The Best Julie London Quotes

Dixie: How's the filming coming?
Paramedic: Not bad, not bad at all. You know what she wants to do? She wants to a special show on just what firefighters do in their off-time. Me included.
Dixie: Can they show that on TV?

Nurse: Kell.
Dr. Kelly Brackett M.D.: Yes?
Nurse: 51 on the link.
[indicates communication radio link to field paramedics]
Dr. Kelly Brackett M.D.: What do they want?
Nurse: Help.
Dr. Kelly Brackett M.D.: [into transmitter link] 51, go.
Paramedic: [over biophone] We have a male, tunnel worker, approximate age 60, was trapped under a digging machine. Patient had a cardiac history. He is now diaphoretic. Vital signs: 80 over 50; rate: 100 and irregular; respirations: 12 and shallow.
Dr. Kelly Brackett M.D.: Do you have your EKG hooked up?
Paramedic: Affirmitive, doctor.
Dr. Kelly Brackett M.D.: Send me something so I can get a reading.
[turns on EKG printer]
Paramedic: This will be Lead 2.
[turns on ELG transmitter]
Dr. Kelly Brackett M.D.: [reads EKG strip] Multiple PVC's.
[sees reading change]
Dr. Kelly Brackett M.D.: V-Tac.
[reading changes again]
Dr. Kelly Brackett M.D.: He's starting to fibrillate.
[to DeSoto]
Dr. Kelly Brackett M.D.: Defibrillate! 400 watt/seconds!
Nurse: Kell! They're not authorized to...
Dr. Kelly Brackett M.D.: [into link] Are you receiving? Come on, 51! You've got a dying man on your hands.
Paramedic: Doctor, if we administer shock and we lose him...
Dr. Kelly Brackett M.D.: You're losing him right now!
Paramedic: You said yourself it wasn't worth risking the program for one case!
Dr. Kelly Brackett M.D.: I just heard from Walski in Sacramento. The bill passed late last night.
Nurse: Kell... You never heard from Walski.
Dr. Kelly Brackett M.D.: Yeah, well I should have.
Nurse: Do you know what you're doing? If that bill doesn't pass Kell, they'll crucify you.
Dr. Kelly Brackett M.D.: [looking at EKG strip] I don't care about that. We're not at a party or talking to a committee. That man's dead right now.
[into communication link]
Dr. Kelly Brackett M.D.: Zap him, dammit! Zap him!
Paramedic: [watches as Gage applies the defibrillator paddles to the man's chest] 400 watt/seconds!
[Gage shocks him]
Dr. Kelly Brackett M.D.: [reads strip] No conversion.
[into link]
Dr. Kelly Brackett M.D.: Hit him again!
Paramedic: 400 watt/seconds!
[Gage shocks the man again. At the hospital, Brackett sees the EKG adopt a normal rhythm]

Kelly: [about Bob Hurley, who took exception to being fed intravenously after abdominal surgery] He's got the constitution of a horse.
Dixie: And an appetite to match. What are we gonna do with him?
Kelly: Try to keep him calm and conned at least until he makes some kind of recovery.
Dixie: Recovery? He's in better shape than most healthy people!
Kelly: Well, don't worry. Our hospital food'll take care of that.

Dr. Varner: [On radio, to Gage] Give him 10 milligrams MSIV
[morphine sulfate IV]
Dr. Varner: .
Firefighter: Uh, Rampart, confirm that last medication? Ten milligrams, MSIV.?
Dr. Varner: That's correct.
[to Nurse McCall]
Dr. Varner: What's the matter with those firemen?
Nurse: Doctor, the patient has a head injury.
[to Gage]
Nurse: 51, stand by on that last instruction.
Firefighter: 10-4.
Dr. Varner: Right you are.
[to Gage]
Dr. Varner: Cancel the MS for now. Let me know if the pain becomes severe.
Firefighter: 10-4. Cancel MS.
Dr. Varner: Thank you, Nurse. That's two I owe you.
Nurse: I'll send you a bill.

[opening credits, 6th season. These credits were also incorrectly used on some earlier DVD releases and syndication]
Dispatcher: Fifty-One, informant reports toxic chemicals are stored in tanker. Use caution.
Dr. Kelly Brackett: Squad Fifty-One, this is Rampart - can you send me some EKG?
John: 10-4; transmitting EKG - we're sending you a strip, vitals to follow. Pulse is 160, the - victim is in extreme pain, Rampart.
Paramedic: Patient is in V-fib! Rampart, we have lost the victim's pulse! Beginning CPR! We're defibrillating victim, Rampart! Rampart, we've defibrillated victim; he's in sinus rhythm.
Joe: Administer two amps sodium bicarb and insert an airway. Start an IV, Fifty-One - lactated Ringer's.
Dixie: Squad Fifty-One, continue monitoring vitals and transport immediately.
John: We're on our way, Rampart!

Dr. Kelly Brackett: [after Dr Brackett tested the anti-venom on John Gage to make sure he wasn't allergic to it] No reaction. Carol, start the anti-venom. IV. 10 viles to start with.
Fireman Chet Kelly: That mean he's gonna be alright?
Dr. Kelly Brackett: I'd say he's got an excellent chance right now.
Fireman Chet Kelly: I'm gonna go tell the other guys.
[Chet walks past Roy and Dixie and out the treatment room door]
Dixie: I didn't realize how fond he is of Johnny.
Paramedic: I don't think Chet did either.

Dr. Joe Early: Hey, Dix?
Dixie: Yeah?
Dr. Joe Early: What's a guy doing with a tiger in his car?
Dixie: What do you expect him to do with it? Take it for a walk?

Molly: You know, it - It's funny. When Dick was first assigned to the 51, he used to come home all the time and talk about all of you here. I was jealous of you for a while. You know, I knew I'd like Joe Early, but I wasn't so sure about Kel. The way Dick described him, he sounded sooo efficient, cold almost. I expected him to be an ogre.
Dixie: [smiling] Well, there's some nurses here who just might agree to that!

Dr. Joe Early: [the 3 doctors and Dixie walk out of an ER room after losing a patient] Was he married?
Dr. Larry Sunderlin: Yeah, I'll have to call his wife.
Dr. Joe Early: We just couldn't get that pressure up.
Dr. Larry Sunderlin: Well, we tried everything in the book.
Dr. Kelly Brackett: Maybe someday we'll get a better book.
Dixie: [Speaking to Dr Sunderlin] Was everything in order, doctor? Everything available? Proper medical environment? And still you lost the patient.
Dr. Kelly Brackett: Dix.
Dixie: [Emotional and crying] Kel, I'm too tired and whipped. I only talked to him a couple of minutes. He seemed like a nice guy.
Dr. Larry Sunderlin: Yes, he was.
Dixie: [Still emotional] And I'm mad and I don't care.
Dr. Joe Early: [Speaking of Roy DeSoto to Dr Sunderlin] You chewed out a paramedic the other day.
Dr. Larry Sunderlin: Oh, that.
Dixie: [Speaking to Sunderlin, still emotional] And he's thinking of quitting. Doctor, he's taken care of people in places that would curl your hair. When was the last time you risked your life for a patient? Well, they do it with some regularity. Doctor, you were ten miles out of line.
[Dixie turns and slowly walks away]
Dr. Larry Sunderlin: I thought nurses resented paramedics.
Dr. Kelly Brackett: Not that one. They're highly motivated men, doctor. Very conscientious. And she knows it.
Dr. Larry Sunderlin: I didn't realize.