The Best Lieutenant Wendy Seager Quotes

Lieutenant: Well, it looks like this one burned hot and fast.
Kelly: Hey, Seager.
Lieutenant: Do we know how it happened?
Kelly: Maybe. Fire started over here. See the V-pattern? I'm thinking the power strip caught the curtain on fire.
Blake: That's funny. I thought it started over here? I don't know what I'm talking about, but it's a pretty good depth of char, right?
Lieutenant: Sure is. Looks like we got two points of origin. No, wait, there's another one.
Mason: Um, is this another V-pattern?
Kelly: Multiple points of origin?
Lieutenant: Hey, we got a highly suspicious fire here.
Melissa: Please let me see for myself! Oh my God!
Stella: Ma'am, you can't be in here.
Tony: I tried to tell her.
Melissa: But this is my apartment.
Stella: It's not safe right now.
Lieutenant: Ma'am, why don't you wait downstairs for a minute? I'll be right down to get some information from you.
Tony: Come on.
Lieutenant: Was this swing arm engaged when you guys forced entry?
Blake: Huh, I guess so. I didn't even notice.
Randall: No surprise. You were hell bent on getting in here.
Lieutenant: So whoever started this fire was inside when you arrived.
Joe: But there were only three young boys in here all by themselves.
Lieutenant: Well, it looks like one of them tried to burn this place down.

Lieutenant: Apparently, the stable was an overflow boarding facility for mounted patrol horses. So as you can imagine, you've got multiple city departments pushing for answers-- CPD, City Hall. They're all over us, trying to determine a cause before it hits the news and the animal rights people start screaming about getting rid of the mounted patrol again.
Randall: So a man died, and all they care about is damage control?
Lieutenant: Yeah, it's a pretty damn cynical approach. Was anyone else on duty when you arrived on scene?
Stella: No, just the stable manager.
Blake: Mouch is the one that got him out of there.
Lieutenant: Did he say anything about how the fire might've started?
Randall: No, he was... What was his name, Leroy?
Lieutenant: Leroy Merrill.
Randall: Mr. Merrill only had one concern-- getting those horses to safety. He gave his life for it. If... If they try and pin this on him, call it negligence, a man who can't even defend himself...
Sam: Mouch seemed to have a nice connection with the guy.
Lieutenant: So no one saw any obvious cause on the scene?
Sam: Looked like a pretty decent facility-- clean, nothing out of place, horses well cared for.
Lieutenant: You know your way around a stable?
Sam: A little bit, yeah.
Stella: I'm pretty sure I know where the fire started. I can show you if you want.
Lieutenant: Yeah, that'd be great.

Lieutenant: [reading from her computer] "There were false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you who will secretly bring in damnable heresies, and bring upon themselves swift destruction."
Kelly: Sounds pretty Old Testament.
Lieutenant: No. 2nd Peter, Chapter 2.
Kelly: Don't laugh at me.
Lieutenant: I'm not laughing. Anyway, it seems like we're dealing with somebody who thinks these so-called false teachers are destroying Catholicism. Progressive priests like Father Anthony, Father Marcus. Which means our arsonist isn't some psychopath. This is very personal to him.
Kelly: I think I found something. The arrow going through the heart. In every book, it points to this same verse. "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?"
Lieutenant: Wait a second. I-I know that quote.
Kelly: Well, you've been staring at Bible study websites for hours now.
Lieutenant: No. No, that's not why. I got it.