The Best Naomi Graham Quotes

Naomi: Wow.
Matthew: Yeah. You spend a lifetime collecting stuff, hauling it around from one place to another, then, in a matter of minutes...
[mimics flames]
Matthew: What I've got left doesn't fill a cardboard box.
Naomi: It's just stuff, Matt.
Matthew: There's more to it. It's not just stuff. It's time and memories and... I spent the last four years here. A lot happened inside these walls.
Naomi: I'm sorry I brought all this dirty business to your doorstep.
Matthew: Don't be. We did a good thing here.
Naomi: We did.
Matthew: You're leaving. Where to?
Naomi: Zurich. For an assignment. It came up fast. These things usually do.
Matthew: Yeah. Great, that's... that's great.
Naomi: It is. What's not so great is cutting our time together short. I wish there'd been more of it.
Matthew: Same here.
Naomi: For what it's worth, I think you should take this stuff, put it somewhere safe, and then... forget about it. Now's the time to make new memories. Have fun.
Matthew: Have fun?
Naomi: Yeah. You're a fun person, Matt Casey.
Matthew: So are you.

Matthew: Okay, you recording?
Naomi: Yeah. So talk me through this. What are we doing?
Matthew: We are trying to recreate the conditions inside the kitchen of a Grandbrook trailer. See if we can get this refrigerator to fail.
Naomi: What's your theory?
Matthew: A gas absorption fridge runs on hydrogen and ammonia, but this third-rate appliance has no heat shielding around the tank. And then the geniuses at Grandbrook install it right next to a stove. If the tank heats up enough, it gets overpressured, which triggers the blowoff valve, releasing a volatile mixture of fuel and oxidizer right next to the hot stove. Kablooey.
Naomi: [laughs] I never would have figured that out on my own. I don't know how to thank you for all you're doing.
[the back of the refrigerator catches fire]
Naomi: You were right.
Matthew: Now you have your proof.