The Best Naoko Watanabe Quotes

Victor: If we can't outrun them, we can find a way to take them out, like we did on the Resolute.
John: Problem is we're not on the Resolute. There are no places to hide here. No EMFs to slow then down. No weapons to defend ourselves with. The last time we faces the robots, we threw everything we had at them, including the Resolute, and they still found us.
Victor: Then we have to get creative and think outside the box.
John: We can't save ourselves. The faster we accept that, the faster we can focus on the people we can save. Our kids. When SAR gets here, he's gonna tear the Jupiters apart to try and find the location of Alpha Centauri, where our kids are headed with his engine. Anything that might be a clue, hardware, software, maps, even photos, all of it has to be destroyed.
Maureen: We'll make teams, disconnect the shredders from the 3D printers, and disable fire safety systems so that we can do burns in the garage.
Naoko: On it.
Maureen: And wipe the flight data from the ship's hard drives.
Don: I can help with that. I've got a few degaussers.
Victor: Why would you have those?
Don: Let's just say that in my previous life, I had to cover my tracks once. And by once, I mean 24 times.