20 Best Lois Lane Quotes

Jason: Mommy, are we trespassing?
Lois: No. Yes. Shh!

Superman: Listen; what do you hear?
Lois: Nothing.
Superman: I hear everything. You wrote that the world doesn't need a savior, but every day I hear people crying for one.

Lex: But we're not really strangers, are we? This is kind of a little reunion, isn't it? Heck, I'm a fan. I love your writing... and your dress.
Lois: I love your boat. How'd you get it? Swindle some old widow out of her money?
Lex: [gushes and chuckles mockingly] That's funny. Hey, didn't you win the Pulitzer Prize for my favorite article of all time, 'Why the World DOESN'T Need Superman'?
Lois: Didn't you have a few more years to go on that DOUBLE life sentence?
Lex: [pause as he glares at her] Yes, well, we can thank the Man of Steel for that. I mean, he's really good at swooping in and catching the bad guys, but he's not so hot at the little things, like Miranda rights, due process,
[under his breath]
Lex: making your court date...

[Lex notices Jason staring at the Kryptonite in fear]
Lex: Who is that boy's father?
Lois: Richard.
[Grant's voice comes over the intercom]
Grant: Mr. Luthor, we're approaching the coordinates.
Lex: [to Lois, ignoring Grant] Are you sure?
Grant: [misunderstanding] Yes sir.

Lois: Richard's an assistant editor here who's basically saved our International section. He's also a pilot and he loves horror movies.
Clark: [sighs theatrically, trying to appear impressed]
Lois: [to Richard] Clark is...
Clark: [smirks at her expectantly]
Lois: Well...
Lois: he's Clark.

Lois: You know my um... Richard. He's a pilot. He takes me up all the time.
Superman: Not like this.

Lex: What do you know about crystals?
Lois: They make great chandeliers.

Richard: Lois, that article you wrote.
Lois: "Why the world doesn't need Superman?"
Richard: No the other one.
Lois: Which one? I wrote dozens of them, I was practically his press agent.
Richard: The one from years ago before we met, "I spent the night with Superman".
Lois: Richard it was the title of an interview plus it was your Uncle Perry's idea.
Richard: I know.
Richard: Were you in love with him?
Lois: He was Superman. Everyone was in love with him.
Richard: Even you?
Lois: [pause] ... No.

Lois: [gasps after Lex comes out of the bathroom] Lex Luthor!
Lex: [toothbrush in mouth] Lois Lane?
Jason: You're bald!

Lois: How did you get here?
Richard: I flew.

Lois: How many "f's" in "catastrophic"?

Jimmy: Look up in the sky, see?
[Points at a small figure of Superman in the picture]
Lois: It's a bird
Perry: It's a plane
Jimmy: No, it's...
[Is interrupted by the entrance of Clark]
Clark: You wanted to see me?

[leans in to kiss Superman, but pulls back at the last moment]
Lois: Richard's a good man... and you've been gone a long time.

Lois: But there are a dozen other stories out there.
Perry: Yeah? Name one.
Lois: Well, there was a museum robbery last night. Hmm? Even Superman missed that one... he was too busy saving this hooker.
[points at photo of Superman carrying Kitty]

Lois: Chief, I've done Superman.
[Jimmy snickers. Lois, Clark, and Perry look at him]
Lois: Covered him. You know what I mean.

Lois: Well you're back and everyone seems happy about it.
Superman: Not everyone.

Lois: [after being locked in the pantry on Lex's yacht and discovering that her son is Superman's] Could you help mommy open this door?

Lois: But millions of people will die!
Lex: Billions! Once again, the press underestimates me.

[last lines]
Jason: [Yells and waves from his window] GOOD NIGHT!
Lois: [Lois is standing in the front yard thinking about Superman, she is then startled when she hears Jason, she sees Jason waving out to the sky, she then looks at the sky and sees Superman floating right above her] I... Will we see you... around?
Superman: I'm always around. Good night, Lois.
[Flies off]

Lex: Come on, let me hear you say it, just once.
Lois: You're insane.
Lex: No!
Lex: Not that. The other thing. Come on, I know it's dangling on the tip of your tongue. Let me hear it just once, please?
Lois: Superman will never...