The Best Natalia Dyer Quotes

Nancy: That's gotta be a Guinness World Record. Most miles traveled interdimensionally.

- I'll see you in hell!
- -[Grigori grunts]
- -[Hopper gasps]
Nancy: Hit me.
- We're out!
- Damn it!

Jonathan: Get out of here!
Jonathan: Jump!
Steve: Oh, my god! Oh, my god!
- Jesus! Jesus! What the hell was that?
- What the hell was that?
[Both] Shut up!
Nancy: What's it doing?
- I don't know.

- Gnarly.
Nancy: Are you okay?
Barbara: Yeah.
- Barb, you're bleeding.
- I'm fine. Where's your bathroom?
- Oh, it's... it's, uh, down past the kitchen, to the left.
Barbara: Okay. Thanks.
[Chuckling] Oh.

- He found a way to speak to Joyce through the lights.
- -[Steve] Lights?
- -Yeah.
- -The switch. Try the switch.
- -Okay.
Nancy: It's not working.
- Guys?
- You seeing this?

Nancy: Steve!
Jonathan: He's in the trap!
- He's stuck!
Nancy: Jonathan, now!
- Did you hear that?
- Get back! [Grunting]

Steve: I don't know. I could turn on my... my charm.
Nancy: Not the charm we need.
Steve: Ouch.

- But I can't tell you here on the phone.
- Meet me tomorrow, forrest hills park, 9:00 am.
- Don't tell anyone.
- And don't call me back here.
- It's dangerous.
[Marsha] Nancy, what is this?
Nancy: I just need you to trust me. Please.

Mike: Do you like those grapes, Holly?
- Hey, mom, I was thinking about staying the night at Stacey's tonight?
- We were gonna have a girl's night.
- Romantic comedies, do our nails, gossip...
- Sure! That sounds like fun.
Nancy: Toast? No?

- Exactly.
- God. Okay, yeah. I feel...
- I'm glad we feel the same way.
- Yeah. Yeah, it's fine.
Nancy: Uh...
- So, uh, good night, I guess.
- Yeah, um, good night.

Nancy: What did she even eat?
Mike: What?
Nancy: Eleven.
Mike: Oh. Candy... leftovers... eggos... she really likes eggos.
Nancy: I knew you were acting weird I just, I thought it was because of Will.
Mike: I knew you were acting weird too. I thought it was because of Steve.
Nancy: Hey. No more secrets, okay? From now on we tell each other everything.
Mike: Okay. Do you like Jonathan now?
Nancy: What? No... no, it's not like that... Do you like Eleven?
Mike: What? No. Ew. Gross.

- I'll pay you back!
Mike: Bye!
Nancy: Mike!
- Mike! Get back here!
- Hey. No running in the house.
- What is going on?
Nancy: Mike! Mike!
- Asshole!

Nancy: Girls this age are dumb. But give them a few years, and they'll wise up. You're going to drive them nuts.
Dustin: You think so?
Nancy: Oh, I know so.

Steve: When I was a baby, I actually crawled backwards. Crawled backwards? You know, I'd push with my hands like this. Beep. Beep. Always in reverse, you know? Come on, it makes sense. You push to move, right?
Nancy: No, no, it doesn't make sense.
Steve: Well, it did to my tiny little Harrington brain. That is, until I reversed my baby butt down a flight of stairs and thumped my head really good.
Nancy: Yeah. Wow. That explains so much.

Nancy: Where did it go?
Jonathan: No.
- It has to be dead.
[Panting] It has to be.
[Hopper] Come on.
Joyce: Is that my house?

Nancy: You know, I was actually starting to think that you were okay.
Jonathan: Yeah?
Nancy: Yeah. Yeah, I was thinking, "Jonathan Byers, maybe he's not the pretentious creep everyone says he is."
Jonathan: Well, I was just starting to think you were okay.
Nancy: Oh.
Jonathan: I was thinking, "Nancy Wheeler, she's not just another suburban girl who thinks she's rebelling by doing exactly what every other suburban girl does, until that phase passes and they marry some boring one-time jock who now works sales, and they live out a perfectly boring little life at the end of a cul-de-sac. Exactly like their parents, who they thought were so depressing, but now, hey, they get it."

- And no sweetie pie.
Nancy: Mike!
- Let's go.
- Jesus. How am I gonna survive a whole week without you guys?
- Nine.
- Remind me, when do they become reasonable human beings again?

Jonathan: [Upon finding Nancy awake] Couldn't sleep?
Nancy: No. Every time I close my eyes, I keep seeing that thing. Wherever I was... that place... I think it lives there. It was feeding there. Feeding on that deer. That means that if Will and Barbara...
Jonathan: Hey. My mom said she talked to Will. If he's alive, Barbra might be too.
Nancy: But that means she's trapped in that place! We have to find it again.
Jonathan: You want to go back out there?
Nancy: Maybe we don't have to. When I saw it, it was feeding on that dear, meaning it's a predator, right?
Jonathan: Right.
Nancy: And it seems to hunt at night like a lion or coyote. But it doesn't hunt in packs like them... it's always alone like a bear. And remember at Steve's when Barb cut herself? And then last night... the deer?
Jonathan: It was bleeding too.
Nancy: [reading from a book] Sharks can detect blood one part per million. That's one drop of blood in a million and they can smell it from a quarter mile away.
Jonathan: So you're saying it can detect blood?
Nancy: It's just a theory.
Jonathan: We could test it. But if it works...
Nancy: At least we'll know it's coming.

- What are you doing?
- Thinking.
- With vodka?
- It's a central nervous system depressant.
- So yes, with vodka.
Nancy: Music? Really?
- Yes. It helps me...
Jonathan: What? Think?

Nancy: Have you been doing this a while?
Jonathan: What?
Nancy: Photography.
Jonathan: Yeah... I guess I'd rather observe people than... you know...
Nancy: Talk to them.
Jonathan: I know. It's weird.
Nancy: No!
Jonathan: No, it is! It's just, sometimes... people don't really say what they're really thinking. But when you capture the right moment, it says more.

- Trouble with your car, miss?
- I can give you two a lift if you like.
Nancy: Jonathan.
- You sure you don't need that ride?

Nancy: Okay, so this... Mind Flamer thing...
Dustin: Flayer. Mind Flayer.
Nancy: ...what does it want?
Dustin: To conquer us, basically. It believes it's the master race.
Steve: Like the, like the Germans.
Dustin: Uh, the Nazis?
Steve: Yeah, yeah, the Nazis.
Dustin: Uh, if the Nazis were from another dimension, totally. It views other races, like us, as inferior to itself.
Mike: It wants to spread and taker over other dimensions.
Lucas: We are talking about the destruction of our world as we know it!
Steve: [sarcastic] That's great! That's great, that's really great.
Nancy: Okay, so if this thing is like a brain that's controlling everything, then if we kill it...
Mike: We kill everything it controls.
Dustin: We win.
Lucas: Theoretically.
Jim: [looking in the D&D manual] Alright great, so how do you kill this thing, do you shoot it with fireballs or something?
Dustin: No, no, no fireballs. Uh, you summon an undead army because, uh, zombies, you know, they don't have brains, and the Mind Flayer, it likes brains...
[awkward pause]
Dustin: It's just a game. It's a game.

- That is, unless he broke out.
- Like that… What's his name?
- White mask and killed the babysitters?
Nancy: Michael Myers?
- -[clock ticking]
- -[Wayne] Yeah, Michael Myers.
- -[ticking]
- -You ask me, Victor's like that.
- He's a real boogeyman.

- But I tried them again this morning, and it's the same busy signal.
- Is this a window?
- Yeah.
Nancy: Stained glass with roses.
- Yeah. See? I'm not so terrible after all.
- Yeah, well, it helps that I've seen it before.

- Disappeared.
- Yeah, will needed me.
- And Steve...
- I waited.
- Yeah, like, only a month.
Nancy: I want them off.

Nancy: Oh, god.
Nancy: It's been hit by a car.
- We can't just leave it.
- I'll do it.
- I thought you said...
- I'm not nine anymore.
- What was that?

Nancy: You're an idiot, Steve Harrington.

[Grunts] Ah.
Nancy: Stand back.
- Whoa.

Nancy: Okay. Could you just let me do the talking? If that's even possible?
Robin: It's not only possible, it's inevitable.

Nancy: Where'd it go?
- I don't know.
- Do you see any more blood?

Nancy: [to Dustin] You know, out of all my brother's friends, you're my favourite. You've always been my favourite.

- Nancy?
- Nancy.
[Jonathan in distance] Nancy!
- Follow my voice!
- Nancy?
Nancy: Jonathan!
- Nancy!
[Jonathan panting] I got you.

Joyce: Is there any way that you could...
- That you could reach will?
- That you could talk to him in this...
- The upside down.
[Whispering] Down. Yeah.
Nancy: And my friend Barbara?
- Can you find her, too?

- Okay, the lovebirds have copied.
- Max is moving into phase two: distracting Vecna.
- So far, so smooth.
- Yeah, we're not even at the hard part yet.
Nancy: Take the bait, you son of a bitch.
- Take the bait.

Jonathan: I can go if you want. I just figured...
Nancy: No, I- I don't want to be alone... do you?
Jonathan: No... no.
Nancy: [uncomfortable sleeping alone] Can you just come up here?
Jonathan: [climbing in next to Nancy] Do you want the lights off or-?
Nancy: On.
Jonathan: Yeah. You know, it can't get us in here.
Nancy: We don't know that.

Nancy: [he's stuffing some Eggos down] Slow down, Mike. That's disgusting.
Mike: Do a lot of studying last night?
Nancy: Yeah, actually, I did.
Mike: What was your test on again? Human anatomy?
Nancy: [Nancy kicks Mike's chair and he kicks back] Hey, what's going on?
Nancy: Nothing.

Nancy: Blood.
- Yesterday,
- Tom had a bandage on his forehead.
- He was attacked.
- Call 91-[grunts]

[bandaging Eleven's wound]
Max: [to Nancy] Whoah, hey, what are you doing?
Nancy: Cleaning the wound?
Max: No, first we need to stop the bleeding, then clean, then disinfect, then bandage.
[everyone stares at her]
Max: I skateboard, trust me.

Nancy: Damn!
- Hey!
Jonathan: Come on!
- -[roars]
- -[Nancy whimpers]
- Hey!
- Hey, hey, hey! Two at a time!

Nancy: Michael, I know your D&D club is tonight.
Mike: Hellfire.
Ted: Why don't you call it the High School Dropout Club?

Nancy: Okay, it's working.
- Let's go.

Director: 3.9 GPAs. Both of you. Impressive.
Nancy: And this is a recommendation from Professor Brantley.
Director: Yeah, I know Larry. Quite well, actually. Eh, you know what they say. "Those who can't do, teach."
Nancy: Uh, yes. Yes, that's what we're here actually. I mean, we can only learn so much in a classroom.
Director: Hm. And I'm sympathetic to your struggle, truly. But there is a protocol to visiting a patient like Victor. You have to put in a request and then you have to undergo a screening process, at which point the board will make a decision.
Director: I can see you're disappointed. But I'm more than happy to give you a tour of our facility. Perhaps you can even speak to some patients in our low-security wing.
Nancy: And we'd... we would love that. It's just that, um... our thesis is due next month.
Director: And you're out of time. Who's fault is that?
Nancy: Ours. Absolutely. And I do apologize...
Robin: Don't apologize, Ruth. Screw that. The fact of the matter is we did put in a request months ago and were denied and then we reapplied and were denied again and coming here was our last-ditch effort to save our thesis and I really... I can't breathe in this thing.
Nancy: [grinding her teeth] Uh, well, Rose, maybe you'd like to go outside and get some air.
Robin: Maybe I should, Ruth!
Nancy: Mm-hmm.
Robin: Because I'm starting to think that this whole thing is a colossal mistake. I'm breaking out in a rash, my boobs hurt, and I'll tell you the truth, Anthony. May I call you Anthony? These aren't actually my clothes. I borrowed them because I wanted you to take us seriously. Because nobody takes girls seriously in this field. They just don't. We don't look the part or whatever, but can I tell you a story? 1978, I was at summer camp, and my counselor Drew told me and everyone in Cabin C the true story of the Victor Creel massacre, and little Petey McHew- You know Petey, right, Ruth?
Nancy: Of... of course.
Robin: Yeah. Little Petey McHew started sobbing right there on the spot, full-on hyperventilating and all the other campers, they couldn't sleep for weeks. And I couldn't sleep either, but not 'cause I was scared, because I was obsessed with the question, "What would drive a human being to commit such unimaginable acts?" Other kids, they wanted to be astronauts, basketball players, rock stars, but I wanted to be you. I wanted to be you, so forgive me if I'll now try anything in my power, including wearing this ridiculous outfit, if I might get the chance to speak to the man that ignited my passion and learn a little bit more about how his twisted, but let's face it, totally fascinating mind works. So yes, we don't have the official paperwork, but don't tell me that cry-baby Petey McHew wouldn't have gotten an audience with Victor in a matter of moments if he'd asked politely, because you and I both know that he would!
Robin: So... ten minutes with Victor. That's all I ask.