50 Best Sylvie Brett Quotes

Sylvie: Still no Severide?
Stella: You know, I was worried at first. Now I'm pissed off.
Sylvie: And I don't blame you. Have you said anything?
Stella: I haven't had the chance. He's been MIA. And right when I need his support with all this lieutenant test prep.
Sylvie: Yeah, you've been killing it, though.
Stella: Yeah, but it's not the drills that I need his help with. It's just knowing that he's got my back. I thought he got past this kind of thing a long time ago. The disappearing, shutting me out. Oh, why can't everybody be perfect like us?

Stella: So, I spent the whole night looking at those cruise brochures that Eric gave me. There's just so many choices, it's like where to go, where to leave from, for how long?
Sylvie: Lucky you. I spent all night watching old car races with Nick Porter.
Stella: Ugh.
Emily: I can't take it anymore.
Stella: What?
Emily: Nick Porter. You chose Nick Porter.
Sylvie: I admit it wasn't my best move, but why are you so worked up about it? He wasn't sitting on your couch in his underwear.
Emily: My landlord and I have been at war for the last two months. And even though I make the additional money teaching the spin classes, I--I'm barely covert the new rent hike. And I need to find a place to live.
Sylvie: Why didn't you say something? You knew we had an extra room.
Emily: Honestly, it felt like overstepping to even ask. Considering who was in that room.
Stella: Hmm.
Emily: I knew I could never replace Otis. Then Nick Porter happened.
Sylvie: Foster, I would have loved to have you there. You're one of my best friends.
Emily: Yeah?
Sylvie: Of course!
Stella: You gotta live with who you love. But, you gotta get Nick Porter out.
Emily: Please.
Joe: We're getting rid of Nick Porter?

Matthew: I'd had low-grade anxiety for years that my head was gonna just short-circuit without any warning. Now the doctor says whatever trauma I had five years ago is all cleared up. Feel like I won the lottery.
Sylvie: You did.

Sylvie: Just seems like the whole dating game is one big puzzle I never seem to have the pieces for.

Christopher: [Ambulance 61 returns to Firehouse 51] Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop right there!
Sylvie: Herrmann, what's going on?
Christopher: Listen, stay back. We got bedbugs.
Emily: What? Seriously?
Christopher: Yeah, major infestation, and now they gotta tank the whole house.
Sylvie: What do we do?
Christopher: I don't know. Go grab whatever you need for a shift, give it a good, you know, scrub. 'Cause wherever we end up going, we do not want them coming with us.

Sylvie: Want to hear something weird?
Matthew: Always.
Sylvie: I've kind of been missing Veronicat. She was terrifying, but she was also very entertaining.
Matthew: I think you need to find a less dangerous form of entertainment... cockfighting maybe.

Gianna: [after smashing a toy helicopter with a hoe] Can I get in trouble for that?
Sylvie: That thing was clearly a threat to our safety.
Marilyn: Finish it.
Gianna: You know, I feel like you might need this more than I do.
Sylvie: No, no. You do it.
Marilyn: I'll do it.
Sylvie: No, no, no. You should stay still.
Gianna: You ever heard of smash therapy? People pay good money for this.
Sylvie: Yeah?
Gianna: Mm-hmm.
Marilyn: Go for it.
Sylvie: Sure. Why not?
[Mackey hands Brett the hoe]
Gianna: Sit still for me. Lean back. There you go.
[Brett destroys the helicopter with the hoe]

Sylvie: Hey, there you are. What are you doing hiding out in here?
Emily: I was just trying to rest.
Sylvie: Well, you are missing out. Cruz set up the kiddie pool filled with cold water, they're timing each other, and no one's lasted five seconds. It's worth checking out.
Emily: Yeah, I can imagine. Um... I think I'm just gonna read.
Sylvie: Are you okay? You should consider coming to the plunge... even if you don't go in. I know you like your space, I totally respect that. I do, but... being a part of 51, it goes beyond what we do on the calls. We show up for each other, on and off shift. That might sound like something people just say, but not here. Not in Boden's firehouse.
Emergency dispatch: Main to Ambo 61.
Sylvie: PIC Brett.
Emergency dispatch: Got a call from Lakeshore, non-emergency, asking you to check in.
Sylvie: Copy that.

Sylvie: I mean, there are good men who aren't still, deep down, in love with their exes, right? I mean, you found Severide.
Stella: What? He is being a real weirdo. So first he saddled me with Capp for a squad study session. And then he bailed on me again tonight, and both times he said he had 'a thing'.
Sylvie: You didn't ask for any specifics?
Stella: No. I probably should've. Something is up. That is for sure.

Sylvie: Joe? Can you hear me, Joe?
Joe: [groans] Oh, I feel like I got hit by a fire truck.
Randall: No, a fire truck got hit by your face.
Joe: [grunts] Ah, that's bright.
Wallace: Okay, let's clear a path for ambo. Let's get him to Med.
Joe: Uh, Med? No, I don't need to go to a hospital...
[tries to sit up]
Sylvie: Hey, hey.
Kelly: No, Cruz, Cruz. You got your bell rung, man. You're in concussion protocol now.
Joe: Yeah, but I'm getting married.
Sylvie: No, easy, easy.

Sylvie: My legs are in so much pain.
Stella: My brain and my body hurt.
Matthew: Hey, how are you doing?
Sylvie: 100%, Captain.

Randall: Oh, hey, you know how Connie feels about fire tools inside the house.
Joe: It'll only take a minute. I wanna connect a sledgehammer to a Halligan bar so one guy can set the Halligan into a doorjamb and bang it into place all by himself.
Otis: Yeah, but those two things together are like 22 pounds.
Joe: It's a tool for real men.
Randall: I gotta say, it doesn't seem like it would work.
Christopher: And if it did, wouldn't somebody have invented it by now?
Joe: Hey, no one invented the computer until Bill Gates came along.
Otis: Bill Gates didn't... Anyway, that thing is hardly a computer.
Joe: Nope, it isn't. It's a Slamigan.
Christopher: Say that again. What... What are you calling this thing?
Joe: The Slamigan.
Christopher: We're gonna be rich.
Joe: Who's "we"?
Otis: Yeah, and when did "we" decide this was a good idea?
Christopher: When he named it The Slamigan.
Joe: Okay.
[hits the Halligan bar with the sledgehammer, but it disconnects]
Otis: Slamigan indeed.
Randall: It's all right. If at first you don't succeed...
Christopher: I know, I know. This is gonna work. You just need to add a real hinge on and you know, a steel plate.
Joe: Yeah, I guess I could get the torch out and just braze something together real quick.
Sylvie: No, a brazed joint won't be strong enough. You wanna MIG weld it. I grew up on a farm. When the cultivator threw a shank, who do you think fixed it?
Gabriela: Hey, Brett, can we run a little errand?
Sylvie: Sure.

Sylvie: Well, Casey told me I could keep Veronicat in his office. I'm thinking he probably meant for me to keep her in the pet carrier.
Darren: I think she's testing the room for weakness.

Sylvie: You look very nice. Special event later?
Greg: No, this is just me and my limited wardrobe trying to impress a certain paramedic.
Sylvie: That's so nice, but lately, my track record with men has been pretty abysmal.
Greg: Oh, that can't be true.
Sylvie: Oh, it's true. I've decided I'm cursed on that front, which probably makes me sound crazy.
Greg: No, I don't think you're crazy. I just... think you haven't found the right guy yet.
Sylvie: Maybe. But for now, I need to play it safe and stay aggressively single.

Sylvie: Hey.
Isaac: I know you.
Sylvie: Yeah, I'm Sylvie. I was in the ambulance with you. I, uh, I thought I would just come and check up on you. Oof, fractured ulna. See, for me, it was the radius. I just got my cast off a few weeks ago.
Isaac: How'd that happen?
Sylvie: On a job. Floor collapsed during a fire. Took me with it.
Isaac: Wow.
Sylvie: What about you?
Isaac: Stupid fight, that's all.
Sylvie: Did you get any of that famous apple pie?
Isaac: No, just pudding. But, hey, I'm not complaining. It's better than anything I ever got at County.
Sylvie: Well, still, I'll get somebody to grab you a slice in the cafeteria tomorrow.
Isaac: Not sure I'll be here. Heard I was getting bussed back by then.
Sylvie: Isaac...
Sylvie: ... maybe if you told me something about what's happening at County, maybe I can help you.
Isaac: You can't help. You gonna be there when they slam the doors and lock me away in the Badlands? No, nobody will be there but me.
Sylvie: "Badlands"? What's that?
Isaac: Forget about it. There's nothing you can do, trust me.
Sylvie: Try and get some rest, okay?
Isaac: Can you maybe stay a little longer? I-I'll sleep better if someone were here with me.
Sylvie: Yeah, of course.

Sylvie: What's this?
Violet: Here you are, going through it, and all you think about is making *my* day better. So I made you a failed attempt at Asiago cheesy bread.
Sylvie: Do I eat it or...?
Violet: No, you can throw that right away, but I wanted you to see my effort and to say thank you again for lunch today.
Sylvie: Look, Violet, I really appreciate you saying that and baking me this, but I'm fine. I... I've been thinking a lot about the fact that I had this call a few years ago. This woman had been stabbed by her neighbor in her bedroom, and I got there too late and she died in front of me. At the time, it really got to me. And I ended up bawling my eyes out in my car later, completely shattered. But this job, this life... It forges you in steel. I'm a lot stronger now. And when I was attacked on that para medicine run, my mind wasn't saying, "Get out of here! Run! Get help!" It was saying, "Stay cool and handle this, Sylvie." And with Matt, I can either bawl my eyes out, or I can get back to work and get better at living every day. That's what I choose to do.

Sylvie: Brett. Sylvie. Listen, I'm sorry I jumped you on that call. I just had a...
Sylvie: I have never been spoken to like that before in my life! Not on the sidewalk, not at work, certainly not by someone who's supposed to be my partner! That was in front of a victim!
Gabriela: No, I know, I'm sorry. I had, I had this...
Sylvie: Gabby, I don't care what you had going on in your life. I have things going on too. I treat you with respect every time the bells go off. If you can't do the same for me, don't ride with me on 61.
[angrily walks away]
Gabriela: Brett.

Joe: [carrying Patrick, who attempted suicide by locking himself in his garage and filling his car with carbon monoxide] I got him! He's not breathing!
Gabriela: Get him on the stretcher!
Sylvie: I'm not getting a pulse. We need to intubate.
Gabriela: Okay, I got the monitor.
Sylvie: All right, I'm in.
Gabriela: All right, shock and clear. Come on, Patrick. Increasing to 300. Clear. I got a pulse. Patrick. Patrick, can you hear me? No, no, no, no! Ah, can't do that. Can't do that, honey.
Joe: Patrick. Patrick. Hey. Your dad needs you. And you can't bail on him now. Oh, hey. Oh, hey, hey. You screwed up. You can't change that. But he knows that you never meant for any of this to happen. Now you can keep this from getting worse. Give your dad a chance to forgive. You owe him that much at least.
Gabriela: Heart rate's 110. Let's get him to Med.
[phone rings]
Joe: Hey, Chief? Uh, Otis is getting out of surgery any minute. I was wondering if it'd be okay if I could get off so I could be there.
Wallace: You're not going alone.
Kelly: Copy that. Let's go.
Joe: Thanks, Chief.

Emily: [a red pickup truck driver is ready to ram into her and Brett on Ambulance 61] Hold our ground.
Sylvie: Oh, hell, yeah, I'm holding our ground.
[into her radio]
Sylvie: All units, we're at the dead end on Leavitt. He's cornered, but it looks like he wants to rush us.
[the pickup truck driver starts moving towards them]
Sylvie: Oh, pickles.
[Truck 81, Squad 3, and Engine 51 arrive and cut off any major gaps the pickup truck driver can escape through]
Kelly: Nice job, ladies.
[Brett and Foster laugh]
Emily: Pickles?
Sylvie: I don't know! It just came out. Shut up.
Emily: Okay.

Stella: What is that?
Sylvie: Veronicat.
Stella: Ugh, how's that goin'?
Sylvie: She is an angry animal.
Stella: Just take her to a shelter. There are crazy cat people everywhere. Somebody will adopt her.

Gabriela: Hey, what happened?
Rudy: What's it look like?
Gabriela: It looks like you ran your bicycle through a sidewalk sign. Let me take a look.
Rudy: Okay, easy, easy.
Gabriela: Looks like you may have broken it. Brett, gauze and a sling.
[Brett hands Dawson a pair of scissors]
Gabriela: Brett.
Sylvie: What?
Gabriela: Gauze and a sling.
Sylvie: I thought you said scissors.
Gabriela: I didn't.
Sylvie: Okay.
Gabriela: Come on, Brett. Gauze and a sling. Let's go
Sylvie: I'm getting them.
Gabriela: [angrily] Then do it!
[Brett angrily shoves the bag at Dawson and walks back to the ambulance]

Adam: Well, I gave him the right to remain silent, but he won't shut his mouth.
Wallace: What's he saying?
Adam: The usual. "I didn't kill the guy. My partner's the one that pulled the trigger." That sort of thing. Sounds like they got into a dispute with the kid's neighbor over some sort of construction project. Uh, we're still working out the details, but one thing we know for sure is the kid witnessed the shooting. They spotted the kid, he hid in your fire truck.
Matthew: And he followed the boy here to shut him up?
Adam: Yeah, he says he wanted to talk to him, make him understand he didn't see what he thought he saw.
Kelly: "Make him understand"?
Adam: Yeah. Anyway, we're gonna pick up his partner. We're gonna get them to flip on each other. My guess is we won't need the kid's testimony.
Wallace: Thank you, Ruzek.
Adam: My pleasure, Chief. Hey, kid. Word on the street is you're one brave son of a bitch, huh?
Sylvie: Language.
Adam: Sorry. You did good, Logan. You did good. I'm gonna take you to your parents now. That sound good? That's okay. You wanna come with me?
Sylvie: Um... Okay, yeah. Okay. We're gonna take you to your mom and dad now, okay? Okay, come on. "Logan." That's a pretty cool name.
Logan: Logan Miller.
Sylvie: It's nice to hear your voice, Logan Miller.

Joe: Rough couple of days, huh? Well... I'm here, just so you know.
Sylvie: I do know that. Your friendship means the world to me, Joe. Thank you.
Joe: I feel the same way.

Sylvie: Okay, so. How terrible was the playlist? You can be honest.
Matthew: It was great. It was definitely a distraction. It was horrible.

Wallace: So what do you need, a ride home? Talk to a counselor?
Gianna: Not for me.
Sylvie: Yeah, I just want to get cleaned up and get back into service.
Wallace: Not gonna happen. I can't get a replacement ambo until tomorrow, so... enjoy the break. You earned it.

Matthew: [about Tim Larson] Man, I feel bad for him.
Sylvie: It's not much of a Chicago welcome. Oh...
[sees a nurse walk into Larson's room and talk to him. Larson starts sobbing, indicating his wife passed away]

Stella: Pryma?
Kelly: He's on the way to Med because of you.
Violet: Come on, come on, come on, come on.
Stella: My heart rate must be breaking records.
Sylvie: Yeah, it's a little elevated, but you're gonna be okay.
Stella: And my breathing feels shallow. Is it pneumothorax?
Sylvie: I don't think so. It could be the shock.
Violet: Out of the way! Move! You guys okay back there?
Kelly: Don't worry about us. Just keep driving.
Sylvie: I need you to keep pressure.
Kelly: I'm sorry. Yeah, I know.
Sylvie: You want something for the pain?
Stella: Yes. Hell yeah. Give me everything you got.
Sylvie: All right.
Stella: I can't... Okay.

Christopher: [upon seeing a sign with Mouch dressed as an elf saying there are free donuts at 51] That is pretty good.
Sylvie: Oh, come on, you can do way better than this, Mouch. You gotta hit him back. Hit him back hard.
Blake: She's right.
Trudy: [walks up and sees the sign] You don't dance for me like that, baby.
Randall: [through gritted teeth] All you gotta do is ask.
Trudy: Huh.

Greg: I've seen this kind of suspect behavior before.
Sylvie: You have?
Greg: Yeah, in my experience, it usually indicates a very strong desire to ask someone out. But I have to warn you, there's no proof it actually works.
Sylvie: Well, I'm willing to give it a try. Would you like to maybe go out with me sometime? Possibly this weekend?
Greg: I would. And I hear the circus is in town.
Sylvie: Okay, on second thought, maybe I'll stay home.

Sylvie: Hey.
Christopher: Hey.
Sylvie: Ritter said you were asking about that little boy.
Christopher: Uh, yeah. How's he doing?
Sylvie: Well, they were still running tests when we left, but he was stable. I'm glad we were in the neighborhood. Otherwise...
Christopher: They were gonna make that kid wait for 15 minutes. Can you believe that?
Sylvie: Yeah, it's--it's these constant nonemergency calls.
Christopher: I already phoned home. I made Cindy do a head count on all the kids. I just wonder. Am I ever gonna stop doing that after a call with little ones?
Kylie: Hey, sorry to interrupt. Chief Boden wants to see you two in his office.
Christopher: Us two?
Kylie: That's what he said.

Sylvie: I basically just told Casey that I'm in love with him.
Stella: What?
Sylvie: I think my brain got more rattled in that accident than I realized because I just blurted out, "It's always been you."
Stella: Well, that could mean a lot of different things.
Sylvie: Could it? Really?
Stella: Maybe.

Gabriela: My mom used to say if there was a puddle outside, I'd find it. If she put white on me, it wouldn't stay white very long. I don't know why I can't seem to go a week without stepping into some 51 drama.
Sylvie: That's every workplace. You know, you put three people in an office, there's gonna be office politics.
Gabriela: Yeah, but I go home with one of the bosses.
Sylvie: This will blow over.
Gabriela: Maybe I should give that SAS some thought. You know, just--just draw a separation line. This is work. This is personal. Nice and clean.
Sylvie: You don't mean that. You love the CFD.
[alarm blares]
Emergency dispatch: Ambulance 61...
Gabriela: It wouldn't be the worst thing to hear them out.
Emergency dispatch: Man down from unknown causes.

Randall: [a mini-library stand he set up is on fire] No. No!
[Capp extinguishes the fire. The mini-library collapses]
Randall: No one come any closer. This is a crime scene now.
Sylvie: Mm, I don't think...
Randall: Brett. This is arson. The worst kind, a book burning. So if you don't mind, I would like to contact the Office of Fire Invest...
[alarm blares]
Emergency dispatch: Squad 3...
Randall: Damn it!
Emergency dispatch: Truck 81, person trapped, 517 North Dayton
Blake: Come on, Mouch. Nobody's gonna touch that mess till we get back.
Randall: You better be right.

Sylvie: Talk to him.
Jacob: What do you mean?
Sylvie: Just talk to him while we work. Tell him a story. Anything. Keep his mind on something else. Okay, Hunter? I'm not gonna lie. This is gonna be rough, but you can do it. Just focus on Jacob, okay?
Hunter: Okay.
Jacob: Hey, remember that first week of practice, Hunter? Where--where we'd just sit on the locker room floor after practice because we were too tired to move? And I wanted to quit. A lot of us did. But you said it wasn't about hockey. You said it was about each other. And we couldn't quit on each other. So don't give up on us now, Hunter. This is nothing. You've got this.
Emily: Feels like there's still a piece of metal in there. It must've snapped off of the seat. Do you have tweezers in there?
Sylvie: Yeah. Use that.
Emily: Okay.
Sylvie: Keep going.
Jacob: Don't quit now, Hunter.
Emily: It's okay, buddy.
Jacob: Not like coach. Don't you do it. We need you.
Emily: Deep breath. Uh-huh.
Jacob: Good job.

Darren: All right, so let's meet at the brewery after shift, and we can load up supplies for WinterFest.
Blake: Oh, I rented a truck.
Darren: How many beers do we have to give away?
Blake: 100 of each style. And a dozen of your IPAs.
Darren: Oh. No, I was just monkeying around with that recipe.
Blake: No, I tasted it.
Darren: And it was my first attempt at brewing.
Blake: No, it's awesome.
Darren: Well, maybe we shouldn't include it.
Blake: What? No, forget that. It's in. You got the all clear.
Violet: Minus one appendix, but plus one amazing wristband.
Darren: You do know you can cut that off the moment you leave the hospital.
Violet: It's a fashion statement now. Oh, and I spoke to the WinterFest coordinator, and apparently, we got an amazing location for our booth. They said our association Charles DeWitt scored it.
Darren: That's great.
Violet: Or maybe Cara took care of it for us?
Blake: That's, that's, um... That's not, uh...
Violet: Oh, the jump bag was lying out behind the ambulance unzipped for some reason.
Sylvie: Oh, shoot, that was me. I was replacing the ACE bandages and I got distracted.
Violet: I figured. I zipped it up and put it back. It's fine.
Sylvie: My brain is all over the place. I have the oversight panel presentation on Friday.
Randall: For full funding.
Sylvie: It either passes, and paramedicine is officially in business, or they put the kibosh on the whole thing.
Violet: Well, you will rock it like you always do.
Sylvie: Oh, I don't know. I tried calling Chief Hawkins to get his support, but he hasn't returned my call. Do you think he's ducking me?
Randall: He will back the program publicly. You watch.

Matthew: Any victims missing?
Sylvie: Yeah, one adult male.
Matthew: Who from Squad is diving?
Sylvie: All of them.

Gianna: Hey, um, am I crazy, or did I pick up on a little something-something between you and Casey?
Sylvie: Casey? No, not... no.
Gianna: I just broke up with my boyfriend of two years, which is a good thing, so.
Sylvie: Casey's definitely not my boyfriend.
Gianna: I'm just saying I'm happy to talk boys anytime you want. Speaking of which, what is up with Gallo? Is he seeing anybody, or...
Sylvie: You know, we're not super close. So I haven't asked. But I haven't heard of anyone recently.
Gianna: Good to know.

Matthew: I'm really sorry about the way things went down the other night.
Sylvie: No, don't be. Like I said, this is on me.
Matthew: It was on both of us. And I want you to know, I don't regret it.
Sylvie: Okay.
Matthew: It sounds like you do?

Sylvie: It's pretty weird for Casey to lose his cool. Does he seem different to you lately?
[Stella doesn't answer]
Sylvie: Stella?
Stella: Sorry, I... My head's all over the place.
Sylvie: I don't blame you.
Stella: Everybody warned me that Kelly wasn't the settling down type, that he would blow this up somehow, some way.
Sylvie: But he has changed so much since you two got together.
Stella: Does anybody ever really change? What if everything that I thought we had together was wrong?
Kylie: Hey, uh, Cheif Boden wanted me to... You okay?
Stella: Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I'm fine. What's this?
Kylie: Uh, Chief said you need these books for the lieutenant's exam.
Stella: Uh, thanks, Kylie.
[Kylie nods and walks away]
Stella: This is a lot.
[alarm blares]
Emergency dispatch: Ambulance 61, person down, 4042 South Carroll.
Sylvie: I'm here for you. Anything you need.

Sylvie: I need some sugar. Sugar makes me happy.

Joe: Hey, do you know how much preschools cost? Or, at least, the one that Chloe likes?
Sylvie: Uh, no.
Joe: I mean, how can somebody call themselves "The Happy Village" when they're just taking your money?

Sylvie: If Gabby came back to Chicago, right now, tonight... and asked you to leave with her, would you go?
Matthew: I haven't talked to her in a long time.
Sylvie: That's not the question, Matt.
Matthew: I don't know.
Sylvie: Thank you for being honest.

Sylvie: What is wrong with you?
Matthew: What?
Sylvie: I heard the way you were talking to Grainger before that last call.
Matthew: Then you heard him out of line.
Sylvie: No, Matt, he wasn't. You were. You've been riding him for two straight shifts.
Matthew: I have not...
Sylvie: You have! And what you're not getting, Matt, this doesn't have anything to do with Greg Grainger. It doesn't even have to do with me. It has to do with the fact that you're still in love with Dawson. I called you out, and you haven't done anything about it. Maybe you should reach out and resolve that so you can go back to being the Matt Casey everyone looks up to around here, and not this.

Stella: Literally started right back with a bang. I mean, that tunnel call was crazy.
Sylvie: Oh, admit it. You had fun.
Stella: Oh, hell yes, I did. Yeah. Yeah, the truth is, I got in my own head, and I stayed away too long.
Sylvie: Is everything okay with Severide?
Stella: I think so. I hope so. Yeah, we didn't have a ton of time to talk yet. And he had to rush off to the academy after shift.
Sylvie: Good news is, you share a roof.
Stella: True. Yeah. I miss Casey something awful. I can only imagine how you feel.
Sylvie: Yeah, it's no fun, but I see him tomorrow.
Stella: Yeah? Give him a big hug from me. Like this.
Sylvie: Mm!

Sylvie: So first order of business is coming up with plenty of activities to keep those teens entertained. I was thinking bobbing for apples.
Randall: Ooh.
Sylvie: That's a classic. Pumpkin carving. We have to have a costume contest with prizes, you know, for scariest, most creative... What?
Joe: No offense, but these ideas, they just-- they sound a little...
Randall: Young.
Tony: Lame
Joe: I mean, teenagers these days torch cars on Halloween for fun. I don't think that bobbing for apples is gonna cut it.
Sylvie: Okay, well, I'm open to suggestions.
Tony: How about a haunted house?
Joe: Now we're talking!
Sylvie: Really? That sounds complicated.
Capp: My neighbor built a haunted maze on his driveway with PVC pipe and black plastic sheets. I didn't look so hard.
Joe: We can build it on the apron. That'll draw them in.
Randall: That's not a bad idea. Teenagers flock to those horror movies, the sickos.
Joe: Yeah, all we need is some strobe lights and black lights, some costumes. Boom
Capp: Boom.
Randall: Boom.
Tony: Boom.

Stella: Thank you for letting me crash.
Sylvie: You can stay with me anytime.

Blake: Hey, morning.
Sylvie: Morning.
Violet: Hey.
Darren: Hey, it was good to see you last night at Molly's, Vi.
Sylvie: Yeah, it's been nice having you around more often.
Blake: Except when you kicked my ass at darts.
Violet: Well, I can't help my natural skill, Gallo. You know that.
Randall: Carver, why aren't you ever at Molly's?
Sam: I'm there now and then. I like to mix it up, that's all. Different night, different adventure.
Randall: Three months in, Carver's still an all-out mystery.
Blake: Hey, look.
[Carver has left his locker open. Gallo peaks inside]
Sylvie: Uh, don't do that! Invasion of privacy.
Blake: [scoffs] Come on, there's no privacy anymore.
Darren: He's not wrong.
Sylvie: I don't like this.
Violet: Ooh, does he have any pictures taped up in there?
Darren: Oh, I didn't see any.
Blake: I see deodorant, change of clothes, no pictures.
Darren: That's it?
Randall: Man could be a serial killer for all we know.
[alarm blares]
Emergency dispatch: Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambo 61, explosion reported. Wabash and...
Randall: That's Jeweler's Row, isn't it?

Sylvie: I backed off too quick the other day when you said you were fine. A head injury can be serious. We both know that. You can't just sit around, waiting and hoping that nothing goes wrong. You need to do something, Matt.

Sylvie: I'm just wondering... Is it wrong to lie by omission? Even if you're not sure you know what you think you know, and maybe someone could get hurt if you say what you think you know, but you're not really sure if you actually know it.

Gianna: [about Gallo getting suspended after he told a story about how he saved a woman at the gasoline fire] Really, this whole thing is my fault. I'm the one who made him tell the story.
Sylvie: No, that's not on you. It sounds like Gallo got himself sent home.
Emergency dispatch: Ambulance 61, person down, Washington Square Park, 901 West Clark.
Sylvie: Copy that. On our way.
Emergency dispatch: 10-4, Ambulance 61. I've got you en route.