The Best Hassan Mahmoud Quotes

Hassan: [waving his son's iPad as he walks into the kitchen] He's addicted to this. We're gonna have to send him to the priory. Omar rang this morning, said thank you for said thank you for not sticking the petition back up. I apologized on your behalf, and told him that it must have been an oversight and that it would be straight back up first thing tomorrow.
[sighs and pours a glass of juice]
Hassan: Love?
Sara: [distracted, preparing food on the kitchen counter] Yeah, sorry. Back to normal tomorrow.
Hassan: It was a joke.
Sara: Sorry, I'm tired.

[first lines]
Sara: [in the attic, searching through a box] I did always keep stuff. Silly bits of receipts and things. There'll be something that proves I was there, abroad.
Hassan: Right, well, I'll start this side.

[first lines]
Sara: So, what did he tell you? My dad?
Hassan: Enough for me to know if you never want to talk about this again, then that's fine. Or if you want to talk about it every day for the rest of your life, that's fine, too.

Hassan: Her father told me what he'd found out in the months after she ran away.
DC: This was while she was still... thirteen?
Hassan: And being taken to parties organized by men like Walker, and raped.
DC: [swallows] Did he... not report this? Did he not go to the police?
Hassan: Yes. And apparently your lot told him you couldn't do anything, because it'd been her choice to become a child prostitute, a phrase it should be fucking illegal to even use.