The Best Marshal Gaspard de Saux-Tavannes Quotes

Marshal Gaspard de Saux: Between you, you will find the Abbot and you will give him this message for me. Say the decision has been made.
Simon: You mean...
Marshal Gaspard de Saux: You interrupt me, Simon. Tell him the 'Sea Beggar' dies tomorrow.
Simon: Tomorrow? Where?
Marshal Gaspard de Saux: He will attend an early council meeting at the Louvre. On his return, Bondeaux will be waiting for him.
Simon: Do you wish that the Abbot instructs Bondeaux?
Marshal Gaspard de Saux: No. Bondeaux already has his orders. You may tell the Abbot that also, when you find him. Is that clear?
Simon: Yes, Marshall.
Marshal Gaspard de Saux: Good.
[leaves the room]
Simon: So, the royal command has been given.
Roger: What do you mean?
Simon: That order didn't come from Marshall Tavannes. It came from the Queen Mother.

Marshal Gaspard de Saux: And, Simon, tell him I shall bring word later concerning the 'Sea Beggar'.
Admiral Gaspard de Coligny: Interested in the Dutch at last, Marshall Tavannes?
Marshal Gaspard de Saux: Ah, Admiral De Coligny! I didn't hear you come in.
Admiral Gaspard de Coligny: I hope you are looking into the plight of the unfortunate Dutch. The 'sea beggars' as you call them. My fight with Spain is a just one.
Marshal Gaspard de Saux: So you frequently tell us in council.

Marshal Gaspard de Saux: At dawn tomorrow, this city will weep tears of blood.