The Best Judge Quotes

Arthur: Prior to this trial, sir, had you ever heard of the All-Atlantic Insurance Company?
Mr. Radsenhauer: No.
Arthur: Then your father didn't buy a policy from them, did he?
Mr. Radsenhauer: He bought from Federali.
Arthur: So you would have not made a claim against the All-Atlantic Insurance Company, because you had no reason to believe that they owed you any money, is that right?
Jack: Objection, the question calls for a legal conclusion.
Arthur: Judge, it is the People's theory that my clients stole a book to prevent this man and others like him from claiming their insurance. I'd like a chance to find out whether he thinks my clients owed him any money in the first place.
Judge: Do you think these men owe you anything, Mr. Radsenhauer?
Mr. Radsenhauer: I think, these men should close their eyes, and see my sister. See her as the little girl she once was... and as the woman she *should* have been. Then I want them to open their eyes, and tell me if they think they owe me anything.

Hamilton: You make it sound like we were the only ones, we weren't. American car companies, banks, airplane manufacturers, we were all doing business with Germany. My God, our own State Department refused entry to these people based on the same information we had.
Jack: It was just business.
Hamilton: Yes.
Jack: Good business. So good you rewarded Peter Grimaldi with a job at the parent company the minute he stepped off the boat, didn't you?
Hamilton: Peter produced for us in Europe.
Jack: Pretty risky proposition for an insurance company to sell life insurance during wartime, isn't it Mr. Stewart?
Hamilton: I suppose.
Jack: Because war raises the risk of death, isn't that right?
Hamilton: Yes.
Jack: And death is certainly not good business for a life insurance company, is it?
Hamilton: No.
Jack: But All-Atlantic couldn't sell policies fast enough, could it? Because you knew the people you were selling to had no hope of ever collecting. No hope of ever presenting a death certificate.
Arthur: Objection.
Jack: Maybe they should've brought you their parents' ashes in a bag to you.
Judge: [slams gavel] Mr. McCoy.