Top 30 Quotes From Penny Robinson

Maureen: The Chariot's winch cable is conductive metal. If we use it to lower the Chariot down, then maybe we could kill two birds with one stone.
Penny: Just to clarify, we are not the two birds being killed, right?

Penny: [acts all nonchalant] Hey mom... What's up?
Maureen: [Gives them a stern look]
Will: She made me do it.
[points at Penny, who gives him a dark look that says, TRAITOR]
Penny: Okay, in my defense, as far as teen rebellion goes, this is pretty mild.

Liam: Here, um... I got these for you.
Penny: Flowers!
Liam: Not just any flowers. Alpha Centauri humming flowers. When the wind blows through them, it sounds like music.
Vijay: I wouldn't get too close to them. They sound better than they smell.
Penny: Really? Oh wow.
Vijay: Should call them farting flowers.

Will: Since when did you get to be so nosy?
Penny: First of all, I've always been nosy.

Don: Look, we're the only ones who know what's really going on here.
[Penny raises her hand]
Don: Penny.
Penny: What's really going on here?

Don: [explaining the risks] When the charges blow it's going to get very cold, very fast. You'll start shivering. Your hands and feet are gonna go numb. Then you'll start breathing fast. You might get a warm, tingly feeling, but, then it's gonna start shaking even more. Then you'll stop thinking straight. Then the shaking will stop, and then...
Penny: And then what?
Don: Then you'll see me waiting there with a warm blanket.

Penny: I know we're not doing secret Santa this year, but I want to get a gift for Dad in case he shows up... he's done it before.
Maureen: I just don't want you to be disappointed again.
Penny: Well, it's a good thing I've got thick skin.
Maureen: You shouldn't have to have thick skin.
Penny: He's been in the worst of it for two years. Mom, he's made sacrifices. So should we.

Will: [about the robot] All this time, I've been trying to pretend he's still the same but he's not.
Penny: Will...
Will: And maybe that's okay. I'm not the same as when we met up in that tree. Why should he be any different? We're connected. We're growing up.

June: [to Resolute crew] We're just curious as to what that "way out" might be, is all.
Penny: There's no "we". We might be in this together, but we are not friends.
June: Come on, after everything we've been through, you're practically my niece.
Penny: That's so gross.

Penny: I'm in the Chariot! I'm coming to get you!
Maureen: What? How did you...
Penny: We will discuss this when you are also in the Chariot!

[last lines]
Will: Hey. Where are you going?
Penny: Will, is he leaving?
Will: We need you. You need to help us get home.
The: No, Will Robinson.

Vijay: Oh man. If my dad finds out, he's gonna kill me.
Penny: Yep. Welcome to the club.

Penny: [looking out on their new vista] I feel like Alpha Centauri looked different in the brochure.

Judy: Okay, everyone, I don't wanna stay here longer than we need to. Will, make sure the robot's ready.
Will: Yeah.
Judy: Penny, can you check on the kids, please?
Penny: Wait, hold on. Sorry, Will has one job, and I have 97 jobs?
Judy: You're better with the kids than he is.
Will: Hey!
Judy: Sorry, it's just they're a little intimidated by you.
Penny: Really? Have they met Will?
Judy: Yes, well, Will has a robot.
Penny: Uh, well, Penny has a strong boyfriend.
Will: And which one of your boyfriends is the strong one again?

Don: I'm pretty sure whatever defense system your parents are working on can be powered by two.
Penny: "Pretty sure"?
Don: Mostly sure. Look, if we do nothing, then just roll out the red carpet, because it's the premiere of 'SAR Kills Everybody' starring our corpses.

Judy: How do you have the code to the dam?
Don: I do not. But I do have the code to this really, really big wine cellar.
Penny: So you store booze in a dam?
Don: That's right. And if we survive today and I catch you and your underage friends trying to break in and party, I'll whoop your ass.

Penny: Smith! Are you still there?
Dr. Smith: Of course!
Penny: You sure we're doing this right?
Dr. Smith: Absolutely! In the Girl Scouts this is how we kept track of each other on nature hikes. Once you're out of earshot, if anything goes wrong, just tug on the line, and I'll know you need help.
Penny: You were in the Girl Scouts?
Dr. Smith: Is that so hard to believe?
Penny: Okay, then answer me this. Do you have any Thin Mints?
Will: Penny!
Penny: What? You know cookes help me when I'm nervous.

Vijay: No, you saved Mr. Jackson. What are you talking about?
Penny: You really think anyone else could have convinced Dr. Smith to be a good person? What's more Robinson than that?

Penny: Robot, it's Penny Robinson. As opposed to all the other Pennys you know.

Vijay: I have a confession to make.
Penny: Well, keep it to yourself 'cause I don't want to have to testify against you.
Vijay: You were my first kiss too.

Penny: Woah. It's magic.
Will: No, it's science.

Penny: Is it just me or does it feel like Mom always gives me the dummy jobs?
Don: Just so I understand the question, helping me is the dummy job?

Penny: So, less than twenty-four hours after the Robinsons get here, Alpha Centauri is trashed. You know, I'm not saying there's a connection, but it doesn't look good.

Dr. Smith: Which seat's mine?
Maureen: I thought you were supposed to be dead.
Dr. Smith: I was to be a lot of things. None of those worked out either.
Maureen: I saw your shattered helmet. I - How did you get...
Penny: She stowed away on our Jupiter. She's been with us the whole time.
Dr. Smith: I helped take care of the kids, Maureen.
Penny: It's true. She's like a less drunk Miss Hannigan.

Will: What part of a Restricted Area don't you understand?
Penny: It doesn't say who it's restricted TO! It's their fault for not being more specific. Plus, don't you want to see what happens? Everybody's talking about it. Everybody!
Will: Everybody? You have two friends on The Resolute.
Penny: Okay, and they're BOTH talking about it. Shut up...

Penny: [searching through the Resolute's trash pit] Oh, my God!
Vijay: What did you find it?
Penny: [holding up a package] Somebody else brought Oreos!

Penny: Yeah, so I agree with whoever suggested we just cover this up and pretending we were never here.
Will: No one suggested that, Penny.
Penny: Well, they should have.

Penny: Okay, one thing at a time.
Judy: Well, more than one thing is happening.

Judy: I don't have the words for this.
Penny: That's okay. That's my department.

John: So, I saw Dr. Smith being treated earlier. Which is strange because she wasn't being arrested.
Penny: Yeah, I think she's turning over a new leaf.
Judy: Well, she can turn over as many new leafs as she wants, but the tree's still rotten.