Top 30 Quotes From Marc Spector

Steven: [Marc and Steven have been revived in the Duat after having both turned to stone; Steven is surprised to see Marc before him] Marc.
Marc: Steven.
Steven: You came back? What the hell's wrong with you?
Marc: [nonchalantly] Well, I did a whole little speech there.
Steven: [heartfelt] It wasn't that little.

Marc: Steven, I can save us. But I can't have you fightin' me this time. You need to give me control. You understand?
Steven: No, what... control of what? What are you talking about?
Marc: That thing's about to break through the door. We're out of time. All right, hey, listen to me.
Steven: Stop it! No!
Marc: Look at me.
Steven: No!
Marc: Look at me.
Steven: You're not real!
Marc: This is real. I'm real.
Steven: No! You're not real. You're not real. None of this is real.
Marc: Yes. Steven. You gotta give me control. It's the only way.
Steven: Oh, God, I'm gonna die.
Marc: You... Steven.
Steven: I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die.
Marc: Look at me. You're not gonna die. Let me save us.

Marc: So, this Mogart guy. He's really gonna have his sarcophagus?
Layla: Yes. I asked around. Mogart's collection is prime gossip for those of us who deal in antiquities.

Marc: Oy, Steven, what the hell are we wearing?
Steven: I don't know. She said I needed a suit.
Marc: Yeah, the ceremonial armor from Khonshu's temple, not psycho Colonel Sanders.

Marc: Well, as far as I know, the only melody Khonshu enjoys is the sound of pain.

Marc: Where are you taking me?
Taxi: [doesn't know English well] You are said airport.

Marc: Steven, I need you to listen to me very carefully.
Steven: There he is. He comes. Hello, man in the mirror. I was wondering if you'd pop up again.
Marc: I know you're scared.
Steven: A bit, yeah.
Marc: I know you're confused. You weren't supposed to see any of this.
Steven: No? Well, bit late for that, innit? So, what? Am I, like, meant to be some sort of mad secret agent or something?
Marc: It's a little more complicated than that.
Steven: More complicated? What? Am I possessed? Are you, like, a demon? Or...
Marc: You're in danger, and I can save us, just like I did last night. But I can't have you interfering in what I have left to do. So, this is what's gonna happen. You're gonna go lay down on that cot back there. You're gonna take a nice nap.
Steven: Are you joking? Sleep... I'm never gonna go to sleep again. You hear me? Look, I don't care how bloody handsome you are. Tell me what it is you are? What are you?
Marc: You sure you want to know?
Steven: Yes, bloody... yes.
Marc: I serve Khonshu. I'm his avatar. Which means you are, too. Sort of. We protect the vulnerable and deliver Khonshu's justice to those who hurt them.
Steven: Khonshu?
Marc: Yeah.
Steven: The Egyptian god of the moon? Oh, my God, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I eat one piece of steak, and then, bam, I go bonkers.

Tawaret: I actually... I have... Hold on a sec. It's been a minute since we've had a soul pass through here.
[retrieves and unfurls a scroll]
Tawaret: Bit distracted... Excuse me. A-ha! Okay, here we go.
[reading from scroll]
Tawaret: Welcome, gentle traveler... Travelers, to the realm of the Duat.
Steven: Duat? The Egyptian underworld. This is Taweret, goddess of women and children...
Marc: Uh-huh.
Steven: ...and she's guiding us through our journey to the afterlife. Wow.
Marc: Okay. Right. So, this... this is the afterlife? THE afterlife?
Tawaret: AN afterlife, not the afterlife. You'd be surprised how many intersectional planes of untethered consciousness exist.
Marc: Yeah.
Tawaret: [gasps] Like the Ancestral Plane! Oh, just gorgeous! Anyway.
[Marc buries his face in his hands]
Tawaret: I do actually do have cards for all this if you just wait, and... I'm sorry.
[sifts through the cards, tossing many away]
Tawaret: Wait... Bye.
[gasps softly]
Tawaret: Okay, so... Because the Duat's true nature is impossible for the human mind to comprehend...
Steven: Right.
Tawaret: You may perceive this realm as something more easily recognizable to you.
Marc: Uh-huh.
Tawaret: A psych ward's a first for me, but, hey, we can roll with it, right?
Steven: Um, why would we imagine this realm to be a psychiatric hospital?
Marc: Because we're insane. We're insane, Steven.
[begins walking away in exasperation]
Marc: This talking hippo, talking dead bird, you're outside of my body now. And now the afterlife, right? That's the reality and this...
Steven: But Marc, Marc.
Marc: The hospital. That's the... imagination.
Marc: [to Taweret] Sorry, he's...
Marc: Oh. man. Dr. Harrow's right.
Steven: Dr. Harrow?
Marc: This is an organizing principle.
Steven: Is he a doctor now?
Marc: I'll prove it to you. So, like, right through these doors, for example, we go through here, there's gonna be a bunch of patients...
Steven: Marc?
Marc: ...and there's Crawley probably about to yell bingooooo-oh, my God!
[Marc has opened the door to reveal that the hospital is on a boat sailing through the sands of the Duat]
Marc: Oh, my God!

Steven: How is this possible?
Marc: I don't know. What's the last thing that you remember?
Steven: Harrow shot us.
Marc: Yes! Yes. Exactly. Exactly. All right. We gotta get out of here. Follow me. Come on.

Steven: So, this is what it's like? Being on the inside?
Marc: Yeah.
Steven: It's horrible.
Marc: It's all right. You're all right.
Steven: I c... I feel like I can scarcely move.
Marc: It's all right, just breathe through it. It gets easier.
Steven: How long you been doing this?
Marc: I don't know. It's... a long time.
Steven: I don't like it.
Marc: Long time.
Steven: I don't want it. Can I have my body back?
Marc: I can't do that right now, Steven.
Steven: Please. I'm taking it back.
Marc: [Steven strains, but nothing happens] Sorry. We've always managed to keep a wall between us, but something's changed. The one who controls the body has become stronger. The reflections help, but most of the time, it'll take all of your willpower just to be a fly on the wall.

Arthur: Why am I bleeding?
Steven: Yeah, I don't, I don't think you know as much as you think you do.
Marc: And while it is tempting to accept your diagnosis, Doc...
Steven: We'd rather go save the world. Laters, gators.

Marc: You don't need to fight me, Steven. Surrender control.
Steven: No. No, I saw... I saw what you did to those people.
Marc: It's not what you think.
Steven: I'm... I am never giving you control again. Ever. Do you hear me?
Arthur: [over a walkie-talkie on the car dashboard] I hear you loud and clear, Steven Grant of the gift shop.

Steven: [on the phone] Yes?
Layla: Oh my god, you're alive. What's wrong with you Marc?
Steven: Why did you call me Marc?

Marc: [to Steven] You're the only real superpower I ever had.

Marc: SHUT! UP!

Steven: I have a sleeping disorder. I can't tell the difference between my waking life and dreams.

[Layla and Steven/Marc are raiding Harrow's dig site for supplies on their search for Ammit's ushabti. Steven enters a large tent, and as he retrieves some items from a glass table, Marc's reflection appears]
Marc: You look scared.
Steven: I'm not.
Marc: Well, you should be. Without Khonshu, there's no more suit, no more healing, no more power.
Steven: Yeah, no more you, I thought. That's what you said, innit? But I guess believing anything that comes out your mouth just shows what a plonker I am.
Marc: Look, I wish I could just disappear, I really do. But unfortunately, I'm still here. And if you are gonna go through with this, you gotta be smart, at least for Layla's sake. I've been in situations like this before.
Steven: So have I. It's the same body, innit? It's in there somewhere. Muscle memory and that.
Marc: Yeah, I'm not sure it works that way. Just...
Steven: Yeah, whatever.
[he starts to leave]
Marc: I'm here. You're not alone.
Steven: [rounding on Marc] I know I'm not alone. I know I'm bloody not alone. I've got Layla.
Steven: She's got my back.
[he turns to go]
Marc: [realizing] Oh, are you in love? Huh, you're in love with my wife?
Steven: [turns back] I appreciate your concern, mate. I really do...
Marc: [firmly] You lay one finger on her...
Steven: ...but we've got it from here.
[he turns to go]
Marc: [louder] ... I swear to you, Steven. I swear... I will, I-I'll...
Steven: If I need, like, a recipe for a protein shake or something, I'll call you.
Marc: [as Steven exits the tent; shouting] ... I'll throw us off a cliff!

Steven: I don't know how to explain what's been happening.
Marc: Steven.
Steven: I don't expect you to believe me. I'm...
Marc: Steven, listen to me.
Steven: I honestly don't really believe myself. All I can do is try to...
Marc: You're making a mistake.
Steven: ...try to show you what I found, yeah?
Marc: Steve...
Steven: I found this bag in the storage locker.
Marc: Steven, don't... Steven, listen to me.
Steven: And inside is all sorts...
Marc: Stop. Stop what you're doing right now. Get away from the bag. Don't show her what's in the bag.
Steven: ...of things. Most interestingly...
Marc: You're gonna get her killed. You hear me?
Layla: Most interestingly is what?
Marc: You show her that scarab, you're responsible when they come after her.
Steven: Nothing.
Layla: Nothing?
Steven: Nothing. Never mind.

Marc: [on Anton Mogart] So what? This joker just puts on El-Mermah games in his backyard, for fun?
Layla: No, he gets private lessons by the best in his backyard.

Layla: We can't lose more time. Harrow must be headed back to the tomb. Look, if he is, we're gonna need Marc, yeah?
Marc: Exactly. See, she gets it.
Steven: No.
Layla: No?
Steven: No. See, the thing is we made a deal, Marc and I, that when he was done with Khonshu, he would disappear for good.
Marc: But that deal didn't involve you getting Layla and us killed, did it? That's not gonna fly with me.
Layla: You guys made a deal? That he would just disappear from my life? And you didn't think that maybe I should've been made aware of that?
Steven: Oh. Well, hadn't he disappeared from your life already?
Layla: Yeah. I mean, whatever. His suit was his best feature, wasn't it? Didn't even have that anymore.
Marc: Steven, give me the body right now. This is a suicide mission.
Layla: Plus, I know him. He'd wanna lone wolf this whole thing. It's not happening. We're not gonna do that.
Steven: We are not. It's just you and me, and the open road.
Layla: [stops the Jeep] We're gonna go on foot from here.

Marc: So? What about the other gods? Are they just gonna stand by and allow somebody to unleash Ammit?
Khonshu: To signal for an audience with the gods is to risk their wrath.
Marc: Why? What's the worst that could happen?
Khonshu: Anger them enough and they'll imprison me in stone.
Marc: That doesn't sound so bad to me.

Marc: [running across several rooftops in Cairo, Marc comes across a group of 3 thugs murdering his target who knows Harrow's whereabouts] Oh, shit. You killed him? I needed to talk to that guy. About a dig site.
Marc: [the 3 thugs turn and begin advancing on Marc, knives drawn] Guess I'm just gonna have to talk to you instead.

Marc: What the hell are you?
Khonshu: I am the god Khonshu, in search of a warrior.
Marc: A warrior. Well, good luck with that.
Khonshu: To be my hands, my eyes, my vengeance. To be my final words against the evildoers. To bind your very being to me and eradicate only the worst, those who deserve it. Do you want death or do you want life?
Marc: I don't know.
Khonshu: Your mind, I feel it. Fractured. Broken. Most fascinating. You are a worthy candidate to serve me during this time. In exchange for your life, do you swear to protect the travelers of the night and bring my vengeance to those who would do them harm?
Marc: ...Yes.
Khonshu: Then rise. Rise, and live again! As my fist of vengeance! As my Moon Knight!

Marc: You're not a doctor.
Arthur: I--I feel real. I feel like a real doctor.

[In the middle of interrogating three of Harrow's followers, Marc has blacked out only to come to right after having murdered two of them. Following the suicide of the third, Marc is disgusted at what went on while he wasn't present]
Marc: [rounding on Steven, who is reflected in the back of a metal sign] What the hell's wrong with you, Steven?
Steven: Me? You're the one going on a killing spree.
Marc: [emphatically] I didn't do any of this.
Steven: Me neither. Listen, if you've got a problem with the body count, I suggest you stop listening to that stupid pigeon.

Marc: What are you doing?
Khonshu: Sending the gods a signal they can't ignore.
[Eclipses the Sun]

Marc: [to Anton Mogart] Hey, pal. Take a look inside the sarcophagus. There's something really, really big.

Steven: [Marc is in control of his body] You can't do this, keeping me trapped in here. You have no right. My whole life... I can't go on a bloody date. I can barely keep a goldfish alive. I lost my job. It's been you. It's always been you, eating away at parts of my life like a parasite.
Marc: Look, when I am done, when I have repaid my debt, I swear to you, you will never see me or hear from me again. I promise you. We wouldn't be alive if it weren't for Khonshu. And my... servitude is the price that I pay.
Steven: What kind of servitude?
Marc: The kind that leaves me covered in blood.
Steven: Yeah, well, that blood is on my hands. You ruin people's lives. Everything you touch, you ruin. You hurt people, you abandoned your wife. You left her stranded.
Marc: I did not. I am protecting her. You don't know what you're talking about.
Steven: Yes, you did. I saw. I saw.
Marc: Khonshu has his eyes on her. He wants her as my replacement, and I'm never gonna let that happen, you hear me?

Marc: I made a deal with Khonshu.
Steven: I need to go to the hospital.
Marc: That deal is contingent on you not interfering, Steven. Now, give me the body. Let me finish this, and you'll never hear from me again.
Steven: You want my body? Right, yeah? Marc, how about this for a deal? I'm gonna take this bag full of illegal shit, yeah? And I'm gonna go straight to the authorities. And they're gonna put me away so I don't hurt anyone else. And hopefully, NHS will fill me with enough pills so that you get out of my head!

Anton: Do you really think I'm an idiot? Get on your knees!
Layla: Anton, stop!
Anton: Get on your knees!
Marc: Okay.
Anton: Layla, I was so ready to make peace with you.
Layla: You don't understand. We're trying to save many lives.