Dalek. Thank you.
Ronson: Yes, now you used that word earlier. It had never been heard before. And yet only an hour ago, Davros announced that henceforth his Mark 3 travel machine would be referred to as a Dalek. Now, how could you have known that?
Doctor: Well, I have an advantage in terms of time. You see, we've come here at this time because of future concern about the development of the Dalek. I think you're concerned too, aren't you?
[Ronson goes to the door to check no one is listening]
Ronson: Yes, I am concerned, and there are a few others who think the same as I. But we're powerless.
Doctor: Then let us help you.
Ronson: You see, we believe that Davros has changed the direction of our research into something which is immoral. Evil. You see, the Elite was formed to produce weapons that would end this war. We soon saw that this was futile and changed the direction of our research into the survival of our race. But our chemical weapons had already started to produce genetic mutations.
Harry: And the mutations were banished out into the wastelands.
Ronson: Yes.
Doctor: The mutos.
Ronson: Now Davros, he believed that there was no way to reverse this trend and so he started experiments to establish our final mutational form. He took living cells, treated them with chemicals and produced the ultimate creature. Come with me.
[he takes them into the corridor and stops outside a door]
Ronson: Now, this is what the Kaleds will become.
[he presses a button, a shutter slides down and the Doctor and Harry peer through a window slit into a green-lit room. The viewer doesn't see what they see but instead hears disturbing snarling and slithering noises. They step back]
Ronson: That is our future.
Doctor: You've got troubles.

[the Doctor, unconscious due to the rockslide, Harry tries to unbuckle The Doctor's harness which, if tampered with, would detonate the bomb The Doctor is wearing. The Doctor awakes and stops him]
The: Harry, were you trying to undo this?
Harry: Well, naturally.
The: Did you make the rocks fall, Harry?
Harry: Well, I suppose... I suppose I must have done, yes.
[the Doctor laughs quietly and takes a deep breath]

The: Never cared much for the word "impregnable". Sounds a bit too much like "unsinkable".
Harry: What's wrong with "unsinkable"?
The: Nothing. As the iceberg said to the Titanic.
Harry: What?
The: [sitting down] Gloop, gloop, gloop, gloop, gloop, gloop, gloop.

Harry: My name's Sullivan. Surgeon Lieutenant Harry Sullivan, actually. And, er, this is the Doctor.
Vira: You claim to be med-techs?
Harry: Sorry?
Doctor: Er, my doctorate is purely honorary, and Harry here is only qualified to work on sailors.

[first lines]
[after brief recap of the previous episode's regeneration scene]
Brigadier: [dials operator on telephone] Get me the medical officer.
[the Doctor mumbles something]
Brigadier: Lieutenant Sullivan, emergency. Come to the lab at once, please.
The: ...human history.
Brigadier: What's he talking about?
Sarah: It's something that happened when we first met.
The: [sits up rapidly] I tell you, Brigadier, there's nothing to worry about. The brontosaurus is large and placid.
[the Doctor collapses again. Harry Sullivan enters]
Harry: This is the patient, sir?
The: And stupid.
The: [sits up again, clutching Sarah] The square on the hypotenuse equals the sum of the square on the other two sides. Why is a mouse when it spins? Never did know the answer to that one.
Sergeant: [entering] Excuse me, sir. The daily reports.
Harry: Take him to the sick bay, I'll make a proper examination there.
Sergeant: What's happening, sir? Who's...
Brigadier: That, Mr. Benton, is the Doctor.
Sergeant: You mean he's done it again? He's changed?
Brigadier: Apparently. Saw it happen this time. Lieutenant Sullivan?
Harry: Yes, sir?
Brigadier: I'm placing the Doctor in your personal charge. He is to have your full attention.
Harry: Right-o, sir.

The: Tell me, what exactly are mutos?
Nyder: Mutos are the scarred relics of ourselves. Monsters created by the chemical weapons used in the first century of this war. They were banished into the wastelands where they live and scavenge like animals.
The: In other words, genetically wounded.
Nyder: We must keep the Kaled race pure. Imperfects are rejected. Some of them survive out there.
The: That's a very harsh policy.
Harry: It's horrible.
Nyder: Your views are not important.

Harry: [after stumbling onto a giant clam and having to have his leg freed] Why is it always me who puts a foot into it?

Doctor: You haven't touched anything, have you, Harry?
Harry: Me?
Doctor: Well, there *are* only two of us here, and your name *is* Harry... .

Sarah: [as prisoners in Vorus's Guild Chamber] The Doctor'll be worrying about us.
Harry: I'm worrying about us. What is this place, anyway?
Sarah: I can tell you what it isn't. It isn't uninhabited.

[Catching the Doctor at the TARDIS, Harry tries to convince him to return to the sick bay]
Harry: No, Doctor, I'm the doctor and I say that you're not fit.
The: You may be *a* Doctor, but I'm *the* Doctor. The definite article, you might say.
Harry: Look here, Doctor, you're not fit...
The: Not fit! Not fit! Of course I'm fit. All systems go!
[the Doctor karate chops a convenient brick in twain, then jogs in place]
Harry: Well, look...
[the Doctor stops, grabs the end of Harry's stethescope and holds it to his heart. Harry listens. The Doctor moves it to his other heart]
The: Heartsbeat?
Harry: I say, I don't think that can be right.
The: Both a bit fast, are they?

The: Come along.
Harry: We are we going?
The: Uh... forward.

Harry: She's coming round. Steady, steady on, old girl, steady on.
Sarah: [dazed] Harry?
Harry: Yes, I'm here, I'm here.
Sarah: Call me old girl again... and I'll spit in your eye.

[the Doctor, desperate to prove his fitness to Harry Sullivan, grabs a cord and turns on him menacingly]
Harry: [nervous] I... I feel I ought to warn you, Doctor, that there's grave danger of myocardial infarction, not to speak of pulmonary embolism. Yes, I should, I should...
[the Doctor flips the rope behind Harry and he reflexively jumps to avoid it tripping him from behind. The Doctor does too, and suddenly they are both in a rhythm of skipping rope]
The: [to rhythm] Mother, mother / I feel sick / Send for the doctor / Quick, quick, quick / Mother, dear / Shall I die? / Yes, my darling / By and by / One, two / Three, four...

The: My friend and I are not from your planet.
Nyder: Aliens?
Harry: Humans. Er, well, I am, anyway.
Nyder: I've heard Davros say there is no intelligent life on other planets. So either he is wrong or you are lying.
The: We are not lying.
Nyder: And Davros is never wrong about anything.
The: Then he must be exceptional. Even I am occasionally wrong about some things. Who is this Davros?
Nyder: Our greatest scientist. He's in charge of all research at the bunker.

Nyder: I want these two screened and passed to Ronson for full interrogation.
Tane: Yes, sir.
Nyder: [handing him a box] Prisoner's belongings.
[they exchange Nazi-esque salutes and Nyder leaves]
Doctor: Good, well, now he's gone, any chance of a cup of tea?
Tane: WHAT?
Doctor: Or coffee. My friend and I have had a very trying experience. Haven't we had a trying experience, Harry?
Harry: Very trying, Doctor.
Tane: Step into the security scan!
Doctor: What, no tea?
Tane: Let me point out to you that you have no rights whatsoever. I have full authority to torture and kill any prisoner who does not comply absolutely with my orders. That is your first and last warning.
Doctor: No tea, Harry.