The Best Marco Rodriguez Quotes

[Luciana takes Nick to Marco's grocery store]
Nick: [as Nick sees armed men along the street] Who are these guys?
Luciana: They're a gang. One of many. They control East Tijuana. All goods, all supplies come here.
Nick: They're drug dealers.
Luciana: They deal with everything now. And they will hang you for looking at them wrong.
Marco: [Marco smiles at the front entrance] Welcome to Marco's.

[Marco tells Nick that he likes him while Reynaldo translates]
Marco: [Marco in English] I like you.
Reynaldo: [Marco speaks in Spanish] You've got nothing to hide, not like any Gringo I ever met.
Reynaldo: [Marco speaks in Spanish] But the game's over.
Reynaldo: [Marco speaks in Spanish] We don't need your shit anymore.