The Best Lexine Quotes

Fran: [enters therapy waiting room] Excuse me, is this Dr. Voort's office?
[turns head to look at sign]
Fran: Oh, yeah. Of course. I'm sorry. I'm just a little new at this whole therapy thing.
Lexine: May I help you?
Fran: What's that supposed to mean? I'm okay, you're okay.
[scoffs nervously and looks back to people waiting]
Fran: Are THEY okay?
Lexine: You must be a new patient.
Fran: Me, a patient? What are you, nuts?
[looks back to see the people offended]
Fran: Not that there's anything wrong with it.
[turns back to receptionist]
Fran: I just need to pick up Grace Sheffield.
Lexine: You must be the new nanny.
Fran: Yes. Fran Fine. I'm sort of a role model for her.
[receptionist looks doubtful]
Fran: I'm sure she's mentioned me.
Lexine: Anything Grace may have said about you is strictly confidential.
Fran: Well, what d'ya mean? Oh, if she blabbed about that little Chutes and Ladders incident, I did not cheat.
[looks back to people]
Fran: She just can't count!
[Gracie comes out]
Fran: Hiya, Gracie! How was your session?
Grace: It was great! I'm starting to make real progress!
Fran: [soft voice] Good for you.
Grace: [to air] Come on, Imogene! Lunch time! Stage Deli?
Grace: I was gonna say the same thing.
[walks to door]
Fran: [to people in chairs] That's AFTER a $150 session.
[follows Gracie out]