30 Best Irrfan Khan Quotes

Adult: I suppose, in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go. But what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.

Masrani: What is that?
Owen: That's her tracking implant. She clawed it out.
Claire: How would it know to do that?
Owen: She remembered where they put it in.

Harry: At my behest. When things had appeared to go tits up, I tried to sweep it all away quickly.
Robert: By killing me?
Harry: Oh, I apologize unreservedly, Mr. Langdon.

Masrani: The key to a happy life is to accept you are never actually in control.

[first lines]
Writer: So, you were raised in a zoo?
Adult: Born and raised. In Pondicherry, in what was the French part of India. My father owned the zoo, and I was delivered on short notice by a herpetologist, who was there to check on the Bengal monitor lizard. Mother and I were both healthy, but the poor lizard escaped and was trampled by a frightened cassowary. The way of karma, huh? The way of God.

Masrani: So the paddock is quite safe then...
Claire: [Agreeing with her head] We have the best structural engineers in the world.
Masrani: Yeah, so did Hammond...

Writer: I didn't know Hindus said 'Amen.'
Adult: Catholic Hindus do.
Writer: Catholic Hindus?
Adult: We get to feel guilty before hundreds of gods instead of just one.

Pi: Then the ship sank. What else do you want from me?
Younger: A story that won't make us look like fools.
Older: We need a simpler story for our report. One our company can understand. A story we can all believe.
Pi: [pause] So, a story without things you've never seen before.
Older: That's right.
Pi: Without surprises, without animals, or islands?
Older: Yes, the truth.
Writer: [back to present, to Adult Pi Patel] So, what did you do?
Adult: I told them another story.

Adult: My uncle Francis was born with too much water in his lungs. They say the doctors swung Francis around by the ankles to clear the water out, and that's what gave him the huge chest and skinny legs that made him such a great swimmer.

Masrani: It's white. You never told me it was white.
Claire: Think it will scare the kids?
Masrani: The kids? This will give the parents nightmares.

Adult: What has mamaji already told you?
Writer: He said you had a story that would make me believe in God.
Adult: [laughs] He would say that about a nice meal.

Pi: [pointing to oil painting of Christ's crucifixion] Why would a god do that? Why would he send his own son to suffer the sins of ordinary people?
Priest: Because He loves us. God made Himself approachable to us, human, so we could understand Him. We can't understand God in all His perfection, but we can understand God's son and His suffering, as we would a brother's.
Adult: [in present, to Writer] That made no sense. Sacrificing the innocent to atone for the sins of the guilty, what kind of love is that?

Lowery: Okay. It's moving really fast.
Vivian: This is Control. Put out a park-wide alert.
Masrani: Hang up that damn phone, please.
Vivian: Sorry, I'm getting new information. Everything's fine.
Masrani: Let Asset Containment capture it quietly. The very existence of this park is predicated on our ability to handle incidents like this. It was an eventuality, okay?
Lowery: You should put that in the brochure. "Eventually, one of these things will eat somebody."

Adult: With one word, my name went from an elegant French swimming pool to a stinking Indian latrine - I was pissing everywhere.

Masrani: [flying in the helicopter] Did you boys serve in the armed forces?
ACU: Afghanistan, sir.
Masrani: Did your general ever fly into battle with you?

Harry: Young people are disappointing. I find they become tolerable around 35.

Adult: [Pi and Richard Parker in the boat when they're about to leave the island]
[voice over]
Adult: No one has seen that island since, and you'd never read about those trees in any book. And yet, if I hadn't found those shores I would have died, if I hadn't discovered that tooth I would have been lost alone forever. Even when God seemed to have abandoned me, he was watching. Even when He seemed indifferent to my suffering, He was watching and when I was beyond all hope of saving... He gave me rest and gave me a sign to continue my journey...

Writer: So your story does have a happy ending.
Adult: Well, that's up to you. The story's yours now.

Writer: I don't know what to say.
Adult: It's hard to believe, isn't it?
Writer: It is a lot to take in. To figure out what it all means.
Adult: If it happened, it happened. Why should it have to mean anything?

Adult: I suppose in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go, but what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.

Adult: Now we have to send our little boy to the middle of the Pacific.
Writer: And make me believe in God.
Adult: Yes, we will get there.

Adult: Faith is a house with many rooms.
Writer: But no room for doubt?
Adult: Oh plenty, on every floor. Doubt is useful, it keeps faith a living thing. After all, you cannot know the strength of your faith until it is tested.

Adult: So which story do you prefer?
Writer: The one with the tiger. That's the better story.
Adult: Thank you. And so it goes with God.
Writer: [smiles] It's an amazing story.

Harry: [kills a man and covers up the evidence] Not my best work. But it'll do for the Italians.

Owen: You made a genetic hybrid. Raised it in captivity. She is seeing all of this for the first time. She does not even know what she is. She will kill everything that moves.
Masrani: You think the animal is contemplating its own existence?
Owen: She is learning where she fits on the food chain and I'm not sure you want her to figure that out.

Masrani: Say, I thought there were two of them?
Claire: There was a sibling, in case this one did not survive infancy...
Masrani: Where is the sibling?
Claire: She ate it...

Writer: Have I forgotten anything?
Adult: I think you set the stage. So far we have an Indian boy named after a French swimming pool on a Japanese ship full of animals heading to Canada.

Henry: Nothing in Jurassic World is natural, we have always filled gaps in the genome with the DNA of other animals. And if the genetic code was pure, many of them would look quite different. But you didn't ask for reality, you asked for more teeth.
Masrani: I never asked for a monster!
Henry: Monster is a relative term. To a canary, a cat is a monster. We're just used to being the cat.

Masrani: [regarding Indominus rex's escape attempts] She's intelligent, then?
Claire: For a dinosaur.
Masrani: And that?
[he indicates the cracked viewing window]
Claire: It tried to break the glass.
Masrani: I like her spirit.

Adult: [voiceover, scene shows Mexican beach] I was so spent, I could hardly move. And so, Richard Parker went ahead of me. He stretched his legs, and walked along the shore. At the edge of the jungle, he stopped. I was certain he was going to look back at me, flatten his ears to his head, growl. That he would bring our relationship to an end in some way. But he just stared ahead into the jungle.
Adult: [in present, to Writer] And then Richard Parker, my fierce companion, the terrible one who kept me alive, disappeared forever from my life.
Adult: [voiceover, beach scene again] After a few hours, a member of my own species found me. He left and returned with a group who carried me away. I wept like a child. Not because I was overwhelmed at having survived, although I was. I was weeping because Richard Parker left me *so* unceremoniously. It broke my heart.
Adult: [in present again, to Writer] You know, my father was right. Richard Parker never saw me as his friend. After all we had been through, he didn't even look back. But I have to believe there was more in his eyes than my own reflection staring back at me. I know it, I felt it, even if I can't prove it. You know, I've left so much behind: my family, the zoo, India, Anandi. I suppose in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go. But what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye. I was never able to thank my father for all I learned from him. To tell him, without his lessons, I would never have survived. I know Richard Parker is a tiger but I wish I had said, "It's over. We survived. Thank you for saving my life. I love you, Richard Parker. You'll always be with me. May God be with you."