The Best Marie Fenlon Quotes

Joe: Well, it's all set. You got a seat on the 11:00 flight. I'll drive you to the airport. Something tells me you're not going to get much more in there.
Marie: Something tells me you're going to have to close it.
Joe: Say when.
Marie: [sighs] I think that's everything. Ah, my book.
[notices a picture of her and Barbara and looks at it]
Joe: What is it, Marie?
Marie: This was taken a week ago, the day Barbara and I arrived.
[gives the picture to Mannix]
Marie: I guess it's the last picture ever taken of her.
Joe: With your ski outfits on, it's pretty hard to tell you apart.
Marie: Dark glasses don't help much, either.
Joe: If it wasn't for your yellow outfit, I'd...
Marie: No, you've got it wrong. Barabara's the one in yellow. I'm in the blue.
Joe: But you were wearing yellow yesterday.
Marie: Yes. That's my new outfit. I bought it the night before last in the ski shop.
[points at the yellow outfit on the picture]
Marie: This one here is my old outfit. You've never seen me in it.
Joe: Let me get this straight- now all week until yesterday, you were going around in a blue outfit?
Marie: Mm-hmm.
Joe: And Barbara- what color outfit was she wearing all week?
Marie: Yellow. But then yesterday morning, she switched, too, because the zipper broke in her jacket. Naturally, since I wasn't using my blue suit, I insisted she...
[realizes what Joe is thinking]
Marie: She was wearing my suit when...
Joe: Marie, now you and Barbara skied Shinbone most afternoons, didn't you?
Marie: [nods] Every afternoon.
Joe: At a particular time?
Marie: Somewhere around 2:00. That was our ritual. We'd hit Shinbone and then head for the showers.
[suddenly on the edge of crying]
Marie: Joe, don't! You're only making it harder. Stop trying to prove that something vicious happened to her. I told you she didn't have an enemy in the world.
Joe: What she did have was a blue ski outfit that you'd been seen in constantly. I wonder if that's why they grabbed her.
Marie: "They"? Who's they?
Joe: Whoever was waiting on Shinbone yesterday afternoon... for you.
Marie: For me?
Marie: Who'd want to kill me?
Joe: Maybe they only intended to kidnap you.
Marie: What for? Ransom? My father's a college professor. The most he could scrape together would be a few thousand dollars.
Joe: Marie, you don't believe Barbara was going go ski Jackboot, either, do you?
Marie: No. I find that hard to accept.
Joe: Yet she was found some 100 yards or more east of Shinbone. How? She was dragged there and dropped because they realized that they had made a mistake and grabbed the wrong girl. At that point, they couldn't turn her loose, so they killed her and made it look like an accident.
Marie: So they'd be free to come after me.
Joe: Look, I'm going to see that you get home safely. I'm going to drive you to your door. When we get back to Los Angeles, I can arrange for protection until we find out who and why.
Marie: I'll get my ski gear together.
Joe: I'm going to pack my car and come back and pick you up. Lock this door. And don't open it for anyone but me.
[walks out the door as Marie locks it behind him]