The Best Jack Hobson Quotes

Voice: Moonbase, Moonbase, come in Moonbase.
Hobson: Still standing by.
Hobson: Well?
Voice: Your instructions to send blood samples back to Earth for investigation.
Hobson: Well, when can we do that? The next shuttle rocket's not for another month.
Voice: Then they must be put on that rocket. In the meantime the Moonbase is to put into quarantine.
Hobson: Quarantine! What if these men aren't fit enough to go back to work? I shall need replacements.
Voice: If you radio information about this virus, we'll do our best to identify it and suggest treatment.
Hobson: I demand to speak to Rinberg.
Voice: The controller is busy - sorry. Over and out.
Nils: That whole conversion was monitored by someone or something.
Hobson: Oh, never mind about that now. That Rinberg fellow just won't talk to you. How can we trace down this mystery illness with the Doctor himself down with it.

Voice: International Space Control Earth calling Weather Control Moon - come in please.
Nils: [into the microphone] Moonport - standing by.
Ben: It's never done that before, Doctor.
Hobson: Hobson here.
Voice: What's happening up there? The hurricane you were guiding is now forty five degrees off course. It's threatening Hawaii.
Hobson: One of my men were taken ill. We're operational again now.
Voice: The controller would like to know the cause of the illness.
Hobson: Yes, so would we. We've now got three men down with this mysterious virus in the past few hours - including the Doctor.
Voice: One moment please. Stand by for further instructions.
Hobson: Just hang on for another couple of minutes lads. We better hear what the great Mr. Rinberg has to say.
Nils: Nobby?
Hobson: Yes.
Nils: There it is again. I'll play it back to you.
Hobson: [recorded voice from the tape] "Yes, so would we. We've now got three men down with this mysterious virus in the past few hours - including the Doctor."
Voice: [recorded voice from the tape] "One moment please. Stand by for further instructions."
Nils: Here the big noise ratio on that re-run. We're being monitored again.
Hobson: Monitored?
Nils: Someone, not too far away from the base, is listening to every word we say.