The Best Helen Richardson Quotes

[first lines]
Preston: Good morning, ladies. I trust you are prepared for another day serving at Eaton and Company, Canada's greatest store. Now remember, you are ladies serving ladies. Which means, Miss Richardson, no loafing behind the counter, no engaging in idle chatter. Isn't that right?
Helen: Yes, Mister Monk.
Preston: Miss Richardson, the ladies of Rosedale do not want to be served by a cow chewing her cud.
[he holds out a hankerchief, and she spits out a wad of gum]
Preston: And as for the rest of you, I implore you to refrain from using common familiarities. Our esteemed customers to not wish to be referred to as 'Dearie', and please, no 'heaven help me' looks exchanged while serving. What do I expect at all times?
Pearl: Decorum, Mister Monk. We are Mister Timothy's ambassadors.
Preston: Day-cor-um. Thank you, Miss Redmond. Miss Sykes. Your services will no longer be required.
Florence: Sir, I can't afford not to work; why are you firing me?
Preston: You know perfectly well. I don't make the rules; I merely follow them. Collect your wages on your way out.
Florence: Pompous prig.
[to Helen]
Florence: What are you staring at?
Helen: Flo, I'm very sorry...
Florence: Save your sympathies, Helen. Monk'll get his one of these days.