The Best Jan Lachlan Quotes

Joe: Mr. Lachlan?
Bob: Yes.
Joe: I'm Joe Mannix.
Bob: Oh, thank you for coming, Mr. Mannix. Come in. This is my daughter-in-law, Jan, Alex's wife.
Joe: [shakes hands with Jan] How do you do?
Jan: Hello.
Bob: And her brother Harry.
Joe: Harry.
Harry: Hello.
Joe: Where's your son?
Jan: He's in Harry's room resting. Dr. Wade gave him a sedative.
Bob: Doc said it's amnesia. Could be he was shell shocked.
Joe: And he remembers absolutely nothing?
Harry: Complete blank.
Bob: Two years since he was killed, we thought, in Vietnam. Department of Defense thought so, too. And then, a couple of hours ago, he... he just walked in.
Joe: Did you, uh, notify the Army?
Bob: When I turn Alex over to the Army, I want to make sure that... well, that he hasn't been in any kind of trouble.
Joe: Oh. Do you think he has been?
Bob: He had these. False passport, his picture, the name of Dan Turner.
Harry: And a Hong Kong visa, a U.S. immigration stamp. Today's date, Los Angeles. And other papers in his wallet there, all in the name of Dan Turner, and over $2,000 in cash.
Bob: We feel we better have some answers before he gets tied up in Army red tape.
Joe: Well, I'll, uh, talk to him, see what I can find out.
Jan: I'll take you to him.
[leads Joe to Harry's room]
Joe: Oh, uh... maybe I better talk to him alone.
Jan: Mm.